1986 09 02
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 2, 1986
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order by Chairman Lynch. Members present were Mike
Lynch, Charlie Robbins, Jim Mady, Sue Boyt, Curt Robinson and
Mike Rosenwald. Lori Sietsema was also present and Wallace McKay
was absent.
Upon reviewal by the Commission, Mady moved to approve .the min-
utes of August 5, 1986. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald.
Lynch, Mady, Boyt, Robinson and Rosenwald voted aye, no one voted
nay, and Robbins abstained.
Rosenwald asked if Mark Koegler would be meeting with the
Commission regarding the updating of the Comprehensive Plan.
Sietsema said that Koegler was currently working on the Planning
Section of the Comprehensive Plan and would meet with the
Commission in October to outline the updating process.
Lynch asked how Kim Elverum, with DNR, had responded to the
question regarding limiting motor size on Lotus Lake with the
exception of those with a special permit. Sietsema said she had
not received anything in writing yet, however, she had discussed
this over the phone with Elverum. She said that he indicated
that this would discriminate against the weekend lake user and
therefore would not be an acceptable solution. Mady suggested
that the permits be available at the gate house. Sietsema said
she would suggest this to Elverum for his response. Mady said
that he would like to see the City use the funds to clean up the
MRPA Fall Conference
Sietsema said that the 1986 Budget allowed for up to two
Commissioners to go to the 1986 Annual MRPA Fall Conference. She
said that if more than two Commissioners were interested in going
that the Commission would have to vote on who goes.
Boyt said that she was interested in attending the conference.
Robbins moved that Commissioner Boyt be authorized to attend the
1986 MRPA Fall Conference. Lynch seconded and the motion carried
1987 Capital Improvement Program
Sietsema said that the 1987 budgetary process was currently
underway and that it is the Commission's responsibility to submit
a Capital Improvement Program budget. She said that the Capital
Improvement Program is a 410 fund which involves projects related
to park acquisition and development. Sietsema said that she had
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 2, 1986
Page 2
listed in the staff report a number of projects which the Com-
mission may want to consider for completion in 1987.
Lake Ann Park - Sietsema said that the swimming dock at the park
had been destroyed by vandals recently and needed to be replaced.
She said that she was also suggesting that money be allocated to
put the finishing touches on the Legion Shelter Building, such
as water and electricity.
Boyt suggested that a sand court volleyball court be installed at
Lake Ann near the beach. Sietsema said that this had been con-
sidered in the past and that the ideal location, on the west side
of the beach, was somewhat wet. She said that Dale Gregory, Park
Maintenance Superintendant, was looking into ways to drain the
water away from that area.
Lake Susan Park - Sietsema said that it was definitely possible
that the access road could be put in next year. She said that if
this happened there would be more use of the park and it should
be further developed. She suggested a fishing dock, volleyball
court, and a park identification sign.
Boyt asked if the new piece could be developed with facilities
other than ballfields. She suggested archery and a running
track. The Commission agreed that a running track would be in
line with the business park theme, as employees could corne over
and make use of the track.
Lynch said that he would like to see the kitchen facilities
installed in the Lake Susan Shelter. He said that it should be
done so it will be vandal resistant and suggested installing a
light on the shelter to illuminate the area.
Greenwood Shores - Sietsema said that Greenwood Shores residents
have asked for play equipment for this park. She suggested
installing tot lot equipment, park identification sign, and a
volleyball court.
Lynch asked what the age of the children in that neighborhood is.
Sietsema said that she was unsure, however, she said a number of
families from the Chaparral area corne over to use this park and
they have younger children. Robbins suggested we look into play
equipment for older children to better serve that neighborhood.
Lynch asked that it be changed from "totlot" to "play" equipment.
North Lotus L~ke Park -
park would be completed
could begin next year.
ballfield, parking lot,
Sietsema said that the grading at this
this fall and development of facilities
She suggested a park identification sign,
and tennis court construction.
