1986 08 05 Agenda . . . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1986, 7:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 690 COULTER DRIVE 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of Minutes - July 1, 1986. Old Business 3. Update: City Council Action on Park and Recreation Commission Items. 4. South Lotus Lake Boat Access, Regulations and Operation Procedures. 5. Conservation Easement for Chanhassen Vista Proposed Development. New Business 6. Chaparral Homeowner Request for Barrier Between Park and Private Property. 7. Request to Allocate Funds to Begin Development of North Lotus Lake Park. 8. Approve Eagle Scout Project - Steve White. q. (je.C -f U ~ l \'- 0V<f)~ If you are unable to attend, please call Lori Sietsema at 937-1900. ~ Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes July 1, 1986 . A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by acting Chairperson, Charlie Robbins. Com- missioners present were Susan Boyt, Jim Mady, Curt Robinson and Charlie Robbins. Commissioners absent were Mike Lynch, Mike Rosenwald, and Wallace McKay. Staff attending the meeting were Lori Sietsema and Don Ashworth. Minutes A motion was made by Robinson and seconded by Boyt to accept the minutes of June 3, 1986 and June 23, 1986 as presented. The motion carried unanimously. HRA Proposal to Purchase Land to Expand Lake Susan Park City Manager, Don Ashworth, was present to discuss a proposal by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to purchase parkland to expand Lake Susan Park. Ashworth presented a map of the existing park stating that at the time of acquisition the proposed road would give the City access to that park. He said that due to topography, it was necessary to move the location of that road to the north, leaving the park landlocked. The City Council has approved the plan which includes the relocation of the road and the question now is what will happen to Outlot B, which lies . between the road and the park. Ashworth said that the HRA was proposing to purchase that tract of land for park purposes rather than have the park face the back of a commercial/industrial building on that site. He said that the HRA has sent this item to the Park and Recreation Commission for review as it concerns the park; however, the purchase will not involve any park funds. He said that the property would be about six to eight acres, enough space for tennis and ball/soccer fields. Mady moved that the Park and Recreation Commission endorse the actions of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to acquire Outlot B and that the HRA be encouraged to consummate the purchase so that the Park and Recreation Commission can include said outlot in their Comprehensive Park Plan. The motion was seconded by Robinson and carried unanimously. Meadow Green Park Totlot Improvement Update Sietsema reviewed the action the Commission had taken to date on the Chaparral Homeowners request for additional totlot equip- ment at Meadow Green Park. She said that originally the Homeowners requested that the City purchase additional tot lot equipment for the existing play structure. The Commission moved to purchase big swings and install a new play surface of pea gravel . in 1986 and to consider additional play module in 1987. The . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes July 1, 1986 Page 2 Homeowners then carne back with a request for the City to accept a purchase by the Chaparral Homeowners Association of play equip- ment to be added to the existing structure. The Commission accepted the donation and asked that the Homeowners work with staff to insure that the equipment will be consistant with the park plan. Since that time, Sietsema said, staff has consulted the vendor of the play equipment and found that the existing play module will not accommodate additional extensions. She suggested that the Commission revise their plan and purchase a new play module in 1986 and the big swings in 1987. She said this will allow a place for the equipment the Homeowners are proposing to purchase and will be approximately the same price. Robinson moved to recommend that the City purchase a new play module for Meadow Green Park in 1986 and consider the purchase of big swings in 1987. The motion was seconded by Mady and carried unanimously. Goose Control Program Update Sietsema said that Dr. Jim Cooper's group from the University of Minnesota had removed over 65 geese at Lake Ann and Lake Lucy and about 100 geese on Lake Minnewashta. She said that additional geese were spotted a few days later and the group carne back to capture 22 more at Lake Ann and Lake Lucy and 26 more at Lake Minnewashta. The grand total of geese removed from Chanhassen was approximately 215. No geese were removed from Lake Susan as there were none spotted there in the preliminary surveys. Comprehensive Trailway Plan Sietsema explained that at the previous Park and Recreation Commission meeting a request to authorize a feasibility study for a trailway system was reviewed. At that time, the Commission asked staff to find out how much such a study would cost, what it would entail and to look into the development of a comprehen- sive trailway plan. Sietsema said that a feasibility study would cost about $5000. She said that the City is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan which involves reviewing the entire City for park/open space needs, including trailways. She recommended that before any new trails be considered, a city-wide trailway system be designed as a part of the Comprehensive Plan updating process. This would enable the Commission to look at the overall picture of trails throughout the City and prioritize areas. The 1986 budget has set aside money for this updating process, therefore park funds would not be required. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes July 1, 1986 Page 3 . Robinson moved to direct staff to include the development of an overall trailway plan in the Comprehensive Plan updating process, and also directed staff to consider the inclusion of any trail requests in that plan. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. The Commission asked staff to write to the Carver Beach Homeowners and the Minnewashta Homeowners to inform them of this action as well as future requests. Chaparral Homeowners Request to Acquire Lot for Park Purposes Sietsema said that she had received a request for the City to acquire a lot, at 6821 Redwing Lane, for park purposes within the Chaparral subdivision, and a petition supporting that request. She said that staff was recommending denial of the request as the area was located within the service area of Carver Beach Playground, Carver Beach, Meadow Green Park and Greenwood Shores, according to the Comprehensive Plan. She said that she had con- tacted New Horizon Homes, the current owners of the property, and they were asking $24,500 for this lot. Robbins said that he did not feel the price should be prohibi- tive, but that the Commission should decide if the need is there. . The Commission indicated that although a park on each block would be nice, it is not a precedent that they were willing to set. They felt that the parks in that area were sufficient. Robinson moved to recommend that the request to purchase the lot located at 6821 Redwing Lane for park purposes be denied, as it is not in a park deficient area and is located within two blocks of Carver Beach Playground and within six blocks of Meadow Green Park. The motion was seconded by Mady and carried unanimously. Chanhassen Legion Donation of Bleachers Boyt made a motion to accept the donation of two sets of bleachers by the Chanhassen Legion. The motion was seconded by Robinson and carried unanimously. The Commission directed staff to send a thank-you to the Legion for the donation. Mady moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. Prepared by: Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator . . CITY OF CBAHBASSEH 3 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55.317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator DATE: July 31, 1986 SUBJ: City Council Action on Park Related Items Below is a list of park related items recently reviewed by the City Council and their action on those items. . - Chaparral Residents Request to Purchase a Lot for Park Purposes: The City Council felt that the Park and Recreation Commission's recommendation was correct. They indicated that perhaps more supervision of small children is in order. The Council moved as recommended. - Trailway Requests: The City Council tabled action on both trail requests until a comprehensive trail plan could be formulated. It was suggested that the Commission form a committee to develop a park and trail plan (see attached minutes). - Donation of Bleachers by Chanhassen Legion: The Council accepted the donation of 2 sets of bleachers from the Chanhassen Legion as recommended. The Council directed staff to write a letter of thanks to the Legion (attached). . Pj..~ iJ ~~ City COuncil Meeting - July 21, 1986 APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS , Mayor Hamilton moved, COuncilwoman Watson seconded to approve check numbers 13238513 through 13239813 in tie amount of $1,699,141.59 am check numbers 1326757 through 1326935 in the amount of $1,278,898.135 dated July 21, .1986. All voted in favor am motion carried. PARK AND ROCREATION RELATED REQUESTS: -- a. CHAPARRAL RESIDENTS REQUEST TO PURCHASE A LOT FOR A NEIGHBORHOOD PLAYLOT . b. MINNEWASHTA HOMEOWNERS REQUEST FOR A TRAILWAY ALONG MINNE.WASHTA PARKWAY. c. CARVER BEACH HOMEOWNERS REQUEST FOR A TRAILWAY ALONG CARVER BEACH ROAD. Lori Sietsema: 'Ibe Park and Recreation COmmission recently reviewed a request made by a number of homeowners in the Chaparral area for the City to ];Xlrchase a lot at 6821 Redwing Lane for park purposes. '!he homeowners feel that the existing parks in tie area are too far to sem their small children. The lot is located right here and the two dominant parks in the area are Carver Beach playgroum and Meadow Green Park. Carver Beach playgroum is 2 blocks from ~ that area and Meadown Green Park is about six blocks from the area. 'Ibe area lies wi thin the service area of about four parks total. Those are the two closest. 'Ibis is a map showing park deficient areas. 'Ibe park deficient areas are not in the area in question. I contacted tie owner of the vacant lot. 'Ibey are asking $24,51313.1313 for that lot. Park and Recreation Commission did not feel there was justification to purchase the lot with tie number of parks in the area. 'Ibe Park and Recreation COmmission is recommending that the request be denied due to sufficient existing parks. Mr. Nordby who wrote the letter with this request was here earlier but had to leave and he just wanted to reiterate that there have been a number of close calls with small children in the streets and they felt that there are about 15 children who are very, very close within this one lot am he felt this would elim inate a potential problem. I indicated that perhaps maybe it was a traffic problem more than a park problem. The Park and Recreation COannission did not feel at this time that they wanted to set precedence to start putting small playgroums in each neighborhood so that was another reason for recomrneming denial. COuncilwoman Watson stated she felt that these kind of play areas don't solve tie problem, they almost create them. There is no such place as a safe place to send a 3 year old by themselves. A chi ld that age should al ways be accompanied by an adult am if an adult is with them, then tiey can easily make use of the other parks in the neighborhood. COuncilman Geving: I have a comment that is kim of related to all three of these requests that we are looking at tonight and it involves the fact that we need a park plan am trails plan am if there are any of the Park am Rec . 12 ~ , ~ ~...... . ;;'" ~ .1 :.J r'..; City Council Meeting - July 21, 1986 people out in the audience, I think they will recogni ze that we are kind of getting by by the seat of our britches on parks, trails am plans. I think there are enough interested citizens such as the person who proposed this, Phyllis Pope, we could resurrect her from the old Park and Rec team 10 years ago and others who might be interested enough to work on a committee with the Park and Recreation people and develop such a plan and I have such a plan. I have been working independently. I told Lori some time ago that I would develop a plan with her am for her but I think we are at a point where we need some citizens help and I would like to propose is that we advertize openin:; for Park people. People who would like to work on a park am trails plan and let's develop one for the city and not get too prematurely involved in lookin:; at individual requests like this particular one or the Minnewashta homeowners and others but develop a whole plan for the city once and for all. We need to do that so that is the only thing I wanted to add am I would be very willing to work on that to complete my plan with the help of others. Sue Boyt: That is in our last minutes. The Park and Recreation Corrunission is requesting that a plan be made. Councilman Geving: What I'm saying is let's turn it around and let the people in Chanhassen build the plan. Sue Boyt: We want input from the people. '!hat is in our plan for public hearings. Councilman Horn moved, Councilman Geving seconded to deny the request to purchase the lot for a neighborhood playlot for Chaparral. All voted in favor of denial and motion carried. Councilwoman Watson moved, Councilman Horn seconded to table Minnewashta Homeowners request for a trailway along Minnewashta Parkway and Carver Beach Homeowners request for a trailway along Carver Beach Road until a designated plan has been formulated imicatin:; the direction the City is going to take as part of an overall city plan for parks and trail ways. All voted in favor and motion carried. Councilman Horn suggested that if a citizens group is put together, that it be under the auspice of the Park and Recreation Corrunission am not the City Council. Mayor Hamilton indicated that Don Ashworth had a couple of items regarding the Terry Cook matter which needed clarification. Don Ashworth: My concern was as the item was left there may have been confusion as to what the City Council's action was on the item. The Terry Cook item did not involve any form of variance. '!he lot did exist prior to 1972 am as such did represent a buildable lot. The question to the City Council was whether or not he would be permitted the opportunity to extend sewer am water to that lot. The City Council's vote was in the affirmative allowing him to do that. 13 CITY OF eHANHASSEN . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 July 25, 1986 Mr. Bernard Schneider Chanhassen American Legion 7995 Great Plains Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Schneider: On behalf of the Mayor, City Council and Park and Recreation Commission, I would like to thank the Chanhassen American Legion for the donation of two sections of bleachers. The City's Park Maintenance crew has already removed the bleachers from the . Legion field and placed them at the ballfields at Chanhassen Elementary School. The T-Ball, Ragball and PeeWee games are all scheduled at City Center Park and Chanhassen Elementary. Parents and spectators will enjoy the bleachers as they watch the children's games. Again, thank you for your donation. Sincerely, '~!Li ~nuJ Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH i 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato~ July 31, 1986 FROM: DATE: SUBJ: South Lotus Lake Boat Access Operational Procedures The South Lotus Lake Boat Access is currently under construction and it is anticipated that it will be completed sometime after Labor Day Weekend. The City Council has directed the Park and Recreation Commission to review operational procedures for the access and forward a recommendation to them. . It is anticipated that Lotus Lake Homeowners will ask for a reduction in the number of parking spaces for cars with trailers as well as a restriction on motor size for boats using the access. They have cited Christmas Lake as an example where these concessions were given. I have discussed this with Cindy Wheeler of Department of Energy and Economic Development (DEED) Recreation Grants Section, and she has informed me that there was significant concern by legislators after being informed of these concessions. In reaction, the legislators have passed a state law which prohibits putting any discriminatory restrictions on boat accesses. Ms. Wheeler states that this law applies to Chanhassen. The South Lotus Lake Boat Access was developed with LAWCON/LCMR funds which are administered by DEED. A condition of receiving these monies requires that we comply with standards set by them. DEED, as an agency member of the Metropolitan Waters Access Task Force, has set the following standards which are mandatory for all projects using state or federal funds. 1. A minimum of 1 car/trailer parking space per 20 acres of water surface are to be provided. . 2. The access must be open a minimum of 16 hours per day between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and midnight. Park and Recreation Commission July 31, 1986 Page 2 . 3. No special fees may be charged for the use of the boat access. 4. No discriminatory restrictions may be placed on the access users. Any restrictions must apply to all lake users. Ms. Wheeler will be sending me a letter confirming these stan- dards, which I will forward to you before Tuesday's meeting. I have also contacted Tim Smalley from the DNR. Mr. Smalley indicated that any boat motor restrictions would have to be approved by the DNR according to the Minnesota Water Surface Use Ordinance. He said that a restriction of motor size would apply to all lake users, including lakeshore owners. I was sent an application in case the City chose to pursue this option. In researching boat accesses in the metro area, I have found that Lake Riley in Eden Prairie has the most similarities. The City of Eden Prairie employs a park attendant on weekends in May and full time between Memorial weekend and Labor Day weekend. The park attendant limits the number of boats entering the lake by monitoring when the parking area fills up. Once the car/trailer parking area is filled, the access is closed until a boat exits . the lake. To remain consistent, it is recommended that Park rules be the same as in all other City parks. These rules are outlined in the City's Park Ordinance (attached) and include: No pets allowed No intoxicating liquor Park hours are from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. It is the recommendation of this office to budget for a full time park attendant, but only schedule one for weekends. If weekday problems should arise, we will be prepared to put someone on full time. As in Eden Prairie, this park attendant would close the boat access as soon as the car/trailer parking area is filled until a space opens up. The attendant would also be responsible for enforcing park rules with the Sheriff's Department as backup. Staff is suggesting that these procedures be in place for the opening of the boat access in May of 1987. . . Nay 7, 1986 Donald Ashworth 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Ashworth, I'm wrltlng for the Board from Lotus Lake Homeowners Association, regarding the new and old accesses on Lotus Lake. Since there will probably be a lot of discussion on the layout and rules for the new access, we would like to see this as part of the agenda at the earliest possible time. We would also like to discuss the closing of the old access. Please let us know when we can expect to have this on your agenda. Thank you . Sincerely, ,-~ i'\ /;r J ; . ./ .\./ , ( j ( n \\,/ . .,. .<~ Uc........ '{'~',. ,-'7\ .:\ Rogeri,Jarj alahti 7413 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 \ \ . RECE,",iED MAY - 9 1986 CITY OF CHANHASSEN ,- r CITY(OF CHAHHASSEH \, ..; O:.tL'" ~~!)' 1"' .1 ., I . '" .