1986 10 07 Agenda . AGENDA PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1986, 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 COULTER DRIVE Commissioners are asked to meet at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. as we will be visiting Lake Susan Park. 1. 2. 3 . 4 . 5. 6 . . 7. 8. 9 . 10. . Call to order. Approve minutes of September 2, 1986. Proposal for a Community Center, Brad Johnson. / \ Lotus Lake Boat Access, Operational Procedures., Orientation to the Comprehensive Plan Update Process, Recreation Section. -\.): Chaparral Resident Request for a Fence at Meadow Green Park.~ West Village Heights rezoning review. , , " '--' I,' Lake Park Estates Site Plan Review.> ~ , t Updates: Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project. Chanhassen Park and Recreation Annual Halloween Party., , ' * Please bring your copy of the City Comprehensive Plan to the meeting. ~ Park and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 1986 . A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Lynch. Members present were Mike Lynch, Charlie Robbins, Jim Mady, Sue Boyt, Curt Robinson and Mike Rosenwald. Lori Sietsema was also present and Wallace McKay was absent. Minutes Upon reviewal by the Commission, Mady moved to approve the min- utes of August 5, 1986. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald. Lynch, Mady, Boyt, Robinson and Rosenwald voted aye, no one voted nay, and Robbins abstained. U~dates Rosenwald asked if Mark Koegler would be meeting with the Commission regarding the updating of the Comprehensive Plan. Sietsema said that Koegler was currently working on the Planning Section of the Comprehensive Plan and would meet with the Commission in October to outline the updating process. Lynch asked how Kim Elverum, with DNR, had responded to the question regarding limiting motor size on Lotus Lake with the exception of those with a special permit. Sietsema said she had not received anything in writing yet, however, she had discussed . this over the phone with Elverum. She said that he indicated that this would discriminate against the weekend lake user and therefore would not be an acceptable solution. Mady suggested that the permits be available at the gate house. Sietsema said she would suggest this to Elverum for his response. Mady said that he would like to see the City use the funds to clean up the lake. MRPA Fall Conference Sietsema said that the 1986 Budget allowed for up to two Commissioners to go to the 1986 Annual MRPA Fall Conference. She said that if more than two Commissioners were interested in going that the Commission would have to vote on who goes. Boyt said that she was interested in attending the conference. Robbins moved that Commissioner Boyt be authorized to attend the 1986 MRPA Fall Conference. Lynch seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 1987 Capital Improvement Program Sietsema said that the 1987 budgetary process was currently underway and that it is the Commission's responsibility to submit a Capital Improvement Program budget. She said that the Capital . Improvement Program is a 410 fund which involves projects related to park acquisition and development. Sietsema said that she had . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 1986 Page 2 listed in the staff report a number of projects which the Com- mission may want to consider for completion in 1987. Lake Ann Park - Sietsema said that the swimming dock at the park had been destroyed by vandals recently and needed to be replaced. She said that she was also suggesting that money be allocated to put the finishing touches on the Legion Shelter Building, such as water and electricity. Boyt suggested that a sand court volleyball court be installed at Lake Ann near the beach. Sietsema said that this had been con- sidered in the past and that the ideal location, on the west side of the beach, was somewhat wet. She said that Dale Gregory, Park Maintenance Superintendant, was looking into ways to drain the water away from that area. Lake Susan Park - Sietsema said that it was definitely possible that the access road could be put in next year. She said that if this happened there would be more use of the park and it should be further developed. She suggested a fishing dock, volleyball court, and a park identification sign. Boyt asked if the new piece could be developed with facilities other than ballfields. She suggested archery and a running track. The Commission agreed that a running track would be in line with the business park theme, as employees could come over and make use of the track. Lynch said that he would like to see the kitchen facilities installed in the Lake Susan Shelter. He said that it should be done so it will be vandal resistant and suggested installing a light on the shelter to illuminate the area. Greenwood Shores - Sietsema said that Greenwood Shores residents have asked for play equipment for this park. She suggested installing tot lot equipment, park identification sign, and a volleyball court. Lynch asked what the age of the children in that neighborhood is. Sietsema said that she was unsure, however, she said a number of families from the Chaparral area come over to use this park and they have younger children. Robbins suggested we look into play equipment for older children to better serve that neighborhood. Lynch asked that it be changed from "totlot" to "play" equipment. North Lotus L~ke Park - park would be completed could begin next year. ballfield, parking lot, Sietsema said that the grading at this this fall and development of facilities She suggested a park identification sign, and tennis court construction. Lynch said that tennis does not have the popularity that it had years ago and wondered if the people in the area wanted a court. 'Park and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 1986 Page 3 . Sietsema said that there was one resident who came to meetings when discussing the park plan who said he did want tennis. Lynch said he would like to allocate money for this project, but before construction begins, a committee should be formed to research this. Robbins said that he would like to see play equipment installed next year as there are young families moving into the area. South Lotus Lake Park - Sietsema said that the boat access would be opening next year and a gate house should be constructed at the site. She said that a park identification sign should also be included in the budget. Sietsema said that she had received a letter with a petition requesting that a fishing dock be installed in this park. Mady said that if a fishing dock is installed it should have railings on it. He said that a light at the bottom of the hill, near the boat launch should be installed to deter vandals. Carver Beach - Sietsema said that vandals had destroyed that tire swing on the totlot equipment and would need to be replaced. She said that bollard and chains along the road should be sufficient . to close the old boat access. Bandimere Heights - Sietsema said that she had recently talked with people in the Bandimere Heights area and they had requested that a soccer field be installed at that park. She said that the park is used often for pick up games of softball, soccer and football. She said that the residents in the area also asked for totlot equipment. Chanhassen Estates Park - Sietsema said that the park shelter in this park needed to be upgraded. She said that the wood was rotting and it needed paint. Chanhassen Pond Park - Sietsema said that before extensive deve- lopment was started in this park, a master park plan should be designed. She suggested allocating money for such a plan as well as the first phase of plantings. Meadow Green Park - Sietsema said that the Commission had discussed totlot needs for this park earlier this year and it was decided that big swings would be purchased in 1987. Robbins said that this neighborhood would most likely continue to attract young families and therefore would warrant a large amount of tot lot equipment. Mady suggested that tennis courts be installed in this park as this was proposed in the original park plan and was probably due. . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 1986 Page 4 Herman Field - Sietsema said that there was money put aside for the development of this park. She said that the problem was getting the access road to the park. It was suggested that addi- tional funds be allocated for development as the construction of the access road would be more costly than originally anticipated. Miscellaneous - Sietsema said that a number of tables and benches would be needed with the new park sites opening. She said that the type of table the City has been purchasing lately, is a steel table that is heavier and more durable. She said that people are not able to drag them far, they do not float away when put in the water, and they are vandal resistant. The Commission was eager to get trail development going in the City when the trail plan was completed and allocated $25,000 to begin construction in 1987. Charlie moved to recommend approval of the Capital Improvement Program as follows: PROPOSED 1987 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET PARK AND RECREATION . Lake Ann Park Swimming Dock Replacement Legion Park Shelter (Water/Electric) Sand Volleyball Court $ 1,300.00 2,500.00 300.00 Lake Susan Park Fishing Dock Volleyball Court Sign Running track Kitchen Facilities Light 1,300.00 300.00 300.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 300.00 Greenwood Shores Play Equipment Volleyball Court Park Sign 3,000.00 300.00 300.00 North Lotus Lake Park . Park Sign Ballfield/Parking Construction (in-house) Tennis Court Play Equipment 300.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 'park and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 1986 Page 5 . South Lotus Lake Park Sign Gate House Light Fishing Dock (w/railings) 300.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 Carver Beach Tire Swing Replacement Bollard and Chain to Obstruct old Access 500.00 250.00 Bandimere Heights Soccer Field Construction (in-house) Totlot Equipment 200.00 3,000.00 Chanhassen Estates Park Upgrade Shelter 500.00 Chanhassen Pond Park Master Park Plan Development Park Development 1,000.00 2,000.00 . Meadow Green Park Totlot Equipment (Big Swings) Tennis Courts 750.00 20,000.00 Herman Field Park Development 5,000.00 Miscellaneous Tables/Benches (20) Trail Development 7,000.00 25,000.00 $108,000.00 The Commission wished to note that park development has slacked in recent years. Due to housing starts and the increased interest (park development requests), the Commission feels that these pro- jects need to be addressed. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. . . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes September 2, 1986 Page 6 Robbins moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously. Submitted by: Lori Sietsema Park and Recreation Coordinator \ : CITY 0 F CBAHBASSEH 3 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 1, 1986 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator SUBJ: CHADDA Proposal for Community Center Attached please find a proposal for a community center submitted by Chanhassen Downtown Development Associates (CHADDA). CHADDA recognizes the necessity of having the City Council act on this request. However, before formally presenting it to the Council they have asked to make presentation to both the Park and Recreation Commission as well as the Housing and Redevelopment . Authority. Previous referendum issues have occurred following a review and recommendation process by a citizen committee whose sole purpose was to study that particular issue. The study committees have traditionally been composed of repre- sentatives of groups effected by the issue. If their findings were positive, i.e. Lake Park Expansion Bonds or City Hall/Library Bonds, the committee was then asked to take the pro- posal to all neighborhood associations, Chamber of Commerce, etc. before the referendum. The work required of a study committee is extensive (typically in excess of 100 hours per member, i.e. Committee which studied "own police department" versus "county contracting", etc.). It is anticipated that the committee would be required to survey revenue/expense of other similar facilities, present alternative design concepts, measure need/local support, and prepare cost estimates. As such, we should reasonably be assured that this type of work function is a high priority prior to asking for the type of dedication which will be required of committee members. No action is required of the Park and Recreation Commission, however, members may wish to state their position. . . CHADDA 510 First Avenue North Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55403 October 1, 1986 Chanhassen Park and Recreation Department P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Park and Recreation Board Members: Enclosed for your consideration is a proposal for a Chanhassen Community Center. The Community Center consists of ice arena facilities, a multi-purpose community center building containing athletic and meeting facilities, a farmers market and parking for all of these facilities. . We are requesting your support for the development of the Community Center using general obligation bond financing. Total costs for the proposal we are presenting are $4,538,000. This includes $1,782,000 for a parking ramp which is not proposed for immediate development, and may be largely financed apart from the other Community Center facilities. Total proposal costs without the parking ramp are $2,756,000. We will also be presenting this proposal to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, since it is an integral part of the downtown redevelopment project they are currently considering. The next step assuming support from the Park and Recreation Board and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, would be taking the proposal to the City Council. Thanks for your consideration of this proposal. We regard it as being very important for the health of the entire community and hope you will agree. Sincerely, JIi}~~-/--- Bradley C~/Johnson Managing ~artner, CHADDA . BCJ/ jw Chanhassen Community Center Project . I. Introduction The Community Center Project consists of two ice arenas, a community center building, a farmers market and the parking necessary to serve these facilities. The facilities would be publicly owned, and possibly privately operated in some cases. The Community Center would provide needed recreational facilities as well as being an important part of the overall redevelopment of downtown Chanhassen. Redevelopment is being promoted by Chanhassen Downtown Development Associates (CHADDA) in partnership with the City. CHADDA is a partnership of the Bloomberg Companies, operators of the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre and other businesses, and Lotus Realty Services, established by the Housing Alliance which develops multi-unit housing. CHADDA is presenting this project to you in its role as the "Master Redeveloper" of the downtown area. CHADDA has been so designated by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) , which must review and approve CHADDA's redevelopment proposals. We will be submitting this project to the HRA since, as you will see, the project ties in closely with the retail, hotel and residential redevelopment projects the HRA is currently considering for the downtown area. The next step following your review and that of the HRA will be City Council consideration of the project. What follows is a description of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan, how the Community. Center relates to that plan, the need for a Community Center, the facilities that would be developed and the costs, financing and operation of these facilities. II. Do,mtown Redevelopment Plan The Downtown Redevelopment Plan that CHADDA is currently discussing with the HRA is shown on Attachments 1 and 2. Attachment 1 shows the overall redevelopment plan and Attachment 2 shows a street level view of the redevelopment proposed for both sides of West 78th Street. In general, the concept is for convenience retail, including a grocery store, to be developed on the north side of 78th Street, and a hotel, specialty retail -and Community Center on the south side. Other elements will include 42 units of rental housing along Chan View north of the convenience retail, and professional office/retail space to be developed along a realigned Great Plains Boulevard where Dinner Theatre parking is now located. Major street improvements would consist of an upgrading of West 78th Street, a realignment of Great Plains Boulevard so that it would flow diagonally into the downtown redevelopment area and the eventual development of a new road connecting 78th Street with 79th Street and Highway 5 at the west edge of downtwon. This "New \vest Connection" is shown on Attachment 3. The "Phase Schedule" for redevelopment that has been adopted by the HRA baSiCallY. calls for development north of 78th Street to begin in the spring of 1987, and development of the hotel and retail south of 78th beginning in the fall of 1987. ... . . . Page 2 III. Community Center Pro;ect In Relation to Downtown Redevelopment Plan On Attachment 3 the various components of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan, inclu~ing the Community Center project, are outlined and numbered. The numbers do not indicate the order in which projects will be developed. The Community Center project (#6) can conceptually be seen to include the largest land area of any of the projects. Some of the surface parking, however, would actually be for the bowling alley and the parking ramp would serve the Dinner Theatre and specialty retail in addition to the Community Center. The main ice arena and the community center building are shown as one area on this attachment. Attachment 1 shows how space might be allocated between these two facilities. In terms of the overall Redevelopment Plan, the Community Center project is a vital generator of people traffic that will help support the other components of the redevelopment. The Eden Prairie Community Center, for example, has over 100,000 users per year of its ice arena, swimming, racquetball, fitness center and meeting room facilities. This is excluding useage of the ice arena by such groups as youth, high school. and adult hockey and the figure skating club. Visualizing the specialty retail south of 78th Street as T-shaped, it can be seen there are uses at each end of the T (the hotel, the dinner theatre and the Community Center) that are magnets to attract people and draw them through the specialty retail. The Convenience Retail projects 1 and 2 north of 78th Street will also be supported by the traffic that the Community Center will generate. Besides a focal central central healthy being a traffic generator the Community Center project is also important as point for a community that is spread far to the north, south and west of the business district. The more activity that can be concentrated in the business district, the more likely that this district will stay compact and and the less likely that other non-focused districts will develop. Because of the great need for the recreational facilities, the support they would provide for the other elements of downtown redevelopment and the added attraction they would provide for prospective new residents and businesses, CHADDA believes the Community Center project should be a high priority for the city. It would be desirable for the Community Center project to be part of the first phase of downtown redevelopment. IV. Need for Community Center The Community growing young facilities in to the Eden activities as and high school Center is needed to serve the recreational needs of Chanhassen's family population. Recreational needs are currently served largely by other communities or not served at all. Chanhassen residents travel Prairie Community Center and the Flagship Athletic Club for such swimming, racquetball and skating. They travel to Shakopee for youth hockey. The adult basketball league plays in Chaska. The facilities that to turn groups away. Chanhassen Elementary, at City Hall. do exist in Chanhassen are heavily booked and inceasingly have Spaces available for indoor programming include 1 1/2 gyms at a meeting/banquet room at Chanhassen Bowl and a meeting room * Page 3 . The Chanhassen Athletic Association winter basketball program for children attracts over 85 participants. This program is currently run in the elementary school gym. If Community Education begins filling this gym with women's aerobics and Boy Scouts, as they are currently scheduled to do, the basketball program will have to move or cease to exist. The Park and Recreation Department offers karate and children's dance clases at Chanhassen Bowl. When bowling banquets and wedding receptions are booked at Chanhassen Bowl, however, the Park and Recreation programs have to take a back seat. The meeting room at City Hall is difficult to use for classes and of regularly scheduled government meetings that are held there. the elementary school is currently unavailable, other than the priority user during after school hours is Community Education. meetings because Meeting space at gym, whose first The Park and Recreation Department, Chanhassen Athletic Association and Chaska Community Services would all be able to offer Chanhassen a wider variety of programs with a Community Center in Chanahssen. Chanhassen residents would no longer have to travel to other communities to use indoor recreational facilities. V. Community Center Facilities The main ice arena would be about 28,000 square feet, with seating for about 500. . Roughly half of the ice arena already exists in the form of the warehouse type building that formerly housed the Bloomberg Lumber operation. The remainder would be added on to the south on currently vacant land. The ice arena would be used by youth, high school and adult hockey leagues as well as for open and figure skating. Bloomberg Arena is about 9,600 square feet of existing space that was first opened last winter for hockey and skating. It is currently owned by the Bloomberg Companies. It would be remodeled and would seat about 100. During the hockey and skating season Bloomberg Arena would handle the demand for ice time that could not be met at the main ice arena. In the off season it might be used for such purposes as trade shows, art fairs and meetings (at times in conjunction with the specialty retail that will be developed) and for city sponsored events. The Community Center building would be a multi-purpose facility of about 30,000 square feet on two levels. It would occupy some or all of the space shown on Attachment 1 as the Scene Shop. Included would be 4-6 racquetball courts (3,200 sq. ft.), swimming pool (5,000 sq. ft.), gym with running track around the outside or suspended above (5,000 sq. ft.), weight room (2,000 sq. ft.), exercise rooms (1,600 sq. ft.), sauna and steam room, lockers (4,000 sq. ft.), community room with ping-pong, etc. (2,400 sq. ft.) and meeting space. The land on which the building is sited is vacant. The Farmers Market would occupy about 6,600 square feet. During non-market times it could be used for parking, accomodating about 90 cars. This would help meet the increased demand for ice arena and community center parking during the winter. The land on which the Farmers Market is sited is vacant. . . . Page 4 Parking would spaces needed to coordinate parking, etc.) the peak demand have to be developed to support these facilities. The number of is under study by the public improvements consultant hired by the city the planning and design of public improvements (utilties, streets, associated with downtown redevelopment. At present he is estimating generated by these facilities to be 240 spaces. In addition to surface parking, a ramp will be needed to accomodate dinner theatre, specialty retail and Community Center parking. The present dinner theatre parking area would be developed into professional office/retail space as a later phase of downtown redevelopment. The number of spaces currently planned for this ramp, to be attached to the back of the dinner theatre, is 330. The public improvements consultant estimates that about 210 of these spaces would be needed by the dinner theatre at peak demand. VI. Cost of Community Center Facilities The cost of each of the facilities, including land, is as follows: . $ 1,036,000 213,000 1 , 11 0,000 145,000 252,000 1,782,000 $ 4,538,000 Main Ice Arena Bloomberg Arena Community Center Building Farmers Market Surface Parking '!:DDI coD Parking Ramp The cost factors for each facility are as follows: Main Ice Arena $ 56,000 Land at $2.00/sq. ft. for 28,000 sq. ft. 296,000 Purchase of existing building at $20.00/sq. ft. for 14,840 sq. ft. 222,600 Remodeling of existing building at $15.00/sq. ft. for 14,840 sq. ft. 460,600 New construction at $35.00 sq. ft. for 13,160 sq. ft. $ 1,036,000 Bloomberg Arena $ 19,200 144,000 50,000 $ 213,200 . Land at $2.00/sq. ft. for 9,600 sq. ft. Purchase of existing building at $15.00/sq. ft. for 9,600 sq. ft. Improvements to existing building at $5.20/sq. ft. for 9,600 sq. ft. hW 2/ (Y'"~J Page 5 Community Center $ 60,000 1,050,000 $1,110,000 Farmers Market $ $ 13,200 132,000 145,000 Surface Parking $ 144,000 108,000 $~ Parking Ramp $1,782,000 . Land at $2.00/sq. ft. for 30,000 sq. ft. New Construction at $35.00/sq. ft. for 30,000 sq. ft. Land at $2.00 sq. ft. for 6,600 sq. ft. New Construction at $20.00/sq. ft. for 6,600 sq. ft. sa-.:=) Land at $2.00/sq. ft. for 72,000 sq. ft. ~ spaces X 300 sq. ft./space) Paving, lining, etc. at $450/space for 240 spaces 3/:>v I c.:x:c/L- . New Construction at $5,400/space for 330 spaces VI. Financing of Facilities The capital improvement costs of Community Center facilities would be financed primarily by general obligation bonds that are property tax supported. Operating costs would be funded entirely from facility user fees. The Eden Prairie Community Center offers an example of facilities financed with general obligation bonds and covering their operating costs with user fees. The City of Chanhassen currently has the capacity to issue about $2.4 miliion of general obligation tax supported bonds. This capacity increases by $100,000 _ $200,000 per year in the next two years as the City's assessed valuation increases and existing general obligation debt is retired. The total facilities costs that are proposed to be financed with general obligation bonds in the near future are $2,756,000. This excludes the $1,782,000 parking ramp, which would not have to be built until the current dinner theatre parking area is developed into professional office/retail space. This development is currently not scheduled until 1989. The parking ramp would npt be financed solely with general obligation bonds. A large portion of its cost would probably be financed with tax increment bonds, supported by the increased taxes generated by the professional office/retail and specialty retail developments. Special assessments to benefiting . property owners are also a possible financing source. .. . . . Page 6 Tax supported general obligation bonding requirements for the rema1n1ng facilities could possibly be reduced by leasing some of the facilities to private operators. Private operators would not be able to pay the entire debt retirement costs for their facilities, but perhaps could generate some contribution from profits. * I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I e I I I I I ~ I I I i zz~ ~ w3: < I I C/) 0 C/)O...J 8 I I <~W < ~ I i~> % I WO I < 0.. B I iSow> 1 I oa: III 1 I 1 I =1 I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . 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"\T: .. .::~~\'1 t ~ :.~~ ; kr'~ <: u ..~:~( ... a: i.~~~::i ;. ~ : ;i~'~ ~ .,., - . __. :.J .... . ::::~ 'll :~~ . 8 ~ z ~-~ tf)~~ c ~ CIlO...l g l! ~~w c Q zz> :t > <S:~ 0 .. :rOw>- Ii! uoa: .. u or- 'T... '\ , . ~ ---. ,./ I I ----.. ---. ) I , . I . 5" 3030 Harbor Lane North, Suite 104 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55441 612/553-1950 MBMORANOOM TO: Park and Recreation COOImission and Staff FRaot: Mark Koegler ~ D&TE: October 2, 1986 SUBJECT: COOIprehensive Plan Amendment - Recreation Chapter . The City of Chanhassen is currently updating its comprehensive plan in conformance with the requirements of the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. In addition to the required modification of the land use and sewer elements, the city is also updating the housing, transporta tion and recreation chapters. The proposed schedule calls for the Park and Recreation Commission to review the existing plan at the meeting on October 7, 1986. At the November meeting, proposed