Lynch said that tennis does not have the popularity that it had
years ago and wondered if the people in the area wanted a court.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 2, 1986
Page 3
Sietsema said that there was one resident who came to meetings
when discussing the park plan who said he did want tennis. Lynch
said he would like to allocate money for this project, but before
construction begins, a committee should be formed to research
Robbins said that he would like to see play equipment installed
next year as there are young families moving into the area.
South Lotus Lake Park - Sietsema said that the boat access would
be opening next year and a gate house should be constructed at
the site. She said that a park identification sign should also
be included in the budget. Sietsema said that she had received a
letter with a petition requesting that a fishing dock be
installed in this park.
Mady said that if a fishing dock is installed it should have
railings on it. He said that a light at the bottom of the hill,
near the boat launch should be installed to deter vandals.
Carver Beach - Sietsema said that vandals had destroyed that tire
swing on the tot lot equipment and would need to be replaced. She
said that bollard and chains along the road should be sufficient
to close the old boat access.
Bandimere Heights - Sietsema said that she had recently talked
with people in the Bandimere Heights area and they had requested
that a soccer field be installed at that park. She said that the
park is used often for pick up games of softball, soccer and
football. She said that the residents in the area also asked for
tot lot equipment.
Chanhassen Estates Park - Sietsema said that the park shelter in
this park needed to be upgraded. She said that the wood was
rotting and it needed paint.
Chanhassen Pond Park - Sietsema said that before extensive deve-
lopment was started in this park, a master park plan should be
designed. She suggested allocating money for such a plan as well
as the first phase of plantings.
Meadow Green Park - Sietsema said that the Commission had
discussed tot lot needs for this park earlier this year and it was
decided that big swings would be purchased in 1987.
Robbins said that this neighborhood would most likely continue to
attract young families and therefore would warrant a large amount
of tot lot equipment.
Mady suggested that tennis courts be installed in this park as
this was proposed in the original park plan and was probably due.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 2, 1986
Page 4
Herman Field - Sietsema said that there was money put aside for
the development of this park. She said that the problem was
getting the access road to the park. It was suggested that addi-
tional funds be allocated for development as the construction of
the access road would be more costly than originally anticipated.
Miscellaneous - Sietsema said that a number of tables and benches
would be needed with the new park sites opening. She said that
the type of table the City has been purchasing lately, is a steel
table that is heavier and more durable. She said that people are
not able to drag them far, they do not float away when put in the
water, and they are vandal resistant.
The Commission was eager to get trail development going in the
City when the trail plan was completed and allocated $25,000 to
begin construction in 1987.
Charlie moved to recommend approval of the Capital Improvement
Program as follows:
Lake Ann Park
swimming Dock Replacement
Legion Park Shelter (Water/Electric)
Sand Volleyball Court
$ 1,300.00
Lake Susan Park
Fishing Dock
Volleyball Court
Running track
Kitchen Facilities
Greenwood Shores
Play Equipment
Volleyball Court
Park Sign
North Lotus Lake Park
Park Sign
Ballfield/Parking Construction (in-house)
Tennis Court
Play Equipment
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 2, 1986
Page 5
South Lotus Lake
Park Sign
Gate House
Fishing Dock (w/railings)
Carver Beach
Tire Swing Replacement
Bollard and Chain to Obstruct old Access
Bandimere Heights
Soccer Field Construction (in-house)
Totlot Equipment
Chanhassen Estates Park
Upgrade Shelter
Chanhassen Pond Park
Master Park Plan Development
Park Development
Meadow Green Park
Totlot Equipment (Big Swings)
Tennis Courts
Herman Field
Park Development
Tables/Benches (20)
Trail Development
The Commission wished to note that park development has slacked in
recent years. Due to housing starts and the increased interest
(park development requests), the Commission feels that these pro-
jects need to be addressed.
The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
September 2, 1986
~ Page 6
Robbins moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by
Boyt and carried unanimously.
Submitted by: Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator