1986 09 02 Agenda
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
September 2, 1986
*P1ease meet at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. as we will be visiting
Meadow Green Park.
1. Call to Order, 7:30 p.m.
2. Minutes of August 5, 1986.
3. Updates on Park Related Items.
4. 1986 Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Annnua1 Fall
5. 1987 Capital Improvement Program.
. 6. Commissioners Presentations.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order by Chairman Lynch at 7:30 p.m. Commissioners
present were Mike Lynch, Mike Rosenwald, Sue Boyt, Curt Robinson,
Jim Mady, Wallace McKay. Charlie Robbins was absent. Lori
Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator was also present.
The minutes of the Park and Recreation meeting of July 1, 1986
were reviewed. Robinson moved to accept the minutes as pre-
sented. The motion was seconded by Mady and carried unanimously.
Updates on City Council Action on Park Related Items
Sietsema said that her Memorandum regarding City Council action
on park related items was self explanatory and there for the
Commission's information. She said no discussion or action was
needed unless the Commission had any questions.
Boyt asked if the City Council receives the Park and Recreation
Commission's minutes. Sietsema said that they do. Boyt refered
to the bottom of page 12 of the City Council minutes dated July
21. She said that Dale Geving stated that he feels the Park and
Recreation Commission should develop a comprehensive plan for .
trails. Boyt said that she attended that Council meeting and
pointed out that the Park and Recreation Commission had made that
recommendation in their last minutes. She stated that she did
not feel that the City Council was paying much attention to what
the Commission is doing, as no one on the Council seemed to be
aware that we had recommended that a trail plan be developed.
She said that the City Council minutes reflect that it is Dale
Geving's idea and the Park and Recreation Commission ought to be
more on the ball.
Lynch said that he had developed that opinion long ago and expressed
it several times, but it gets frustrating. Boyt said that she
has been to several meetings recently and the Park and Recreation
Commission is put down over and over again, as being incompetent
and not doing our jObs. She said that she just wanted to bring
this to the Commission's attention.
Lynch asked what the status of trai1way requests. Sietsema said
that the Council reviewed the request for a trail along
Minnewashta Parkway and the one along Carver Beach Road. She
said that the Council tabled action until a trail plan could be
developed, as the Commission had recommended. It was at this
point that Councilman Geving stated that a trail plan and overall
park plan should be developed.
Lynch asked how we get started on updated the existing
Comprehensive Plan. Sietsema said that Mark Koegler would be
working with staff and that currently they were working on the
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August 5, 1986
Page 2
planning section. She said that the updating process would begin
on the Park and Recreation section in September.
Boyt said that instead of responding to our request for trail way
plan to be included in the updating process the Council said that
another committee should be formed to develop a park plan that
would include Commission members, Dale Geving and residents.
Lynch asked if anyone on the Commission was interested in serving
on this committee, no one was.
McKay stated that he would like to add the trail and park plan
issue to the end of this agenda for discussion. He said that he
would like to see an outline of this process so we know where we
are going.
Lynch asked what the status was of the park shelter building that
the Legion was constructing at Lake Ann Park. Sietsema said that
the trusses had just recently been ordered and that they take
five weeks for delivery. She said that it was her understanding
that construction would begin upon their arrival.
South Lotus Lake Boat Access Operational Procedures
Sietsema said that the South Lotus Lake boat access is currently
under construction and it is anticipated that it will be
completed sometime this fall, after Labor Day weekend. She said
that City Council had directed the Park and Recreation Commission
to review operational procedures for the access and forward a
recomendation to them.
Sietsema said the South Lotus Lake Boat Access was developed with
LAWCON/LCMR funds which are administered by the Department of
Energy and Economic Development (DEED). Sietsema said that she
had discussed this item in detail with Cindy Wheeler of DEED, who
said that a condition of receiving these monies requires that the
City comply with standards set by them. According to Wheeler,
DEED, as an agency member of the Metropolitan Waters Access Task
Force, has set the following standards which are mandatory for
all projects using state or federal funds.
1. A minimum of one car/trailer parking space per 20 acres of
water surface are to be provided.
2. The access must be open a minimum of 16 hours per day
between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and midnight.
3. No special fees may be charged for the use of the boat
4. No discriminatory restrictions may be placed on the
access users. Any restrictions must apply to all lake
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August 5, 1986
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Sietsema handed out a letter from Wheeler reiterating these
Sietsema said that she recommended that the City adhere to these
standards and to remain consistent, recommended that park rules
be the same as in all other City parks. These rules are outlined
in the City's Park Ordinance and include:
No pets allowed
No intoxicating liquor
Park hours are from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
Rosenwald asked what would happen to the old access. Sietsema
said that the old access is located in Carver Beach and staff
would make it impossible to launch a boat from that access.
Lynch said that the letter from Wheeler indicated that the City
must provide handicapped parking adjacent to the boat access.
Sietsema said that the accepted and approved plan has ten
car/trailer spaces on the top of the hill and two handicapped
spaces adjacent to the ramp. Lynch said that the letter also
indicated that the City would not be able to require access users
to park in the provided parking lot, as this would be discrimina-
tory. Sietsema said that Wheeler was answering questions .
discussed on the telephone.
Boyt asked if it was written somewhere that the City could not
require access users to park in the parking lot or if that was
just Wheeler's interpretation. Sietsema said that it is a state
law that we cannot restrict the access, and this would fall into
that catagory.
Boyt asked that the timeframe of the required hours be
explained. Sietsema said that the access must be open for at
least 16 hours per day. Those 16 hours can be anywhere between
the hours of 4:00 a.m. and midnight. Park hours at other parks
are from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., a total of 16 hours.
McKay moved to recommend that the park rules for the South Lotus
Lake Boat Access be established so as to be consistant with all
other City parks. The motion was seconded by Robinson.
Lynch asked for discussion.
Roger Karjalahti, 7413 Frontier Trail, said that he agreed that
\ the park rules need to be consistent with other parks for law
enforcement purposes. There has been talk of a gate house being
there and a gate closed so that nobody can use it until 6:00 a.m.
and after 10:00 p.m. He indicated that this needs to be .
addressed. He said that Sietsema recommended that an attendant
be budgeted for fulltime during certain times of the year similar
to Lake Riley. It is important to have someone there watching
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August 5, 1986
Page 4
the number of people coming during the high use times or else
having 12 car/trailer spaces does not mean anything, people will
be parking trailers everywhere, he said.
Lynch said he would be interested in seeing someone out there
just to see where the high use patterns are.
Karjalahti said that Lake Riley gets a lot of usage and there is
often people waiting to get on the lake. He said that he knows
people in the Twin Cities who come out to Lake Riley because it
is close.
Lynch asked how Eden Prairie clears the parking lot when it is
closing time there. Sietsema said that most likely they are told
as they enter the gate when they must be off. Boyt said that
cars parked overnight are towed.
Lynch asked if the City and Mr. Bloomberg have discussed the
parking issue along the street. He said that he did not want to
create a hardship for the people in that subdivision by not
allowing parking on the street. Sietsema said there has not been
discussion on this as of yet, and that the Commission was asked
to discuss these items and send on a recommendation.
Sietsema said that there were two ways the City could limit the
car/trailer parking to the provided lot. She said that the City
could sign the street real well prohibiting car/trailer parking and
stating that violators will be ticketed or towed. The other way
is to have a gate attendant on duty to close the access when the
car/trailer parking area is full, and open it when a parking
space is free. She said that she would recommend a combination
of the two, having a gate attendant on duty at high usage times
and relying on the signs during off-peak times.
Boyt said that at Lake Riley they do not allow people to launch
their boat and park their vehicle outside the park. Sietsema
said that they do not allow access users to park outside the park
when the parking lot is filled. She said that Wheeler had indi-
cated that requiring the access user to park in the parking lot
would be discriminatory. Wheeler said that if Lake Riley is
doing that, they are being discriminatory.
Rosenwald asked if 12 cars parked along the street or in drive-
ways after launching boats, would we then close down the boat
access? Sietsema said no, as long as there are car/trailer
parking spaces available, boats must be a-llowed to use the lake.
She said that the City cannot restrict the number of boats on
the lake, but can restrict the cars parking along the street.
Henry Sosin said that if we want to control the number of boats on
the lake, then you have to require them to park in those parking
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
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spaces. Boyt said that we cannot require them to park there, but
we would not provide them with another place to park. It is a
round about way of restricting the number of boats. To require
them to park there would be discriminatory. Sosin said that he
did not know the technicality, but they do that at Lake Riley for
the express purpose of limiting the number of boats on the lake.
Sietsema said that according to DEED that is discriminatory.
Sosin asked what DEED had to do with boat launches. Sietsema
said that DEED administers the state and federal funds used for
the development of the access and therefore the City is required
to comply with the standards set by the Metropolitan Waters
Access Task Force. Sosin said he thought it was the DNR that
controlled the use of the launches. Sietsema said the Metro
Waters Access Task Force is made up of DNR, Metropolitan Council
and DEED. She said that because our LAWCON/LCMR funds. are admi-
nistered by DEED, the City has to comply with those standards.
Jack Melby said this has never come up during all of the meetings
we have had with the City Councilor Planning Commission. Melby
said that the City Council said that the City could do whatever
was reasonable to control that access because it was a City
access and not a DNR access. Now that things are said and done
there are new and different rules. Boyt said that they had been .
misled by the City Council. Melby said there was a tremendous
amount of lack of communication between the Park and Recreation
Commission and the City Council and staff from what he had wit-
nessed. He said that Wheeler's letter is contrary to what he had
been told in terms of what kinds of control the City would have over
it's access and it's park.
Sietsema said that whoever owns or operates the boat access on
Lotus Lake must stay within the state laws. State Law prohibits
any kind of regulations discriminating against the access user.
Melby said that this kind of thing should have been presented to
us long ago before the access was approved. Sietsema said that
the same standards had been presented to the Planning Commission and
the City Council in past meetings, the only difference now is
that at that time it was not a state law. She said that this law
was not signed until March of 1986 and the boat access was
approved last summer.
Sosin said that they should not be able to enforce this because
the law was passed after the LAWCON funds were received. Sietsema
said that the only cases exempt were the ones who had a water
surface zoning agreement with the DNR before the law was passed and
that the exception would only hold for seven years. She said
that the City did not have any agreement with the DNR regarding
Melby said that all this time they had been led to believe by the
City Council that they would do their utmost in terms of trying
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 6
to limit the number of boats on the lake for the protection of
the lake. The issue then was following the guidelines of one
boat per 20 acres, which was 12 boats. Now you are saying that
that is discriminatory and it does not make sense at all.
Lynch said that rules and regulations standards for boat accesses
have come a long way. He said that the DNR has come a long way
in how they enforce these standards. He said that the DEED letter
from Wheeler is a concise portrayal of what we are talking about
and that is what I think we have to send up to the City Council.
Now, what the Council does with it may be a totally different
Melby said that he lives directly adjacent to the boat access
property and is concerned about the park rules. He asked what
will prevent that park from becoming a party place every night
until midnight or later. Sietsema said that the access would be
closed so the gate would be pulled across at the top of the hill,
preventing people from going down there at night. Melby said
that this could be a big problem.
Lynch said that this type of thing has been a problem in the
past. He said secluded areas are more prone to be party spots
for kids and perhaps more policing of these areas was needed. He
said, however, that he did not feel that the City should discon-
tinue the development of facilities because of potential misuse.
Melby said that his house is set back from the park and the
access about 700 feet, therefore he is not able to see his beach
area at night.
Mady said that as President of the Sunrise Hills Homeowners
Association, we have had problems ever since the Sunrise Hills
Beachlot has been there. He said that last year a light was
installed on the lot down by the beach that comes on when it gets
dark and goes off when it gets light. He said that he has not
had a complaint yet this year regarding parties on the beachlot.
Melby said that a light would be a good idea and asked if it was
in the plan. Sietsema said she did not believe there was a light
included in the plan, but one could be included. Karjalahti said
that people will park on top and walk down to the lake, a light
may deter that kind of activity.
Sosin said that he would like to address the issue of over utili-
zation of the lake and point out some salient facts about
the lake that the Commission should consider, rather than just
accepting these rules. He said that the Commission's recommen-
dation to the City Council can be made regardless of what the
standards are. He said that Lotus Lake is a very shallow lake
with an average depth of 13 feet, the deepest spot in one place
is 32 feet. Shallow bodies of water are much more susceptible to
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 7
churning by motors than deep bodies of water and the environmental
factor is far greater in shallow bodies of water. He said there
has already been a major change in the lake due to the construc-
tion of the access, which demonstrates the sensitivity of the
lake to silt. He said that for the environmental problem that
Lotus is susceptible, far greater than Minnewashta or Medicine
Lakes, we need to be much more careful.
Sosin said that he also wanted to point out that the reason for
the one boat per 20 acres, a standard set by DNR, is a safety
standard. He said that the DNR came up with a standard of one
boat per ten acres for safety and assumed that the homeowners
would use 50% of water surface. He said that if you put 24 boats
on the lake at anyone time, you have saturated the safety limits
set up by DNR, and are then at an unsafe level. He said that if
the City does not control the access to limit it to 12" boats
rather than 12 cars, the lake may be in trouble and we will be in
trouble in terms of safety. He said if you look at a map of
Lotus Lake you will see that it is peculiar in shape and notice
that there are two spots in the lake that are very narrow. He
said that if you have ever been on the lake on a weekend with
only six boats with skiers, it is dangerous in that portion of
the lake. He suggested that the Commission think very hard about .
restricting the number of boats, in other words, somehow require
them to park in the lot and close the access when the lot is
Lynch asked Mr. Sosin, in view of the shallowness of the lake and
the odd shape, would he support a horse power limit on the lake
of 10 - 15 horse powers? This would certainly limit life
threatening accidents and be much easier on the lake. Sosin said
that he personally would support such a restriction, however
could not speak for the rest of the people in the Homeowners
Association, because a lot of those people are water skiers.
Lynch asked what Sosin thought would be the Association's
response. Sosin replied that he did not think that they would
like it as many have a lot of money invested in very fancy boats.
Mady said that he could think of one way to restrict the horse-
power on the lake, although you would have to do it for
everyone, and that would be to put a 25 horsepower restriction
with exception of special use permits sold by the City to anyone
who wants one. He said we could put a flat $50 fee on such a permit
and it would have to be on your motor to get on the lake. He
said that seasonal and daily permits could be made available.
Melby said that another point to consider is a directional pat-
tern of travel on the lake. He said that currently the people
who live on the lake all travel in a counter clockwise direction
when water skiing. On a busy day, people unfamiliar with that
pattern may create problems. He suggested that a sign be posted
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 8
at the access stating this. Karjalahti indicated that this could
be made mandatory as part of the Metro Waters Access.
McKay asked if there was more than one Lake Association on Lotus
Lake. Lynch said that there was. McKay asked if we could ask
those associations whether they would support a recommendation
limiting the horse power. He said that this is an issue that
could be worked on and we should get the residents feelings on it.
Karjalahti said that he would like to see a sign posted that
would specifically state the rules; travel in counter clockwise
direction, no liquor, etc. In addition he said that he would like
to see a number circulated so that when someone is abusing the lake,
they can be reported. Sietsema said that a sign would be posted
outlining all park rules and any water surface regulations, simi-
lar to what is at Lake Ann Park. She said that any time a resi-
dent witnesses someone behaving carelessly or recklessly, they
should call the Carver County Sheriff's Department. Mady said
that he has always had good response by the Sheriff's Department
when he has received a complaint. Karjalahti said he would like
to see that number on the park sign.
Karjalahti said he would also like to a speed limit placed on the
lake. Sietsema said that a speed limit would go through Water
Surface Use Zoning which has to be approved by the DNR. She
said that she has the applications on file if the City should
decide to make application for such. Lynch said that enforcing a
speed limit is very hard to do. Boyt said that she felt it was a
good idea to have a speed limit posted.
Karjalahti said he would like to see' the Sheriff's Department out
on Lotus Lake the first few weekends the boat access is open.
Sietsema said that she would make that request through the Public
Safety Director.
McKay made the following motion:
1. To direct staff to ask the City Attorney whether the
City can restrict car/trailer parking on the streets
adjacent to the parking lot or if a parking restric-
tion must include all vehicles.
2. To direct staff to ask the City Attorney if the uni-
form restriction of horse power could be done with a
special permit obtainable at City Hall for larger
horse power motors.
3. To direct staff to contact the homeowners asso-
ciations on Lotus Lake to gain input from them on
limiting the horse power.
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August 5, 1986
Page 9
Sietsema suggested that if further research was needed, that
perhaps the Commission should table any action on this item until
that information was gathered, making a compLete recommendation
at that time. McKay said that if this item was not going
directly to Council he would withdraw his motion.
Sosin asked that the Commission consider one more item. He said
that if you look at just the park itself you have a slightly
skewed picture. He said that the access to the park is part of
another building project which will have about 110 units imme-
diately adjacent to it. He said that this park and boat access
is almost like a private country club. In terms of over utiliza-
tion, the people who live in that area could drive down, put
their boat in the water, put their car and trailer in their
garage and you could have 50 boats on the lake. The access to
them is very convenient.
Lynch said that there is no way that we can be discriminatory in
that manner. He pointed out that the lake resident who launches
his boat in the spring would then be required to park in the
parking lot as well. The gate attendant will not be able to tell
the difference between a lake resident and a daily access user.
Mady said that the City cannot restrict a boat coming on the .
lake. Sosin said that that is exactly what Eden Prairie is
doing on Lake Riley. Mady said that they may be able to do this
because they are not bound by the standards set by DEED.
Dianne prieditis asked if the DNR and DEED were both members of
the Metro Waters Access Task Force. Sietsema said that they are.
Prieditis said that it sounded contr~dictory if DNR set the stan-
dard that for safety purposes only one boat per 20 acres and on
the other hand DEED says you cannot be discriminatory as to how
many boats can be in the water. Who is right?
Sietsema explained that the one boat per 20 acres is a minimum
standard guideline. The DNR will not consider it an adequate
access with less parking spaces. She said that according to Tim
Smalley, Boat Safety Specialist with the DNR, this is not the
maximum for capacity, but the minimum allowed for the DNR to con-
sider is an adequate access. She said that as a minimum standard
adopted by the Metropolitan Waters Access Task Force, DEED
requires that all agencies using state or federal funds must
\ Mady said that the bottom line is that the City must allow at
least one car/trailer parking space per 20 acres of water sur-
face. Melby said Lotus Lake is well saturated with riparian
homes and beachlots and most of the lots are relatively small.
There are 95 homeowners right now that live on the lake, a few
beachlots, and there will be more homeowners with continued
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 10
development. We are talking 100 riparian owners plus all of the
other activity from the beachlots. Relative to its size, Lotus
Lake is much more saturated than Minnewashta or Christmas Lakes.
Some kind of consideration has to be given to this.
Lynch said that consideration will be given to that, but cannot
be in the form of preventing outside persons from using the lake.
Sosin said that the number of boats could be restricted. Lynch
said that parking availability could be limited, but not the
number of lake users.
McKay stated that he felt the same question had been discussed
over and over, and that the Commission needed to decide what to
do with this item.
McKay made a motion to table any action on this item until
further information could be gathered. Boyt seconded the motion
and it carried unanimously.
Lynch stated that he wanted to find out if the law specifically
means that access users cannot be required to park in the pro-
vided parking area, or if this is simply Wheeler's interpreta-
tion. He also wanted to know if there is an open parking space,
no matter how many boats have been launched, does the City have
to continue to allow access? He stated that he was looking for a
legal yes or no answer.
Mady moved to direct staff to ask the City attorney to investi-
gate three items:
1. The legality of restricting car/trailer parking on
the streets adjacent to the boat access and park.
2. The possibility of placing a horsepower restriction
on the lake with the exception of boats with a city
permit allowing larger motors.
3. The legality of requiring people to park in the pro-
vided parking lot after launching their boat or
limiting the number of boats entering the lake,
regardless of the parking spaces available.
Rosenwald seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Karjalahti said that he would like to see the City approach the
DNR about restocking Lotus Lake again. Lynch asked staff to
check to see if there were any procedures necessary to get them
going on that.
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August 5, 1986
Page 11
Conservation Easement for Chanhassen Vista Proposed Development
Sietsema said that the development contract was reviewed and
approved by the City Council the previous night. She said that
she included the easement only to inform the Commission of it's
content and required no action by the Commission. She said that
if changes were desired, a recommendation would be in order.
Boyt said that the easement had been passed by the City Council
but in different form. She said that she did not attend the
meeting herself, however she received a phone call from Jay
Johnson saying that the City staff and Attorney decided that we
could not have the trail through the easement due to liability.
She said that after the Commission had been assured by the City
Engineer and City Manager that we would be able to have a trail
anywhere we want, we are now limited to stay within the 952 con-
tour line. Lynch asked where it would infringe the trail. Boyt
said that the Commission had not determined that yet, but the
reason we decided that we would not recommend purchasing the slo-
pes was because we had been assured that we could incorporate a
trail along those slopes in our park plan. She said that she did
not feel that staff has represented the Park and Recreation
Commission's recommendations as they knew that we wanted a trail. .
She suggested that the Commission ask Dale Geving to reconsider
his motion on this item so that the trail could be included.
Lynch asked exactly where the 952 contour line was. Sietsema
brought out the Chanhassen Vista plan and showed the Commission
the area in question. She stated that there would be sufficient
space to put in a trail within that area. Boyt said that the
Commission's concern was with the wildlife and that a trail too
close to the water line would inhibit nesting. She said that
these concerns were all expressed in the minutes.
Tom Henderson, 7488 Saratoga Drive, explained that he had
attended recent City Council meetings. He said that he got a
little upset at the length of the meetings and the lack of con-
cern the Council had for what the residents had to say. He said
that he was quite disturbed by this issue because the closer the
trail is to the water the more you will destroy the chance of
wildlife. He said he did not believe that the City Council
really took that into consideration, they just accepted what the
developer had to offer.
Lynch said that the Commission had received some conflicting
signals as well. He said that it was suggested by Dale Geving
that we ask for everything that we could get out of this develo-
pment. Boyt said that it was Dale Geving that made the motion
which excluded the trail.
Lynch said that the 952 contour line appeared to be at the base
of the slope and suggested that we would not want to put a trail
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 12
any further up on that slope. Boyt said that the Commission had
talked about putting a trail up along the north side by the big
old tree. Lynch indicated that that would be unfortunate to
loose. Boyt said that what she is upset about is the fact that
the staff, after assuring the Commission that a trail could be
included in the plan, then changed their mind without informing
us so that we could reconsider our recommendation. She said that
staff has met with the developer to help them move this project
along, but did not meet with the Commission to inform us of the
change. McKay said that the only way to have avoided something
like this would have been to ask that the easement be drawn and
brought back to us. Boyt said that she was certain that that was
the case.
Mady said that no matter what is said here, unless we go to the
City Council meetings and express ourselves, the Council will go
ahead and do what they want to. McKay expressed that we are an
advisory commission and we have no power except to do that.
asked the Commission what they wanted to do about this
Boyt said that she would like to ask Dale Geving to recon-
his motion approving the contract agreement so that the
could be included.
Sietsema said that she had not attended the City Council meeting
the previous night and had not been informed of any changes. She
said that she was not at all sure that the easement excluded
trails as it is written. Boyt said that it was her understanding
that the City Attorney recommended that the City avoid having
trails on property that did not belong to them due to the poten-
tial liability. Lynch asked if this is the case, how does it
affect our other trail easements that are on private property.
Mady said that we need to get an understanding from the attorney
if this is supposed to be what will happen from now on with
trails. Does this mean the City will have to purchase every bit
of land we want to have a trail on?
Sietsema said that she would check into this matter and find out
what happened. She said that she would talk to the City Manager
and have him call Lynch and she would foreward the City Council
minutes to the Commission.
Steve White, 8104 Dakota Avenue, was present to discuss his pro-
posed Eagle Scout Project. He stated that he would like to
construct a stairway up the hill to the observation deck at
Chanhassen Pond Park. The stairs would be constructed with
railroad ties and filled with crushed limestone rock. The hill
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 13
is approximately 342 feet long with a rise of approximately 28.5
feet. White stated that he would organize the workers to
complete the job.
Lynch stated that he talked with Dale Gregory, Park Foreman who
stated that the walkway portion will be blacktopped to the por-
tion where this project would begin. A culvert will also be
Sietsema stated that she had spoken with the City Engineer who
was concerned about loaning City equipment to complete this pro-
ject. White explained that they could possibly complete the pro-
ject just using shovels. There will be a lot of digging
required and he estimates that it will take 5 hours per set.
White further stated that he will be using Scouts from his troop
and other troops, any residents he can recruit, and he will be
asking the churches for some help. Most of the work will be
completed on weekends. White would like to develop work teams
that would install one set of stairs per weekend. He has not
decided how many people he would need yet as he is waiting to see
what kind of response he gets from citizens. The project will be
started at the bottom of the hill and go to the top.
Lynch suggested that a roto-tiller might be of some help in
preparing the site.
