1982 11 23
Park and Recreation Commission
November 23, 1982
A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to
order by Vice-Chairman Tom Schoenecker on November 23, 1982 at 7:35 p.m. The following
members were present: Tom Schoenecker, Brian Foltz, Jack Mauritz, Richie Hemping,
Michael Lynch, and Joe Warneke. The following member was absent: Mary Muehlhausen.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Richie Hemping and seconded by Brian Foltz to approve
the minutes from the last meeting as read. Motion unanimously approved.
JIM KILLIAN, CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: Jim Killian was present at the meeting
to ask the board to consider granting facilities for a temporary or permanent Little
League baseball field. A little league field is 2/3 the size of a normal field with
200' fences and a mound with sodded infields. There is the possibility of a temporary
arrangement with West-Tonka Jr. High. It would require a fence before the field could
be used. A suggestion of using a snow fence was mentioned- which would work for a
couple of years. The Commission was asked if the City would supply the snow fence
and posts having a joint venture between the City and the School. The question of a
permanent field was raised using undeveloped park land. Fran will have to check this
out along with any legalities involved. Possible location of Lake Ann for the permanent
field. The initial step would be to meet with the Schools and John Jones.
THEIR REVIEW: Changes in the 1983 Capital Improvement Budget: Lake Ann - $20,000.00 for
public water scratched as it is predicated on development of the lake. Meadow Green
Park: Reduced to 7,500.00 - combining trees, shrubs, site improvements and ball fields
for more flexibility. On Additional Considerations - Regulatory buoys and informational
signs for all Lakes changed to $1,600.00. Resurface road and parking at Lake Ann - $5,500.
A motion was made by Jack Mauritz that we recommend the above changes be made ln the
1983 Capital Improvement Budget for Chanhassen Parks with the total amount being $36,300.
The motion was seconded by Tom Schoenecker. Motion unanimously approved.
REVIEW LAKE LUCY GRANT: They have been negotiating with the o~mers regarding the gift
for the City to match. The owners want 250' in order to save the high ground and the
trees. The City will have to pay for the new survey to be done at a cost of $6,200 which
will come out of the park bond issue.
Another possibility is to use the $50,000 to develop Lake Ann if unable to develop Lake
Lucy. But Lake Ann could be developed reasonably cheap without the $50,000 grant and
without all the restrictions imposed if state money is used.
A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Brian Foltz that we recommend to
the City Council to spend the money on the survey appraisal and pursue Lawcon funds if
available. However the purchase will have to be made from the present owner with no
strings attached, perferably. Motion unanimously approved. (Jack Mauritz voted a YES
vote with the understanding that there is no conflict of interest).
A secondary motion was made by Jack Mauritz that we recommend to the City Council that
if it becomes evident that we cannot strike a deal with acquisition for the
land at Lake Lucy the Council should take action to apply for Lawcon LCMR funds for the
development of the boat launch at Lake Ann. The motion was seconded by Joe Warneke.
Motion unanimously approved. (Jack Mauritz voted a YES vote with the understanding that
there is no conflict of interest).
Park and Recreation Commission
November 23, 1982
meeting in December.
problem or it will be
the site. The money
welcome to come.
LAKE PUBLIC HEARING: Will go to the City Council the first
There will be a decision on the Carver Beach boat launching site
returned to us to have more public hearings to decide about
is in escrow. Anyone interested in attending the meeting is
by Tom Schoenecker that we recommend to the City Council that Joe Warneke be appointed
to another 3 year term. Motion seconded by Jack Mauritz. Motion unanimously approved.
A motion was made by Tom Schoenecker that we recommend to the City Council that Michael
Lynch be appointed to another 3 year term. Motion seconded by Jack Mauritz. Motion
unamimously approved.
There will be no December meeting.
A motion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Joe Warneke that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherma Coombs