revisions will be brought back to the Commission for review. In order to update the 1980 plan, it is necessary for the Park and Recreation Commission to be familiar with its content. In addition to the Recreation Chapter, the plan contains goals and policies concerning recrea tion and open space. Goals and (X>licies are found on pages gp-5 and gp-6. The following is a brief review of the content of the existing plan. The material will be reviewed at Tuesday's meeting. o Pages 1-7 contain general introductory material. o Pages 8-20 contain an inventory of existing facilities including those administered by the city, county and state. This section will be updated to depict changes since 1980. o Pages 20-35 consists of a section on demand and needs. This section will be updated based on new information including revised population projections. . o The park plan is found on pages 39-63. The plan identifies proposed changes to existing parks and discusses proposed new parks. o Pages 63-65 contain information on lake access. This section will be updated to reflect new accesses at Lakes Minnewashta, Ann and Lotus. o Pages 65-68 contain a discussion of trails. This section will be expanded consistent with the following discussion. In recent months, the Park and Recreation conmission received a petition for a bikeway/walkway along Minnewashta Parkway. The receipt of the petition spawned considerable discussion on both the specific request and a trail system in general. Since the city was in the process of updating the comprehensive plan, it was decided to include a more comprehensive review of trials as a part of the plan. At Tuesday's meeting, we would like to get some input from the CCxm1ission on the desired content of a section on trials. Presumably, a discussion on trails should include a narrative on existing facilities, identification of major connection points, a review of existing and potential users, general cost projections including capital and maintenance costs, establishment of priorities for implementation and inclusion of the initial phase in the capital improvement program. . . . CITY OF CHANHASSEN P.R.C. DATE: 10-7-86 7 P.C. DATE: 10-22-86 CASE NO: Prepared by: LS:ks STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 50.4 Acres into 6 Commercial and high density residential lots and rezone property from R-la Agricultural-Residential to R-4 High Density and C-3 Service Commercial J- Z <t U :J 0- a.. <( . LOCATION: NW Corner of West 78th Street and Kerber Blvd APPLICANT: James K. Hill, Inc. 8200 Humbolt Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55431 ~ ~ W ~ - (/) . PRESENT ZONING: R-la (Agricultural Residence District) ACREAGE: 50.4 Acres DENSITY: N/A ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- R-la S- P-3 E- C-l w- P-l EXISTING PARK/OPEN SPACE: Existing parks in the area are Lake Ann Park, City Center Park, Chan Pond Park, Meadows Green Park. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Shows this to be serviced by a neigh- boring park. 1990 Land Use shows this to be High Density and does not identify the area for park purposes. West Village Heights October 10, 1986 Page 2 Background The applicant is proposing to rezone this area from Agricultural-Residential to High Density and Service Commercial. This is consistent with the 1990 Land Use Plan. The Subdivision lies within the service area of both Chan Pond Park and City Center Park. An off-street trail exists ~ of the subdivision along Highway 5 and an on-street trail exists to the east along Kerber Boulevard. The 1990 Land Use shows a potential trail through the area north of the proposal con- necting Chan Pond Park to the Highway 5 Trail. Recommendation This office recommends that the City accept park dedication fees in lieu of park land as it is currently served by existing parks and trails. . . . -Zlt.'i, j,<'!J. ' '11. I ~, 'I_~.~c: 1\\~.I\c~~~i' \. & L OTus.(h~~ -~';;i---,. . \~- Ii;; /:",~~, I~ \'c'.. '- OR, , I: (;1 '. H~OIV!: .' ' ",,;'1. \, I r,-- .Y\'" .". '''' , "" ~\ "'~ ->;: ~ - \ ,. f-+- r' Lili ..~ ~ HlLiJ RL1\"'.O!i.f-..~\~ " 'i,1 ,i"'" .' 1 I , .L.J-L '" ,'-- - ....1'.'1-~W "11 ~:\ '" i. '~V~ ~ . T , ,1 ... V ~ n_ '"'-'" '), ""... !! -j~ ~ '" ~ ~I: I! <) <.> 'j ~ ~ H" ~,l L / _ R-I ~\ RD 'I' ,~, _, _ ~~ ~ a.- I~ l~lL'~\~'i\\l..~\ P-I ./!J i" ,(~J '~'1~ 'f' _ 1='& ~\ / J, -\ "'~.-J ' ::: I _Itl" \ ~ ----/ " ',- ~ 10. fA I \~ iJ$'~ ~ ~J2~ L A K E ~'R-IA r~" ~I I &~'. '\ i.ill ~ 2t~~." f' . , ./ I & /'1, , I .l' ~" \; " ~'~~;'I ~ ~ 'n ~;.. " '. "~ 7~ (( ~ j:i ~,\\.L "~"r ~ ~\, )\~ ! ~ t:~ t- ~'Z'r l.~~ ~'-~ R-IA I , ,~t:1' v.f$:;,,, ..' ;. ~~ \JI P.:~'fT 'R-2 Iol IA ,~ ';;;,'7,,, '- 7 -' 1'1-' . ~ R-I +\~ SARA '~e::f """'. I _ '1' l:\. "'ROLE , \ ~f,I .~ ~:::,\, '" - " - ~~~Tl~_1 -<..~~~. R.- ' ~'=f<; ,~ " TT.u rnm ',~"_ ' C-I,." " ~ "tOT 1m ,/, ' '. 7 '-" " '-~ tprn . ' " ' ..... 'i ~, I C;>;..,' I 1\ IE':HT ,'" ~ ~iCL\ cp Ii?t'~ '::"C9'fEl', DR, il,.. Sf 4. '''R~l~~.j ~ ~~ .c- L-. L~._ t\{10ICf...\ ~"'"., , _" rn; _~ K I ~-' ...,... ..., ~ ... " ~ - -~ '-' ~ s' - <;;T)lT"/ Re-ZON1/J6 '-- C-2 'l ~k c-o -.=--1"". ~0HI~.. .-' 'C~-i;ij1E~ c -=~~-'~U'~i '~'::!~' ~.I ~r '''-J~~8~ ' ~_"'- '. ;:;C-2Jl ~.' =ti~l '~. flll5-~ -3 '~~ C-3 0- I w, ~'''''~P:-w.~J::: ~--.l. __Ll-- I P ,.~ ~- _____ I 7- """'" ~ I ... H \/ u_ ~T~ --- R-IA -~ ' f,~\M ~....... ~/..}I ~-'fd.~ - ~" -, R-IA :~~ / /, p ~ I -Q '1"::';<. /z ~ " "'1 Vi n v ry", ' L~ ~ \ P.4 )/~:I ~;~R-I :,;; .V ... ~'-:'E' ".;, ~_:-~ .' N ~'i '... ~ ~ RICE I LAKE SU.S A~N J.~ //R-17i\.~--J I RD / d/., , 01" R-' , CD~II l\,.;c"--,-" "'. , , II ~,. I~ . r I "" I .. ) '. P-I (/), 0:, U:!~ ~i o a. ? CITY OF CHANHASSEN P.R.C. DATE: Oct. 7, 1986 P.C. DATE: Oct. 22, 1986 CASE NO: 86-24 SUB ~ Prepared by: Sietsema/v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Subdivision of 134 Acres into 42 Single Family Lots f- Z <( u :J a.. a.. <( LOCATION: Northeast corner of Hwy. 101 and Pioneer Trail and on the Southwest Corner of Lake Riley APPLICANT: George Nelson Associates 1660 South Highway 100, Suite 428 Minneapolis, MN 55416 PRESENT ZONING: R-la, Agricultural Residence ACREAGE: 134 acres DENSITY: .34 lots/acre ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N- R-l ;:; ~ W f- - C/) S- R-la E- R-la w- R-la EXISTING PARKS/OPEN SPACE: No park exists within the proposed development. Bandimere Heights, a small neighborhood park, lies to the north on Kiowa Trail. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Shows the majority of this developmen to lie within the park deficient area. 1990 Land Use Plan does not identify any ark/o en space in the area. . . . Lake Park Estates October 7, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND The applicant is proposing to create 42 lots on 134 acres with a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres. The development in the rural area of the city and is outside the MUSA line. The proposal includes a 1.1 acre beachlot and a 2.2 acre neighborhood park. Staff has met with the applicant and has indicated that the Park and Recreation Commission may not be interested in maintaining small neighborhood parks in the rural area. The Comprehensive Plan indicates development outside the MUSA line to be low priority areas for park purposes. RECOMMENDATION This office is recommending that the City accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland dedication due to the large lot sizes and the location of the development outside the MUSA line. .- ~ ( C) BOU EVARD C.R. 18) " ~ -..... '\, I ;........ , "V RD R-I LAKE RILEY TAIL " . . I CITY 0 F eHANHASSEN CJ 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 1, 1986 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator SUBJ: Ballfield Lighting Project Update Attached, for your information, please find the final plans for the Lake Ann Park Ballfield Lighting Project. The plans and spe- cifications for this project will be submitted for approval to the City Council on Monday Night. In addition, the Council will be asked for the authorization to advertise for bids. . If all goes according to plan, we will advertise for bids on October 3rd and 10th, bids opening will be on October 16th, Council will award bids on October 20th, and construction may begin in November. The completion date for the project is set for May 1, 1987, in time for the 1987 softball season. City Council Update Plans and specifications will be reviewed Monday evening (given their size, enclosure is not possible). Council action accepting the Plans and Specifications (resolution) and ordering bids is recommended. . CITY 0 F eHANHASSEN /0 . 690 COULTER DRIVE. P.O. BOX 147 . CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 1, 1986 TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator SUBJ: Halloween Party The Chanhassen Park and Recreation annual Halloween Party is currently being organized. The Halloween Party will be held on Friday, October 31st at Chanhassen Elementary from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. Activities will be similar to last year and will include dinner, games, indoor trick-or-treating, and entertain- ment. Some of you were able to help run this event last year and I am . counting on even more support this year. Because this is a Park and Recreation activity, it would be appropriate for the Park and Recreation Commission to help run it. I will once again be asking for the support of the Chanhassen Fire Department as well as the Women of Today. Hopefully we will be able to come up with the 20-25 people needed to make it work. Please let me know at Tuesday's meeting if you would rather run a game or be a group leader. Remember, costumes are a must! .