1983 07 07 - Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Minutes June 7, 1983 Chairman Mike Lynch called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The follCMing mem- !:ers were present: Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Jack Mauritz and Joe Warneke. Richie Hamping and Tam Schoenecker were absent. ENOCH R&"1.ICK, EAGLE SCOUT PROJEX::T: Enoch Remick described his Eagle Scout Project to the Carmission. He stated that he would like to develop a trail to the Tot Lot by cpr just east of Chanhassen Estates. This would require a tem- porary easement fram the property owner, Robert Mason. A rrotion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Joe Warneke that the Canmission approve Mr. Remick I s proposal to gain access to the tot lot via a temporary easement in Chanhassen Estates. Motion unanimously approved. RICE MARSH lAKE PARK: Rice i>1arsh Lake Park. ordered. The Carmission briefly discussed the park equipnent at It was not kna.vn if the ne.v playground equipnent was e PROPOSED OOAT ACCESS SITE, BI.DCMBERG FROPERTY, SOUTH END OF roTUS lAKE: The Park Ccmnission toured the Bloanberg property on the south end of Lotus Lake with the City Council earlier this evening. This property is a possibility for a boat launch facility. Items that were considered desirable included: 1) good location; 2) no wetland damage; 3) provide for a new park area in an area that needs one; 4) provides for trailway linkage strip to Eden prairie; 5) good land for additional park facilities; 6) no additional park cost for acquisition of the site; 7) close to city center; 8) water and sewer available; 9) with proper planning, main drive access will be located without thru-street in residential area. Items that were considered undesirable inclooed: 1) neighborhood impact. Questions raised were: 1) Will the grant transfer to this area?; 2) Coosiderations of density and tyPe of develop:nent adjacent to the area by Herb Bloanberg; 3) What tyPe of road design to the developnent?; 4) Screening and possible erosion problems. After inSPection of the proposed site on the Bloanberg property at the south end of Lotus Lake and subsequent discussion, a mtion was made by Mike Lynch and seconded by Brian Foltz that the Park Ccmnission would support the current pro- I;X)sal for land trade and relocation of the boat landing to the south property. The Park Commission also recognizes that the existing five acre park property at the north end of Lotus Lake cannot be sold, is not desireable as park develop- rrent and would be valuable in this trade. The Cannission recanmends approval. Motion unanimously approved. A rrotion was made by Jack Mauritz and seconded by Joe Warneke to adjourn the rreeting. Motion unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9: 30 p.m. ResPeCtfully submitted, . Marty Walsh Acting Secretary