1985 05 07
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting
May 7, 1985
Members Present:
Mike Lynch
Brian Foltz
Joe Warneke
Tom Schoenecker
Wallace McKay
Members Absent:
Charlie Robbins
Mike Rosenwald
Staff Present:
Lori Sietsema
Barbara Dacy
visitors Present:
Peter Beck
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Commission
Chairperson Mike Lynch.
Brian Foltz made a motion, seconded by Joe Warneke, to approve
the minutes from the April 9, 1985 meeting as submitted. The
motion carried unanimously.
Hidden Valley Site Plan Review
Brian Foltz opened the discussion by saying that the facilities
in the Chanhassen Estates and Hidden Valley area are inadequate.
He also stated that the problems will only be intensified when
Highway #5 is widened. He noted that he felt staff's recommen-
e dation was unacceptable.
Mike Lynch gave some background to the item by explaining the
water problem in Rice Marsh Lake Park. He pointed out that with
the Hidden Valley development the number of homes served by that
park would double.
Lynch talked about taking out the ballfield completely, filling
in the center area and putting in a tennis court. It was noted
that the ground in that area would probably never support a ten-
nis court. He then suggested moving home plate back, thus
extending the outfield.
Foltz added that the residents have also asked for a half court
basketball court. He said that parking in the existing park is a
Foltz expressed concern for these needs being met now as once Hidden
Valley is completed there will be no place else. If anything is
to be done, he said, it must be done now.
Tom Schoenecker stated that the neighborhood has a ballfield
facility, although it is not the best, many neighborhoods do not
have ballfields at all.
Lynch asked Barbara Dacy if the whole Hidden Valley plat would be
graded all at once. If so, the City could ask them to grade a
site for a neighborhood park at the same time.
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Dacy said that a the plan called for a minimum amount of grading,
and that the houses would built in to the existing topography.
She also noted that the the flattest portion of the site was
within the commercial area, thus the most expensive. She said
that the Planning Commission has approved that portion to be
used for commercial use.
Lynch stated that it was highly unlikely that the City would
acquire a new site for ballfields, thus the problems would have
to be solved by renovating the existing ballfield.
Schoenecker made
developer for at
a tennis court.
a motion to recommend that City Council ask the
least one acre of land to construct a tot lot and
The Commission also noted the reasons for this
1. Rice marsh Lake Park is not adequate in size and
the amount of improvements that can be made are
2. The existing totlot in Rice Marsh Lake Park is too
far from the Hidden Valley development.
3. The accessability of Rice Marsh Lake Park is not
4. The population of the area will require more facili-
ties to be available.
The motion, seconded by Brian Foltz, carried unanimously.
Eckankar Site Plan Review
Peter Beck, Attorney for Eckankar was present to explain the pro-
posal of the Eckankar development.
Eckankar, a religious orgnaization, prints and publishes reli-
gious material for the members of their organization. They have
purchased 175 acres of land between Lake Ann Park and County Road
Eckankar's administrative campus development includes 2 buildings
in the middle of 100 acres. The north 25 acres and the south 50
acres will remain undeveloped.
The administrative building will be 400 feet from the east edge
of Lake Ann, and the other will be 150 feet from the County Road
17 right-of-way. Only portions of the buildings, if any, will be
visible from the lake or road.
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May 7, 1985
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Mr. Beck stated that almost all tree cover will be left in tact
as they are trying to disturb the site as little as possible.
He also stated that the 175 acres will be farmed, left as prairie
grass, and then landscaped as developed.
Lynch asked how much of the 175 acres would pay park fees. Mr.
Beck said that it was yet to be determined, and that actual devel-
opment would take place on approximately 20 acres.
staff indicated that, similar to the Electro-Craft case, the City
Manager and an Eckankar representative would meet to agree on an
amount of acreage for fees to be paid.
Foltz made a motion, seconded by Warneke, to recommend that the
City accept park dedication fees in lieu of land and the amount
be determined by City staff. Motion unanimously approved.
Plocher-Geske site Plan Review:
sietsema presented the proposed 18 unit townhouse development
located on the west side of Lake Minnewashta on the old Leach's
Resort site.
sietsema explained that the townhomes were set back approximately
175 feet from the lake and the lake front would become a beach-
lot. She also noted that the Park and Recreation Commission did
not take action to acquire any of this property when it was up
for sale. However, the Commission was required to make a recom-
mendation as to whether the City should accept park dedication
fees or land.
Susan Albee from the Planning Commission suggested that the city
acquire enough property to support a tennis court. Warneke noted
that the City did not want to finace a private park.
Lynch asked staff to look into land around that area that would
support a ballfield. Schoenecker asked staff to look into motor
restrictions on Lake Minnewashta.
McKay moved, seconded by Foltz, to recommend that the City accept
park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. Motion unanimously
Foltz asked if the Commission could visit that area of the City
at their next meeting to identify potential parkland. The
Commission agreed to meet at City Hall at 6:30 p.m. on June 4th.
Bloomberg site Plan Review
Sietsema presented the Bloomberg site plan. The plan surrounds
the proposed South Lotus Lake Park/Boat access. She explained
that the land swap between Bloomberg and the City was an even
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
May 7, 1985
Page 4
trade and therefore did not satisfy park dedication for his pro-
posed development. Because parkland will be in existance within
the development, Sietsema recommended that the City accept park
dedication fees in lieu of parkland.
Schoenecker moved, seconded by Foltz, to recommend that the City
accept park dedication fees in lieu of parkland. The motion
carried unanimously.
Sietsema presented the final South Lotus Lake Park plan
explaining the changes since the Commission last saw the plan.
The Metro Waters Task Force required the City put in handicapped
parking on the lower portion of the site near the boat access.
To date the Park and Recreation Commission had not recommended
approval of the plan, and was required to do so before it went to
the City Council.
Sietsema also suggested that the Park and Recreation Commission
direct staff to prepare a landscape plan to accompany the site
plan when it goes to the City Council.
Schoenecker moved, seconded by Foltz to recommend approval of the
South Lotus Lake Park boat access plan, and to request that
staff prepare a landscape plan that addresses the resident's con-
cerns. Motion unanimously approved.
Foltz moved, seconded by Lynch to adjourn the meeting. Motion
unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator