1986 05 06 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1986, 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Park Visitation: Meet at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. to visit Chanhassen Estates Park and Bandimere Heights Park. Wear Boots! 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes: April 1, 1986 AprilS, 1986 Old Business 3. Update on Council Action Regarding Park and Recreation Items, Oral Presentation: - Chanhassen vista - Chanhassen Hills - Park Shelter Proposal by Chanhassen Legion - North Lotus Lake Park Master Plan - Fourth of July Celebration - 1987 LCMR/LAWCON Applications - Lake Lucy Road 4. Review Chaparral Homeowners Request for Additional Totlot Equipment in Meadow Green Park. New Business 5. Lake Ann Park Expansion Master Park, Mark Koegler. 6. Chanhassen Fire Department Request for use of Lake Ann Park for Annual Softball Tournament, June 6, 7 and 8. 7. Site Plan Review, Pheasant Hill 3rd Addition. 8. 1986 Budget Review: Maintenance Park Development I . ~ Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 . A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairperson Lynch at 7:40 p.m. Commissioners present were Mike Lynch, Mike Rosenwald, Charlie Robbins, Wallace McKay, Sue Boyt and Jim Mady. Curt Robinson was absent. Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator was also present. CHANHASSEN VISTA SKETCH PLAN REVIEW Sietsema presented the Chanhassen Vista Sketch Plan stating that the developer was proposing to build 126 single family homes on 70 acres of land. This proposed development is located east of Kerber Boulevard, approximately 1/4 mile north of West 78th Street. Sietsema said that Chanhassen Hills Pond is located within the proposed development. Chanhassen Hills Pond is a natural park, designed for passive use and the City currently owns the land on the southeast side of the pond. She said that she had met with the developer and had indicated that the City would be interested in continuing the park around the pond and was likely to ask for a wider area than that shown on the plan. She said that the Comprehensive Plan and the 1990 Land Use Plan both show the pond surrounded by parkland. Sietsema suggested that the Commission decide how much land should be requested and identify a contour . line that would outline that area. She said that staff was recom- mending that the land around the pond within the 952' contour line be designated for park purposes. She added that this line should continue into the area below the ridge on the west end of the pond. Sietsema said that the developer was proposing to include pedestrian corridors within the development to allow access to the park as well as to the adjacent neighborhoods. She said these corridors were shown as OUtlots A, B, and C on the sketch plan. Sietsema suggested that the street easement be widened along Frontier Trail to allow a pedestrian walkway. This would allow continuation of the existing trail on Kerber Boulevard. Lynch asked if anyone in the audience had any questions or com- ments. Jay Johnson, Saratoga Drive, said that he was concerned about siltation settlement in the pond as well as as lawn fertilizer running into it and basically killing the pond. He was concerned that development would not leave adequate space for the natural goose breeding area around the pond. He said that the Environ- mental Assessment done by the developer did not address any of these concerns. Charlie Coffee, Saratoga Drive, asked if the dam would be . replaced. He said that the pond used to be higher than it is now . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 2 and he was afraid it would become a swamp. Lynch said that the present level of the pond is close to what it was when the City acquired it. Mr. Coffee said that a wildlife barrier may have to be installed as this development would bring more children who will catch fish and frogs. He said that he was afraid that this could kill the pond as well. Bill Boyt, Kiowa Circle, said that the neighboring residents wanted to protect the park. He said that the proposed plan shows development within 100' of the pond. He felt that the parkland around the pond should be consistent with the existing park. He said that the proposed trail corridors were only 10' wide and questioned whether this was a reasonable width. Mr. Johnson said that if he were moving into this development he would appreciate a tot lot so that the children would not have to cross busy streets to get to one. The Commission discussed the 952' contour line and were concerned that asking for more would not be acceptable to the City Coun- cil. Councilman Dale Geving said that the Commission should review this proposal and make a recommendation that they felt comfortable with. He said the Commission should not be too con- servative at this point. Commissioner Boyt felt that the parkland around the pond should go to the ridge line. She said this would keep the parkland consistent with what exists. She also mentioned that a trail along the east property line as shown in the Comprehensive Plan should be explored. McKay moved to table any action until they were able to inspect the site themselves at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 5, 1986. The CHANHASSEN HILLS SKETCH PLAN REVIEW sietsema began by saying that the Commission had reviewed this sketch plan at the previous meeting. She said that the Com- mission had recommended that the City acquire a 5 acre parcel located in the center of the development for park purposes. The Commission had also recommended that the City acquire the trail corridor along Lake Susan as shown in the comprehensive Plan as well as the 1990 Land Use Plan. Sietsema said that the developer had reviewed the recommendation and felt that the area requested was one of the best locations for single family homes. The developer was asking that the Com- mission review the sketch plan again and consider a 5 acre parcel along the Highway 212 alignment. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 3 . Jim Curry, owner of the Chanhassen Hills proposed development site, was present to discuss the sketch plan. Mr. Curry said that the development included 178 single family units and 50 multiple family units, bringing the total to 228 units. He said that this development would generate approximately $94,000 in park dedication fees and that the 5 acre parcel along Highway 212, at 10,000 per acre, was valued at $50,000. Mr. Curry indicated that he would be able to make up his loss of the 5 acre parcel if he were allowed to put in 3 lots on the north end of the development near the lake. He said that he pic- tured these to be large, beautiful lots that would share a drive- way. Lynch indicated that this request would not be up to the Park and Recreation Commission and that it would have to be addressed by the Planning Commission. Mr. Curry was proposing that the City allow a 50% reduction in park dedication fees in exchange for the open space along the west side of the development~ a trail easement along the lake~ a trail easement off the center cul-de-sac on the west side, allowing access to the open space~ the 5 acre parcel along Highway 212~ and the natural ponding area just south of the pro- posed 3 lots. . Al Klingelhutz was present to request that the Commission abandon their request regarding the trail corridor along the lake. He said that it was a 750' trail that did not go anywhere. He said that his property is at the end of that trail and the that it would not be continued around the lake due to the existing pri- vate homes. He felt that the remoteness of the area would attract kids for parties. Sietsema said that the corridor was a continuation of a trail on the north side of the lake and that the Comprehensive Plan clearly designated this area as part of the City's trail system. She said that it would also be a nice picnic area for the resi- dents of this development. The Commission indicated that they were in agreement with staff on this point. Rosenwald made a motion to recommend that the City acquire the 5 acre parcel along the Highway 212 alignment~ accept the wetlands along the west side of the development~ obtain an easement off the center cul-de-sac on the side~ request a trail easement along the lake~ accept the ponding area on the north side of the development~ and negotiate with the developer a fair reduction park dedication fees. The motion was seconded by Robbins and carried unanimously. The Commission stated for the record that they had no objection . to the 3 lots north of the ponding area on the north side of the lake. . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 4 CHANHASSEN LEGION PROPOSAL FOR A PARK SHELTER AT LAKE ANN PARK Tom Klingelhutz was present to discuss a proposal by the Chanhassen Legion to build a park shelter at Lake Ann Park. He showed the Commission the design for the building stating that it would be octagon in shape with one section enclosed for a con- cession area. Klingelhutz said that this building would be used during events like the Fourth of July Celebration and the Firemen's Softball Tournament. He said the Legion has had a concession stand in a tent at the Fourth of July Tournament for the last two years and have all but blown away. He feels this would be a very nice addition to the park. The Commission agreed that this type of facility would be a welcome addition and were impressed with the design. They asked how it would be paid for. Mr. Klingelhutz said that the Legion was prepared to provide all labor needed for design and construction of the building. He said that the Legion was asking the City to put up $16,000 for the construction materials. He said the Legion earned money from their pull-tab business and would use that income to repay the loan. The Legion would be able to repay the City within five years by making monthly payments. Councilman Dale Geving, asked if the building included water. Mr. Klingelhutz said it did not. Mr. Geving said he would rather the Legion request $20,000 and put in water as well. Mr. Klingelhutz had no problem with that request. Robbins asked if restrooms would be included in this proposal. Mr. Klingelhutz indicated that it did not. Lynch said that the park was outside the City sewer service and a septic system would be too costly. Robbins asked if the shelter could be used in the winter as well. Mr. Klingelhutz said that it could be. Robbins moved to recommend that the City accept the Chanhassen Legion's proposal to a build park shelter that includes running water and a concession area at Lake Ann Park near the ballfields, and that the City put up $20,000 for construction materials which the Legion will repay in monthly installments within five years. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. NORTH LOTUS LAKE MASTER PARK PLAN Sietsema presented the revised plan for North Lotus Lake. She stated that the basic changes from the original plan included the additional skating rink for hockey and additional parking to serve Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 5 . the tennis area. She said the soccer/softball field, 30 car parking lot, tennis courts, trails, and picnic areas remained the same as the original plan. Robbins felt that the backstop for the softball diamond should be moved to the southwest corner of the soccer field so that people would not have as far to walk from the parking lot. He said that people were likely to park along Fox Hollow Drive to avoid the walk. Sietsema indicated that there would not be a problem with that change and would be sure to it on the grading plan. Sietsema said that she had discussed the plan with Park Main- tenance Supervisor, Dale Gregory, who did not find any problems with the plan. He suggested that the City start with only one ice rink to determine the need of two separate skating areas. He said that in some areas ice rinks do not get much use and it takes a considerable amount of time to flood and maintain them. The Commission indicated that this would be acceptabe but that the grading plan should include the second skating area in case it is needed in the future. Dave Felthouse, Fox Hollow Drive, said that he was concerned that . the tennis courts were too close to the eastern property line. He suggested that the tennis courts be moved further to the west. He said that there would be houses along the that property line and that tennis may disturb them. Sietsema said that there would be approximately 150 feet between a house and the tennis courts. Moving the tennis courts to the west would cut into the soccer field, which could not be made smaller if it was to serve its purpose. Rosenwald said that the tennis courts at Chanhassen Elementary were somewhat close to houses and did not seem to cause a conflict. Sietsema added that these tennis courts were not likely to be lighted, so conflict, if any, would be minimal. Mr. Felthouse suggested that landscaping be done to provide some barrier. Sietsema said that landscaping was done in all of the parks and would be done in this one as well. McKay made a motion to recommend that the City Council accept the master plan for North Lotus Lake Park as presented with the con- dition that the backstop for the softball field be moved to the the southwest corner of the soccer field. The motion was seconded by Lynch and carried unanimously. CHAPARRAL HOMEOWNERS REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TOTLOT EQUIPMENT IN MEADOW GREEN PARK . Sietsema said that she had recently received a letter from Sheryl Mickelsen and the residents of Chaparral. She said that these . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 6 people were requesting that the totlot at Meadow Green Park be enlarged as there are so many children in the neighborhood that it is frequently overloaded. The Chaparral residents also had concerns regarding safety, as the surface beneath the structure is either hard packed ground or else mud. The request included the installation of a new play surface, another totlot play unit, and play equipment for older children. Sheryl Mickelsen, 901 Pontiac Lane, was present to discuss their concerns. She said that they were concerned about safety. The play equipment is so crowded at times that that children are at risk of getting pushed off or hit by a swing. She said that there are softball players playing ball at the park almost every night and they often bring their children, which makes it even more crowded. She said that there are currently 80 children living in the Chaparral subdivision, ages 1 to 12. Ms. Mickelsen said that they were requesting that a softer sur- face be filled in beneath the equipment as the ground there now is very hard when dry and quite muddy after a rain. She suggested sand or pea gravel. . Ms. Mickelsen said that the letter outlined what she felt would be most used, but at this point they would settle for any addi- tional equipment. Sietsema said that the Commission should be aware that Meadow Green Park is still quite new. She said that the existing totlot equipment was installed only two years ago and a half court basketball court was installed in 1985. She said that there are a number of parks that do not have tot lot equipment at all, such as Greenwood Shores, Lake Susan, Bandimere Heights, etc. Sietsema said that just because these other areas do not come forward to ask for these facilities does not necessaily mean that they do not need them. She indicated that the Commission may want to look at all the park's needs before adding to a park that already had new equipment. Lynch said that he has talked to Greenwood Shores homeowners in the past and was given no indication that anything new was needed there. He said that he was not opposed to upgrading facilities as requests came in. . Sietsema said that perhaps the City should develop a totlot plan for Meadow Green Park that could be done in stages. She said that a new play surface could be installed the first year, large enough for future additions, and that the extentions to the existing play structure could be done in following years. Lynch asked staff to research different types of surface that would be acceptable to this area and the costs. He also asked that a time table be prepared as to how this could be done. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 7 . sietsema said the cost of the fill would depend on how large of a play area would be needed. She said that if it got too large there may not be room for the tennis court that is scheduled to go into this park according to the park plan. Ms. Mickelson said that the residents would rather have additional play equipment than a tennis court. Sietsema said that staff would develop a totlot plan with cost estimates and a timetable for the Meadow Green Park and bring it back to the Commission. 1986 Fourth of July Celebration Sietsema said that at the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting the Commission had discussed including a street dance in the annual Fourth of July Celebration. She said that the Com- mission had agreed on a 50's/60's as all ages enjoy that type of music. Staff was given $3000 as a guideline when inquiring about bands that would be available for that day. Sietsema said that the "White Sidewalls" and the "Rockin' Hollywoods" were already booked. She said that she had found a band called "The Stingrays" that were very similar in style to . both groups and could get them for $1100. She said that she had seen them play and they were very good. She said this band would not have the draw of the better known bands, however, because this will be our first experience in holding a street dance, it may be for the better. The Commission indicated that the The Stingrays would be fine. Sietsema said that a location would have to be chosen and iden- tified the options. She said that the dance could be held at Lake Ann Park, but because of parking and policing problems was not recommending it. She said that Coulter Drive could be blocked off for the dance, leaving part of the street, the bank parking lot and the school for parking. She said that another possibility was to hold the dance on the school grounds. The parking area near the bowling center along West 78th Street would be another option as there would be plenty of parking available in the vacant area next to it. The Commission felt that the dance should be kept away from the residential areas if possible and agreed the dance should be held in the parking area near the bowling center. Robbins made a motion, seconded by Mady, to recommend that the City Council authorize staff to proceed with the preparations for a celebration at Lake Ann Park with a street dance following in the parking area near the bowling center along West 78th . Street. The motion carried unanimously. _ . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 8 1987 LCMR/LAWCON PRELIMINARY APPLICATION Sietsema stated that the 1987 preliminary application deadline for LCMR/LAWCON Grants was May 5, 1986. She said that the Commission would have to review this item to decide if there were any pro- jects for which the City should submit an application. Sietsema explained that municipalities were eligible to receive only one LCMR (state) Grant per biennium. Therefore, Chanhassen would not qualify for state funds as we received an LCMR Grant for the ballfield lighting project. However, the City would qualify for a LAWCON Grant as this limitation does not apply to federal funds. . Sietsema explained that the two projects that were not funded last year were the park shelter building at Lake Ann Park and the Lake Ann Park expansion field development. She said that because of the scope of the expansion project, the City would need both federal and state grants to proceed. In addition, she said that the federal grant program focuses funding on natural resource-oriented recreation facilities, not athletic facilities. Specifically, this project is not likely to be awarded a federal grant. Sietsema suggested that the City look to other ways to fund this project. The park shelter project incorporated a number of outdoor fea- tures, Sietsema said, and therefore may have a chance at funding. She said that John VonDeLinde, from the grants office, was quite impressed with this proposal last year and had indicated that the City should submit it again. Our 1986 application for this pro- ject ranked sixth in the metro region, of which the top three were funded. . Rosenwald discussed the possibility of building a nature center area at Chanhassen Estates Park. He said that the 30 acres of parkland is not suitable for active use but would make a nice scenic park. He said that the Commission had talked about this before and felt that this was the time to pursue it. Sietsema said that the Comprehensive Plan calls for this area to be devel- oped as a "nature oriented, passive park facility permitting public viewing of wildlife in its natural surroundings". Rosenwald said that the project should include boardwalks throughout the park and a shelter building. Rosenwald made a motion to recommend that the City submit 1987 Preliminary Applications for the Lake Ann Park Shelter Building and for a Community Nature Center located in Chanhassen Estates Park. The motion was seconded by McKay, and carried unanimously. The Commission requested to review the 1986 budget, regarding park maintenance as well as park development. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 9 The Commission decided to visit a park site each meeting for the reainder of the summer starting next meeting. The Commission will meet at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall and visit Bandimere Heights and Chanhassen Estates Park. Robbins made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The motion was seconded by Lynch and carried unanimously. Prepared by: Lori Sietsema Apr il 25, 1986 . . . . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Special Meeting April 5 A special meeting was called to order at the site of the proposed development of Chanhassen vista at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, April 5. Commissioners present included Sue Boyt, Mike Lynch, Jim Mady, Wally McKay, and Charlie Robbins. Commissioners absent were Mike Rosenwald and Curt Robinson. CHANHASSEN VISTA SKETCH PLAN REVIEW The Commission held a special meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 5, 1986 to walk the Chanhassen Vista proposed development site. The Commission walked the site to determine high water lines, ridge lines and existing property lines. They felt that Chanhassen Hills Pond was a definite asset to the community and were very concerned about not only preserving it, but enhancing it as well. As they walked around the pond area the Commission the existing ridge line should be preserved on all pond and that the parkland should go to that line. allow ease of access to the park at various points wildlife buffer around the pond. agreed that sides of the This would and provide a Lynch moved to recommend that the City obtain all the land around the pond for park purposes within the following boundaries: beginning on the east side of the pond near the dam, the existing fence line running west to the corner post on Kerber Drive, south along the property line, following the 990' contour line east and north to the northwest corner of lot 3 on north Cascade Court, then following the 980' contour line east and northeast to the property line. This recommendation basically includes everything within the ridge line around the pond. Lynch stated that it was important to widen the park area for the following reasons: -To provide ease of access due to elevation changes -To provide a buffer to protect wildlife -To conform to the previously established setback on the southeast side of the pond -To prevent future change in contours from existing ridge line and control silting problems -To provide a buffer to control fertilizer and lawn chemicals from running into the pond The motion was seconded by Mady and carried unanimously. Park and Recreation Commission April 5, 1986 Page 2 In addition to the recommendation, the Commission stated for the record that they were opposed to storm drains or any artificially conveyed runoff directly into the pond, due to siltation, shallow pond structure and refuse deposition. Motion by McKay, seconded by Robbins to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 a.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared by: Lori Sietsema April 10, 1986 . . . . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 30" 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer DATE: May 2, 1986 SUBJ: Lake Lucy Road . As you are aware from our discussion at a previous Commission meeting, the City Council is presently considering street and drainage improvements for Lake Lucy Road. These improvements not only affect the street's existing section but also involve a major street realignment through the Lake Lucy Highlands plat as noted on the attached exhibits. As currently proposed, a 36 foot wide street section would be constructed between Galpin and Powers Blvd. (phases land 2 on the attached map). Of this street section, 24 feet would be used for vehicular traffic, while the outside 6 feet on each side would be designated for bike/pedestrian uses. The recommendation detailed on the attachments involved con- sideration of a separate trail behind a curb to potentially increase safety. The proposed section was chosen based on the following: . 1. Since the City is using state aid funds to construct the road, all construction standards of the state must be followed. This includes a wider than normal street width. To attempt to build a separate trail in conjunc- tion with the wide street would substantially increase costs as well as physically affect abutting property owners whose land would be disturbed to grade in a mini- mum 44 foot wide surface for street and trail. The existing street width averages 32 feet so it is already being widened 4 feet. 2. As designed, the trail is eligible for state aid reimburse- ment which can directly reduce the assessments to abutting property since the City is committing its entire state aid allotment to fund the project. Park and Recreation Commission May 2, 1986 Page 2 . I believe the trailway provides a valuable link within the City- . wide system. Further, through proper use of signage and striping, a high level of safety for the users can be provided. At this time, I am recommending the Commission endorse the trail scheme as outlined in the attachments. Commission comments and recommendations will be considered at the upcoming public hearing on this project. ~~ . . . .. . . 1II I [J . I ~ . . I I II I - ,. I MENIIlEPlN CARVEll - 0.... J . . "~ItIl'SU" !:! v z .. ~ C to - '~ "8~ - ~. , t ~p LAKE SUSAN PROJECT LOCA TION MAP This project and benefiting properties are located in Sections 2 & 3, Township 116, Range 23, City of Chanhassen, Hennepin County, Minnesota " I .~~JlJl~~d:.ldk[i' . ~, . -. u'" ._ ....r"l: ... ..'f . ~... LI . -ON . ....h,) . f "." I i: I ,. I ."'W" I j. 'I ("/~ SANTU ,'\ / . , , I I I \. 0.'. ' , . .' .! - . . '. ' '" " . . , \ owov A J.MOO::> i~ ~: .. ~I , f ou n. :. ":' .... .. ro I ~I to-......- u ~~ ., !a ! I ........ ........, ,. ., ., . . ... '. ' I .~".. nr".l.. 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MINNEAIIOLlS end HUTCHINSON.MINNESOTA EXHIBIT 6 SCALE "I" = 10' lOOK APPURTENANT CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN FILE . 7810 CITY 0 F eHARHASSER '-I 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 1986 TO: Park and Recreation commission RE: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordina~5fQ # Meadow Green Park Totlot Request ~ FROM: At the April meeting, the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the Chaparral homeowner's request to upgrade the totlot at Meadow Green Park. Staff was directed to research time frames and costs for new play surface and equipment. . Three types of material are most commonly used beneath playground equipment; wood chips, sand and pea gravel. Although least expensive, wood chips are most maintenance intensive and dirtier. Pea gravel is more expensive than sand but is better suited for this purpose as it tends to stay put and is cleanest. If staff is directed to replace the play surface, Park Main- tenance Superintendant, Dale Gregory, has suggested that the area be enlarged enough to accommodate any future equipment additions. If the Commission is interested in expanding the existing totlot as requested, staff would recommend that it be done in phases; first replacing the play surface, then add swings for the older children and finally adding a new play module. Below is an outline of how this could take place and an estimated cost of each phase. Year Project Cost 1988 Replace Play Surface - Pea Gravel Install Big Swings Install Additional Play Module $1300 $ 750 $2180 1986 1987 . CITY OF eHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: ~ Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~Jl April 30, 1986 DATE: SUBJ: Annual Softball Tournament, Chanhassen Fire Department Attached is a letter from the Chanhassen Fire Department regarding their annual softball tournament. They are requesting the use of all three ball diamonds at Lake Ann Park on June 6, 7 and 8 as well as having the gate fee waived for that weekend. The Fire Department does an excellent job in preparing the fields and caring for them during the tournament. As this request is consistent with previous years, staff recommends approval as sub- mitted. fa . . . CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 97 7610 LAREDO DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 BUS. PHONE 934-9191 MINNEWASHTA STATION NO.2 PHONE 474.7094 April 8, 1986 Park and Recreation Chanhassen City Offices 690 Coulter Dr. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 ATTN: Lori . Dear Lori; The Chanhassen Fire Department requests the use of Lake Ann Park softball- fields, June 6,7, and 8, 1986 for the Fire Department's 11th annual softball tournament. Best regards, ~~T~ ~ Duane Auseth Chanhassen Fire Department . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 5-6-86 1 PC DATE: 5-14-86 CASE NO: . Prepared by: L. Sietsema STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary plat to subdivide 2.61 acres into six single family lots. ~ Z <t U :J 0- a.. <( LOCATION: North of Lake Lucy Road, approximately t mile east of County Road 117 APPLICANT: TomKay Builders 8551 Tigua Circle Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: P-l, Planned Residential Development ACREAGE: 2.61 acres DENSITY: Gross: 2.56 units per acre Net: 2.30 units per acre (R/W removed) ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: Residential - Low Density ~ ~ W I-- - C/) EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE: Development is on the edge of the Minnetonka West Jr. High and Herman Field service area. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Identified as low priority area for park development due to minimal development potential. . . . Pheasant Hill April 30, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND The Pheasant Hill preliminary site plan was approved in 1984 with the condition that the developer identify locations for totlots. The development includes 3 outlots for drainage purposes, Outlots A, Band C. The City Council and Planning Commission determined that a totlot should be located within one of those outlots. However, due to street locations and the potential hazard that drainage ponds may present, it was decided these were not suitable locations. Alternative locations were not pursued at that time. Pheasant Hill 3rd Addition lies within the very edge of the Herman Field and Minnetonka West Junior High service area. It also lies south of the MUSA Line, which the Comprehensive Plan considers a low priority area for park development. RECOMMENDATION Considering the size of the development, that it is considered a low park priority area and is located within the Herman Field and Minnetonka West Junior High service area, staff is recommending that park dedication fees be accepted in lieu of park land. In() ~ C I'!l I'!l ..... lnmI ..... x 0 -, "0 I'!l I'!l C I'!l () VI ..... ..... ::::l 7'J I'!l O'Q OQ' c... ...., ::r ""0 -< r- '7 0 "0 g o "0 I'!l -+. C ~ ~ ro ~ 0 I'!l ~ -< ~ ..... -+. ~ I'!l c... ~ ..... ;::r I c... I'!l I ~ ~ c... () ..... ;::rf:;' c... N c' eo VI V1 o ..... " eo ~ ~. -<Vl .0 C ~ -, I'!l -+. I'!l I'!l ..... I . ~ -i rn f I I \ \ ", " r I 1 I I ..1 In !!! N' ::::l ~ O'Q I'!l o I'!l ..... ~ () -+. ::rl'!l I'!l I'!l c........ Q II) V> ... < ro' ~ Q <' II) " I I I I _-1__ )- < I'!l -, ~ O'Q I'!l z C") ~ I'!l -, ?"..... 0 Po ~ ~~ 0 ;::tl Vl I'!l II) ;:;: ::::l 3-< Vl 0" ;:;. ~~;C; a.w N -0 V1 C 0" 2. C ~ 2. -..... ..... ~ Vl () -..... -, ~ V'l I'!l () II) -, n I'!l ... o ::l ..... '-J o N o "-. ;0 o ~ 0- , I I I I '/ / '" I "--( "-, . / / ,~. /,: " ' 1/' . ~~~?./ II.<~ 0"'-;/--- ,- - ~__10L_~~:;'_~ " . .// . . " 0' r- ~ //<' "~ :: /. -; (I" CJ : I,. ,g \ i \0 \f~ ~ ' 1'- ~- \ '11-...... I t\ ( \ g i " ,- I i/ '/' ~ C~ ~~. ~ 3 V'lC r- c 3 0 C" ..... a. r- !'? <' 0 (;' ,..,. 0' !'? ::l' 00" 0.. 5' ~ ::l n II) ....,...., o 0 ..... ..... ~ ~ y .. o o In )> ...., ro m ~ In C ~ )> )> 7'J () -< -.: - o I \ % L \,~ \ \ . 0 , \ \ ,- r J ~ / . --- : o 0" ~ 0" ..... . . __ 0 o y y o o ~ o C1' ~ .... - . . (e ~-... C~j'(pt D~ ~mp. PIQy\ CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA r-61 ,( I \ ( .1.*1 Existing Parks and Service Area : Park Deficiency Areas ~- ~ ------- - - "".;;;;; r--a ,0;.-. - - - -.- -.--- I. - (. ~ /<1 ~o Land Lkse. p\oY\ . 0 B ~ 0 0 0 C D ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ~ . 0 0 ~ 0 g- o 0 '" ~ ::>: ;;, '" 'f ::: 8 I , .. .... , ~ 5 .......... . . . . . . . M INN E W A S:H r A . . . . %. ~w .i ..... .........~,"'. :.iJ:r-.:':: ; . .. : . . . LAI{E :' 8 ~I, ;;/1 CJ)j :' , 'I D "Ollg .! j". HW.Y. STATE NO. ~:~:~:~:~:~~ ::::::::::_~: ==:-=-:_- == .::t=:=:-:=:-:-:: ---- --------- --}------- ~~~~I :~~~~J~~~~t~~~f~f~:~:~:~:~:~~ -------------- -- - ------------------ " ------- -- ------ -------------- - --------------- - -- =-:-:-:-:-: - - ------ - - - --------- --~-- ------ - --------- \, 16 \~tJ"D / / >- ~ z ::;) o u :-:-~-- 'r ('I " I "'A JilrfIo4 A c; c:..f ... I" -1oo4'~"A / \' " . ~ t ~ . . \, ;'\~\ , \ , p , o ~ '" ~ " ;, 'J " ,. '" .- I 15 " . ",' . .,.. v' y-'t . ..,\,~- '" . . CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION JANUARY 19, 1984 Members Present: Brian Foltz, Mike Lynch, Richie Hemping, Joe Warneke, Charlie Robbins Absent: Tom Schoenecker Guests Presents: Don Ashworth, City Manager; Tom Klingelhutz, TomKay Builders Organizational Items - Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Chairman Lynch noted that he preferred that the chair move be- tween members. Secondly, Commissioner Schoenecker had called to state that he will not be able to attend as regularly as desired in the next few months. He asked not to be reappointed as Vice-Chair. After discussion, Joe Warneke moved that Mike Lynch be appointed Chairman and Brian Foltz Vice-Chairman. Richie Hempie seconded the motion. Ayes - all. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Charles Robbins that the minutes of September 14, 1983 be approved as presented. Ayes - all. Commissioner Resignation: The Commissioners accepted the resignation of Jack Mauritz with regret. The Commissioners noted that Mr. Mauritz had been invaluable given his experience in the park and recreation arena. Chairman Lynch noted that he planned to send a personal letter to Mr. Mauritz relaying his regret and appreciation. Commissioners asked that City staff write a letter to Mr. Mauritz in behalf of the commission as well. A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Joe Warneke to accept Mr. Mauritz's resignation and authorize staff to advertise the vacancy. Ayes - all. Commissioner Foltz noted that previous policy had been to attempt to seek members from different geographical areas. He stated that, if possible, the advertisement should reflect the policy position of the commission. Other commissioners concurred but noted that, should no applications be received from the Greenwood Shores/Carver Beach/southern portion of the community that a selection would still be recommended. '~eview Pheasant Hill Sketch Plan, Lake Lucy Road: Tom ~ ~lingelhutz was present to discuss the proposed Pheasant Hill development. commissioners had received the Planning report as reviewed by the Planning Commission/City Council, including update reports. Also reviewed were sections of the Comprehensive Plan relating to neighborhood parks within this area. The City Manager noted that staff has discussed park needs with Mr. Klingelhutz. This area is designated in the Comprehensive Plan as a park deficient area. However, Mr. Klingelhutz's property has severe terrain differentials. It may be feasibile to secure . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes January 19, 1984 P ag e 2 . ) enough land for tot lot activities; however, finding sufficient land area for ballfields/skating rink does not appear possible. Active sports areas are located at Minnetonka Junior High. After discussion, Charles Robbins moved that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that park charges be collected as a part of the building permit for the Pheasant Hill Addition. Tot lots should be designed into the plat to the greatest extent possible. Motion seconded by Brian Foltz. Ayes - all. Community Recreation Facilities Committee (CRFC), status Report: The City Manager submitted copies of the CRFC minutes from April, 1983 through the current time. The minutes were used as a foun- dation to reflect the activities of the CRFC as well as to note goals/objectives. The Manager noted that Commissioner Warneke had been invited to the meeting of December 30, 1983 to review park and recreation needs as they may relate to a community center. The second por- tion of the questions from CRFC to Commissioner Warneke related to the role of the Park and Recreation Commission if the com- munity center became a reality. Don Ashworth invited Park and Recreation Commission members to read the CRFC minutes of December 30th to better understand questions posed by CRFC. . At this point, we do not know if the community center will become a reality or not. If it does become a reality, a question still remains as to whether it would be privately managed (for the City) or staffed by city personnel. The answers to these questions could significantly effect the Park and Recreation Commission. At the current time, the Park Commission is pri- marily a provider of park facilities, i.e. planning, acquiring, and improving park facilities. Programming is primarily left to other organizations. However, many of these organizations, such as CAA, have grown to the point where administration of programs is becoming beyond the capabilities of a voluntary organization. Staffing of a community center would, typically, include person- nel trained in scheduling/program administration. Typically, programming activities would be reviewed by the Park and Recreation Commission for recommendation to the City Council. The role of our Park and Recreation Commission should continue as a point of discussion as decisions are made regarding the com- munity center. No action was taken. 1984 Fees: a. Lake Ann Gate Fees: The City Manager noted that the . Council has maintained a lower yearly fee than had been recom- mended by the Park Commission. No change in position was antici- pated for 1984. However, the Manager would be notifying the ., ~ ~ t. ;.'.. .~ 4,"_. . ..... ';~{ . REGULAR CHANHASSEN C{( COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 16, 1984 (f Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order. the Pledge to the Flag. The meeting was opened with Members Present Councilman Horn, Councilwoman Watson, Councilman Geving Members Absent Councilwoman Swenson Staff Present Don Ashworth, Bill Monk, Scott Martin, Bob Waibel Susan Albee, Planning Commission APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Horn moved to approve the agenda sented. Motion seconded by Mayor Hamilton. The following voted Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. tive votes. Motion carried. as pre- in favor: No nega- CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Watson moved to approve the consent agenda pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approve 1984 P-Oistrict Review. Delete Western Hills 1st and 2nd. b. Lake Ann Park Expansion. c. 1984/85 LAWCON Grant Applications. d. Vendor Agreement for Lake Ann Park, Mike Rosenwald. e. Fireman's Softball Tournament. f. Engineering Technician. RESOLUTION 184~20. Motion seconded by Councilman Horn. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. MINUTES: A motion was made by Councilwoman Watson to note the March 14, 1984, Planning Commission minutes. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. BILLS: Mayor Hamilton moved to approve the bills as presented: checks 1021372 through #021444 in the amount of $329,780.06, checks #019914 through #020006 in the amount of $108,141.26, and checks to Data Dispatch, City of White Bear Lake, Port Prior, Albinson's, National Business Systems, George Donnelly, and Donald Ashworth in the amount of $10,453.73. Motion seconded by Councilwoman Watson. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. PHEASANT HILL PRO, TOMKAY BUILDERS: Tom and Kay Klingelhutz, Rick and Sally KlingeThutz, Mark Koegler, and George Steller were present. Mark Koegler - Some time ago we were before you with a sketch plan. Since that time we tried to implement some changes to that plan. Briefly, to highl-ight what has changed, the biggest change is the inclusion of the George Steller property which is about 3; acres. In addition to that we ,. have done a number of lot shifts. The total unit count is now 82 where previously it was 92, the gross density is now 2.06 units per acre, pre- viously is was 2.4. The average lot size gone up from about 13,700 to i . I C 0 ,H} C i 1 Me e tin gAp r ill 6, r 8 4 ( ( _ 2 _ , 14,~32 and we have incre~ed the mln,mum lot size from around 7,500 to just under 9 000. In doing that our design philosophy essentially has remained unchang~d. We have stayed with larger lots to the north and getting ~ smaller as you proceed down towards Lake Lucy Road in what ulti~ately woul _, be the more heavily traveled route. The open space shown on thlS serves rea 11 y two pur po s e s . 0 n e i s fun c t ion a 1, we are g 0 i n g t 0 use t hat a sap art ,'" of the drainage system for the property. There will be a pond on the site that will constantly have open water on it and additionally, we are uSi-ng that as what we feel is an amenity, it is a major draw for the middle of the property itself. The preliminary plat is very much in keeping with the site plan. A couple of notations on that, you will notice that we have established four Outlots (A,B,C, and D), A, B, and C are for drainage pur- poses and open space purposes, Outlot 0 has been established due to an interest by the party that lives next door to purchase that tract from Mr. Klingelhutz. It's has been established then for transfer to that indivi- dual. There have been right-of-ways that have been stubbed at a point to the south, to the east and, based upon staffs recommendation another one to the north to provide future access either to the north, east or south on the property. A quick notation on phasing, we have shown the project in three phases. Phase I, hopefully commencing as soon as possible in Mayor June. Phase I being in the northerly portion. Phase II is the 1985/1986 which consists of 24 lots and in keeping with staffs original recommen- dation, we would also submit that this intersection should be a part of Phase II to connect I and II, and then the final phase, Phase III occuring in 1986/1987. That represents another 24 lots. The grading, we attempted throughout developing the plans to work with the watershed district and with Bill Monk. All of the street grades in essense are below 6i% grade. ~ There is one instance on Raven Circle where we are 8%. The pondfng area iStfJ,:,~: ~ an integral part of th~ drainage system. T~e majority.of the water flows : to the center of the slte. Some of the perlpheral dralnage falls away out- ~ side the property boundaries just as it does presently. We would like to ~ i~ add three comments this evening with regard to the Planning Commission ~I recommendation. The first item on our list is, there was discussion before the commission about a tot lot on the property. We would just like to com- men; that tor the record When we dlscussed It wlth the Planning Commission we brought up some concerns that we thought were conSlderatlons wlth- regard to safet with re ard to malntenance and how much the facilit would actually be used. In 00 lng at t e property ltse we have ~ot plenty of ~oom to accommodate a tot lot lt lt lS the Clty'S desire withln the open space area. We just wanted to highlight the fact that we think there is some concerns there, however the site can accommodate it if it is yo..ll.I_ d~sire. The second item, the Planning Commission made a recommendation that Phase III not be approved until such time as access over to Yosemite Should be put in and to be quite candid, we view this as a little more serious obstacle. Phase III represents approximately 30% of the total pro- ject and in todays market if we are not reasonably certain at what point in time that can be developed it raises some question as to the viability of the project as a whole. Additionally, we think that there is a potential for an awkward position from the City. As you are aware from reading the packet we have petitioned that the project be put in as a public improve- ment project, including the streets, which would eventually put the City in the position of awarding the contract for that to go in. If, also, the '~ City puts a stipulation on that that could not happen until this connection j~,~ is made it may be possible that the onus is somewhat put back on you to :~ assume that that connection does happen. Either to acquire that or to con- : emn it or whatever. Our position would be to let it sit there until deve- lopment happens. We think reasonably with an access point to the south, one to the north, and one to the east, something will Occur and we are . 4 .: ~:.~ ~ ~ "- I ~ . , . . C 0 u n c i 1 M e e tin gAp r i ((, 1 9 84 (( -7 - Councilman Horn - Would completion of Wood Duck Lane prevent the traffic from going over on this street? Mark Koegler - I th~nk it will to a point. I think still it's going t e somewhat of a convenlence to the lots that are closest to West 63rd Street and Cardinal will probably continue to use West 63rd. As Lake Lucy is improved and it becomes more feasible for more traffic to generate to the south I would assume it would. Councilman Horn - I guess that would be the main argument that I would have to complete-WOOd Duck Lane down to Lake Lucy Road in Phase I which was the Planning Commission recommendation. Councilman Geving - If the City puts in the road, we put them all in at one time more than likely. If this becomes a public improvement project we would install all of the streets in one shot. !ill Monk - No. The proposal is to petition for improvements for only Phase I. Staff's thinking when we originally agreed with Phase I was that the two link ups would generate traffic on West 63rd and of course the County Road but that because it was limited in nature, how many lots are actually in Phase I? Mark Koegler - There is 36 all together, eight of.which are Mr. Steller's. ~ Monk - That 36 lots would not throw the traffic balance off signifi- cantly. If Phases I and II, 50/60/70 lots were being put on those streets then we would be concerned, but with only that number of lots we thought that with the quick timing phase that's being talked about now that it would not be detrimental to the neighborhood. Mayor Hamilton moved to approve the preliminary and final development plan review for the Pheasant Hill PRO including the Planning Commission's recom- mendations: 1. Additional right-of-way and improvement plan as recommended by the City Engineer for Steller Circle and the Pheasant Drive connection to County Road 117. Location of tot lot faci1ities~ Dedicated right-of-way to the property north of Lot 25, Block 2. A revised location for the right-of-way line between Lot 1, Block 4 arid Lot 8, Block 3 as determined by soil conditions. 5. That suitable vegetation be provided along Lake Lucy Road. and including the City Engineer's recommendations in his memorandum dated March 22, 1984 and April 11, 1984. Motion seconded by Councilman Geving. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilwoman Watson, Councilmen Horn and Geving. No negative votes. Motion carried. Councilman Geving - I heard a minute ago that the petition was just for Phase I, but I don't see that in the petition. I see this as for the deve- lopment of Pheasant Hill PRO which is the entire thing. Bill Monk - The developer's request has been fine tuned and he is here to answer-QUestions, but it has been revised to Phase I only and that's inc1~ded in the map. That question did come up. We probably should havp the petition revised and made more explicit but it is just for Phase I. AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1986, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approve Minutes of March 4, 1986. 3. Welcome new Members. OLD BUSINESS 4. Chanhassen Vista Site Plan Review. 5. Chanhassen Hills Site Plan Review. 6. North Lotus Lake Park Master Plan. 7. Fourth of July Celebration, Oral Presentation. 8. City Council Update on Park and Recreation Items. NEW BUSINESS 9. Fiscal Year 1987 LCMR/LAWCON Grant Applications, Oral Presentation. 10. Chaparral Homeowners Request to Upgrade Totlot at Meadow Green Park. 11. Proposed Shelter Building at Lake Ann Park, American Legion Club. (Tom Klingelhutz will be present to give an oral presentation). . . . . . . ~~ MINUTES PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MARCH 4, 1986 The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was called to order by Commission Chairman, Mike Lynch at 7:30 p.m. Commission members present included Mike Lynch, Charlie Robbins, Mike Rosenwald and Curt Robinson. Wallace McKay was absent. Staff present: Lori Sietsema and Bill Monk. NORTH LOTUS LAKE PARK MASTER PLAN: Mark Koegler from Van Doren Hazard Stallings presented the North Lotus Lake Park Master Plan. After giving a brief description of the present land layout, Koegler described the plan. Koegler explained that a trail would corne into the park from the north in the northeast corner. He said that grading had been done along the east side, leaving it flat in the northeast corner, gradually sloping toward the lake. He said there were drainage swales along the property line. Koegler said that vehicular access was possible either off of Pleasant View Drive or off of Fox Hollow Drive. Koegler's plan showed active areas along the north end of the park which would include a soccer/baseball field, 2 tennis courts, 30 car parking lot, sliding area and skating area. The plan showed a future park shelter in the center of the park and picnic areas and trails throughout the southern portion. Lynch said that Lotus Lake Estates had a trail easement along the lake and asked if the trail in the park could be tied into it. Koegler said that it definitely could. Rosenwald asked if the skating rink was large enough for hockey. He also pointed out that there may be a conflict between hockey players and figure skaters. He also asked what the distance was between the parking and tennis. Koegler said that the rink was not large enough for hockey. He said that it was about 600 feet from the parking to the tennis courts. He said that probably most of the tennis use would be walking in from the neighboring development. Lynch asked which way Bloomberg's development was expected to face. Staff said that a cul-de-sac would corne off of Fox Hollow and the houses in that development would face that. Robbins asked if the soccer field could double as a skating area. Koegler explained that the soccer field was higher than the parking area. Because of the grade, it would be difficult to flood the soccer field. Monk said that a ballfield at Minnewashta Heights is flooded and its quite hard on the grass. Robbins asked about moving the parking to eliminate the long walk to the tennis courts. Koegler said the parking was located so as to accommodate the winter facilities (skating and sliding). PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 2 . Rosenwald discussed switching locations of the skating and tennis so as to allow more room for hockey. Susan Boyt suggested the addition 2 or 3 more parking spaces near the tennis courts. Koegler said that was a definite possibility. Robbins asked what age this park was intended to serve. Lynch said that optimally this park should serve all ages. Koegler said that the Commission would have to decide if they wanted a hockey rink or not. He asked if they would be willing to sacrifice tennis courts for a hockey rink? Rosenwald asked if the entrance road could be extended to allow for hockey. Lynch asked how much money was available. Monk said that much of the work may be done by day labor, eliminating some of the costs, similar to the development of Meadow Green Park. He said there was roughly $20,000. Lynch said he liked the plan, but was interested in seeing a hockey rink. Rosenwald said he would be willing to trade tennis for hockey if it came to that. Monk said that if the City was going to skat ter hockey rinks . around the City, the Commission should study areas for the highest need. He said that hockey rinks are not only expensive to build, but also the maintenance is very labor intensive. Members of the audience from the Fox Hollow Development indicated that they would rather have tennis courts than hockey rinks. The Commission directed staff to revise the park plan to include a hockey rink. LAKE LUCY HIGHLANDS: Bill Monk was present to give the Commission an update on Lake Lucy Highlands. He said that the City Council had reviewed the proposed development and the Park and Recreation Commission's recommendation regarding trails. He said the lake corridor would never be completed due to the pri- vate property along the northeast side and that the area iden- tified by the Commission was quite wet and not as desirable for trails. Therefore, the Council felt that the trail system would be more effective along Lake Lucy Road rather than the lake. The Commission expressed their appreciation for the explanation and thanked Monk for coming. HERMAN FIELD UPDATE: Monk said that staff was still working on the Herman Field project. He said that he had run into some problems with the access road due to soil conditions and drainage. . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 3 Monk suggested that the trail right-of-way on the park be explored for an alternate access. was a possibility that Forest Avenue could be park. the north side of He said that there extended to the The Commission agreed with Monk, directing staff to research the possibility of giving access to Herman Field via Forest Avenue. INTERVIEWS FOR PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION VACANCIES: The commission explained to 5 applicants that interviews would be held one at a time. Lynch further explained that the Commission is an advisory board to the City Council. He said that the Commission reviewed park related items and recreational programs and passed a recommendation on to the Council, who then makes a decision. . The first to be interviewed was Mary Johnson. Johnson stated that she moved to Chanhassen 2 years ago and was attracted to the City by the park system. She said that she was the mother of 4 children, ages 5, 7, 9 and 11, who are quite involved in the hockey, soccer and baseball programs. When asked how she per- ceived parks and recreation, she said she was interseted in active parkland and in programming. She said she would not have a problem with the meeting date. Mike Schachterle was then interviewed. Schachterle said he has lived in Chanhassen for 6 years in the Minnewashta area. He expressed his interest in working in public service on either the Park and Recreation Commission or the Public Safety Commission. When asked if he had children who were active in recreational athletic programs, he said has has one daughter in the Minnetonka School District who was not involved in Chanhassen programs. When asked what his interests in park and recreation were, he said he had no specific interests other than seeing that little things are taken care of in the parks (referring to maintenance). Schachterle indicated that he had no problem making the meeting schedule. . Susan Boyt was the third applicant to be interviewed and began by passing out a letter of support from Chanhassen residents. She said she really wanted the position and asked people to endorse her application. Boyt said she was on the CAA Board and felt that because the CAA uses the City's facilities, the two groups are closely related. She said she was interested in seeing acti- vities continue to flourish and provide recreational oppor- tunities for Chanhassen residents. She was asked how she would perceive park development in Chanhassen. She said that while she used parks in the active sense, she felt that a combination of active and passive park space was important to achieve a balanced park system. She said that green space was important for people's mental well-being. She said that her attraction to Chanhassen was partially due to the number of scattered parks around the City. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 4 . Richard Comer was then interviewed. Comer said that the Red Cedar Point Homeowners Association was interested in park develop- ment in their area and asked him to apply for a position on the Commission. Comer said that he has lived in Chanhassen for 30 years. When asked if he had children active in recreational programs or athletics, he said he has a 16 year old son. Lynch explained that ocassionally the Commission takes trips into the parks. Comer said he would not mind getting his hands dirty. He indicated that he had no conflict with the meeting schedule. Jim Mady was the last applicant to be interviewed. Mady said he moved to Chanhassen from Edina 3 years ago. He said that one of the reasons he moved here was because he wanted to get involved in the community and felt it would be easier to do so in a smaller City. He said that since he has lived in Chanhassen, his wife has become quite involved in their church and he has been involved with the Jaycees. He said that the Jaycees are no longer a flourishing organization and that he is anxious to become involved with a group that is. He said that he decided to apply for the Park and Recreation Commission because that is where his interested were rather than planning or politics. In addition, he said that he has a 5 year old daughter and he wanted to help insure that opportunities would continue to be open to her. When asked how he would perceive park development, he said he saw a diverse system - large parks to serve the entire com- munity needs with small parks sprinkled throughout the City to serve as neighborhood green space. Mady said that he was interested in continuing to help run the Easter Egg Hunt and other City events, as he has for the past 2 years. . When the interviews were completed, the applicants were told that the Commission would submit a recommendation to the City Council and a decision would be made at the March 17th meeting. Robbins said that he was in favor of Mary Johnson, as he felt she was on the ball. He also was in favor of Susan Boyt. He said that he was impressed by her going out and getting endorsements. He felt Boyt was ready and willing to dig in and get some work done. Rosenwald said that he felt the same about Boyt. He said he would also support Mady, knowing he is a good worker. Robinson said that Boyt and Mady were at the top of his list. Lynch indicated that he was impressed with Boyt as well. Rosenwald moved to recommend that Susan Boyt fill one of the . vacancies on the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Robbins and carried unanimously. . . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 5 Lynch asked the Commissioners how they felt about the remaining 4 applicants. Robbins said he did not feel that Richard Comer or Mike Schachterle were as prepared or had as much enthusiasm as Mady and Johnson. Rosenwald agreed stating that Mady and Johnson seemed to have more to offer. Lynch asked each Commissioner who they were in favor of. The unofficial count was Rosenwald and Robinson were for Mady and Lynch and Robbins for Johnson. Lynch said he was equally impressed with Mady and said he would vote for him if there was a motion. Robinson moved to recommend Jim Mady to fill the second vacancy on the Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION: Sietsema said that she was beginning to plan the 1986 Fourth of July celebration and needed some direction from the Commission as to how to proceed. She noted that July 4th falls on a Friday this year and was concerned that people may make plans to go out of town for the weekend if not given an incentive to stay. She said the softball tournaments w~re one such incentive and was seriously considering a street dance. Sietsema said that having a street dance out at Lake Ann Park may create a number of problems such as parking, lighting, traffic control and crowd control. She said that she had talked to John Dorek and he seemed agreeable to having it in the rear parking area of the Bowling Center. She said that because the City was not set up to sell alcoholic beverages, Filly's could handle the bar and the City could handle admissions. Sietsema felt that the key to the success of this type of event would be the right kind of band. A small band would not have the draw, nor would a hard rock band. She said that a band like the "White Side Wallsll or IIRockin' Hollywoodsll would bring people out as they play 50's and 60's music and put on quite a show. The Commission was very receptive to the idea of a street dance and liked the 50's/60's music concept. Rosenwald asked how much a band would cost. Sietsema said that bands varied in price from $1100 to $4500. She said that both the White Side Walls and the Rockin' Hollywoods were around $3000, but were both booked on that date. She said she was aware of other bands who had similar shows and, because they are not as well known, are less expen- sive. She said she needed the commission to give her some guide- lines to go by. The Commission directed staff to continue to look into the possi- bility of having a street dance on the 4th of July. They also PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 4, 1986 PAGE 6 . directed staff to look into 50's and 60's bands that did not exceed $3,000. CHANHASSEN HILLS SKETCH PLAN REVIEW: Lori Sietsema presented the plan and described the location of the site. She said that Chanhassen Hills, formally known as Lake Susan South, is located on the south side of Lake Susan between County Road 17 and Highway 101. Sietsema said that the Commission had reviewed a sketch plan for this site in October and identified the need for active park space and trails. She said that at that time the Commission, realizing development was quite probable to the east and west, felt a 20 acre parcel would adequately service the future needs of this area. She said that since that time the Highway 212 pro- posed realignment has been identified and runs through this development. The realignment of Highway 212 would significantly isolate the Chanhassen Hills development, Sietsema said. The Commission discussed the possibility of acquiring smaller parks within each development instead of one large park to serve all three. . The Commission expressed an interest in obtaining a trail ease- ment along the thru-street within the development that runs from Lyman Blvd. to Highway 101. They indicated that an off- street trail would provide optimal safety, but at the very least a widened right-of-way should be considered. Sietsema said that the developer was proposing to dedicate the northern and western sides of the property for park/open space purposes. Sietsema said that these areas were either wetlands or had steep grades, rendering them unbuildable. The Commission felt that a trail easement along the lake should be obtained so as to continue the Lake Susan trail corridor. They were not interested in acquiring wetlands for park purposes, however, and did not recommend acquiring that land in lieu of park fees. Robinson made a motion to recommend that the City acquire the 5 to 10 acre parcel located on the sketch plan in the area of the center cul-de-sac. He continued to recommend that trail ease- ments be obtained along the southern shore of Lake Susan and along the street that runs through the development from Lyman Blvd. to Highway 101. The motion was seconded by Robbins and carried unanimously. 1986 LAKE ANN PARK ENTRANCE FEE SCHEDULE: Lynch stated that he . feels that these fees should be raised. He said that he con- ducted a survey three years ago that concluded that our fees were . . . PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 3, 1986 PAGE 7 comparatively low and we had more to offer in our parks. Since that survey, the fees have been lowered. Lynch said that park fees should offset the cost of all park maintenance. Sietsema said that she had conducted a telphone survey of cities comparable in size to Chanhassen. She said that she had asked how much each city charged to enter municipal parks, for parking and for beach use. She said that she found that most cities have no entrance or parking fee at all and that a few have a beach charge. Rosenwald asked the Commission if a bicycle sticker should be issued. He also indicated that the daily entrance fee should be the same as the park sticker. Robbinson moved to recommend the Lake Ann Park fee schedule to be changed as follows: Daily Entrance Fee Resident Season Sticker Boat Access Only Senior Citizens Buses $5.00 5.00 5.00 Free 10.00 The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. MRPA REQUEST TO ADOPT RESOLUTION SUPPORTING GRANT PROGRAMS: After reading the staff report, Lynch asked if staff had anything to add. Sietsema said that it is the Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors and the President's Commission on Arnnericans Outdoors that will be setting park and recreation priorities in this country. She said that these are issues that will affect parks and recreation even at local levels. Sietsema said that the City has received a number of park acquisition and development grants in the past and that support should be given to insure that these grants continue to be available to communities in the future. Robbins moved to recommend the adoption of a resolution sup- porting the President's Commission on Americans OUtdoors, the Commission on Minnesotans Outdoors, and the revitalization of Minnesota's local and regional grant programs as outlined by MRPA. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unani- mously. A motion was made by Robbins and seconded by Rosenwald to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. Motion unanimously approved. Prepared by: Lori Sietsema March 26, 1986 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 4-1-86 -1<; LJ- CC DATE: CASE NO: . Prepared by: LS:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Planned Unit Development of 124 single family lots on 69.63 acres of property. ~ Z <t U :J a.. a.. <( LOCATION: East of Kerber Blvd., approximately i mile north of West 78th Street APPLICANT: Enterprise Properties c/o Saul Segal 6700 Excelsior Blvd. Minnea olis, MN 55426 PRESENT ZONING: R-la (Agricultural Residence District) & P-l (Planned Residential District) ACREAGE: 69.63 Acres DENSITY: Net: 3 units/acres Gross: 1.8 units/acre ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- Low density residential (undeveloped) ~ ~ W ~ - C/) S- Chanhassen Elementary School E- Low density residential W- LoW density residential EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE: Western Hills Pond is centrally located within this development. A passive park (nature area) surrounds approximately half of the pond, consisting of 10 acres. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Park land entirely surrounding Western Hills Pond with a trail leading north to the Carver Beach area. . . . Chanhassen vista April 1, 1986 Page 2 Background The applicant has met with staff and area residents to discuss this proposed development. The developer was made aware at these meetings that additional park land would be needed around Western Hills Pond to provide room for a trail. It was also suggested that the developer provide a trail easement to the south and to the north to continue the City trail system. Staff believes that the area around the pond should not go below the 952' topographical line. It may also be desirable for the City to obtain all the land within that 952' topo line for future trail purposes. This would not adversely affect the development as this land is not buildable. The City has found that there may be an additional wetland area of about I acre within the development, other than the pond area. Staff will be meeting with a member of the Corps of Engineers on March 31 to determine if it is a wetland area. If this area is a Class A or B wetland, it would be protected under the Wetland Ordinance. This ordinance requires a City permit be obtained before any alterations can be done within 200 feet of a wetland. Staff will be updating the Commission on what is determined. A trail currently exists before this development. Frontier Trail and along Western Hills Park. along Kerber Blvd. which stops just An off-the-road trail easement along Teton Trail would provide safe access to Recommendation This office is recommending that the developer provide the following: - A trail to the south as shown as outlot A on the site plan. - A trail to the north as shown as OUtlot C on the site plan. - A wider corridor of park/open space around Western Hills Pond to include everything within the 952' topo line. - Request an off-the-road trail (sidewalks) along Frontier Trail and along Teton Trail leading to Western Hills Park. , ()qo 8 E F 0 ~ 0 0 ~ If g i 0 ~ '" I , , I . o I -6200 --6300 -6~ --6500 -6600 -6100 7000 -7100 ~ . ,ef~ r;J- 1 "X. 'toO llOOO .1,,1 .,.... 3 ."", " ...... L AIU '\ .4~.eew ,) . "nt.) . 2. 3. 4. . 5. 6. Ey.~ep+- ~~r~MP.P)CL~ Western Hills Park Western Hills Park while classified as a neighborhood park, provides a special opportunity for the surrounding residential neighborhood. Most neighborhood parks are consumed primarily by active facilities. Western Hills Park is different in that it will never see a ball diamond, tennis court, hockey rink or similar facility because its sole function is that of a passively oriented natural area. Western Hills pond is the frequent home of ducks, geese, and other waterfowl. Because of natural terrain conditions, its function and habitat are expected to remain the .same in the future. 1. A limited parking area should be constructed in a location as close to Laredo Drive as possible. Such an improvement should be adequately screened and landscaped. Develop a master plan and planting plan for the area empha- sizing native Minnesota plant materials. Provide adequate housing, roosting areas, and food for a variety of species of wildlife. Develop a trail network which permits observation from high points as well as close to habitat areas. Such trails should contain grades suitable for access by handicapped and elderly individuals. Seating areas should be provided for observation purposes. The water quality of Western Hills pond should be continuously monitored in order to continue its safe usage by wildlife. _ 7. The City should acquire title or easements on the land surrounding the Western Hills pond. /~. Lotus Lake Wester " .... ~~ . . (1. 0 ~ ~ ~ -t~. ~~ /I'V)-.t:;;.,.1o ) w-L- ""-'--- ~c] ~~ ~ --I k J~."",,* ~.:o- ~~ ._e~~. ~~ ~~^~ t ......~~ 4-' ^ - . '~~\ --tl1 d 0 ~ u~ ~ ft"\4.\ "\ ~'J\ . ~ -Y"'''''''''''' .... :::.1 ~~ ~CV.~ :o__~:t~ .~~ ~k..~~~ . CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAR 2:" \986 . CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT. . The proposed development extends Frontier Trail to Kerber Boulevard. Frontier Trail is currently a low traffic area. It has twists and grade that severely limit its ability to handle increased traffic. We agree tht the Frontier Trail culdesac clearly has limitations in handling emergency situations. We chose to accept the potential difficulties of an emergency rather than the daily risks of increased traffic flow. To meet this concern: - Do not extend Frontier Trail. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The proposed development borders Chanhassen Pond Park, contains a one acre marsh and includes the area proposed for the park trail from the north end of Lotus Lake to Chanhassen Pond Park. The proposed development plans to divert the storm water runoff into Chanhassen Pond, drain and fill the marsh and route the trail along their planned roadways with no additional width provided. . These actions will have a negative impact on the environment and trail system. Storm water being diverted into Chanhassen Pond will result in more water at a faster rate channeled into the Pond. Lawn fertilizer will run off into both the Pond and Lotus Lake. Building roads, houses and filling in the marsh will all increase the rate of runoff and limit the ability of the land to hold and slowly release water. Building the trail system on a regular width road surface exposes trail users to the dangers of road traffic. To meet these concerns: - Develop a holding pond for storm run off. - Develop a park strip around the pond consistent with existing park land on the southeast side of Chanhassen Pond. - Prevent any increase in run off from the development. - Develop a trail system that provides for protection of the trail users. . The land being considered for development offers a unique opportunity to the builder and the community. The builder has shown an interest in being responsive to the community but his primary interests are clearly more short term than those of the community. We are counting on you to represent our interests. We wish to preserve and extend the qualities that made our neighborhood a good place to live. 