1986 06 03 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1986, 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE Note: The Commission will meet at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall before the park inspection of Lake Ann Park. 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes Old Business $. Presentation on Park and Recreation finances, Don Ashworth. ~. Chaparral Homeowners proposal to purchase additional totlot equipment for Meadow Green Park. ~. Chanhassen Hills final site plan review. 6. Updates: # Chanhassen Vista J July 4th I Goose population control program New Business .;r: Red Cedar Point Homeowners request for a pedestrian trailway along Minnewashta Parkway. $. Request to allow "group reserved camping" in non-camping areas at Minnewashta Regional Park. j>. Lake Ann Park Expansion, authorization of early payoff. ~. Ballfield lighting project, authorization to proceed with development of plans and specification. 11. Park and Recreation Commission presentations. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes May 6, 1986 L . A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by acting Chairman McKay at 7:40 p.m. Members present were Sue Boyt, Jim Mady, Curt Robinson, and Wallace Mckay. MINUTES Boyt made a motion to recommend the approval of the minutes of April 1st and 5th as prepared. The motion, seconded by Mady, was approved unanimously. LAKE PARK EXPANSION MASTER PLAN REVIEW Mark Koegler was present to the discuss the proposed plan for the Lake Ann Park Expansion area. He said that he was directed to develop a site plan and grading plan for this area so that the City would be prepared to move ahead should funding become available. He said that a sketch plan for the park expansion area has been submitted and updated for grant proposals in the past. He found, however, that the sketch plan is not quite as accurate as the contour lines shown did not coincide with the current information. The new plan accurately shows that there is about 100' less on the new plan than originally shown. Koegler said that the plan that he was presenting would be the first of three development phases. He explained that the the plan included a ballfield, soccer field and parking as identified on the sketch plan. He said that he would need direction as to how to proceed if the Commission wished to make changes. For instance, how much parking does the Commission feel will be necessary looking at the overall picture. . Robinson asked if a large amount of grading was necessary for this plan. Koegler said that the land is presently rolling farm land and would require extensive grading for ballfields. To give the Commission an idea of the amount of grading, Koegler said that the existing ballfield area was nearly identical to the undeveloped area. McKay asked if the existing parking areas were expected to serve the proposed ballfields. Koegler said that although this plan included parking to serve this area, it was necessary to identify how much parking the Commission felt was necessary to serve this area. Robinson asked if there could be parking along the soccer field. Mady asked if there could be parking along the road on the east side. Koegler said that the area along the south side of the plan was not as spacious as originally determined and therefore it would . be difficult to put parking in there with the soccer field. He said that if the soccer field was made smaller it may be . . . Park and Recreation Minutes May 6, 1986 Page 2 possible. Sietsema said that in order to be consistent with the existing parking areas within the park, parking should be limited to parking lots and not along the roads. Sietsema said that age limitations are incurred if the soccer field is made smaller. Under 16 and Under 19 soccer leagues can only play on regulation size soccer fields. She said that the original intent of including a soccer field in this plan was to provide a field large enough for all ages to use. Mady indicated that he felt it important to keep the soccer field at least 120 x 60 yards. Koegler said that this could probably be done in the area shown. Koegler said that a specific number of parking spaces should be identified. Mady said that with two games per night on one field, at least 60 spaces would be needed to keep people from parking on the grass. McKay asked how the cost of 60 parking spaces compared to 40. Koegler indicated that the additional cost would depend on how it was done. The first phase would include grading and aggregate, paving being during a future phase. He said that, done like this, 60 spaces would not be substantially more than 40. Robinson said that the City needs a Little League field and that it should be included in one of the phases. Mady said that it makes sense to convert existing field #3 to a Little League field as it is small, and put in three new softball fields. Sietsema indicated that a Little League field is small and cannot be used for adult playas the fences and distance between bases is con- siderably shorter than softball fields. Robinson made a motion to direct staff to change the presented plan to include 60 parking spaces and to make the soccer field as large as space will allow. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. Chanhassen vista Sketch Plan Review Sietsema said that the Chanhassen vista sketch plan had recently gone before the City Council for review. She said that the Com- mission's recommendation to acquire the land around the pond to the ridge line was taken to the Council at that time. Sietsema explained that staff was proposing that the City acquire the area around the pond to the 952 contqur line and a restric- tive easement to the ridgeline. Staff felt that this would achieve the Commission's purpose of preserving the ridgeline without eliminating all of the lots along that ridge. She said the Commission was being asked to consider this proposal before the preliminary plat process. The Commission asked if this ease- ment would enforce the preservation of the ridgeline in its Park and Recreation Commission Minutes May 6, 1986 Page 3 natural state. Sietsema said that if the Commission was in favor of this proposal they could recommend any restrictions they deemed necessary to achieve their purpose. . Mady indicated that he would like to maintain the original recom- mendation of acquisition to the ridgeline. Sietsema said that if that was the Commission's position an appraisal would be needed to determine the value of the property. She said that con- sidering the number of lots lost, the cost of this property could very well exceed the park dedication fees. Mady said he would rather authorize an appraisal and determine at that time whether the property was worth it. The Commission discussed this proposal further. McKay was con- cerned that the Commission was asking for more in this develop- ment than in past plans reviewed and felt that consistency should be kept in mind. Boyt said that the developer planned to build houses with walkout basements along the ridge and felt this would not maintain the park look. Mady moved to reaffirm the original recommendation of AprilS, 1986 to acquire the land around the pond to the natural ridge- line, and to authorize staff to proceed with an appraisal of such. Bill Boyt asked to address the Commission on this item. He said . that he was impressed that the Commission took the time to visit the site to get a first hand look at it. He asked the Commission to consider requesting a four foot easement along the streets and conservation easements along the outlots to be used for trails. McKay indicated that it was vital for the Commission to stay with their recommendation as this would be consistent. He added that the Commission did not want to get carried away with their requests, lest they loose credibility. Boyt seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CHAPARRAL HOMEOWNERS REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TOT LOT EQUIPMENT AT MEADOW GREEN PARK: Sietsema said the Commission had reviewed the Chaparral Homeowners request to upgrade the totlot at Meadow Green Park. At that time the Commission directed staff to research timeframes and costs for a new surface and equipment. Sietsema explained that pea gravel is the optimal type of play surface available, although it is somewhat more expensive. She said the area could be filled this summer if staff is directed to do so. She said she had discussed this item with Park Superintendent, Dale Gregory, who suggested that the filled area be enlarged enough to accommodate any future play equipment addi- . tions. Therefore, the Commission may want to decide at this time what additions will be made in the future. . . . , Park and Recreation Commission Minutes May 6, 1986 Page 4 Sietsema said that the staff report outlined a timeframe for the installation of the pea gravel and possible additional equipment. She suggested that the play surface be installed this year for $1300, swings for older children in 1987 for $750, and an addi- tional play module in 1988 for $2,180. This would meet the requests the homeowners had. Boyt asked if the existing equipment needed to be moved for safety purposes as suggested. Sietsema said as long as any new equipment was installed away from the ballfield area, there did not appear to be a safety threat. Mady suggested cutting a year off the recommended timeframe by putting in the play surface and the big swings this year and install the new module next year. McKay stated that we should look at an overall tot1ot plan. He said he did not like the squeaky wheel syndrome. Robinson moved to replace the play surface with pea gravel and install big swings in 1986 and consider any additional equipment in 1987. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. McKay asked staff to put an overall tot1ot plan on a future agenda for discussion. FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUEST: Sietsema said that the Chanhassen Fire Department was requesting the use of all three ba11fie1ds at Lake Ann Park for their annual softball tournament. The request included waiving the park fees for the weekend as well. Sietsema stated that the Fire Department has held their tournament for a number of years and were very responsible. Robinson moved to recommend approval of the Chanhassen Fire Department request to use the ba11fie1ds at Lake Ann Park and to waive park fees. The motion was seconded by Mady and carried unanimously. PHEASANT HILL SKETCH PLAN REVIEW: Sietsema said the Pheasant Hill development lies within the edge of the Herman Field and Minnetonka West Junior High service area. She said it also lies south of the MUSA line, which the Comprehensive Plan considers a low priority area for park development. Sietsema said that considering the size of the development, that it is considered a low priority area, and is located within the service area of existing parks, she was recommending that park dedication fees be accepted in lieu of park land. Mady made a motion to recommend accepting park dedication fees in lieu of park land from the Pheasant Hills 3rd Addition. The motion was seconded by Robinson and carried unanimously. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes May 6, 1986 Page 5 MISCELLANEOUS: The Commission requested that staff review the park financial status and how the budget process works. MaKay asked staff to check if the open meeting law applied to the Park and Recreation Commission. Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. Prepared by: Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator . . . ",, . Park and Recreation Commission Public Hearing on Goose Population Control Minutes May 27, 1986 Chairman Lynch called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All of the Commissioners were present. Lynch began by saying that City staff, in response to citizen's complaints are concerned about the increasing number of geese in Chanhassen parks and beaches. He said that the goose population has become a health problem as well as a maintenance problem. He indicated that Dr. James Cooper was present to discuss the pro- posed goose population maintenance program. Lynch reminded the audience that the Park and Recreation Com- mission is an advisory body to the City Council. He said that the Commission would hear the public's comments, review them and the program presented, and make a recommendation to the Council. . Dr. Cooper said Canada Geese are a new phenomina in cities. They are a native species of Minnesota that disappeared during the depression and declined drastically during early market hunting days. In the mid 50's there were programs that were developed by private individuals as well as state and federal agencies to bring the Canada Goose back. Birds were re-introduced in numerous areas throughout the state as well as in the Twin Cities. . Since the mid 50's there have been releases through much of the Twin Cities including state parks, park reserves, public parks, and private land. In the early 70's the number of Canada Geese numbered about 1000 birds located in some 14 different sites, mainly around these release sites. Since that date the popula- tion in the metro area has grown to be 10,000 birds. It was never anticipated that this species would do so well, since it had been lost during settlement days. But we now know that the Canada Goose has well adapted to our metropolitan areas. It is able to tolerate disturbance, it utilizes our shorelines for both adult food as well as for juvenile food during the brooding period. It finds nesting sites in among the city ponds, lakes and wetlands and is very successful in nesting. The only predi- tor here that takes any eggs to speak of is the raccoon, who is a relative ineffective preditor on a bird as large as the Canada Goose. Because hunting is not allowed through much of the metro area, the bird has a very high survival rate. The adults have an average of 90% survival from year to year and immatures approxi- mately 75%. Population with the productivity base that the Twin Cities geese have can sustain over a 50% mortality on annual basis without declining. Canada Geese have been growing and con- tinue to grow to approximately 30% per year. This means that communities that have particularily large expanses of parks along with wetlands near these release sites, such as Carver Park Reserve, have found increasing numbers of Canada Geese. Park and Recreation Commission Public Hearing Minutes May 27, 1986 Page 3 adequate nesting areas and brood rearing sites. Once you have your population down the costs involved should be somewhat less than what you currently will incurr to get this population under control. I am proposing a four year plan. We are unable to get the population down any quicker than that. Lynch asked how long programs at other sites have been in existence. Cooper said we were in the fourth year with Min- neapolis, third with Golden Valley, second year with the airport, and the second year with New Brighten. Lynch asked if he felt that they have had adequate success at those locations. Cooper said we have, but not as effective as we could be because of the adult return. The translocation of birds to Oklahoma is not as effective as we would like it. 75-80% of birds stay in Oklahoma, but some do find their way back home. Lynch asked if the goose populations level out at some natural density level and if Dr. Cooper had a target density. Cooper said that geese will breed in colonial density if there is no predation. Lake of the Isles is a prime example where in 1981 geese populations were over 1000 birds. Nesting on the islands were about 50 nests on one acre, and data gathered indicates that nesting density could be four times that. This year there are only 14 nests out there so the goal of eight breeding pair is getting closer.' As far as natural nesting density, there pro- bably is one but is likely to be much higher than what people will tolerate. Cooper indicated that the second part of the question is difficult because toleration levels vary with each individual. The decision of how many geese you would like to maintain in these areas is a local decision. Lynch described the park areas involved and asked what other cities in comparable situations are doing. Cooper said that at Lake of the Isles the target would be 100 birds in August and September. In fall there are migrants moving -back and forth and some mixing so it is dif- ficult to keep fall numbers down to target level. 100 birds was felt to be enough birds for people to enjoy, yet low enough num- bers so that droppings on bike paths were tolerable. The numbers that Chanhassen wants to look at would probably be below that figure. I would suspect that there are other populations of Canada geese in Chanhassen other than the ones that are causing your problems, so you are not completely removing geese from the City or denying people an opportunity to see them. You may want to opt to go with something like we have in Brookview Golf Course in Golden Valley which is a zero population on the golf course. Other areas of Golden Valley are being left where populations that were not associated with the golf course so that there would be geese in the City. Lynch explained that Chanhassen has three basic types of water in Chanhassen; residential areas, active parks and passive parks with low residential abuttment and little activity. He said that he was quite certain that the City would . in some areas of the City but n t . l~ke to have the geese , 0 ~n areas such as beaches and . . . . . . Park and Recreation Commission Public Hearing Minutes May 27, 1986 Page 5 from the droppings of pidgeons, parrots or other birds. There was one case last year on Lake Minnetonka where a gentleman who was operating a rotary mower where geese are known to gather. The droppings were drawn into the mower and the disease was contacted inhaling the dust of the goose droppings. It is not a major health hazard as we have had one case in the last 10 years, however it is real. Someone mowing through these droppings with the wind blowing has the potential to contact it. Lynch asked if the the goose droppings had an affect on the water quality. Cooper said that the goose droppings are a source of nitrogenous waste and is readily soluble in the water. However, studies done on droppings indicate that the amount of nitrogen comming from that source was minute compared to the amount coming in from lawns being fertilized. It is not a major source of nutients to a lake, but it is a nuisance on a beach. It is not a health hazard accept when dry and inhaled. Rosenwald asked what effect there was on children playing in the sand where droppings are. Cooper said it is not the kind of thing that will not hurt them, in fact, even if they ate it the acid in the stomach would neutralize or kill the bacteria. Boyt said that she had recently visited Lake Ann Park and had not seen many geese there. Cooper said that frequently the popula- tions reach there peak about the time the adults go flightless when they seek 'out these large open water sites. An example of this is on Long Lake in New Brighten where there are no goose nests, yet we removed over 250 geese off of Long Lake in mid-June of last year. These birds are walking overland seeking the large open bodies of water. What very likely is happening is that the geese are nesting at Lake Lucy and then coming over to Lake Ann once they start molting. Sietsema asked D~. Cooper to discuss other means of goose popu- lation control that have been tried and there effectivity, such as; swan and owl decoys, stocking live swans, ultra sonic devices, carbide canons, fencing, flags, scarecrows, etc. Cooper said that swan decoys will work if the geese have a choice, if they do not have a choice they will test limits and figure out what is safe and what is not safe. When the decoy does not move then they forget about it. So decoys have worked in cases where there was an equally attractive site nearby. Scare techniques, such as carbide canons, flags, and scarecrows, do not work effectively without reinforcement. The reinforcement has to be shell crackers shot over the birds' heads at close range or large explosions. Most scare techniques are very temporary. Live swans will work, the only swan readily available is the Mute Swan, however they are very aggressive birds. In fact, a Mute Swan was responsible for the death of fisherman in Ohio. Another fact to consider with the swan is keeping them in captivity and rounding them up and housing them in the winter. Free flying Mute Swans are not allowed in Minnesota as they are a nuisance in areas io Park and Recreation Commission Public Hearing Minutes May 27,1986 Page 7 . oS!'