1982 03 02 e Minutes Park and Recreation Commission March 2, 1982 A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order on March 2, 1982 at 7:35 p.m. The following members were present: Michael Lynch, Mary Muehlhausen, John Mauritz, Joe Warneke, and Richie Hemping. The following members were absent: Tom Schoenecker and Brian Foltz. MINUTES: A motion was made by Mary Muehlhausen and seconded by Joe Warneke to approve the minutes of the last meeting with the following correction: Agenda item # 4 - Budget Review/Reganomics to be corrected to: Budget Review/Reaganomics. Motion unanimously approved. The Commission was informed that permits had been approved to construct the dock at Lake Ann. Work was to begin the following Thursday. REVIEW LAKE ANN CONCEPT PLAN: Mark Koegler was present at the meeting to discuss the concept plan for Lake Ann. Plan A: Expands in an easterly direction. Property can be sold to an individual, however exact development plan is not yet known. The city owns land to the north - land to the south is owned by Ed Dunn. e Diamonds will be in close proxomity to the original diamonds. Grading will be necessary. Possible agreement with the developer to help out with fill and grading expense. Plan A will try to remove as many entrances from Highway 5 as possible. A possible roadway system to serve boat launch facility. Hiking and biking trails - paved surface. They are looking for a southern access. Sewer and water on the east side along Aztec Drive access. Plan B: Access along the northern part for a boat facility. If Lawcon development monies are used certain criteria will be required: 6 car parking, Open 18 hours a day, Charge or use restrictions on residents and non-residents alike, 2 control points to regulate the park and also the boat access facility. Would require more personnel to man the 2 access gates. Would keep balance of parking away from the lake. It is question- able that Aztec Drive will be the way it is shown. Most of the monies would have to be used for the boat access facility, with a possibility of a few fringes to be used on the rest of the project. A motion was made by John Mauritz to have the City Council pursue a preliminary application for Lawcon funds for a boat launch facility on Lake Ann. Richie Hemping seconded the motion. Motion unanimously approved. Mark was asked to supply a more detailed plan for the boat access. He will locate any already existing items and their dimensions. e. RICE/MARSH LAKE: Mark Koegler gave a brief description of future plans for this area to the representatives present from the Chanhassen Estates area. The representatives requested that there be no canoe access because of the location of the tot lot area even though Chanhassen Estates had asked for this in the past. e e e Minutes Park and Recreation Commission Page 2 They have put active play gear in that area of the park. They are in favor of the tennis courts and the ball diamonds. The present access is not good, however, the City has always wanted another access into the park. }1ark was asked to locate any houses on the adjacent and adjoining lots. It was suggested that they take the plans and review them with the residents of the area and to get their opinion. 1983 LAWCON APPLICATIONS: The question of reapplying for Lawcon funds for Lake Lucy was brought up for discussion and the consensus of the Commission was that we should reapply. A motion was made by Joe Warneke that we look for other property around the lake area. Motion was seconded by Jack Mauritz. Motion unanimously approved. LETTER FROM DOUG MITCHELL: A letter from Doug Mitchell was received asking about the availability of a field for a soccor team comprised of high school students and adults from the Chanhassen and Chaska area. It was suggested that a field might be set up in back of the school if approval was given. A motion was made by Jack Mauritz that Fran pursue this request for a field. Motion was seconded by Michael Lynch. Motion unanimously approved. Michael Lynch received a letter from the Minnetonka Community Services asking for a joint meeting to share information. After discussion, it was decided that setting up information sharing sessions with neighboring communities might be a good idea. Fran was asked to see what could be set up. A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Joe Warneke to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:00. Respectfully submitted, Sherma Coombs