1985 10 10
SEPTEMBER 10, 1985
MEMBERS PRESENT: Curt Robinson, Charlie Robbins, Tom Schoenecker,
Joe Warneke
MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Lynch, Mike Rosenwald, Wallace McKay
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order at 8:10 p.m. by acting Chairman, Tom Schoenecker.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Robbins moved, seconded by Warneke to
approve the minutes of August 6, 1985 as submitted. Motion
unanimously approved.
sent to discuss the final park plan for South Lotus Lake.
Koegler explained that the City Council approved authorization of
signatures on the LAWCON Grant amendment for the Lotus Lake boat
access at the August 5th meeting. The City Council also directed
staff to consider resident concerns when preparing a final plan.
These concerns were:
- The lack of a physical barrier along the eastern property
- Plantings between the boat access and the eastern property
line to screen the area.
- A berm between the boat access and eastern property line.
- The need for a pedestrian crossing over Highway 101.
Koegler looked into all of the concerns when revising the plan.
The plan shows a 4 foot fence along the eastern property. The
bollard and chain fence around the boat access was eliminated
with this addition. Plantings are concentrated along the eastern
side of the lower portion of the park. Koegler reminded the
Commission that these plantings are part from the grant.
Although a berm on the east side of the boat access was requested
by neighboring residents, Koegler said the swale was necessary
for drainage and there is not enough room for both. Therefore,
the berm was not included in this plan. Koegler showed a
pedestrian crossing over Highway 101 with blinking yellow lights.
He said that he has talked with MnDOT and they will approve this
crossing, but will not be able to fund it.
Robbins asked why the fence stopped half way up the hill.
Koegler said that the steep grade of the hill provided a natural
barrier from that point on. He said that the City Council
requested as short a fence as possible, while still doing the
job. Robbins did not feel that a 4 foot fence was high enough
and thought a 6 foot fence would be better. Koegler felt that a
4 foot fence was high enough without making the park look insti-
tutionalized. Koegler added that all activities in the park are
west of the boat access, therefore there is nothing drawing
people to the east side. Robbins asked if the fence will run
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 1985
~ Page 2
into the lake. Koegler explained that that was not legally
In discussing the upper portion of the park, Koegler said that
the original berm was taken out and a pond put in. The parking
area will be visible, but some screening will occur.
Robbins asked how long the pond would hold water and if it would
pose a potential safety hazard. Koegler said that the pond and
parking area would hold water for only a matter of hours, not all
Koegler stressed that the future active play area is not a part
of the LAWCON grant and therefore not to be a part of this
construction phase.
Robbins asked if there would be fencing along Highway 101.
Koegler said that it could possibly occur in the future.
Warneke made a motion, seconded by Robinson to recommend approval
of the final park plan for South Lotus Lake dated September 5,
1985 as presented by Mark Koegler. Motion unanimously approved.
~ 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Sietsema explained the status
on each of the capital improvement projects to date:
1. Lake Ann Park:
o Park improvements - incomplete
o Geese clean up - incomplete
o picnic tables - complete
o Signs - complete
o Terraced bleachers - incomplete
2. Minnewashta Heights Park:
o picnic tables - complete
o Miscellaneous landscaping - complete
3. Carver Beach Park (Playground):
o Totlot replacement - complete
o picnic table - complete
4. Carver Beach (Beach):
o picnic table - complete
o Landscape upper portion - incomplete
~ 0 Park sign - complete
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 1985
e p~e3
5. Greenwood Shores:
o picnic tables - complete
6. Detailed plans for Lake Ann Expansion - in progress.
7. Detailed plans for North Lotus Lake Park - in progress.
8. Bandimere Heights:
o Small totlot - incomplete
9. City Center Park:
o Field improvements - incomplete
o Tables and benches - complete
10. Lake Susan:
o Totlot - incomplete
o Tables and benches - complete
A motion was made by Warneke and seconded by Robbins to recommend
that the following action be taken on the projects listed as
o Lake Ann Park Improvements ($10,000): The Commission
requested that this money be carried over to the 1986
Capital Improvement Budget to be set aside for a park
shelter in the ballfield area or for the construction of a
little league ballfield.
o Geese Cleanup ($500): Sietsema indicated that we may be
able to get into a University of Minnesota program that is
working on solving geese problems. The Commission
requested that this project be carried into the 1986
Capital Improvement Budget.
o Terraced Bleachers at Lake Ann ($3,000): The Commission
asked that this project be looked into further by staff.
They would still like to see this project done if it is
o Landscape Upper Portion of Carver Beach ($400): Sietsema
said this project was not approved at the City Council
level. The commission requested that these funds be
carried over to the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget.
o Totlot at Bandimere Heights ($2,500):
not convinced that there is a need for
area. They requested that these funds
the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget.
The Commission was
a tot lot in that
be carried over to
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 1985
e P~e4
o City Center Park Field Improvements ($1000): Because no
major field improvements were needed at City Center Park, the
Commission requested that these funds be carried over to
the 1986 Capital Improvement Budget.
Motion unanimously approved.
1986 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Sietsema indicated to the
Commission that there would be approximately $35,000 in the
Capital Improvement Budget for 1986. She asked the Commission to
list priority projects. Schoenecker said that he felt Herman
Field should be completed. He said that if the entrance road was
going to cost more to construct than was planned, that we should
put additional money aside from the Capital Improvement fund.
The Commission agreed that docks, tables and totlot equipment
should be purchased for Lake Susan, as it will be used next year.
Robbins suggested that the warming house be repaired and painted.
Sietsema said that Dale Gregory had mentioned that the tree farm
needed restocking.
e Robbins stated he would like to see the plan completed for
Western Hills Park.
Schoenecker said a trail system is a priority and that consultant
fees for such a system should be considered.
The Commission also stated that they would like to build up the
fund so that major projects could be done in the future.
NORTH LOTUS LAKE PARK PLAN: Sietsema s~id that there is money in
the budget to have a master plan done for North Lotus Lake. To
develop that plan the Commission was requested to identify faci-
lities they wanted to see in that park. The facilities that the
Commission identified were 1 or 2 softball fields, a soccer
field, a skating rink, 2 tennis courts, and a trail system
leading to surrounding neighborhoods.
Robbins moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. The motion
was seconded by Warneke and all voted in favor.
Prepared by: Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator
September 25, 1985