1982 06 01 Minutes Park and Recreation Commission June 1, 1982 -- A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman Tom Schoenecker on June 1, 1982 at 7:34 p.m. The following members were present: Tom Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, John Mauritz, Mary Muehlhausen, Richie Hemping and Joe Warneke. The following member was absent: Michael Lynch. MINUTES: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by John Mauritz to approve the minutes of the last meeting with the following amendment: 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan: Jack Mauritz's vote is corrected to an abstaining one rather than a dissenting vote. Motion unanimously approved. REVIEW MINNEWASHTA HEIGHTS 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REQUEST: Representatives from the Minnewashta Heights homeowners association were present at the meeting to request playground equipment in place of the landscaping scheduled. They showed the Commission their choices from the Landscape Structure Catalog. It consisted of a wooden structure with a slide, 2 swings and a tire swing in place of the chain ladder. A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by John Mauritz that we get bids on comparable playground equipment to catalog item # 18B. Motion unanimously approved. Staff was directed to check with M.R.P.A. regarding having someone else build the playground equipment. e The Commission was informed that the men from the Minnewashta Heights neighborhood were willing to help install the equipment. REVIEW AND ADOPT THE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: Minnewashta Heights: A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by John Mauritz to amend the Minnewashta Heights budget to $3,800.00. $3,400.00 for playground equipment and $400.00 for a sign. Motion unanimously approved. City Center Park: The Commission was informed that the mowing equipment will not work at the City Hall and the Fire Dept. The City Engineer requested $3,000.00 for turf management equipment. A motion was made by John Mauritz that we amend the budget in order to approve the $3,000.00 request for turf management equipment for the City Center Park. Motion seconded by Brian Foltz. Motion unanimously approved. A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Richie Hemping that we adopt the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget and that it be sent to the City Council for their approval. Motion unanimously approved. REVIEW AND ACT ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A motion was made by John Mauritz to accept the park dedication fee from the Press Co. on reviewed plans for new construction in the downtown area. Motion seconded by Brian Foltz. Motion unanimously approved. B.T. Land Co. proposed that we construct the trail system on the N.E. end of Lotus Lake in the same way that we did at Lotus Lake Estates. A motion was made by Richie Hemping that we accept the full park charge credit with easements from the B.T. Land Co. to construct and identify the 8' wide trail system on the N.E. end of Lotus Lake. Motion seconded by John Mauritz. Motion unanimously approved. e Minutes Park and Recreation Commission ~ June 1, 1982 The Commission was informed that the City Council approved the following park fees as of June 15, 1982: Gate Fee: $4.00/Car Resident Fee: $3.00 Non-resident Fee: $20.00 A motion was made by Joe Warneke and seconded by Mary Mueh1hausen to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Sherma Coombs e e