White stated that he would like to get the project going as soon
as possible and have most of the materials ordered by the end of
the month. He is hoping to complete the project before the first
Lynch stated that he would also like to see a bridge built over
the stream in the park and that would possibly be another Scout
Lynch asked White how he planned to get the crushed limestone to
the site. White stated that although there was a "no motorized
vehicle" sign on the path, he was hoping that a truck could make
the delivery. Sietsema suggested that he work with Dale Gregory
on that item.
McKay asked if the money for this project would come out of the
Park and Recreation Commission budget. Sietsema stated that the
funds would come out of the Capital Improvement Program which
currently has approximately $31,000.
Lynch stated that he asked a landscape architect what a project
like this would cost if it were completed under a contract and .
he stated it would be $12,000.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 14
Robinson moved to recommend that the City Council allocate up to
$3,000 from Park and Recreation Capital Improvement Funds for
completion of a stairway at Chanhassenpond Park. McKay seconded
the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chaparral Homeowner's Request for Barrier between Park and
Private Property
Sietsema said that Lydia Porter, 7217 Pontiac Circle, had con-
tacted her to complain about people trespassing on her property
to get ot Meadow Green Park. She said that park users were
parking along Pontiac Circle and walking across her yard to get
to field #2 as this was a shorter distance to walk than if they
parked in the parking lot.
Sietsema said that she and Don Ashworth had met with Mrs.
Porter's son to discuss this and it was suggested that a fence be
installed along the propery line. She said that a 350' fence
would cost approximately $2450 and recommended that it be
included in the 1987 Capital Improvement Program.
Lynch said if that if the fence did not go all the way along the
property line, would people just park further down the street and
walk in? Sietsema said that at that point it becomes the same
distance as it would be to walk from the parking lot.
McKay asked if there was a problem with parking in the lot - is
there a need for additional parking? Sietsema said she did not
believe the parking area was getting filled, but that people were
trying to cut down the walking distance. She said that it is a
30 car lot and parking is allowed along the street at the park
Mady asked if there was any place else in the City where we put
up a fence along the property line. Rosenwald said that he bor-
dered the Chanhassen Pond Park and he is the only one on the
street who does not have a fence along the property line. Mady
said that there are a lot of parks in Minneapolis and he could
not think of one that has a fence between the park and private
property, put up by the City.
Lynch asked who the trespassers are. Sietsema said that mostly
softball players from what she has understood. She said that
most practices take place at Meadow Green Park because once the
season is underway Lake Ann Park is used for games. She said
that practices were scheduled through her office.
Mady said that he hated to see a fence be put up. He suggested
restricting parking during certain hours of the day, or other
things. He asked if all the people along the park property line
wanted a fence there. Sietsema said that she was told the people
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 15
at the north end of the west edge did not want a fence, but she
had not contacted all of them to find out.
McKay said that if we are going to fence, we should do so on a
philisophical basis. If we fence to restrict access then we
should fence all the way down. If we fence only part way we may
have a problem further down the line next year.
Mady said that this seemed to be a softball problem and could be
dealt with by informing the players. He said that parking signs
could be put up. He said that there are trespass laws that could
take care of this. There are other things that could be done so
that we do not have to spend $2450 on fencing.
McKay said that people worry about retaliation in reporting
people and we should have a philisophical base to make this
determination. We should consider the number of neighbors who
want this fence and he felt the request should come from more
than one source. He said that if this is a general neighborhood
nuisance, then we have an obligation to do something.
Lynch directed staff to write to this party and thank them for
bringing this item to our attention. He said that the letter
should relay that we will investigate the problem and inform the .
softball teams they are not to trespass to get to the park.
Sietsema said that because this is a request a motion was in
order as it will be going to City Council.
McKay suggested that we should cover all bases when sending a
recommendation to the City Council. He said that we should
recommend denial or else it should encompass all properties
impacted by the park.
Lynch said that if a person has a problem with a neighbor, they
do not require the neighbor to put up a fence, they put up their
own fence.
Mady suggested that the Commission direct staff to draft a letter
to the homeowners' associations and ask them to find out if all
the people want a fence there. He suggested that we restrict
parking in the street. Sietsema said that that would become a
problem when people had company and needed the to park in the
street. Mady suggested that the associations look at that too.
Rosenwald moved to recommend denial of request to install fencing
along the property line at Meadow Green Park pending further
investigation and consultation with the Chaparral Homeowners'
Associations for alternate solutions. The motion was seconded by .
McKay and carried unanimously.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5,1986
Page 16
Sietsema said that earlier this year the Park and Recreation
Commission and City Council had reviewed and approved a master
park plan for the park on the north side of Lotus Lake. She said
that the City Engineer, Bill Monk, is prepared to begin the
grading of the park this fall if Capital Improvement funds are
allocated. Sietsema indicated that once the grading was done,
the rest of the development could be done in-house as funds
became available.
McKay moved to recommend that the City allocate $15,000 of the
Capital Improvement Fund 410 for the grading project at North
Lotus Lake Park. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Presentations
McKay said that he has the feeling that we are neglected by the
City Council, but perhaps we are not fulfilling the obligation
that others see for us. He asked if it was intended that we set
up a plan for the revision of the parks and trails, or is this to
be done by staff and brought back for our reaction, or are we to
meet with neighborhood groups, or how is this to proceed?
Sietsema said that Dale Geving has suggested that a park plan
committee be formed to come up with a park plan that would
include residents, staff, commissioners and possibly himself.
She said that we have consultants working on the revision and
updating of the current Comprehensive Plan. Part of this process
will include the updating of the existing Recreation Section as
well as the development of a comprehensive trail plan. She said
that staff has been directed by the City Council to proceed with
this process.
Sietsema said that Mark Koegler is the consultant working on this
project. She said that Koegler is working on the Planning and
Land Use Sections now and is scheduled to begin the Recreation
Section in September. She said that the Planning Section will
include projections on when and where development is anticipated
to take place. This will enable us to base our determinations on
where park/open space can be anticipated, then when the develop-
ment plan comes in we know what to ask for in terms of park dedi-
cation or the dedication of fees.
Lynch said he would be interested in seeing what we can do with
the park land that we have. He said that the City should be in a
position to do something with existing parkland.
McKay said that he would like to see a schedule for this updating
process. He said that if we are entering in a contract with
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
\ Page 17
someone to do this, then there has to be a sketch plan of events.
He said that there should be a plan so that when the Commission
gets the packet they know how things will proceed. He suggested
that there should be a plan so that we have an idea of what
Chanhassen will look like when it is completely developed.
Lynch said that we really do not know what will happen with deve-
lopment. He suggested that what was being asked for was a work
schedule for the updating process. Sietsema said that the con-
sultant and the City Planner are currently working on Planning
and Land Use and will be working on Recreation in September. She
said that the Commission could expect to see Koegler in September
with an orientation of how we will proceed with the process.
Robinson said that what is being requested is that potential
park/open space be highlighted and when it becomes available to
the City the process be outlined.
McKay said that in the fifties he was involved in projecting
where property would become available and populations that
schools would need to be prepared to serve, for the whole City.
He said that he has been involved in governmental planning pro-
cesses and someone sits down ahead of time and lays out what .
their time line for completion is so that people can plan on
making decisions and get the proper community involvement. He
said that obviously a plan is only a guideline.
Sietsema said that the Comprehensive Plan is the same type of
plan as McKay was talking about. She said it outlines what
should be done in each area of the City in regards to park/open
space. McKay asked why we are studying this if it is already in
place. Sietsema said that it is over five years old and needs to
be updated. He asked when it was to be updated. Sietsema said
the Recreation Section will be worked on in September.
McKay said that he would like to see the consultant come in and
outline his plan, stating when he plans to have a report back to
the Commission and what he was going to do and study. Lynch said
that in the past, timelines for projects done by consultants have
been real vague. He said that the Commission does not
necessarily need to see the project completed immediately, but we
should be told up front when to expect to see it. He said that
he would like to know what it costs, what we are getting, and
when we are getting it.
Sietsema said that the Commission could expect to see the con-
sultant for such a break down in September or October.
Lynch said that he was very excited about getting the trails
together as we we are starting to have enough of them to get some
where. He asked if we have an easement along the creek between
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
August 5, 1986
Page 18
Chanhassen Vista and the development just above, Triple Crown
Estates. Sietsema said that we do have a trail easement along
the creek. Lynch asked where that trail comes out. Sietsema
said that it comes out on the east side of the holding pond.
Lynch said that he would check that out.
Mady said that he was concerned about the steep banks around the
outside of he hockey rinks. He said he was walking there and
felt that there was a potential danger of someone falling between
the bank and boards as there is no fence there. He asked staff
to look into putting something along the banks make that safer.
Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting. The motin was seconded by
Mady and carried unanimously.
Prepared by: Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinato..pr (
August 28, 1986 ~
Update on Park and Recreation Related Items
North Lotus Lake Grading Project: The City Council approved
allocation of up to $15,000 of the 1986 Capital Improvement
Project Fund 410 for the grading project at North Lotus Lake
Park. This is consistent with the Park and Recreation Commission's
recommendation. City Engineer, Bill Monk, will be proceeding .
with this project in early September.
Eagle Scout Project: The City Council approved the allocation of
up to $3,000 for the Eagle Scout Project proposed by Steve White,
as recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission. The pro-
ject involves the construction of a stairway at Chanhassen Pond
Park. Mr. White is in the process of purchasing materials now
and it is anticipated that construction will begin during the
first part of September.
South Lotus Lake Boat Access: I have forwarded the Commission's
questions regarding the boat access to the City Attorney, It is
expected that I will hear back from him by September 12th.
Attached please find a letter sent to Kim Elverum, Boat and Water
Safety Coordinator for DNR, regarding the question on requiring a
permit for motors in excess of 25 horsepower. Mr. Elverum
reviews the water surface zoning applications and I felt that his
remarks would be helpful.
Chaparral Homeowners Request for Fence: Attached please find a
letter sent to the homeowners associations in Chaparral regarding
the request for a fence along the west property line at Meadow
Green Park. The responses to this letter will be brought back to
the Park and Recreation Commission at the October 7th meeting.
