1983 05 03
Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Tuesday, May 3, 1983
Chairman Lynch called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
Members Present
Brian Foltz, John Mauritz, Mike Lynch, Joe Warneke, and
Tom Schoenecker.
Members Absent
Richie Hemping
Approval of Minutes
Mauritz moved, seconded by Foltz to approve the minutes of
April 5, 1983 as written. All voted in favor and the motion
Interview of Candidate
The Commission interviewed Mr. Chqrles Robbins for the vacant
position on the committee. Schoenecker moved, seconded by
Foltz to recommend Mr. Robbins be appointed to the position.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
4It NewFoundland Dog Club of the Twin Cities
Joanne Savard, a representative of the Newfoundland Dog Club,
would like permission to use the facilities at Lake Ann for
water rescue training for their dogs. She stated that they
have used other lakes in the area in the past for this purpose.
Mauritz moved, seconded by Foltz, to recommend approval of the
Club's request provided the City be given a copy of the Club's
insurance certificate, a $4.00 per car fee be paid to the City
and the Park be cleaned up after the event. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Lake Ann Gate Fees
The Commission reviewed the Gate Fee Schedule for Lake Ann.
In order to reach the projected revenues for 1983 and due to
concerns re9arding the lack of state and federal funding,
Foltz moved, seconded by Warneke,to recommend that the
following schedule be adopted for 1983.
1. Resident fee $10.00
Non-resident fee $25.00
. Gate fee $ 5.00
2. Resident fee $10.00
Non-resident fee $25.00
Gate fee $ 4.00
All voted in favor, and the motion carried.
~ Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
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The City Manager was present as a follow-up to meeting with the
Commission last month. The subject of both meetings were to
detail work assignments/program status in light of the ter-
mination of the Park Director's position on May 15, 1983. The
Manager noted that Fran Callahan had completed most of the work
associated with the major summer programs, i.e. scheduling,
umpire services, field assignments, registrations, etc. The
Manager has met with each of the participating groups, i.e. CAA,
Men's Over 30 Softball, new Commercial/Industrial League, etc. to
assure that communication problems were minimized. Contact per-
sons at City Hall have been assigned based on type of work to be
completed and contact persons/responsibility assignments of user
groups (CAA) defined, i.e. who determines "rain-outs", notifica-
tion of such, umpire contacts, verification of umpires working,
The summer youth employment program is still questionable. The
federal employment program appears to be intact (name has been
changed). However, given wage standards within the Chanhassen
area, few youth have been hired under the federal program. Most
Chanhassen youths employed by the city have been funded through
the Governor's Youth Employment Program which is still
questionable. The 1983 Budget does include additional monies for
temporary salaries (assumed that the Governor's Program would not
be continued). However, to obtain these monies, the 1983 Budget
also projected that the second half of the increase instituted by
the City Council, one year ago, would be approved. The previous
yearly pass fee was $3.00 and was raised to $4.00 last year - such
producing an approximate $2,000 increase in revenues. At that
time, the Council stated that the full increase would be phased
over a two year period. If this increase is approved, by the
Council, an additional $2,000 increase in revenues might be anti-
cipated. This $2,000 increase is needed to insure the 1983
budget stays in balance. However, both the commission and council
should be aware of the difficulty of projecting this type of
revenue not knowing the number of warm days which will be
incurred (1982 had exceptionally warm days at traditionally high
volume times) and the fact that the Lake Minnewashta Regional
Park will be open this summer potentially diverting local traf-
fic. In 1982, we saw a number of vehicles not enter because of
the increase in daily fees to $4.00. An increse in daily fees,
to $5.00, maybe self defeating. Given the bargain fee for a
yearly pass, it would be recommended that this fee be increased
to $6.00 and leave the daily fee at $4.00. The commission may
wish to recommend a higher fee schedule then being recommended by
Other items discussed by the Manager included the advertisement
for a Park Secretary/programmer for approximately 12 hours per
week. It was hoped that this position would take Park commission
minutes (Sherma Coombs has stated her desire not to work this
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
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summer and is undecided for this fall). No applications have
been received, but publications will continue.
The Manager discussed staff assignments to carry out park
planning, capital budget (park acquisition and development and
the park bond fund expenditures) and park maintenance activities.
The Manager will plan to attend the next Park and Recreation
Commission meeting for an additional status report as to each of
the above areas.
Respectfully Submitted,
Francis Callahan
Park and Recreation Director