.; Rosenwald asked if theasurvey would determine what the actual numbers of geese that we have. Cooper said that the field teams would find out how man~~.geese there are, determine how many cap- ture sites are involved, 'what kinds of difficulties we will be facing and then the go~ population. In determining what the target population, Coo~r said it was totally a local decision. If the Ci ty were to deci:'de they did not want any geese at Lake Ann Park, then his goal would be to catch everything and leave nothing. If the goal was to leave 3-4 pairs, then he would recommend to get everything this year and leave the 3-4 pairs when we get to the thiDd year. We can achieve most effective reduction by pulling e~erything out the first year. 1 Robinson asked if it was the Commission's task to identify the target population. Sietsema said that a goal population should be included in the reca.mmendation to the City Council. S',. Sietsema asked Dr. Cooper if his people were equipped to include Lake Minnewashta in th~s years program should the Council decide to do so. Cooper indi~ted that there would be no problem in handling that lake as well. Mady asked if a total removal was done at a site, how many geese would there be two to~three weeks later. Cooper said that if surveys were done there'would not be any geese until geese started flying in, thersite would be without geese for about a month. The following spring you would have about 50% of the current population. Mady continued by asking if there would be young that would walk from another site to the open water. Cooper said that the geese are clan animals and would do any moving or travelling as a group before the capture time. Rosenwald said that Lake Ann and Lake Lucy are so close together, would this be treated as one site. Cooper said that they are probably the same population, nesting on Lake Lucy and feeding at Lake Ann. c: . :l;, Robinson asked how one~would ascertain what a proper density of geese would be. Cooper said that the airport has a goal of zero geese, they are removing all Canada Geese at those sites. He said realistically we know we will never reach that goal, but feel quite certain that we can reach a 95% reduction level. Lake of the Isles set a goal of 100 birds, which means about eight breeding pairs on the ~slands. New Brighten decided that Long Lake would be a goose free site as no one there wanted to tolerate more than one or two pair that may drift in accidently. Boyt asked if there was any way to make one part of a lake more . appealing to geese than another. Cooper said the best way to do that is to mow the shoreline. They are really attracted to mowed grass for grazing. However, this is not always possible in wet, marshy areas. " . . . Park and Recreation Commission Public Hearing Minutes May 27, 1986 Page 9 and Recreation Commission recommends that the City proceed with the proposed program which involves the removal and relocation of Canada Geese at Lake Ann, Lake Lucy and Lake Susan. The objec- tive of this program would be to maintain three breeding pair, or about 30 birds at each site, and to review the Canada Goose popu- lations on an annual basis. The motion was seconded by Mady and carried unanimously Lynch made a motion, due to citizen participation from the Lake Minnewashta area at the public hearing, the Commission suggests that the City Council consider extending the program to include that lake if the City has alternate, non-park funds to do so. Dr. Cooper has indicated that the cost of adding this site would be about $500-$750. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. Robinson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. Prepared by Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator CITY OF eHARHASSER 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 30, 1986 TO: Park and Recreaton COmmission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinat~ RE: Park and Recreation Finance Review Attached please find the 1985 Annual Report. Please bring this document with you to the meeting as Don Ashworth, City Manager, will be present to address how funds are handled for park pro- jects. I will be asking the reports back after Tuesday's meeting. If you would like a copy I will be able to make one for you. -3 . . . "- Lf . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 30, 1986 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator Re: Chaparral Homeowners request to purchase totlot equipment for Meadow Green Park . The Chaparral Homeowners have requested that the totlot equipment at Meadow Green Park be upgraded and that new play surface be installed beneath the equipment. The Commission has reviewed this request at previous meetings and directed staff to install a pea gravel play surface and swings for older children this year. It was also decided that future additions to the totlot be con- sidered in 1987. The Chaparral Homeowners Association has reviewed this item since the Commission's decision. They feel that additional equipment is an immediate need and are willing to spend up to $500 for a cir- cular climber. Their request is that the Park and Recreation authorize staff to install and maintain this equipment at Meadow Green Park. Staff feels that this is a reasonable request and would not object to installing or maintaining the equipment. This item should be reviewed by Dale Gregory, Park Maintenane Superinten- dant, and the totlot equipment company's consultant to insure that this equipment is compatable with the existing structure and does not interfere with traffic flows. . .~~ ~(8aparraJ HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 224, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317-0224 . ,~) ~~ ~ .J W~~ ~t1~~ c~ o-~~ cr-t- SOO.DO ~~ ~~~~~,~- G~",-- ~:.... ~- .. ~J'(.. C" () f) r v ^ _, .:..r'O-'k~-"-~.D-\.r",,- ~ 'JA' r ';'1' . a 0- '.J -' I :A, ~ c.> tt'k ~~~~ -t.P;..!J .y~>- ~_: f '\(-<....~.!(~ · '?~~~~._~ ~~\s.-~~'- ~ ~ ~~ . cn~~ ~~ ~ ~~'- O--~-N~-- ~ ~.,,'-.C'l...)'-.~'-J:J tjl,_.~~ ~ V"1'\..e~'- . '. J.A~~ ~~~~ . "' /., .' //' ..-/ 1~."yv.-vV c:Za-~./,..rv' . 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Prepared by: Sietsema:k STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Preliminary and Final Development Plan Review for 232 Residential Units on 124 Acres I- Z <t U :J 0- a.. <( LOCATION: West of Highway 101, just south of Lake Susan APPLICANT: Meritor Development Corporation c/o Larry Frank 3800 80th Street Minneapolis, MN 55431-4408 PRESENT ZONING: P-l, PRO ACREAGE: 124 Acres DENSITY: ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- Lake Susan ~ ~ W I- - C/) S- Agricultural E- Low Density Residential W- Medium Density Residential EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE: No park land exists within the proposed development. Lake Susan Park lies on the north side of the lake. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Shows this as a park deficient area. 1990 Land Use Plan identifies park/open space along the lake edge and west edge of the development. . - (--:~;;,. ," - .- I~ ~ ~~ :< -- 8 ~ := ~ ! tol i III III :nHIf!PI ~ ppqiij1i Is r! i i ! I ! 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I!~I! ici ...... ... ...... iiiiii I I "'..~"'.. i:U~.~ .... ~....=.! . -. .. e I i dl i ! i ji iilii; II ~ I,~ "i~~i~ I- ill;! i.ii.~ at " '~, . " . . . . ~ I I · I Ii. . . . (Pc- CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 29, 1986 TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ Proposed Canada Goose population Control program FROM: SUBJ: The Park and Recreation Commission held a public hearing on the proposed Canada Goose Population Control project on Tuesday, May 27, attached please find the minutes of that meeting. Dr. James Cooper from the University of Minnesota, who is active in facilitating these programs, was at the meeting to discuss the program. Dr. Cooper explained that the Canada Goose is a native species to Minnesota that disappeared in the early part of this century. Effort~ were made in the 1950's to bring the Canada Goose back by re-introducing them to numerous sites around the state, including the metro area. These efforts were very successful and the well protected areas of the municipal parks and golf courses have provided a haven for these birds to continually increase in population. In the early 1980's, many cities and golf courses found that the number of Canadian Geese were increasing to an intolerable level. At that time Dr. Cooper began programs to remove and relocate geese to other sites. Dr. Cooper suggested'that the City identify a target population of geese for each proposed site. He indicated that the City could expect a 50% reduction of geese the first year, 80% reduc- tion in the current population the second year and an additional 10% reduction in the third and fourth years at the identified sites. The most dramatic results will take place the first year the program is in place. Four residents attended the public hearing, all from the Lake Minnewashta area. These residents felt that Lake Minnewashta should be included in the program as geese are a major problem in their yards. One resident counted over 60 geese on their beach at one time and indicated that the goose droppings create quite a mess. I ~~~; rf ) 1 ..L- ), ,,'f '. ,./ - i" G-} 1 i City Council Meeting - June 2, 1986 ~' r\., \' r:"'""" , ,(. ~ . . Approve Construction Plans and Specifications for Lake Drive East Between Highway 101 and Dakota Avenue:- - - Monk: A lot of time and thought has gone into these plans and I hesitate to run right through them. I do have exhibi ts to show easements arxi all kinds of things. Bob Fregard is here, has elected on his own to sit through am listen am to be able to answer questions. I will go over some very brief highlights. Plans do include and you will see, if you looked at the different sheets, the widening of TH 101 is quite entensive. We did include a concrete sidewalk on the north side of the street. This is an eligible MSA project cost arxi storm sewer improvements do include improving existing drainage on Dakota and will carry water down to the CPT swale and do include some easements that will have to be awliErl from the Mason Corporation for the holdings that they own in there. I am not anticipating any problems. If the Council would like me to go through the plans, I can go through them quickly or if they would just rather ask questions. I think the plans are consistent with the Feasibility Study which the Council did review quite extensively. It's a major project. I don't want to belittle it and I don't think the Council does either. The hour is late but the improvements are extensive and we could spend a lot of time. Hopefully the Council has had a chance to look at them arxi if you have questions. Resolution 86-33: Mayor Hamil ton moved, Councilman Geving seconded to approve the Construction Plans and Specifications for Lake Drive East Between Highway 101 and Dakota Avenue and the solicitation of construction bids on the improvements. All voted in favor and motion carried. Monk: I am assuming on the motion that would include authorization to proceed for acquisition of easements necessary. There are a couple of temporary easements. Park and Recreation Commission Recommendation ~ Goose PopUlation Control Program. Lori Sietsema: The Park and Recreation Commission held a public hearing on May 27, 1986 on the proposed goose population control program. The program involves removing and relocating Canadian Geese at Lake Ann, Lake Lucy and Lake Susan. Four people attended that meeting. All four of them were Minnewashta residents requesting that Lake Minnewashta be included in the program as well. They have a severe goose problem with the lake homeowners there. The Park and Recreation Commission recommended that the Ci ty proceed with the program. Made a secorxi motion suggesting that t:- Council consider Lake Minnewashta. They were unsure whether they had the) ..;thori ty to make a bonafide recommendation to include Lake Minnewashta so tney left it as a suggestion. There were other Lake Minnewashta homeowners here tonight. Because of the late hour they had to leave. There are still a few here. CXle of those was Dick Wing and he left me a note he asked me to read to you. My concern is not emotional. We have gone from intest and nuisance to outright stress. My concern is now the health arxi safety of my family. We 57 r-. r-- ~_ ~O~ \ . . . !. I i I I f f 'J ),f'J . . ", ~ -;'0_ ........ '--" -- City Council Meeting - June 2, 1986 have lost the use of our swimming raft and dock. Two major problems of recent. Overnight loss of docks am swimming raft through heavy deposits of goose droppings. Removal which necessitates shovels. Late night and early morning noise. This very morning at 4:45 a.m. more than 30 geese came onto our yard with the associated noise level. 'Ibis is a real problem. I am not asking the City to fix it but only to help me solve it. I will gladly pledge any fums necessary as may be needed and will approach additional lake homeowners for additional fums. Richard Wing. I I also have peti tons from Red Cedar Point homeowners and other Lake Minnewashta homeowners. Councilwoman Swenson: wri, do you know if O1aska has been approached on this project? Lori Sietsema: I haven't talked to anyone at O1aska. I did talk to the people at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. Councilwoman Swenson: I think O1aska might be interest in their parks there because this is a major problem down there. Mayor Hamilton: Wouldn't it be more appropriate for those people to contract on their own. We are contracting for the park, for the purpose of getting them out of the park not city wide. I guess I'm not sure if it is appropriate at this time, going aroum to every neighborhood and removing geese. It seems to be up to them as to what they should do. L Dr. Jim Cooper: University of Minnesota, Department of Fishery and Wildlife. The question at hand involves a permitting process through the Department of Natural Resources and Fish and Wildlife Service. To obtain these permits for the removal of geese from community property, involves a collected decision am approval of local authority. In other words, neither agency wants to be involved with approving removing geese unless the community itself agrees that this is a problem am should be done so. Mayor Hamilton: So supposing we go into areas where there are goose problems. Is that assessed back to them? Don Ashworth: Mr. Wing has noted his willingness to pay, we have budgeted monies under the Park am Recreation Commission for the park areas. When the item was submitted, the Park and Recreation Commission, they were concerned that they had not dealt with this type of expenditure, that they should carry out the park monies for other areas in the communi t~. I think we are in the experimental year. If I might suggest that we appl .~. ~ the program if we do have private neighborhoods who want to have thel_ area improved, we will seek their support and literally donate the funds to pay for that area. If we have a generalized, everyone appears to like this program, in the future potentially, the City could pick up the cost. Councilman Geving: wok at the number of PeOple who are interested in peti tioning. There must be 100 names here. They should be wi 11 ing to chip in something to get the problem under control. ~ 58 City Council Meeting - June 2, 1986 r Mayor Hamilton: Like Richard said, he was willing to put funds up and he thought he could get funds from the neighbors. What would be the additional cost, what do you charge per goose or how do you do that? Dr. Cooper: The cost is approximately 25% of the quoted cost. What it invol ves in an area like Lake Minnewashta would be somewhere in the range I would estimate, two-thirds of a day with a crew and trucks and that runs us, depending on the travel distance and logistics, anywhere from $500.00 to $700.00. Mayor Hamilton: I think we ought to go ahead and go up there and with that amount of money, I think we should probably do that. Councilwoman Watson: 0:> the geese arrive there well, do they, in Oklahoma or wherever we ship them off to? They stay there next spring? They will go back to Oklahoma? r Dr. Cooper: Yes they do. The majority of them stay there. The work that we have been doing is experimental. That is why the Uni versi ty involved with it. If it was operational, we had all the answers, then the University would not be involved. Our estimates on work we have done in Minneapolis, Golden Valley and now in New Brighton at the International Airport, indicates that, in round figures, 85% of the geese that are transported to Oklahoma, remain there. The other 15%, for some reason, like Minnesota and all our nice weather in the summer, and find their way back. We are working closely with both the Department of Natural Resources as well as the Fish and Wildlife Service to have an alternative site and will be using an alternative site this year. We hope that we can eliminate this return. It does reduce the effectiveness and extends the length of time it takes to obtain a population reduction. The other part of your question is that all transportation and handling of these birds adheres to all of the ordinances passed by both State as well as Humane Society ordinances and requirements. ~)t'-,tL..A- 1 -- The question was asked if anyone had petitioned from Lake Susan. Lori Sietsema said that no one had. The person from the public indicated that he thought they were the most beautiful site you can see on the lake. Lori Sietsema stated that Dr. Cooper's staff does a survey on the lakes and their goal is for three pairs per lake. If three pairs is all that is on the lake, then they wouldn't do any removal of geese. Ray Redker stated he lived on the north shore in Sterling Estates. When he buil t his house in 1976, there were two geese. Last summer he co '.:.<1 110 on his property. There are usually 6-8 small ones per pair and i~ is mul tiplying. J Alfred Smith collected the signatures on the petition. They were all from lake property owners on the lake. He indicated that the $700.00 Dr. Cooper indicated, taxes should cover the additional cost of $700.00. Councilwoman Swenson asked if the geese were taken as family groups. 59 ..-.. f') -., '#-J.-'''~,",h /...1'.:.. v . . . t.') (.),~ .{.!J00 . \,,) I, 1/ . ~ I !..J (.V ~V',.rl/ V t..' '''I rl j . City Council Meeting - June 2, 1986 Dr. Cooper: When we catch the geese, they are caught as family groups. However, the adults are sent to Oklahoma and the immature birds are separated and released here in Minnesota. That is a very successful program. The mature birds will call home that place they learn to fly, just as the geese that originally started here, did so. The immatures are released in State approved areas in coordination with the Department of Natural Resources where sportsmen and other folks desire additional geese. Not in urban or suburban areas. I Lori Sietsema: The funds required are $3,36~.~~ per year for a four year program. Councilwoman Swenson: Do we have to take the whole four year program. We might decide we don't like it after a couple of years. Lori Sietsema: In the Park and Recreation Commission recommendation they did recomnend that we evaluate the program on an annual basis. Mayor Hamil ton: We need an addi tional $5~~.~~ to $7~~.~~ to cover Lake Minnewashta so if we go to $4,~~~.~~ that should be reasonable cost. Mayor Hamil ton moved, Councilman Geving seconded to approve the Goose Population Control Program and allocate $4,~~~.~~ per year to accomplish the goal and include Lake Minnewashta. All voted in favor and motion carried. Dr. Cooper: The Canadian Goose is here to stay and this is one thing when we talked to the Park and Recreation Commission, is even if you elect to eliminated all geese in Chanhassen, that the geese in adjacent comunities will pioneer into here so I want to very upfront on this that this is to some degree an ongoing program of goose control. However, I feel it is much more widely than the individual owner needs. We are hoping to coordinate the the Met Council and look at this in a much broader issue because we talking l~,~~~ geese and that is up from l,~~~ in 1973 and it could 20-100,000 if these programs aren't implemented. Accept Feasibility Study for Water Trunk Line and Storage Facility Improvements. l Monk: Again I am sorry for the lateness of the hour because this is a major issue that needs to be addressed by the City Council. At this point in time I am going to let the report and comments speak for themselves. I am recommending that the Council accept the Feasibility Study and - Ithorize scheduling of a public hearing at which time we will be able to gL ':nto the details of the proposal at much more depth. The j ist of the proposal is basically that I have found that the construction of a tower and two trunk lines in Chanhassen are very much needed at this point in time and I am recommending that trunk lines be constructed and fully assessed where the Silica Reservoir be funded by the City using the directed general funds. The Manager's office has done extensive work in that area and will be prepared to review the finances on June 9th with City Council as you look at your upcoming bond issue. I can not overstate the need for the ~ ~ 60 CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 30, 1986 TO: Park and Recreaton Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinator~ RE: Red Cedar Point Homeowner's Request for Feasibility Study and Cost Estimate for Bike Path Along Minnewashta Pkwy The Red Cedar Point Homeowners Association has requested that the City initiate a feasibility study for a pedestrian trail from Highway 5 to Highway 7, along Minnewashta Parkway. They are interested in knowing if such a trail is feasible and, if so, what the project costs would be. Such a project would involve employing a firm such as Van Doren Hazard Stallings to prepare designs for the trail, cost estima- tes, and calculations of estimated assessment. A feasibility study is quite detailed and most likely not an inexpensive item. I will have a rough estimate of how much consultant fees will be at Tuesdays meeting. This request provides the Park and Recreation Commission with the opportunity to look at the broader picture of bike trails in Chanhassen. Now may be the time to look to preparing a compre- hensive bike path plan for the City. The Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 1980, is quite vague ,in the section on bike paths and is has not outlined a definite plan for such. Residents are becoming more and more active and are looking for a safe way to walk, run or bike around the City. A comprehensive pedestrian trailway would involve connecting neighborhoods to each other, connecting neighborhoods to the downtown area and to schools, and possibly connect our COmmuntiy to neighboring com- munities. 1 . . The Park and Recreation Commission is being asked to authorize a feasibility study for a pedestrian trail along Minnewashta Park- way. This office is recommending that the Commission authorize a feasibility study for a comprehensive trailway that would not . only address Minnewashta Parkway, but the entire City. . . . ~I a y 9, 1986 Mr. Don Ashworth City Manager City of Chanhassen P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Ashworth; SUBJECT: Feasability of and cost of walk/bike pathway along Minnewashta Parkway I am writing for the benefit of between Highway 5 and Highway 7, access to their property. the Chanhassen residents, located that use Minnewashta Parkway for It was unanimously decided that the property owners would like to see a right away for walkers, joggers, and bike riders along our scenic Minnewashta Parkway. This can be the park and recreation development for this area. The result of the petition clearly defines that most of the citizens can use this walk/bike pathway. The definition of "unanimously decided" is derived from the results of our petition. There are 179 households in the area of concern. 124 or 70% of these households were contacted. 98% (121) households are in favor 2% (3) households are not. The petition is enclosed. We respectfully request that you and your department put this request before the appropriate body (department, commision or full counsel) on as early a time frame as possible and before Minnewashta Parkway goes into major spring repair which could affect the decision by the appropriate governing body regarding the funding for this much needed improvement. Kespectfully submitted, _//L[Vl(1 Greg Dattilo, President (612) 474-0U65 7201 Juniper Ave Excelsior, MN 55331 GD:bb pc: Barb Dacy City Planner Bill Monk City Engineer RECE,.'ED MAY - 9 1986 C'T'lOF CHANHASSEN DIU /-s/'O/U / WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY . SAFE WALK/BIKE WE THE UNDERSIGNED ARE IN FAVOR OF A PROPOSED, RIGHT-AWAY ON MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. NAME ADDRESS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 . 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( /. _ _ ----_~~lC~__~~________~_____________________ 22. ~~.f .3t?93 // /r .sS::f( r 23.~::- -- ~--:~:::::::::::~:::::=~~~==s2:=:~:;:CC~~~ 24._~~_~ ~C/7-~-------------1-2-~-~2:---:~-----:~------- 2S.~/ :k=-~"_.-----_3-r..f2~L!.~~--------- . . . WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY WE THE UNDERSIGNED ARE IN FAVOR OF CONDUCTING A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A SAFE WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY ON MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. NAME ADDRESS -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~J~jJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.~~jC,"__________~~:(!__~L&~&__~J~______________________ 3.C(~____-L!I~~~______~jf~__~<:~~~___~L~_____________ 4'~~_~J~___-------~:------------~~--------------------_ 5 . .C~1.:..~~~-{~'i.L&ui.l~fC?-:..___02~:LL_.::iL!i.~_~_Qf!.fJ___L~_e._________ .6 :::ii~~1rL47.~L~-----~~---------------.!-C------------------ 7.__ .~~~~________~~1f__~~D~~__Q~~f~________________ ~ If If II :: - /.1L~(l_ / · q ~~------~----;j-:JI:3:--(;!---:---=---------- _tf~~ ~~~__________~____________~__~~___________ ~- ....... ,/ wd4' './ d& --?:j'SL'" I ..? .~ 10. . I . 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NAKE ADDRESS -:~~~.V"".-. i!i..'ZT7-Z:);[.2.. ~~~~~f;;3{~~CL~d:u~~~1:1. ~~::.:::~~~~~~~~~ 6'";- ~ /2/&./--" // /7 // /" .-; /" ~ 2 . _J~~~~--~~____i.!l'fJ_a.LZ.:fI.L_~~~-Lj~__..(:~z:___~"Z-__ ::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /1 _/ ~~ .'~ II I _'I - _ I 5. --~~LC~_2.LY1LQ1~_~)"';__~,,____~_____________ 6 .~ '-) C 1/ Ii' 1/. 1/1 ~ ' ._d2~_~_~~~______________________________________________________ . l ! 7. ~-u~. ',//4.1) . -:!1S9/+. /l .1., j ...~_ ~ \./ ~T.~~~. _:';!t;. -?~r:!:t:-~.;.~; ------ .' --~. ____~~:zul...-- --. -.:-----.~. --------- / '/' I, ~ ~""\? /''''~) ~... :' ,..-, 1 r. I ,. r../ ,f I I v" / / 8,._!y_ _ ,,-,1-T " . . -7--~S.jL. ~~_ -1' ~.'.' ~___q~__ _.~.-:;;:;::"----- fl//I# " ., .- "', V' /i;: , '~ 9. it tj. 1_- ~-. /. " 3;- 7"" ~ CC&...~U (. /'. 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OF PROPOSED, A SAFE WALK/BIKE NAME ADDRESS 1. -~_t3d/..ZZ'o<~______..3r;23J~e..o._~~.,.&_4Z.~~.la......;i:t'-3~1 2. o8z.p c:r ~~ 0 6:>- . - - - 3~o 3 /Za...e... /' - - Pr- If ,- ." 3. ~-;;;n~lJ:;;))};;~~~~~~~~~-;;;'lu-;JL-;;;;Ha~ifi~-~~~~~~~~ ~' I. t- .1; I', Ii ,'.- r.r.., .,.... I' ,,, 4 . . .:;L'~~::'> _ _!..i.l:i~b.:.. i.L ~:L ~__________l:.:..9.;..t::.LL_ __________________ __________ t~ '" ..,) . "".r I, II I J s. ~~~~~~~~~--L~~-!~~~-------~Jt]-Q-----------------------______ /v' C I, 1\ t ~ 6.~~__L~~L__ !2~~___________,-!~G_____________________________ l ....... /'.. . t/ 1/ ~ r.l' I:)' /: 7 . __~!:.f.1;..~t::.._~is._~~~~-----------l'k2-------------~~-------_______ 8 ~~\jJ~~.!l----------7~!2.QS#i~~d.~!.----------- 9 f( (7'(( ~ 7" _. IV/!.J ( ", A.. / , . ~-. -#. - -. -:---.-... -2--. --.-. ..--..---------. -. - _____~..e:--...-:-'.l-. ' -....lr -~ ...;....-.. -..-...--- ------ 'fA i . /:""' -- C...., /' l /'. 10 / a(,,'IJJ:" .. ,/ /. 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OF A PROPOSED, SAFE WALK/BI. NAME ADDRESS --------------------------------------------------- --------------__~~~l:_~~~------- ----t--------~_::\-1;;:;-~~-~~-------- 3. __ ----ie~~--------~--~----- <I. ~_ 8Jj;l---~fJL~--&:4----------- 5. . ~~~ 6----------{Q~!:IQ__/C;u~---.6L_____ 6.~~~~~- -----------~Sba- 7.---J:7~_E3~_______________~~ ~~~___ 8 .~iU~-----------UfQ-mD{1k-'!r&-~----------- 9.___________________________________________________________________ 10._________________________________________________________________... 11.___________________________________________________________________ 12.___________________________________________________________________ 13.___________________________________________________________________ 14.__________________________________________________________________ 15.___________________________________________________________________ 16. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. ----------------------~-------------------------------------------- 21. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. 23._________________________________________________________________~ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * .SIGNING- OF'T/-I/5 r'ETII/ON /.5 ,0 5i-16tA.' I N If MltJ tJ& W 115H fit fl1RI<. w 11 y W4l.f.( / BII<. C P /IT"', fA.,'AY /IN APff?.DVI'U, Fort A[:)DlrION~L T~~~T/ON Of<.. Fol< SA I i) IN A J...k W..qy. COMMUNITY /Nrci. II I SIN NO Ilsst3ss, 1113111 TS . WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY () (/UI ) I ~,-.-J v WE THE UNDERSIGNED ARE IN FAVOR RIGHT-AWAY ON KINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. OF A PROPOSED, SAFE WALK/BIKE >f ADDRESS NAME 1. ---------------------~---------------------------------- ~____t~-- ~7L:2f-c:.LjJiN'.Jl!L~2J~--.BA~- 2.~~ ____ _~__~~__ _;__ ~~~--~~Ll------~-~--------~~-- 3. _J.2~/~-:f--(i~-~------~j-~i--~~-M.!--- 4. --~.Li::::-.L.4~4--dL~-----..;U'-a-Z-~~~-~-!i{'( 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. 7. 8. 9. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------_._- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------~-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.___________________________________________________---------------- . 23. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24.___________________________________________________---------------- 25.___________________________________________________----------------- ..s / 6 /1/ I/L'C cF 7#/J /)c; T /710/1/ ...sr/G/C.:/ CC~~q~rrt'......... /' j:J/1/lIt"W",f" luac.../('/4/K(' ,P/1-~H., r"'/( M~/7~.#"'(. ;?/}~"'7/CVV o~ 1-5 70 ;J:./V 7'C7lES r r7 I~ liv fJS 5 E3S.~7'j //11 n /?7 //1" /f/ IE tu /'I..jI-/7"';9 WAr ~J'I "/~/lClf./l4l. ..s~I;; Wl4t~U/"Y WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY /VC; F<-r WE TnF. UNDERSIGNED RIGHT-AWAY ON ARE tlINNEWASHTA IN FAVOR PARKWAY. OF A PROPOSED, SAFE . WALK/BIKE NAME ADDRESS -:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. ;/} -----.Jfi'a--~---c4~----________ 3.__~ ') ~---3j9~-~-~:::.2JfH~ 4 · L" ~-:._--:------~?~--~(.~~-[}~g:!:.--::._~7..~:.~!p.__ s. -------------------------------------------------------- 6. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10._________________________________________________________________~ 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.___________________________________________________________________ 13. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. ------------------------------------------------------------------- '. 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. ----------------------~-------------------------------------------- 21. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 23__________________________________________________________________~ 24. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2S. ------------------------------------------------------------------- G~~~ ~~u L-\\t\- s'\~ WE THE UNDERSIGNED RIGHT-AWAY ON ARE KINNEWASHTA IN FAVOR PARKWAY. RIGHT-AWA'F.-tA5\ Bl L..I TY 5TU(JY A A PROPOSED.. SAFE WALK/BIKE FbI2- k- . WALK/BIKE OF 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. NAME ^__/, _\~ ADDRESS -:~~-7\-~-~--:----~:~~-~?~-:----~---.-;;-----~----~-.------~-~-- · -~~-~-11 -- _________r.;;1kjYJJJII'fJi:J;]!~~a!:LfLL__ 2. _____1_~_~PP.._~:-~~-A~9L};~~Lf!g~3~-L))r- 17.___________________________________________________________________ - 18._~_________________________________________________________________ 19.___________________________________________________________________ 20.______________________~_____-----------------------________________ 21.___________________________________________________________________ 22.___________________________________________________________________ . 23.___________________________________________________________________ 24.___________________________________________________________________ 25.___________________________________________________---------------- WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY WE THE UNDERSIGNED ARE IN FAVOR OF FOR A SAFE WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY ON CONDUCTING A FEASIBILITY MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. STUDY . NAME ADDRESS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.-~~~-~~~~€~~--________________l~~~_~J~~~i~_~~____________ 2 · t1aJ-~-?1~~raJ-------------~:i.~(j--L..a~/I;J-~------_______ 3.-~~__~~~___________~!~Q____{~2~__~_~_________ 4 ::.5~2!t;t~J.2,1.r~..v&~------6..IgL--tJ_:iJJ.\i."---C;;J.!::---------- 5.___________________________________________________________________ .6. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10._________________________________________________________________~ 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. ------------------------------------------------------------------- '. 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 23.__________________________________________________________________~ 24. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. ------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . -S I (; IV 1;7,'6 c F r // / .s l/C T I 7t 0/1./ I -5 "7 (/ 0Hc-'~'c./ C v rn ","? tt"',vt'.....,. {"-" ;J:./V7'etE51 J/v 19 /"'/I-'/tI~t<//1.sI-17'-'9 P~/l/('Wj1'J?, luCd../C-/4/K(' /-'~"#~ . - /tiC! WA t" ,4 p )'1/"/10(./;9'- rC//( /J()~/7~-- ,II/(. ;?/?.c-",. 7/C/-AJ (/.If :r: 7 Is /IV .54/;' WIGJt.J:"WlI/y flS5e55p,ov'tj FG r WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY WE THE UNDERSIGNED ARE IN FAVOR OF A PROPOSED, SAFE WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY ON KINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. NAME ADDRESS -:~~-----~--~~1l:::.rj1;~~:~~~~~(q~:~~~it.~h::~~~ 2.-f;;;~~~_Af}L~_~?-_~Ib~__ 3.~~_~. __. _.~_-___-_-_-__~~~~~~~~~_~\-~_~~~~~~--__-- 4 ~Dr--------~a12L4d~JJ.--__EK.~:'_-------- 5 . -:j-~-----~J/1i~~--_---.:3_j~_GU~_Id:__E~.Q:J~<::.c____ G._-~~---~_____.320L__GY~~__~~~kA.__ 7._-~_~________________}2~L__~__2l~___~~_~~_______ 8.__~..~~., _ sl.~_-~-- ________~_~Q~__~.~~~---~-------------- 'I//~ I. /J m'" ~Lt Ii 9 . . .,? /- < ~ /y,/.' .,,) ) :J- I ~ I 1-..,........ . ~. .~. ~-;_-'lfy. -.U-':-:-.-r _ --------~-----;;?- ~ <l. "'-'--. -. ------. ---,--- \ I. 1 . ~(yt-~ _'7 I 10 . ::"~~Cj~'iJ:.~0~,-~':{_ __~J.L_~1______.29;6~___~ ::'~.:.~-_t:.ItJ!b'=i~__ '" I --tv 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -. 18. . ------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.___________________________________________________________________ 20.______________________~____________________________________________ 21.___________________________________________________________________ 22.___________________________________________________________________ 23.___________________________________________________________________ 24.___________________________________________________________________ 25.___________________________________________________________________ WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY WE THE FOR A UNDERSIGNED ARE IN FAVOR OF SAFE WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY ON CONDUCTING A FEASIBILITY MINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. STUDY . NAME ADDRESS ---------------~------------------------~C\~-~-7~--------~---- 1. _~__________________~~____~ - - ---------------~~:2J__~~~~--~~ ~~--------bs:J8---~lli~ ~--------------~-~--~---- 2. 3. 4. 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------- .6. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. 10.------------------------------------------------------------------~ --------------------__________kY____________________________________ 11. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. ------------------------------------------------------------------- '. 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. ----------------------~-------------------------------------------- 21. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 220_________________________________________________________________~ 23. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ~c(J c ~O AI< fd(JUT . WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY WE THE UNDERSIGNED ARE IN FAVOR OF A PROPOSED~ SAFE WALK/BIKE RIGHT-AWAY ON KINNEWASHTA PARKWAY. NAME ADDRESS -::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~----------------------------------~---~------------------ 3:~~_______________~Z~~__~!~~~~~__~_~_______ 4(-- _Iz~~ZL;?(~____3.'2ErL5.Q_~~J)}___________ s .~~_______~__~X~Q__R~_C:i~_J?,l-__::'___ :: ~-~-~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~=~~=~==~-~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. 9. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- , 18.___________________________________________________________________ 19.___________________________________________________________________ 20.______________________~____________________________________________ 21.___________________________________________________________________ 22.___________________________________________________________________ .. 23.___________________________________________________________________ 24.___________________________________________________________________ 25.___________________________________________________---------------- C ITV 0 F CHAHHASSEH ~ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 30, 1986 TO: Park and Recreaton Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator RE: Minnewashta Regional Park request to allow camping Attached please find a request from the Minnewashta Regional Park asking the City to consider a variation on their Park Comprehen- sive Plan. Mike Liddicoat will be attend Tuesday nights meeting to present this item. . . . - , . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (612) 448-3435 CARVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 600 EAST FOURTH STREET CHASKA. MINNESOTA 55318 COUNTY Of CAQVEQ May 14, 1986 Mr. Don Ashworth, City Manager City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O.Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Don: . As I previously discllssed with you over the phone, the County has received an inquiry from Allen Hasse, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 327 of Waconia and representing the Minnetonka District Boy Scouts of America to see if the District can hold an "0rder of the Arrow" camporee in Lake Minnewashta Park on September 7th, 8th and 9th of this year. Allen indicated to me that the event will con- sist of about 100 Boy Scouts representing 22 different southwest metro area troops, including two from Chanhassen. If you have ever been into scouting, you may know that the "0rder of the Arrow" represents the elite of the scouts from each troop. While the scouts are in the park, they are willing to donate their labor towards any of a number of projects we can come up with. The camporee request, however, brings up an issue which mayor may not be of concern to the City of Chanhassen. The issue is "group reserved camping" as defined in the Lake Minnewashta Park Master Plan and whether the County should allow it to take place in the park now, outside the designated area, or wait until well into the future when the designated area is ready to accomodate this type of camping. (This Boy Scout camporee request is exactly what we had in mind when the concept of "group reserved camping" was added to the master plan.) In the master plan, the group reserved camping area lies west of the Ches-Mar Farms complex on land that until recently was in agricultural production. It has since been seeded into park grass. We are in the process of preparing a "big \'/oods" reforestation plan for the area, but even if funds would permit us to plant trees this year, it will obviously be a long time before the area can support camping activities. Based on this request, the County would like to knowhow the City of Chanhassen views this issue. As you may agree, the issue is argumentative. On one hand, - the camporee should not be approved because the camping itself would be in an area other than the designated camping area. On the other hand, the concept of "group reserved camping" was endorsed by the City, County and Metropolitan Council when each approved the master plan, so maybe it shouldn't matter to any of us where the scouts camp in the park. If it is the City's opinion that we should wait to allow group reserved camping in the park, our answer to the Boy Scout . District can be a simple "no" at this time. If it is City opinion that the camporee should be allowed to take place now, we would also have to know the RECEi.'C:O Afflrmatrue Action Equal OpportUn/tv Employer MAY 1 9 1986 CITY Of:' r.1-I6Nl-IA~~f:'N CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH /;)... ,\ . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 .,' .'