1982 10 05
Park and Recreation Commission
October 5, 1982
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to
order by Chairman Michael Lynch on October 5, 1982 at 7:40 p.m. The following
members were present: Michael Lynch, Richie Hemping, Mary Muehlhausen and Brian Foltz.
The following members were absent: Joe Warneke, Tom Schoenecker, and John Mauritz.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Brian Foltz and seconded by Richie Hemping to approve
the minutes of the August meeting as read. Motion unanimously approved.
REVIEW DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: A motion was made by Richie Hemping and seconded by
Brian Foltz to accept the permit fee for construction of the OPUS building. Motion
unanimously approved.
REVIEW PROPOSAL FROM SCHOELL & MADSON: There was discussion on estimates for the
preparation of grading plans for Lake Susan, Rice Marsh Lake and the addition to
Lake Ann supplied by Schoell & Madson.
Lake Susan: Well is drilled and the wellhouse is going in now. Access to the wellhouse
has been chained off.
The Watershed District needs present and future elevations as the lake will be maintained
as is but may put in a holding pond or control structure so there is no erosion factor.
Lake Ann: Surveying the parcel of land that we do not own by Highway # 5.
Rice Marsh Lake - to be looked at because of the resident interest.
A motion was made by Michael Lynch to have Schoell-Madson go ahead with Lake Susan and
Rice Marsh Lake surveys and development plans per their quotation of September 28.
The motion was seconded by Brian Foltz. Motion unanimously approved.
REVIEW 1983 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: Lotus Lake - there will be more public hearings.
Staff was directed to check with the Planning Commission on the recommendations we made
2 months ago and to check status of the public hearings.
Rice Marsh Lake - Residents asked for improvements for their park-An enclosed shelter
for ice skating, jungle jim type of equipment and a few repairs. Brian Foltz will
ask them for a list of the equipment they would like. Fran will provide catalogs for
the residents to look at for the same type of structure installed in the Minnewashta
Heights park. A temporary warming house structure is to be constructed from the soccer
goals and wind screens. The Commission allocated $4,000.00 for the Rice Marsh Lake
Carver Beach: The money allocated for signs for Carver Beach was increased to $600.00.
Three signs are needed: entrance sign, boat access sign and a beach sign. Staff was
directed to have the sign designer layout a 12 x 12 marker to stick on the channel poles.
Meadow Green Park: Parking lot is in. Back stops to be put in next week. Most of
the work has been done. Tennis courts to be scratched off the budget.
City Center Park: Resurfacing of tennis courts to be left in the budget but deferred
for another year.
Park & Recreation Commission
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The November meeting is to be scheduled for November 23. Staff will inform the
absent members.
A park tour was scheduled for Saturday, October 16 to see what work was accomplished
during the summer. Also because of great interest in hooking up with the Eden Prairie
trail system, two suggested sites will be checked out during the park tour. Suggested
si tes are off of 101 N and Main Street behind the apartments or the wedge by the
Meadows along the railroad track. The tour group will meet at the City Hall at 10:00.
Staff was directed to send a note to the City Council to see if they would be interested
in joining the tour.
Ashworth and representatives from Carver Beach and Lotus Lake attended the meeting to
discuss the problem of boat mooring on city park property.
An inspection was made by Chairman Michael Lynch of the Carver Beach Park property on
October 2 as a result of a complaint from the Lotus Lake Homeowners association. A
list of items moored in the area was supplied. The question of who originally owned
the land and if it was actually given to the City was brought up. Don Ashworth will
look into it and check the records to see what he can find out about the actual owner-
ship of the land. After much discussion, with both groups voicing their opinions, the
following is a recap of possible solutions suggested for consideration:
Carver Beach people feel this has been a traditional thing for their use and are unwilling
to let it go completely. People elsewhere on the lake for reasons of scenic beauty
would rather not see boats moored on the lake. Staff was directed to check out any
precedents on how this type of property is controlled in such a situation. Controls
for the situation were suggested: Neighborhood dock, fee system implemented or to
develop a policy to deal with such problems.
Suggested solutions: Turn the land private and resell to adjacent homeowners. Allow
a dock to be put in with the Park Commission maintaining the bike path and trail system
easeway. Another suggested solution: Carver Beach residents should form a homeowners
association. Decide on a location for an outlot that would accommodate a dock. The
outlot situation would be easy to control and regulate. Possible area: North strip of
Carver Beach Park. It was agreed by both groups that an outlot situation seems to be the
best solution for both groups.
It was asked if a mortorium could be placed on allowing any more boats until a solution
could be worked out before the beginning of the boating season next spring.
Staff was directed to have Craig Mertz check out the validity of the old permits to see
if this would involve grandfathering. If so, it could then be difficult to enforce against
the Carver Beach people even if there was no permit issued before the City ordinances
were set up. Fran was to be in touch with the homeowners if any new developments occur.
A motion was made by Mary Muehlhausen and seconded by Brian Foltz that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:10.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherma Coombs