1983 01 04 . e e Minutes Park and Recreation Commission January 4, 1983 A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Michael Lynch on January 4, 1983 at 7:40 p.m. The following members were present: Michael Lynch, Brian Foltz, Tom Schoenecker, Richie Hemping, and Jack Mauritz. Jack excused himself to attend the Environment Protection Committee meeting. Members absent: Joe Warneke - attended the School District meeting. MINUTES: A motion was made by Brian Foltz to approve the minutes of the last meeting as read. Motion seconded by Tom Schoenecker. No negative votes. Motion unanimously approved. APPOINT CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN: Brian Foltz made a motion to appoint Michael Lynch Chairman of the Commission for 1983. Motion seconded by Richie Hemping. No negative votes. Motion unanimously approved. Brian Foltz made a motion to appoint Tom Schoenecker Vice-Chairman for the Commission for 1983. Richie Hemping seconded the motion. No negative votes. Motion unanimously approved. MARY MUEHLHAUSEN'S LETTER: Michael Lynch made a motion to accept the letter of resignation from the Park Commission by Mary Muehlhausen. The vacancy should be advertised. Brian Foltz seconded the motion. No negative votes. Motion unanimously approved. Staff was directed to prepare a letter of appreciation for the Commission's signature at the next meeting. REVIEW PARK CHARGE ORDINANCE: Tom Schoenecker made a motion to recommend that the City Council review the ordinance. Brian Foltz seconded the motion. No negative votes. Motion unanimously approved. Staff was directed to contact DNR to ascertain how often the City may have to dredge a channel to meet DNR standards. Brian Foltz made a motion to adjourn. Tom Schoenecker seconded the motion. No negative votes. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Francis Callahan, Acting Secretary