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'" p. ~ 'l -'<1 -! m ~ ., t . t ~ .. ~ ~ ;l:~i~ g !l.!; < l" t: r ~ rn ;-~~f~ 6 ~'Ir j ~ ;; ~ ~ ~ tF : ~.;. ~ - 1 ;~ .' , ....~ "-:'>'i -', '4", "" '~ " ~~ .-. -'-"..\1 k. ~;p'_ /./' \J - \ .~~> / .' I \ \_ 0-". I ' I -j-.. \ \ \\ ~ \ z o rJ, -Jr > _ '.... CITY OF CHANHASSEN PRC DATE: 4-1-86 CC DATE: CASE NO: . Prepared by: L. Sietsema STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Sketch Plan review for Chanhassen Hills PRD of 205 single-family lots and 107 multi-family units on 190.5 acres. I- Z <X U :J a.. a. <{ LOCATION: West of Highway 101, just south of Lake Susan APPLICANT: Meritor Development Corporation c/o Larry Frank 3800 80 th Street Minnea olis, MN 55431-4408 PRESENT ZONING: P-l, PRD ACREAGE: 190 acres DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- Lake Susan ~ ~ W .- - C/) S- Agricultural E- Low density residential w- Medium density residential EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE: No park land exists within the proposed development. Lake Susan Park lies on the north side of the lake. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Shows this as a park deficient area. 1990 Land Use Plan identifies park/open space along the lake edge and west edge of the development. . . . Chanhassen Hills April 1, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this sketch plan at their last meeting. At that time the Commission identified a 5 acre parcel for active use and recommended that the City acquire it. The Commission also recommended that the City acquire a trail easement along the south side of the lake to continue the lake corridor. The sketch plan then went to the Planning Commission where the developer was informed of this recommendation. The developer feels that the 5 acre parcel identified is some of the most prime land for single family units. He has proposed that the City accept a 5 acre parcel along Highway 212. Although the parcel is not in the most centrally located spot, it is not more than four blocks away from any unit within the development. Staff has met with the developer to discuss the park dedication issue for this development. The developer would like to donate the 5 acre parcel along Highway 212, the green space along the western border of the property, and the trail corridor along the south side of the lake. The area north of Highway 212 in this development will generate approximately $85,000. Staff believes that an agreement can be reached on the reduction of these fees, leaving enough to develop the park. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that a trail be obtained along the southern shore of Lake Susan. In addition, staff recommends that a 5 acre parcel along Highway 212 be obtained for active park purposes as well as the green space along the western border of the develop- ment, allowing a reduction in park dedication fees to be worked out with the developer depending on the appraised value of the land. r"" ( '- ( l-~ r-61 . \ CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA Park Deficiency Areas ::: -- - - ~ ----.-..- - .~- i~. - .,.-,.......-:-:-.. -"---."' I . ~ " . . . ._..~~... PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 12, 1986 Vice-Chairman Conrad called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Tim Erhart, Steven Emmings, Robert Siegel, Ladd Conrad, Howard Noziska and Mike Thompson. MEMBERS ABSENT Bill Ryan STAFF PRESENT Barbara Dacy, City Planner, Jo Ann Olsen, Asst. City Planner and Vicki Churchill, Secretary. Sketch Plan Review for Chanhassen Hills P.R.D. of 205 Single Family Lots and 107 Multiple Family Units on 191 Acres of Property Zoned P-l, Planned Residential Development and Located West of Highway 101, Just South of Lake Susan, Meritor Development Corporation. Olsen stated that the Planning Commission and City Council approved the preliminary development plan for Lake Susan South on June 25, 1980 and October 27, 1980 respectively. She stated that the plan proposed a total of 475 units including 283 single family units, 92 townhomes, 92 apartment units, 8 duplex units and a 5.8 acre commercial area at the intersection of T.H. 101 and Lyman Boulevard. She stated that upon approval of the preli- minary development plan, the area was rezoned to P-l, Planned Residential Development. She explained that the proposal did not receive preliminary or final plat approval and because of the lapse of time since original consideration, the subject proposal should be reviewed as a new application. She stated that in October, 1985, Northland Mortgage Company submitted a sketch plan for the Lake Susan South property with 420 units (306 single family, 120 rental townhomes and 4 twin homes); however, the sketch plan was withdrawn before it was reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council. She stated that the applicant (now called Meritor) has submitted a new sketch plan which includes the proposed T.H. 212 alignment. Olsen stated that the 190.5 acres is bordered on the north by Lake Susan and a Class B wetlands and the westerly edge of the property is bordered by Class A and B wetlands. She also noted a Class A and B wetland in the eastern portion of the site. She explained that the site is split by a north/south alignment of Trunk Highway 101 and bordered to the south by Lyman Boulevard. She explained that Highway 212 is proposed to intersect the pro- perty with a northeast/southwest alignment and Highway 101 is proposed to be moved to the east. She 3tated that the applicant has included these proposed alignments on the sketch plan. .... -. ...... '. Planning Commission Minutes March 12, 1986 Page 2 . Olsen stated that the applicant had just informed staff to disre- gard the 32 lots in the lower southeastern corner of the plat. She stated that the property south of 212 will all remain as an outlot. Olsen noted that the 1990 Land Use Plan designates the northerly portion of the property as Residential Medium Density and the remaining portion as residential single family, and parks and open space. She stated that the Land Use Plan reflects the pre- viously approved plan with apartments south of Lake Susan. She stated that the applicant is proposing the multiple family units in the southern portion where it is designated as Residential Low Density and if the sketch plan proceeds to the preliminary plat stage, the land use plan should be amended to reflect the rearrangement of the multiple family area. Olsen stated that the applicant intends to initiate the major portion of single family development on the north side of T.H. 212. She noted that this area of the development contains double frontage lots along the western side of Highway 101 and along the proposed Highway 212 alignment. She stated that the Subdivision Ordinance requires all double frontage lots to have an additional 10 feet to accommodate vegetative screening along the back lot . lines. She stated that the double frontage lots have an adequate length to meet the 30 foot front and rear setbacks with an addi- tional 10 feet at the rear for landscaping and staff recommends that the applicant submit a landscaping plan in conjunction with the preliminary plat showing berming and plantings along the rear of these lots. Olsen stated that the development is served by one access on Lyman Boulevard and one access on Highway 101 and limiting accesses to one on each collector is preferred by both the City and County. She noted that MnDOT has set January, 1987 as the date for adopting the Official Map for the Highway 212 Realignment. She stated that the applicant has worked closely with MnDOT to show the most recent alignment on the sketch plan and the applicant is hoping to help establish this portion of Highway 212 alignment by platting the lots directly to the north. Olsen noted that phasing of the development in relation to the realignment of T.H. 101 needs to be further addressed by both the city and the applicant. She stated that the realignment of T.H. 101, with or without T.H. 212, is needed and at present, T.H. 101 is under MnDOT's jurisdiction. She noted that it is anticipated that the state will "turn back" jurisdiction to either the city or the county. She noted that participation in realignment costs will need to be addressed by the local governments involved as well as the developer. . Olsen stated that sewer service is available to the property via existing mains along the south side of Lake Susan; however, "",:';" : .--A:,',_ ......~.... .........,. - . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 12, 1986 Page 3 extension of watermains must be obtained from the Lake Susan park area to the north. She explained that this would require exten- sion of the watermain down Powers Boulevard and east at a point to be determined to serve the first phase of development. Olsen stated that the sketch plan does not designate any areas for on-site retention of drainage and storm sewers. She stated that drainage for the site will be directed towards the wetlands to the west. She stated that the wetlands currently receive the natural drainage of the site, which then flows into Lake Susan. She noted that sedimentation basins will be needed to contain the runoff from the development before it enters Lake Susan. She stated that the most likely area for these sedimentation basins will be within the wetland area and a wetland alteration permit will be required if this option is pursued. Olsen noted that the Land Use Plan designates areas of Parks and Open Space just south of Lake Susan, along the western border and through the center of the site reflecting the previously approved plan. She noted that the Comprehensive Plan defines this area of Chanhassen as park deficient. She stated that Lake Susan Park, on the northwest corner of Lake Susan, is a passive park without active facilities such as baseball diamonds, tennis courts, etc. She stated that large residential areas are expected to occur in this area and therefore, there isa need for active neighborhood parks. She explained that the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the proposed sketch plan on March 4, 1986 and moved to accept a strip along Lake Susan as passive parkland which can be used as part of a trailway to connect with Lake Susan Park. She stated that the Commission would not accept the wetland area to the west in lieu of park dedication fees. She stated that the Commission also moved to have the developer dedicate a piece of internal property to be used as an active park site and trail easements to connect Lyman Boulevard with Highway 101. She stated that the developer will be required to prepare an Environmental Assessment Worksheet because all single family developments in excess of 100 units must be reviewed by the Environmental Quality Board before approval by the local com- munity. She stated that the Environmental Assessment Worksheet should be submitted prior to preliminary plat application. Olsen noted that the Wetland Ordinance states that developments within 200 feet must have a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet and that any development within a Class A wetland requires a wetland alteration permit. She stated that the three wetland areas are just south of Lake Susan and on the western border and in the eastern area. She stated that the applicant must identify the ordinary high water mark of these protected wetlands to determine which lots are affected and if a wetland alteration .'._-~ .- Planning Commission Minutes March 12, 1986 Page 4 . permit is required. She also explained that DNR must approve any development within the Shoreland District. She stated that the Shoreland Ordinance requires that all lots within the shoreland of Recreational Development Lakes must be at least 15,000 square feet in area and at least 75 feet in width. She stated that the applicant must provide a plan showing the OHWM of Lake Susan to determine the 1,000 foot setback. She noted that the most northerly tier of single family lots are allover 15,000 square feet and have over 75 feet in width; however, the next tier has lots under 15,000 square feet which could be subject to the DNR regulations. Olsen stated that the sketch plan review process is an oppor- tunity for the Planning Commission and City Council to identify concerns that should be addressed before making application for the preliminary plat. Concerns regarding density, lot size, traffic, land use and design should be conveyed to the developer. Larry Frank, Meritor Development Corporation, stated that he looked at the concerns that the residents, county and city staff had with the subdivision. He stated that in response to the Park and Recreation Commission's request, he did a scale drawing showing a park area in the lower southwest corner next to the . multiple area. He stated that he eliminated the multiple family lots and added five single family lots abutting the five acre park. He stated that another area that could be included for park area is the peninsula, which would be a passive area. He stated that the peninsula is a total of about 9 acres gross and about 3.2 acres of buildable usable area. He stated that they are willing to negotiate with the Park Commission about the park area. M. Thompson asked who would be developing the project? Larry Frank stated that Meritor develops the project and then they sell to builders. He stated that there would probably be six to eight builders in this project. He stated that they have a package deal that they offer the builders. He stated that they also market for their builders. He stated that they have found in the past that if you do not control them nothing is consistent and it is not a unified effort. He stated that the buyers do not have to bring the mortgage to them. He stated that the lot price ranges would be approximately $20,000 to $25,000 because the lots are large and attractive. M. Thompson asked about the projected traffic on 2l2? Larry Frank stated that he did not know. He stated that the plans for 212 call for a bridge at Lyman, so 212 will be depressed when it goes under Lyman and it would also go under 101. . ,.- ._~ ,~, - " . . . Planning Commission Minutes March 12, 1986 Page 5 Dacy stated that 212 is initially planned for two lane traffic and eventually four lanes. Jim Curry stated that MnDOT took approximate 20 acres from him for 212. M. Thompson asked if there should be some changes in land use considered for the area? Dacy stated that this proposal should initiate the Planning Commission and City Council to look at different types of uses in the area because of 212. M. Thompson stated that Mr. Curry did a very good job on this proposal. He stated that he liked it much better than the propo- sal from a few years ago. He stated that the double frontage lots should have more intense use instead of single family lots. Larry Frank stated that they looked at that and felt that it would be detrimental to the main part of the property. They felt that they preferred single family lots over duplex lots and felt that because of the size of the lots they will sell as single family lots. M. Thompson asked the applicant if twenty years from now the freeway would have a detrimental affect? Larry Frank stated that the buyers of the lots will be aware of it and felt that with berming and landscaping he did not see a problem. Siegel stated that he was concerned about the traffic if there is going to be a full interchange on 101. Mr. Curry stated that there would not a be a full interchange, just a half diamond. He stated that 17 would have the big one. Siegel stated that it is not necessarily final that there might be a full interchange at new 101 and 212. Dacy stated that the type of interchange is being tested by the city's consultants. Siegel stated that it could have a very high impact on the traf- fic pattern and what it does to that intersection and also the requirement for a frontage road. Mr. Curry stated that he could not imagine another major interchange that close to the other major interchange at 17. Larry Frank stated that they are talking about a major interchange at 17 and also at Dell Road. .....",~.,...'.- Planning Commission Minutes March 12, 1986 Page 6 Siegel stated that the interchange is still a possibility and the applicant should be aware of that. Dacy stated that the Broadened Study Area report will be completed within the next two months. . Noziska stated that maybe multiples would be better along the highway, but that is the applicant's decision. He liked the plan. Emmings felt that the proposed plan is a great improvement over what was presented last time. Larry Frank stated that the nine lots to the east of the project where 101 is will not get activated until 101 is vacated and the new 101 is aligned. Siegel asked if there would be a cul-de-sac in that area? Larry Frank stated that it would be vacated. Siegel asked if the 300 feet of right-of-way include any land use dedicated for a frontage road or is that strictly for four lanes? Larry Frank stated that there would not be a need for a frontage . road. He stated that when you have a plan that is already built and developed, the only reason there are frontage roads is to provide access to a piece of land that has become landlocked because of a freeway. Siegel stated that there may be a need for a frontage road depending on the usage of the adjacent land in southeast corner. Tim Erhart stated that possibly on the south side; however, there is not that great of distance around the property. Larry Frank stated that the only time you can get frontage roads is if there is a landlocked situation and an access problem is created. Conrad stated that it looks a lot better than what was previously proposed. He felt that multiple units next to 212 made sense. He stated that he does not like lots that are under 15,000 square feet. Mr. Curry stated that most of the smaller lots were in the southeast corner which have been taken out. Conrad stated that he also likes the park along 212. He stated that he endorsed all of staff's comments and recommendations and . encouraged the applicant to have the City Council review the sketch plan. _.>!"~- --,...:: . -.- . . ~....... '. -"". -"""- I is . ,~ <"!>it ~. ~~". I L '. \~ '\Qi " ~' ' '. -'-,,- '- \ " / ~. ). r-- / , . ".:/,--" "\ '\\ )', d', .... ~ \ . JI! , .~ :;). Ii '''''.~.....,,-, '" ;';':1 ~" ~~ ~~~ .'()~~ . II, '. ! . ' 'D~~ "'-..-., '0 h /',: . ~, , "". , " '11'~"'" < , .; ~~~~~" 'f~fj).. ' . '1 ~ [)"1 ~(>)G.;,;j' lt~1::. .,,~. 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BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 28, 1986 SUBJ: North Lotus Lake Master Plan BACKGROUND . The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed Lotus Lake Park presented by Mark Koegler. requested that the plan be revised so as to in addition to the figure skating rink. a park plan for North The Commission incl ude a hockey rink Mr. Koegler has revised the plan and found that it was not necessary to eliminate the tennis courts to provide the hockey rink. Changes made on the plan include: - adding the hockey rink _ moving the future park shelter to the southeast _ adding parking spaces near the tennis courts The hockey rink added is simply an ice rink large enough to play hockey. It is not an official hockey rink with boards as staff felt the construction costs and amount of maintenance for such a hockey rink would be prohibitive. RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that this plan addresses the requests of the Commission and remains a sound plan. Most of the active uses are kept to the west side of the park, away from the majority of the residential units. It is this office's recommendation to approve the Master Park plan for North Lotus Lake Park as presented. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: March 28, 1986 SUBJ: City Council Action On Park and Recreation Items The City Council addressed a number of Park and Recreation items at their March 17th meeting. The action taken on these items is described below. - Park and Recreation Commission vacancies: The City Council approved the Commission's recommendation on both applicants to the Park and Recreation Commission. They were as impressed with Sue Boyt's letter of support as the Commission was. They were very happy to see the number of applicants interested in the positions and feel the Commission had chosen well. - 1986 Lake Ann Park Stickers: The Council feels that the Lake Ann Park fee structure was adequate at last years' rates. They understood the Commission's concern to offset maintenance costs, but felt a higher rate would not be appropriate. - MRPA Request to Adopt Resolution Supporting Grant Programs: The Council was in favor of supporting the Commissions identifying park and recreation needs and grant programs. The attached resolution was adopted. . .... t . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH /0 - 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 28, 1986 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Re: Chaparral Residents request for Additional Totlot Equipment. . Attached please find a letter from the Chaparral residents. The letter states that the existing tot lot equipment in Meadow Green Park is inadequate for the number of children in the neigh- borhood. It also states that the residents would like to see a softer material placed under the play area for saftey reason. The City has improved this park consistently for the last three to four years. The existing equipment was installed in 1984, ballfields before that and a half-court basketball court last year, while many other parks within the City remain undeveloped. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's belief that, because of the saftey factor, installation of sand beneath the play area should be done this year. This sand area should be large enough to accomodate any future additions. Therefore, before this is done, the Commission may want to direct staff to design a tot lot plan for the area that could be done in stages. It is staffs recommendation that the Commission look to other parks in the City that do not have any tot lot equipment (such as Greenwood Shores or Lake Susan) before adding to a park with an existing structure. It is often true that the "squeaky wheel gets the oil". However, that does not mean other wheels do not need oil! . . February 6, 1986 Park and Recreation Commission 690 Coulter Street Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 ATTN: Mike Lynch and Lori Sietsema Desperation is the mood of the community of Chaparral for more playground equipment. There are many children that like to make use of the Meadow Green Park. The number of the children is astonishing. With the total being 80 children and the variety of ages, the need for more equipment is quite evident; espeCially for safety. Please see attachment. Most of these children are either at home or at one of the six day care providers during the day. This creates the need for more playground equipment to provide for the children's physical and mental development, and also social skills that can be derived. Another factor adding to the situation is that many nights Meadow Green Park is used for softball. The players bring children whom also like to use the playground equipment. These additional children add to the already crowded facility creating an unsafe play area for residents. We are requesting another tot10t module, a couple of the animals on coil or rubber springs, another tire swing and also swings for the older children. Our concerns are not just for more equipment. We are requesting a contained sand area both under the climbing equipment and also for play area. We need the loose surface for public safety. The existing surface is clay and the ground is hard and takes a couple of days to dry after a rain shower. The children get muddy and so does the play equipment. We, the undersigned, want to express the need for more playground equipment for the safety; and development of our children. Your immediate attention on this matter will be greatly appreciated. Si ncere 1y , . s4u~m~~ Sheryl Mickelsen and the Residents of Chaparral 901 Pontiac Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 474-5345 (Home l 540-3579 (Work l ~'i~~~:- ..:r~ FE-B 201986 llr.y .of CHANJ:lASSEN . . ATTACHMENT Below is a list of the children in the area. AGES NO. OF CHILDREN 1 year old 14 2 years old 13 3 years 01 d 13 4 years 01 d 9 5 years 01 d 8 6 years 01 d 3 7 years 01 d 9 . 8 years old 2 10 years old 5 11 years 01 d 3 12 years old 1 TOTAL 80 . . //'oi: 1;-d {ndu Jj,i~~Jr' 7/(7 10 L // 1- (-1 v '__'~l ~ '.. \ '-' Pf..{tLtC L L Z-Cf~ \ ec,'y, Ct\-xt li..bbiL \\i,U\;,J",) 'j)..('-.::::z. P(,)')T,A-z., 0,T lL 51Blc ~ 2DyCk By~.> iDle, (J0N'!Ir'K... Q,,- ::JER./Z.Y 4.-:r~e:y WooDAP,D 73= fb,-rf'A<... CR, ~/ )Or; 5~ 7~JC 1;"-,1"'1- t:/ \J\CJ....~\;\-.J.... 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