- . , \ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 July 1, 1986 Mr. Roger Karjalahti Lotus Lake Homeowners Association 7413 Frontier Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Karjalahti: Don Ashworth has forwarded to me your letter regarding the opera- tion of the Lotus Lake Boat Access. The Park and Recreation Commission will be reviewing operational procedures and boat access rules at their meeting on August 5, 1986. Staff will be researching how similar boat accesses are run in other cities. Because this boat access was partially funded by a federal LAWCON Grant, the City is obligated to comply with guide- lines and restrictions set up by the DNR and the LAWCON manual. Staff will outline those at that meeting as well. I will be sending you an agenda for the August 5th meeting as well as my staff report. Please feel free to contact me at 937-1900 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,/?oAJ 0. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator LS:k -....- ~,._..._~- - ~ ~~ ...~ . . . . . t' . , .' DATE: 3une 23,1986 TO: Council Members --- ~;f-~ FROM: Lotus Lake Homeowners Association Dear Council Members, A decision concerning the Lotus Lake Access has been requested for council agenda as soon as possible. Since construction has begun, we wish to have prompt notification of a date for this discussion. The access is owned by the City and therefore it will be controlled by the City. The DNR has assured us it only gives its approval. However it does not control the access. Some serious consideration of the regulation of the access is in order. Recently the Lotus Lakes use classification was changed from "general development" to "recreational". This was basically done by density and size but most importantly by DEPTH. The lake is very shallow and very susceptible to disturbance by boat traffic especially now that there has been such irretrevable damage by mud and silt from the construction sites. Large displacement boats with large motors will do even more damage. In addition there are several environmentally sensitive areas on the lake that will be affected. Several new things have occurred since the last consideration of the Access by council. First, the required change in the beachlot ordinance immediately allows 9 more powerboats on the lake. Other potential developments could add an additional 15 or more powerboats. We are beginning to see enough boats on the water to approach safety limits. With the potential number of additional boats from beachlots plus the twelve from the public access, we fear that safety will be jeopardized not to mention the additional turbidity caused by these large motors. Secondly, the DNR has made special concessions for accesses on other lakes. The access on Lake Minnewashta has a 25 H.P. limit. More striking is the access agreement with Shorewood over the Christmas Lake Access. The DNR has agreed to reduce parking spaces from 13 to 1 and to limit horsepower to 25 H.P. for seven spaces. All this on a lake with substantially greater depth surface area, excellent water clarity and no additional pressure from beachlots. , CITY OFFICES /8950 EOEN PRAIRIE ROAO i EOEN PRAIRIE. MN 55344.2499 / TELEPHONE 16121937.2262 January 29, 1986 Georgette Sosin 7400 Chanhassen Road Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 RE: Riley Lake Access Control Oea r Ms. So sin: You have requested information regarding the procedures the City of Eden Prairie follows regarding the access at Riley Lake Park. First of all, the access is considered a public access by the Department of Natural Resources. The City constructed a controlled access with the minimum DNR limits of 15 car/trailer parking spaces for a 300 acre lake. The p~blic access is uncontrolled from ,September through April. B~in,ning in Hay of each year the City pays an attendant to control the access on weekends only. Beginning on V Memo-Y;i a 1 Da y weekend the access is controlled seven da ys a week through La bor -1L. i'-~ =- - - .,.- '"'\ On weekends and holidays an attendent is provided from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. 4IIt Occasionally, i.f the weaiher--,s projected to be extremely warm, the attendant will be moved up to 8 a.m. On weekdays the attendant is schedu 1 ed from 1 p.m. to approx iJ~a teJy_~ p ~m. This access is within Riley Lake Park. There are 15 parking places for cars with trailers and an additional 20 parking spaces for vehicles only. ~ these parking ,spaces are filled, the attendant pulls a cable across the entra~~to the park and informs people that drlve to the park that the parking stalls are filled. The City now has an overflow parking lot; however, fn'tne past people have taken their vehicle and parked along County Road 1, walked into the park and waited until one of the parking places opened up. When this occurred, the parking attendant provided people with a number and when one of the parking places opened up a number was called over a loud speaker. People that were in the park waiting for the next opening would then show their number to the attendant and be allowed to launch their boat and move into the open parking space. 11 M~ny people request the park attendant allow them to indicate they will park their vehicle outside of the a 11 owed. 1 \ -- .. launch their boat and park; this is not 4IIt r! STATE (' [NJ[N]~~@u~ DEPARTMENT ( ~, OF NATURAL RESOURCES 55106. / FILE NO. f;~1 \' . ~ 1'1' if ' r ." ./ /' '/1'1 ( f. A'151 . PHONE NO. 296-3572 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN January 27, 1986 Georgette Sosin 7400 Chanhassen Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Georgette: As you requested and we discussed on the phone today, I am writing to you to clarify the following points relative to the Department of Natural Resources' (DNR's) position on the City of Chanhassen's Lotus Lake water access site. ~l. As long as all of the 12 car-trailer parking spaces at the Lotus Lake access site are maintained in a free and open manner for the public's use, the Department will consider public access to the lake to be adequate (based upon car-trailer parking standards established by the Metropolitan Water Access Task Force). . 2. As long as the Lotus Lake access site remains free and open to the public, at this time, the Department does not have a position on actions which the City may choose to impose to increase or restrict other lake access. I hope this clarifies the matter for you. Sincerely, ~dU&" aW~. Y~thleen A. Wallace Regional Administrator Fii::C=:-. -=:J . kaw083 cc: Don Ashworth, Administrator, City of Chanhassen JAN 2 9 1986 CITY OF CHANHASSE> AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER t~~~~\@ " ",A r ~ ~ . AN ACT S.L No. 1949 CHAPTER No. '139 '--.0 'v- \ - CS;e.---:r p a ~ 3 ~ S 1 2 relating to natural resources. requlrlng public access .3 restrictions to be the same as lake use restrictions. 4 amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 378.32, 5 subdivisions 2, 6, and 7. and 459.20. proposing coding 6 for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 378. 7 8 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: . 9 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.32, 10 subdivision 2, is amended to read: 11 Subd. 2. To regulate and police public beaches, public 12 docks and other public facilities for access to the body of 13 water, except that regulations are subject to section 4 and a 14 county board may not regulate state accesses and a municipality 15 may by ordinance !erDid-~"e-exereise-e!-~"is preempt the county 16 from exercising power under this subdivision within its 17 jurisdiction. 18 Sec. 2. Mi~nesota Statutes 1984, section 378.32, 19 subdivision 6, is amended to read: 20 Subd. 6. Except as provided in section 4, to regulate the 21 type and size of watercraft, as defined in section 361.02. 22 subdivision 7, permitted to use the body of water and set access 23 fees. 24 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.32, 25 subdivision 7, is amended to read: 26 Subd. 7. Subject to section 4, to limit the types and . 1 . . 2 r 4 \ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 . ~ s. '". ... -;..: 1 horsepower of motors used on the body of water; Sec. 4. [378.321] [PUBLIC ACCESS RESTRICTIONS.] The county board must allow the same types and sizes of watercraft and horsepower of motors to access and enter the lake or water body as are Qenera11y allowed to be operated on the lake or water body. Special use exceptions that are not dependent on 1akeshore or property ownership may be qranted by permit. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 459.20, is amended to read: 459.20 [AUTHORITY OVER PUBLIC WATERS.] The governing body of any home rule charter or statutory city or town in the state has, with respect to any body of water situated wholly within its boundaries, all the powers to improve and regulate the use of such body of water subiect to section 4, as are conferred on county boards by sections 378.31 and 378.32, and to establish and administer lake improvement districts under sections 378.41 to 378.57. With respect to any body of water situated wholly within the contiguous boundaries of two or more home rule charter or statutory cities or towns or any combination thereof, the city councils and town boards may, under the provisions of section 471.59, jointly exercise such powers to improve and regulate the use of the body of water subject to section 4, as are conferred on county boards by sections 378.31 and 378.32, and to establish and administer lake improvement districts as provided under sections 378.41 to 378.57, provided that, no home rule charter or statutory city or town may establish and administer a lake improvement district or exercise any of the powers granted in this section if a lake improvement district covering the same territory has been created by a county board under sections 378.41 to 378.57. References in sect;onR 378.31 t~ 378.35 and 378.41 to 378.57 to the county board shall be construed to refer to the governing body of a home rule charter or statutory city or the board of supervisors of a town. Sec. 6. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 2 .,) . : . , 1 This act is effective the day after final enactment, except 2 that section 4 does not apply to ordinances adopted pursuant to 3 contracts providinq for a public access to a body of water 4 entered into by a county or municipality with the commissioner 5 of natural resources that have been executed prior to the 6 effective date of this act, but section 4 will apply to all 7 public accesses after June 1, 1993. ~ Cl......,..""""'.. , l-o..~-- ----- ~ 3-;2.yl(. 3 a:a..- ~ . . . . CITY 0 F CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ DATE: August 4, 1986 SUBJ: Lotus Lake Park . Enclosed please find the letter from Cindy Wheeler that I made reference to in Item No.4 in your packet. I am expecting a number of residents to attend the meeting for this item and felt you should be as well informed as possible. Please call me at 937-1900 if you are unable to attend the meeting. . ~- MINNESOTA f ':~~n.; Department 0 Energy -and Economic Development . Community Development Division 296-5005 900 American Center 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 August 1, 1986 Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Ms. Sietsema: I am writing in response to questions you raised pertaining to the development of the public boat access at Lotus Lake Park. The Department of Energy and Economic Development (DEED), as a member agency of the Metro Water Access Task Force, has adopted the following standards as man- datory for all projects using state or federal funds: 1. The access must be open at least 16 hours a day between 4:00 a.m. and 12 midnight; . 2. No fees charged for launching any craft; 3. Where an access is provided within a park, uniform fees shall be charged all users, regardless of residence; and 4. No special regulations that do not apply equally to the riparian boater. In addition, a recently passed state law (Chapter 439, Section 4) mandates that the local municipality "must allow the same types and sizes of watercraft and horsepower of motors to access and enter the lake or waterbody as are generally allowed to be operated on the lake or water body." In reference to the hor- sepower restrictions on the public access at Christmas Lake, it should be noted that Chapter 439, Section 4 "does not apply to ordinances adopted pursuant to contracts providing for a public access to a body of water entered into by a county or municipality with the commissioner of natural resources that have been executed prior to the effective date of this act, but section 4 will apply to all public accesses after June 1, 1993." (See Chapter 439, Section 6.) If the City has a concern in regard to the types of boat useage on the lake, I would suggest considering surface use zoning. Mr. Kim Elverum, Boat and Water Safety Coordinator, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) could provide you with additional information. He can be reached at 296-3336. You should be aware, however, that any surface use zoning restrictions apply to everyone equally. . '~i:;C~:-'-:::D AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ....@ t\u G 4 1986 C:':-y or: CHANHASSE:'! . . . Ms. Lori Sietsema 2 August 1, 1986 As Lotus Lake is 254 acres in size, in order to meet minimum access adequacy standards, 12-13 vehicle/trailer parking spaces will need to be provided. After discussions with Ms. Gretchen Blank, Planning Grants Administrator, and based on Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the site should have one designated handicapped vehicle/trailer parking space. This space should be located adjacent to the boat ramp. An additional 12 vehicle/trailer parking spaces should also be located on-site with as many spaces as feasible located adjacent to the ramp. In answer to your final question, public access users cannot be required to park their vehicle/trailer units in the access parking lot, as that would be con- sidered discriminatory. If it becomes apparent that riparian owners are parking in the lot to exclude the public, the Department of Energy and Economic Development would recommend, through the Metro Water Access Task Force, that the DNR consider developing their own access to ensure the public's right to utilize the lake. I hope this information helps clarify your concerns. If I can be of any further assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, &t~If.