... I I J
/' J UiJ./. r... ~".f'.' -l :r:r
(612) 937-1900
August 28, 1986
Mr. Kim Elverum
DNR Boat and Water Coordinator
500 Lafayette Road
P.O. Box 46
St. Paul, MN 55155-4046
Dear Mr. Elverim:
As you know per our recent telephone conversation, the Chanhassen
Park and Recreation Commission is reviewing operational proce-
dures for the Lotus Lake Boat Access. The lake residents are
very concerned that a drastic increase in lake usage will occur
when the access opens which will be environmentally detrimentai
to the lake. They have requested that the City investigate
possible ways of legally restricting the number of boats entering
the lake or motor size.
As I mentioned on the phone, it was suggested that a restriction
be placed on the lake limiting the motor size to 25 horsepower.
This restriction would apply to all boats on the lake except
those with a special permit which could be purchased at
Chanhassen City Hall.
I would like you to please respond in writing
as I understand that such a restriction would
reviewal in the Water Surface Zoning process.
Recreation Commission will continue to review
October meeting. It would be very helpful to
by September 26th.
to this suggestion
be subject to your
The Park and
this item at their
have your comments
Your input and insight on this matter is very much appreciated.
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator
oJ/4t h,lJf n t A::.;).....
(612) 937-1900
August 28, 1986
Mr. Roger Karjalahti
Lotus Lake Homeowners Association
7413 Frontier Trail
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. Karjalahti:
This letter is to inform you and the Lotus Lake Homeowners
Association that the Lotus Lake Boat Access operational proce-
dures will not appear on the Park and Recreation Commission
agenda until October 7th.
Enclosed please find the minutes from the August meeting .
regarding this item. At that meeting, the Commission tabled any
action pending further. investigation and directed staff to for-
ward a number of questions to the City Attorney. I have done so
and am expecting a reply by mid-September.
I will be sending you an agenda for the next meeting by October
3rd. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
at 937-1900.
~~ t.'~~
~~ Si~ma
Park and Recreation Coordinator
a.ur-Jlhll:~', ~4. :J. ;;'
(612) 937-1900
August 28, 1986
Mr. Dan Sochko, President
Cimarron Homeowners Association
7252 Pontiac Circle
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Mr. Sochko:
The Park and Recreation Commission recently received a request to
install a fence along the western property line of Meadow Green
Park. It seems that a resident who lives along the property line
is having problems with people parking along Pontiac Circle and
walking across their property to gain access to the park.
Upon review of this request, the Commission was uncertain that
this was a solution everyone along the property line would favor.
The Commission has directed staff to contact the Homeowners
Associations in the area for your input. They are asking that
you poll the members of your association and respond as to
whether you are in favor of a fence or not.
It would be very helpful if your response could be received by
this office no later than September 25th. If you have any
questions or concerns, please contact me at 937-1900. Your input
is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator
(612) 937-1900
Park and Recreation Commission
Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation coordinat~.\
August 27, 1986 ~
MRPA Annual Fall Conference
The Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association will hold their
1986 Annual Fall Conference on September 24-26. The 1986 Budget
has allocated funds to send two commissioners to such. It is not .
required that any members attend, however, money is available
should anyone be interested.
(612) 937-1900
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
DATE: August 28, 1986
SUBJ: 1987 Capital Improvement Program
The 1987 budgetary process is currently underway. It is the Park
and Recreation Commission's responsibility in this process to
submit a Capital Improvement Program budget. This is a 410 fund
which involves projects related to park acquisition and develop-
The 1986 Budget allocated $35,000 for the Capital Improvement
Program last year and the Park and Recreation Commission did not
identify projcts for that fund. As you may recall, the
Commission wanted to be able to handle projects as they were
requested and rollover a portion of that fund into 1987 to
handle larger projects.
This year, staff is recommending that the Commission outline pro-
jects to be completed in 1987. This will give staff some initial
direction and enable the Commission to be pro-active rather than
reactive. This does not mean that amendments cannot be made
throughout the year if need be.
Dale Gregory, Park Maintenance Superintendent and I have
discussed projects listed on the following page which we feel
should be included in the 1987 Capital Improvement Program.
Lake Ann Park
Swimming Dock Replacement
Legion Park Shelter (Misc. finishing touches)
$ 1,300.00
Lake Susan Park
Fishing Dock
Volleyball Court
Greenwood Shores
TetlQt Equipment
Volleyball Court
Park Sign
North Lotus Lake Park
Park Sign
Ballfield/Parking Construction (in-house)
Tennis Court
South Lotus Lake
Park Sign
Gate House
Fishing Dock
Carver Beach
Tire Swing Replacement
Bollard and Chain to Obstruct old Access
Bandimere Heights
Soccer Field Construction (in-house)
Totlot Equipment
Chanhassen Estates Park
Upgrade Shelter
Chanhassen Pond Park
Master Park Plan Development
Park Development
Meadow Green Park
Totlot Equipment (Big Swings)
Proposed 1987 Capital Improvement Program
Page 2
Herman Field
Park Development
Tables/Benches (~)
Trail Development
*Indicates an approximate amount.
on Tuesday evening.
1/Doo .-
-4-.. 2 e a ;-0 0
f 250--
I will have a more exact figure