.','-- E-,c, '~e';~_ ,,---, J,A,jihj____ MEMORANDUM fle""t-.;' ~ Dal- (; //3./ -}--_ Date SL~;1(!I'~ I;~ · TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager 'r FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinat~J~\' June 13, 1986 011. Sur,":';'; " _~.!..uv._--- DATE: SUBJ: Minnewashta Regional Park Request to Allow "Group Reserved Camping" in Non-Designated Areas The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed Mike Liddicoat's attached request to allow "group reserved camping" in non-designated areas. . The Minnewashta Regional Park was issued a conditional use permit by the City based on park uses outlined in the Master Park Plan. "Group reserved camping" is identified as an allowable activity and the master plan has designated an area for such. However, this area is still undeveloped and not ready for this type of activity. Mike Liddicoat, Carver County Park Director, has received a request for group camping. The County Park Commission is in favor of allowing this activity in an alternate location, but felt that the City should be consulted on this modification to the master plan. Park and Recreation Commission Action: The Park and Recreation Commission moved to recommend that the City approve the modification of the Minnewashta Regional Park Master Plan to allow "group reserved camping" in non-designated areas on an interim basis at the discretion of the County Park Commission. All voted in favor and the motion carried. . . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (612) 448.3435 CARVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 600 EAST FOU RTH STREET CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 COUNTY Of CAQVEQ May 14, 1986 ~k. Don Ashworth, Ci ty Manager City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive, P.O.Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Don: . As I previously discussed with you over the phone, the County has received an inquiry from Allen Hasse, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 327 of Waconia and representing the Minnetonka District Boy Scouts of America to see if the District can hold an "0rder of the Arrow" camporee in Lake Minnewashta Park on September 7th, 8th and 9th of this year. Allen indicated to me that the event will con- sist of about 100 Boy Scouts representing 22 different southwest metro area troops, including two from Chanhassen. If you have ever been into scouting, you may know that the "0rder of the Arrow" represents the elite of the scouts from each troop. While the scouts are in the park, they are willing to donate their labor towards any of a number of projects we can come up with. . The camporee request, however, brings up an issue which mayor may not be of concern to the City of Chanhassen. The issue is "group reserved camping" as defined in the Lake Minnewashta Park Master Plan and whether the County should allow it to take place in the park now, outside the designated area, or wait until well into the future when the designated area is ready to accomodate this type of camping. (This Boy Scout camporee request is exactly what we had in mind when the concept of "group reserved camping" was added to the master plan.) In the master plan, the group reserved camping area lies west of the Ches-Mar Farms complex on land that until recently was in agricultural production. It has since been seeded into park grass. We are in the process of preparing a "big woods" reforestation plan for the area, but even if funds would permit us to plant trees this year, it will obviously be a long time before the area can support camping activities. Based on this request, the County would like to know how the City of Chanhassen views this issue. As you may agree, the issue is argumentative. On one hand, the camporee should not be approved because the camping itself would be in an area other than the designated camping area. On the other hand, the concept of "group reserved camping" was endorsed by the City, County and Metropolitan Council when each approved the master plan, so maybe it shouldn't matter to any of us where the scouts camp in the park. If it is the City's opinion that we should wait to allow group reserved camping in the park, our answer to the Boy Scout District can be a simple "no" at this time. If it is City opinion that the camporee should be allowed to take place now, we would also have to know the RECEiVED Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer MAY 1 9 1986 page 2 ~1r. Don Ashworth answers to the following questions: . 1. Even though the designated area for "group reserved campi ng" is not yet ready, does the City agree that these types of camporees for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls, church groups, etc. should be encouraged? Or does the City approve of just this specific Boy Scout camporee request? 2. If the City approves of and encourages thi s type of campi ng now, does the City want to be notified each time the County park system gets such requests? If so, on an advisory or approval basis? The County Park Commission will be discussing this same issue at their May meeting. For your part Don, I would appreci~te it if you could forward this information to the Chanhassen City Council for their consideration. In the meantime, I'll let Mr. Hasse know that an answer to the Boy Scout District camporee request is forthcoming. Thanks for your help, Don. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ~~ Mike Liddicoat Park Di rector . MWL/bm cc: Wayne Fransdal, Chair Carver County Park Commission . EXCERPT OF JUNE 3, 1986 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES . Mike Liddicoat, Park Director for Carver County, attended the Park and Recreation Commission meeting to discuss the request to consider a variation of the Master Park Plan to allow "group reserved camping" in non-designated areas. Liddicoat began by saying that the County Park Commission is asking the City of Chanhassen for advice. He said that the Minn- ewashta Regional Park Master Plan was put together by the City, the County and the Metropolitan Council in 1982 and that the plan designated an area within the park for "group reserved camping". This type of activity involves an organized group, such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or church groups, requesting a permit allowing them to camp in the park. The master plan spells out what group camping is and identifies an area for such. Liddicoat said that although the master plan allows for group camping, the designated area is not ready for such use. He said that he felt the City may want to be part of this decision as to whether or not to allow this activity at this time. . Lynch said that he did not feel this was a decision to be made by the City, but by the County, as they would have to handle it. Ashworth pointed out that it is a conditional use permit and the City Council did review the Master Plan before it was adopted. He said the Council would be looking for a statement from this group as to whether this should be allowed to take place. Lynch said that it was his opinion that this request be denied until the area designated for group camping is ready. Boyt asked what would have to be done to prepare this area. Lid- dicoat said that it would have to be forested. Robbins asked what the disadvantage would be to allow this request at this time. Liddicoat said that basically the disad- vantage is that the area is not ready and another area would have to be used, and extra satellites would be rented for that area. Mady asked if approving this request would set a precedent for any future requests, even if the County did not want to allow a certain group in. Liddicoat said that he could not think of an undesirable group. McKay asked what the County wanted to do. Liddicoat said that they were unsure. Their first thought was to approve the request but then thought they should get Chanhassen's input. He said the County Commission is in support of the request, but wanted to know the City's opinion. . Boyt suggested having the group pay for the extra satellites. Lynch suggested they have the group (a Boy Scout group) work on the undeveloped area, as these campers are supposed to be a working group. McKay summarized by saying that the concept of group camping has been approved in the master plan but the area identified for this type of activity is not yet ready and the park director does not have a problem with finding an alternative location for group camping. . He stated that allowing this group to camp in an alternate location sets a precedent and it will have to be allowed in the future. He said that he felt this was not the City's jurisdiction, but the County's. Liddicoat said that the County makes the final decision but were seeking advice form the City. Rosenwald said that if it would be 10-15 years before the designated area was ready, he would be in favor of finding a tem- porary location. Robbins moved to endorse the "Order of the Arrow" Camporee at Minnewashta Regional Park on September 7th, 8th, and 9th and advise the County to explain to the scouts what the basic rules of the camps site are. McKay seconded the motion. Robinson said that there had been two points made in Mr. Liddicoat's letter1 if we approve this request, should this type of activity be encouraged or does the City only approve of this specific Boy Scout Camporee request1 and if the City approves of and encourages this type of camping, does the City want to review each request? Lynch said that he did not feel this Commission should be recommending something that we have no jurisdiction over. Robbins said that this was not a recommendation but an endorsement. Ashworth said that the action that the Commission will be taking . is a recommendation to the City Council. We do have a con- ditional use permit with them in the master plan and the master plan designates areas for specific use. What you will be doing is to modify the master plan to show an alternate area for "group reserved camping" for a specific amount of time. Robbins amended the motion to read as follows: the Commssion recommends the approval of modifying the Minnewashta Regional Park Master Plan to allow "group reserved camping" in non- designated areas on an interim basis at the discretion of the County Park Commission. The motion carried unanimously. . ~.2 DD . "'( ~/ ~I . '\.p v:.,j Chanhassen City Council Meeting - June 16, 1986 -:::J '\ Don Kelley stated the reason they were here is because George Donnelly suggested it. He felt he already had signatures and addresses from all the neighbors on a petition form with the question on the form of are you interested in installation of sanitary sewer. He said he would like to go back to these people arrl say that a preliminary study says that we are looking at $42,000.00 divided 16 ways plus what it costs to do this and that. Councilman Geving stated that if the decision is made to go with this project, it is all or none arrl everyone would be included in this project with an assessment. Don Kelley stated there wasn't anyone that was strongly opposed. He felt people would be more responsive is they had a firm yearly figure for oest. Councilwoman Swenson stated it would appear we have an emergency here and we are talking about something that is going to take a considerable period of time. Don Kelley stated that there weren't any problems with sewer backing up into the house at this point but it might begin again in September. His problem appears to be from runoff of rain water in the spring and when there are very heavy rains. Mayor Hamilton stated he should use the City's Petition form. The City Attorney stated he should use that arrl have the residents sign it as an official form then the City can go ahead with a feasibility study and he didn't think it would take that long. Don Kelley asked what could be done in the interim of completing the petition form. Councilman Horn asked is the Council could make a motion tonight with a condition of the Staff receiving the Petition. Roger Knutson stated 35% of the frontage would be required to proceed. Resolution 86-40: Councilman Horn moved, Mayor Hamil ton seconded to approve the feasibility study to the time of receipt by the Staff of an acceptable petition for sewer. All voted in favor and motion carried. Councilwoman Swenson stated it was her understanding that this would go through an assessment policy procedure and if you have retired people and senior ci ti zens, there is a senior ci ti zen deferment policy in the €vent of hardship. Request to Allow "Group Reserved Camping" in Non-camping Areas at - -- Minnewashta Regional Park. Lori Sietsema: We have a request from the County Park Commission to consider allowing group reserved camping in a non-designated area. The master plan for the Minnewashta Regional Park designates an area for group 40 f r l ~ I '( -) ~. " c> t L I ,,~-' Q .~ _t fL.} Chanhassen City Council Meeting - June 16, 1986 camping as opposed to just individuals corning and camping. One area for big groups to come in with a capacity being of about 450 people~ '!hat area is still an open field that hasn't had trees planted on it, it is not ready for that use yet. '!he park has received a request from a Boy Scout troop to hold a camporee there. Because it would be held in a different location than designated in the master plan, the park decided they should come to the City to see if that would be allowed. We have a coniitional use permi ts that states that the City wouldn't have authority over development standards unless it was different from scopin.;J capacities in the master plan. '!he master plan also shows that a temporary area could be used for this purpose until the area was ready. . Lori Sietsema than went to the overhead to show where the area was located on the map. Mayor Hamil ton asked if the request was corning from the County. Lori Sietsema stated the request was corning from the Park Director, Mark Liddicoat. The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this and basically recommended that the comi tional use permit be modified to allow this at the discretion of the County Park Board. Councilwoman Swenson stated the letter from Mr. Liddicoat presented two questions. She agreed that the City should be notified and approve each time the County park system gets such requests. She disagree with the theory that there are not undesirable groups. . Mayor Ham il ton: I think the request has to go through them. He has to approve it first. If somebody is going to in there and camp, if this is a group they have to get permission fran the County. Lori Sietsema: group they are. be for. '!hey have to get permission and describe what kind of a It outlines in the master plan the type of groups it would Councilwoman Swenson asked if it was within the confines of the City and she felt it wouldn't take much time to approve each group or not. Councilman Geving stated the question is how many groups does he get in the course of a year. Councilwoman Watson stated it probably wouldn't be more than 1 or 2. Councilman Geving: I think the answer am we need to responi to h~m on this or Lori, I suppose, I would say my answer to number 1 would be yes, we would encourage this type of activity, the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Church Groups and so forth. We should encourage this. '!he seconi one, as far as I'm concerned I don't care if we are notified or not. Counci 1 woman Watson stated she cared. She thought the County should be responsible for the policing ani making sure these groups stay within the confines of the park. . 41 e)-,' l.t ~..1... -'- , :. \: ,)) . -~ ,r5, . ) l~ / ^.' \1.1(; ~/ <6~"~ . Chanhassen City Council Meeting - June 16, 1986 Councilman Geving: '!hey are now. I think they have that charge. Councilwoman Swenson: They ask us if we want to have this approval basis and I think we should accept it. If they hadn't felt they would be receptive to the idea of an approval from the City, they wouldn't have asked. Since they have asked, it seems to me perfectly logical that we say yes we appreciate having this on an approval basis. I can't fim fault with that. '!he City should know what groups are going in there and say whether or not they are agreeable to it. r Don Ashworth asked if there was a mechanism that would spell out certain groups. His wife is involved with the Girl Scouts and they are volunteers who sometimes forget they need permits and it is the last minute before they finally call am ask to use the park. Lori Sietsema stated there was list of groups. In the master plan it specifically states the groups that would be allowed. Mayor Hamilton moved, Councilman Horn seconded to approve the Request to allow "Group Reserved Camping" in Non-camping Areas in the Minnewashta Regional Park with the list of approved groups that can use it such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, etc. The list that is in the Master Plan and should there be some group that wouldn't be on the list, the Council should be notified and asked for approval. All voted in favor and motion carried. Don Ashworth stated he would ask Mike Liddicoat to provide an annual report at the em of each year as to the total usage am by what groups. l Authorization to Proceed with Development Plans and Specifications for Lake Ann Park BallfIeld Lightingproject. - - - Councilwoman Swenson moved, Councilman Horn seconded to approve the authorizaton to proceed with development plans am specifications for Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting project. All voted in favor and motion carried. Mayor Hamilton asked if this would start in August. Lori Sietsema said it would probably start in August after the ball season is over. Revise 1986 Budget, Defease Lake Ann Park Bonds. Resolution 86-41: Councilman Geving moved, Councilwoman Watson seconded to amend the 1986 Budget to allow for prepayment of the Lake Ann Expansion contract for deed. All voted in favor am motion carried. . Approve Specifications for 1986 Sealcoating Program. Bill Monk presented a map showing what has been accomplished the last two years and what will be accomplished this year. '!he City will get to about 42 b q. CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 31, 1986 TO: Park and Recreation Commission 1 FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~,\ .}~ SUBJ: Lake Ann Park Expansion Property Approxiamtely two years ago the City negotiated a purchase of approximately 20 acres for the expansion of Lake Ann Park. Payment of the purchase price was anticipated to occur through . park dedication fees. A net interest rate of 9% was negotiated - such being very favorable at that time. Our current position is: - Monies are currently available and are in escrow to pay the full cost for the Lake Ann expansion~ and - Current interest earnings on City investments are signifi- cantly lower than the 9% being paid on the 5 year contract. with the concurrence of the Park and Recreation Commission, this office will process full payment of the outstanding balance when due in August of this year. . . CITY 0 F CHARHASSER Iv 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordi na tor ~() ,--,,/y' DATE: June 2, 1986 L SUBJ: Plans and Specs for Ballfield Lighting Project . Chanhassen received a 1986 LCMR Grant for the lighting of Ballfield #1 at Lake Ann Park. Before we can proceed with this project, it is necessary to have plans and specifications pre- pared. Staff is requesting that the Commission authorize staff to have plans and specifications prepared by a consultant, such as Van Doren-Hazard-Stallings for the Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project. . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH /5 ". 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 . v/ r J'~. < ~/IJ /.;." r'_,l J,...I....__. MEMORANDUM V.c ;'cJ Lc Gt'7~';C> FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation '/J/ tf ,__ lh:r ~~,; ~,,., "',r. I Coordinator _---lLLI~/J'(,--, TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: June 13, 1986 , Lake Ann Ballfield Lighting Project ~.~ SUBJ: As you know, the City of Chanhassen received a 1986 LCMR develop- ment grant for the ballfield lighting project at Lake Ann Park. This project involves the installation of lights on Ballfield #1. . It is necessary to have plans and specifications prepared before proceeding with the project. The Park and Recreation Commission has reviewed this item and recommended that authorization be given to staff to have a consultant, such as Van Doren Hazard Stallings, prepare the plans and specifications for the Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project. . . . . Exerpt of Park and Recreation Commission Minutes Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project June 3, 1986 Sietsema said that the City had received an LCMR Park Development Grant for 1986 for the ballfield lighting project at Lake Ann Park. She said that before construction could begin it was necessary to have plans and specifications prepared by a con- sultant such as Van Doren Hazard Stallings. Lynch made a motion to recommend the autorization of staff to have plans and specifications prepared by a consultant, such as Van Doren Hazard Stallings, for the Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project.