~ Cynthia A. Wheeler Planning Grants Analyst, Sr. /jmK LAWCON XIII/84-1 cc: Gretchen Blank, Administrator, DEED Kathleen Wallace, Regional Administrator, DNR Kim Elverum, Boat & Water Safety Coordinator, DNR Roger Karjalahti, Lotus Lake Homeowners Association CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinat~f July 31, 1986 ~ DATE: SUBJ: Chanhassen Vista Conservation Easement The City Council has approved the preliminary plan of the Chanhassen Vista development with the recommendations made by the Park and Recreation Commission. The Commission's recommendation included the development of a conservation easement along the slopes around the pond, from the 952 contour line to the top of the slopes. The development contract, which includes the conservation easement, is scheduled to appear on the August 4th City Council agenda. Attached please find a copy of that easement developed by staff and the City Attorney. The easement is very restrictive while reserving the City's right to incorporate the park plan to be designed for Chanhassen Pond Park. All comments and concerns voiced by the Commission and residents were taken under con- sideration when preparing the easement. This item is for your review and information and requires no action. If any changes are desired, a recommendation would be in order. 5 . . . . . . . . CONSERVATION EASEMENT Instrument made this and between "Grantors"), and the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corpo- day of , 1986, by ration ("City"). The Grantors, in consideration of good and valuable consider- ation paid by the City, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, grant the City a permanent conservation easement as that term is defined in this instrument over, under, and across the premises described in the attached Exhibit "A" ("subject property"). 1. Grantors for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, agree that the following are prohibited in perpetuity on the subject property: A. Constructing, installing, or maintaining anything made by man, including but not limited to buildings, structures, walkways, clothes line poles, and playground equipment. B. Cutting, removing, or altering trees or other vege- tation. C. Excavation or filling. D. Application of fertilizers, whether natural or chemical. E. Application of chemicals for the destruction or retardation of vegetation. F. The deposit of waste or debris. G. The application of herbicides, pesticides and insec- ticides. H. Outside storage of any kind. I. Activity detrimental to the preservation of the scenic beauty, vegetation and wildlife. 2. Grantors for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, further grant the City the affirmative right, but not the obligation, to do the following on the subject property: A. Preserve, improve and enhance the slope, trees, vegetation, and natural habitat. B. Alter, clear and remove trees or other vegetation. C. Change the contour of the land. D. Plant trees or other vegetation. E. Enter upon the subject property at any time to enforce compliance with the terms of this instrument. GRANTORS: GRANTEE: CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor BY: Don Ashworth, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1986, by NOTARY PUBLIC -2- . . .. . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( COUNTY OF ) The foregoing day of ss. instrument was acknowledg~d before me his , 1986, by NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1986, by Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor and by Don Ashworth, City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, in behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority of the City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: Grannis, Grannis, Farrell & Knutson, P.A. 403 Norwest Bank Building 161 North Concord Exchange South st. Paul, MN 55075 -3- c~ AN ACT S.F. No. 19'+9 CHAPTER 1';0. '139 . 1 2 relating to natural resources; requlrlng public access 3 restrictions to be the same as lake use restrictions; 4 amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 378.32, 5 subdivisions 2, 6, and 7; and 459.20; proposing coding 6 for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 378. 7 8 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 9 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.32, 10 subdivision 2, is amended to read: 11 Subd. 2. To regulate and police public beaches, public 12 docks and other public facilities for access to the body of 13 water, except that regulations are subject to section 4 and a 14 county board may not regulate state accesses and a municipality 15 may by ordinance fer~~d-ehe-exere~se-ef-eh~s preempt the county . 16 from exercising power under this subdivision within its 17 jurisdiction; 18 Sec. 2. M~~nesota Statutes 1984, section 378.32, 19 subdivision 6, is amended to read: 20 Subd. 6. Except as provided in section 4, to regulate the 21 type and size of watercraft, as defined in section 361.02, 22 subdivision 7, permitted to use the body of water and set access 4[ 23 fees; 24 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.32, 25 ~ubdivision 7, is amended to read: 26 Subd. 7. Subject to section 4, to limit the types and 1 . . . ~ . . . . . s. :-. :.0. .. ~.. .: \ 1 horsepower of motors used on the body of waterl 2 Sec. 4. [378.321] [PUBLIC ACCESS RESTRICTIONS.] -~he county board must allow the same types and sizes of 4 watercraft and horsepower of aotors to access and enter the lake 5 or water body as are generally allowed to be operated on the 6 lake or vater body. Special use exceptions that are not 7 dependent on lakeshore or property ownership may be qranted by 8 permit. 9 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 459.20, is 10 amended to read: 11 459.20 [AUTHORITY OVER PUBLIC WATERS.] 12 The governing body of any home rule charter or statutory 13 city or town in the state has, with respect to any body of water 14 situated wholly within its boundaries, all the powers to improve 15 and regulate the use of such body of water subject to section 4, 16 as are conferred on county boards by sections 378.31 and 378.32, 17 and to establish and administer lake improvement districts under 18 sections 378.41 to 378.57. With respect to any body of water 19 situated wholly within the contiguous boundaries of two or more 20 home rule charter or statutory cities or towns or any 21 combination thereof, the city councils and town boards may, 22 under the provisions of section 471.59, jointly exercise such 23 powers to improve and regulate the use of the body of 24 water subject to section 4, as are conferred on county boards by 25 sections 378.31 and 378.32, and to establish and administer lake 26 improvement districts as provided under sections 378.41 to 27 378.57, provided that, no home rule charter or statutory city or 28 town may establish and administer a lake improvement district or 29 exercise any of th~ ~O~eTq ?Tant.d in this Aection if a lake 30 improvement-district covering the same territory has been 31 created by a county board under sections 378.41 to 378.57. 32 References in sp.ctinn~ 378.31 tn 378.~5 and 378.41 to 378.57 to 33 the county board shall be construed to refer to the governing 34 body of a home rule charter or statutory city or the board of 35 supervisors of a town. 36 Sec. 6. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 2 :;.? . 1 This act is effective the day after final enactment, except 2 that section 4 does Dot apply to ordinances adopted pursuant to 3 contracts providing for a public access to a bOdy of water 4 entered into by a county or auniCipality with the commissioner 5 of natural resources that have been executed prior to the 6 effective date of this act, but section 4 will apply to all 7 public accesses after June 1, 1993. ~ c.l.....,,~.. ~ L- 0.. "--- . r 3-~YI' 3 .. . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN .7 -- if ~ Id b 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 ~" Z "';\ MEMORANDUM -~ TO: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator SUBJ: North Lotus Lake 1"( ~ ".'___ __'. .___ __. . < 'V l't_1I.JS'/f~ l _---.;:1 ~/~' _I-'llt! I tc.. FROM: Bill Monk, City Engineer DATE: July 31, 1986 . The grading plan for North Lotus Lake Park is complete with a copy attched. It is my understanding that grading and area restabilization were to be handled on a price quotation basis, instead of the lengthy and cumbersome bid process, consistent with the way work was performed at Meadow Green Park. City main- tenance crews would then install the baseball infield and gravel the parking lot. The tennis courts and shelter building will need to be programmed for installation on an upcoming capital improvement budget. To complete the grading and area restoration along with the material costs for the infield and parking lot, it is estimated up to $15,000 will be needed. If it is decided this work be completed in 1986, it is recommended that the amount of $15,000 be allocated from Fund 410 so work can be completed in September. 1AJ~~ !h-ottL/-IeJ Park and Recreation Coordinator's Update . The 1986 Capital Improvement Program Fund 410 currently has a balance of approximately $31,000. The Commission initially had intended to carryover $15,000 to $20,000 into the 1987 410 fund so that enough money could be available to begin the develop- ment of North Lotus Lake Park. However, because we are able to develop this park in stages, enough monies are available this year to begin grading. Staff sees the development of this park done in stages with as much done in-house as possible. The first stage would involve grading and installation of a ballfield, gravel parking lot and skating rink, which would be done in-house. The second stage could be done in 1987 and would involve tennis court installa- tion, shelter building, tot lot and trails. 4 Page 2 Park and Recreation Commission Update August 15, 1986~ The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this item and have recommended that $15,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund 410 be allocated for the grading project at North Lotus Lake Park. The CIP Fund currently has an undesignated balance of approximately $31,000. Note: A $3,000 request is being made for Steve White's Eagle Scout Project. If that request is approved, the Capital Improvement Fund will have a balance of approximately $28,000. . . . . . . Excerpt of Park and Recreation Commission Minutes August 5, 1986 NORTH LOTUS LAKE PARK GRADING PROJECT: Sietsema said that earlier this year the Park and Recreation Commission and City Council had reviewed and approved a master park plan for the park on the north side of Lotus Lake. She said that the City Engineer, Bill Monk, is prepared to begin the grading of the park this fall if Capital Improvement funds are allocated. Sietsema indicated that once the grading was done, the rest of the development could be done in-house as funds became available. McKay moved to recommend that the City allocate $15,000 of the Capital Improvement Fund 410 for the grading project at North Lotus Lake Park. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. CIT'r' OF CHAHHASSEH 9> f\~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O, BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 " . .' MEM:>RANDUM v" DATE: August 15, 1986 TO: Don Ash\\Orth, City Manager FRCM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation!\ Coordinator , j .)..-1 SUBJ: Proposed Eagle Scout ProJect ~ ~-Ig ~gic The Park and Recreation Carmission recently reviewed a proposed Eagle Soout pro- ject presented by a local youth, Steve White. An Eagle Scout Project involves planning a project, recruiting the people to do the project and directing and organizing the group. Mr. White is proposing to construct a stairway up the hill to the observation deck at Chanhassen Pond Park. The stairs would be constructed with railroad . ties and filled with crushed limestone rock. The hill is approximately 342 feet long with a rise of approximately 28.5 feet. The stairway would be a con- tinuation of the trail off of Laredo Drive, which will enable easier access to the pond area. Mr. White has met with Mike Lynch, who has determined this to be a sui table Eagle Soout Project. He has also met with Dale Gregory, Park Maintenance Foreman, who will help to supervise the project. Mr. White plans to have the \\Ork done by other Boy Soouts and area residents. He feels he will be able to provide any equi};Elent to canplete the project and that rrost of the work will be done by hand. The attached budget has been prepared by Mr. White. It is estimated that the project will cost approximately $2500. He has stated that he would like to get the project going as soon as possible and will have most of the materials ordered by the end of the month. He is hoping to canplete the project before the first snow. The Park Capital Inprovanent Program Fund currently has a balance of approxi- mately $31,000 which is not designated for any specific projects. The Park and Recreation Carmission has recomnended that the City allocate up to $3,000 fran the Capital Inprovement Program fund for the carpletion of a stairway at the Chanhassen Pond Park. Note: A $15,000 request is being made for the North Lotus Lake Park grading . project. If that request is approved, the Capital Inprovanent Fund will have a balance of approximately $16,000. . . . EXERPT FROM PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES August 4, 1986 EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT, STEVE WHITE: Steve White, 8104 Dakota Avenue, was present to discuss his proposed Eagle Scout Project. He stated that he would like to construct a stairway up the hill to the observation deck at Chanhassen Pond Park. The stairs would be constructed with railroad ties and filled with crushed limestone rock. The hill is approximately 342 feet long with a rise of approximately 28.5 feet. White stated that he would organize the workers to complete the job. Lynch stated that he talked with Dale Gregory, Park Foreman who stated that the walkway portion will be blacktopped to the por- tion where this project would begin. A culvert will also be installed. Sietsema stated that she had spoken with the City Engineer who was concerned about loaning City equipment to complete this pro- ject. White explained that they could possibly complete the pro- ject just using shovels. There will be a lot of digging required and he estimates that it will take 5 hours per set. White further stated that he will be using Scouts from his troop and other troops, any residents he can recruit, and he will be asking the churches for some help. Most of the work will be completed on weekends. White would like to develop work teams that would install one set of stairs per weekend. He has not decided how many people he would need yet as he is waiting to see what kind of response he gets from citizens. The project will be started at the bottom of the hill and go to the top. Lynch suggested that a roto-tiller might be of some help in preparing the site. White stated that he would like to get the project going as soon as possible and have most of the materials ordered by the end of the month. He is hoping to complete the project before the first snow. Lynch stated that he would also like to see a bridge built over the stream in the park and that would possibly be another Scout project. Lynch asked White how he planned to get the crushed limestone to the site. White stated that although there was a "no motorized vehicle" sign on the path, he was hoping that a truck could make the delivery. Sietsema suggested that he work with Dale Gregory on that item. McKay asked if the money for this project would come out of the Park and Recreation Commission budget. Sietsema stated that the funds would come out of the Capital Improvement Program which currently has approximately $31,000. Lynch stated that he asked a landscape architect what a project like this would cost if it were completed under a contract and he stated it would be $12,000. Robinson moved to recommend that the City Council allocate up to $3,000 from Park and Recreation Capital Improvement Funds for completion of a stairway at Chanhassen Pond Park. McKay seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. . . . CITY OF CHAHHASSEH ~ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 5q317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator ~ ~ DATE: July 31, 1986 SUBJ: Proposed Eagle Scout Project Attached please find a letter from Steve White, a Boy Scout, regarding a proposed Eagle Scout Project. Steve will attend the meeting on Tuesday night to present his proposal. . . July 31,1986 RECi:;' lEO To: Ms. Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Board AUG 1 1986 . Dear Ms. Sietsema, I am writing to request that my name be entered on the agenda for the August 5th meeting of the Park and Recreation board. I am a member of Boy Scout Troop #330 which meets in Chanhassen. I am currently working towards the rank of Eagle Scout and need only to complete a service project which benefits a community, a school, or another group other than Boy Scouts. For the project, I must contribute a minimum of 40 hours of my own time and coordinate many other worker hours. I believe that I have found a suitable project. I would like to organize the construction of stairs up a hill by the observation point at Chanhassen Ponds Park. I would gather together workers from my Troop, the city of Chanhassen, and other groups. We would most likely meet on weekends and some scattered weekdays. The hill I am speaking of is approximately 342 feet long with a rise of about 28.5 feet. To make walking this hill much easier, I would use railroad ties and box off level sections of the hill. I would then fi 11 these boxes with crushed I imestone to form a stairway. On Thursday, July 17th, I met with Dale Gregory and Mike Lynch at the site. It was then that I got the idea for the project. I think that this project would be very beneficial to the look of the trail as well as to the comfort of walking it. Because I have just returned from camp and made the measurements only yesterday, I cannot give a precise estimate as to the cost. By the Tuesday meeting, however, I should have all the necessary figures. As the project stands now, I should need the following materials: - 8' Rai lroad Ties - Crushed Limestone Fi 11 - Metal Spikes (used to spike R/R ties together) - Rebar (Reinforcing bars to anchor R/R ties to the ground) CITY OF CHANHASSE.\1 . Sincerely, )){w.( ~ Steve White 8104 Dakota Ln. Chanhassen, MN P.S. Any questions? Please call 934-3421 . i!D . 17' i!1.S" :~ 25' II:" ~ 20' , ..s" ~ 18' TOTAL RISE= 28.5 FEET 7.S" TOTAL LENGTH- 273.2 FEET I"" 16' , !l.S" ~ 16' , !l" I'" 20' , !l" ~ 20' , .5" ~ 20' , ID.S" ~ 20' 1i!.S" , ~ 20' , " "" 25' , ~ 36' 1&" " ------- , , , , , , , , 131.i!' i!1I.i!' In.i!' 177.2' 1&1.i!' l'II.i! 121.i! IDI.i! 11.i! &I.i! 3&.i! 3'11.5' .27' i!!7' i!&9.S' i!'1I' i!1'I.S' 117.i!S' I&D' 13D.S' IDS' 11.5' 51.5' D' . i!~J.i!' 2S&.i!' I SIDE VIEW (SLOPE) I APPROXI MATE SCALE 1". 36' (Length) 1/2". 36" (He;ght) UII1 Dtck I ITOP VIEWI . . JST AIR PLAN I 7' Fi11levt 1 for 20 ft. . = Buried I. R.inforcing Rod INumber of 3tai r3 depend3 on height needed to fi11level for 20 feet.1 ~. ITotal · of stai rs= 561 1# of 3tai r3 nece33ary for each 20ft. level run. 8ft. I IMATERIALS-I 6:"(.J~"i~ I Sptk.s Reinforcing Rod Limestone , " Fill feaST ESTIMATES-I ITEM COST AMT. DELIVERY TOTAL Rail road Tie3 $4.77 280 $24. $1359.60 Cru3hed Lime3tone $4.55/ton 100 $150. e3t. $605. Rei nforci ng Rod $.15/ft. 330 $0.00 $49.50 Spi lce3 $.30 ea. 550 $0.00 $165. Renta ls, other equip. $250. N/A N/A $250. (saw blades, etc...) GRAND TOTAL~ $2429.1 0 ~ + tax if applicable To complete this project, I plan to gather volunteers from Boy Scout Troops, churches, and other sources as needed for the project. The major jobs will be done on weekends, when more adult help can be arranged. Minor jobs wl1l most likely be completed on weekdays (ie. cutting ties, marking step locations, etc...) Page Date Rev 2 8/4 0