1984 10 14 Special Mtg
~ OCTOBER 14, 1984
The Park and Recreation Commission met at Torn Schoenecker's home
at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 14. Commissioners present were:
Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Torn Schoenecker, Joe Warneke, and Mike
Rosenwald. Commissioners absent were: Charlie Robbins and
Richie Hernping. Also present were Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen
Horn and Geving. Staff present were Lori Sietsema and Bill Monk.
Randy Herman and several Minnewashta area residents were also
the property was led by Torn Schoenecker before the meeting was
called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Chairman Lynch.
A motion was made by Torn Schoenecker to recommend that the City
Council have the Randy Herman property appraised to determine
whether the City should pursue purchasing it for additional
Discussion of the motion began with Mike Lynch stating that he
too would like to see an appraisal, but was concerned about the
cost. He also said that adding the land to Herman Field to make
it one continuous park would be difficult because of the swamp.
Tom Schoenecker felt the swamp would help separate the active and
passive areas.
Brian Foltz said he was not interested in having an appraisal
done as the City does not need the land at any cost. Mike
Rosenwald agreed and added that we do have an easement through
the subdivision to Herman Field.
Joe Warneke said that they were all empathetic, however he did
not feel the commission could justify the purchase or the
appraisal. He added that the applicant's feelings should be
Torn Schoenecker maintained that because we do not know the value
of the land, we should have the appraisal done. It may be
appraised at $1,000 to $2,000 an acre and should not pass it up
at that price.
Mike Lynch stated that we would not get the land at that price
even if it were appraised that low because we have an unwilling
seller and condemnation procedures are expensive. He added that
there was no practical way we could purchase the property.
Mike Lynch called for a second on Torn Schoenecker's motion and
none was given. The vote failed for lack of a second.
Mike Lynch made a motion to recommend that the City Councl amend
the Land Use Plan of Planning Case 84-2 Subdivision from
Park/Open Space to Residential. The motion was seconded by Brian
Park and Recreation Commission
October 14, 1984
Page 2
Foltz. Those in favor were:
Warneke and Mike Rosenwald.
motion carried.
Mike Lynch, Brian Foltz, Joe
Tom Schoenecker voted no. The
a motion was made by Tom Schoenecker and seconded by Brian Foltz
to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved.
TIME: 6 : 35 p. m .
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator