1986 12 02 (2)
Park and Recreation Commission Meetin-
December 2, 1986
Commissioners Present: Michael Lynch, Michael Rosenwald, Curt .
Robinson, Wallace McKay, Susan Boyt, and Jim Mady. Lori Sietsema
was also present and Charlie Robbins was absent.
Robinson moved to recommend the acceptance of the minutes dated
October 7, 1986. The motion was seconded by Mady and carried
Comprehensive Plan Updating Process:
A. Park Needs Survey
Sietsema explained that the City Council reviewed the request to
hire a temporary employee to assist in the survey process. She
said that the Council reviewed the rough draft of the survey as
well and were concerned that it did not represent the current
position of the City in regards to parks. They were also con-
cerned about the method of distribution and the estimated number
of responses. It was suggested that the Park and Recreation Com-
mission meet with residents in each area to discuss the City's
current position and location of existing parks, with a survey
distributed at the end.
McKay said that this method does not represent a scientific sur-
vey, but the gathering of opinions of the movers and shakers in .
each neighborhood. Rosenwald said that it did not appear as
though the City Council understood what the Commission wanted.
Mady suggested that the response would merely be that of the
most vocal people in each neighborhood.
Rosenwald said that he would rather each Commissioner take the
survey house to house to insure a high rate of return. Lynch
said that these meetings would not be proper as only the people
interested in the parks will show up. In addition, he said that
there would be too many areas not accounted for if only
homeowners associations were met with. He said that a general
mailing would be more defensible. Robinson said that, as a
resident, he would be more likely to fill out a survey than
attend a meeting.
Rosenwald indicated he would rather go back to the original plan.
Boyt suggested resubmitting the original request in January as
the new Council would be more receptive to Park and Recreation
Commission requests.
McKay said that he detected a lack of understanding by the City
Council of what the Commission wanted to accomplish. He said it
seemed that items are sent to the Council as a concept and
miscommunicated by staff. He said that the Commission needed to
send clearer recommendations with more substantial background.
McKay said that he would like to hear from this St. Thomas stu- .
dent what their recommendation would be on how to proceed with
the survey. At that point the Commission could make a recommen-
dation to the City Council with the expert's backing. He
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
December 2, 1986
Page 2
continued to say that things needed to be better defined and more
concise with the supporting rationale before going on to Council.
Lynch suggested having a joint meeting with the City Council to
identify and agree upon goals and objectives for the Park and
Recreation Commission. McKay said that the Commission should
establish an agenda for such a meeting listing the Commission's
goals and objectives. Lynch said he would like the Council to
explain to the Commission how they would like procedural matters
handled so as to be consistent.
Lynch moved to have a meeting set up with the City Council in
mid-January and to discuss the goals and objectives at the next
Commission meeting. Rosenwald seconded the motion and it carried
unanimously. The Commissioners agreed to each send their list of
goals and objectives to Sietsema, who would then compile them for
the January Commission meeting.
McKay said that the Commission should discuss areas that goals
should be developed, such as the Comprehensive Plan, survey, and
park dedication. Mady suggested continuing this discussion at
the end of the meeting.
Lunch directed staff to contact St. Thomas, Mankato State, and
the 0 of M for individuals who would be interested in the survey
assistant position. He said to have them send their qualifica-
tions, what they would charge, and the time they expected it
would take to complete. He asked staff to bring this information
to the next meeting so the Commission could make a selection by
B. Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Sietsema said that Koegler had started updating the existing
Comprehensive Plan and those amendments were enclosed for the
Commission's review. She said that no action was necessary if
the amendments were acceptable.
Lynch said that he would like the Plan to show who each park is
intended to serve, the number of houses it serves and which park
classification it is. He said each park description should
include a "State of the Parks" which would include the history,
area served, number served, existing facilities, facilities
planned, what limitations exist, and what complications exist.
McKay said that the classifications in the existing plan are con-
fusing. He said that it was confusing that some neighborhood
parks are passive and others have been developed for active use.
He said he would also like Koegler to determine standard criteria
for each type of park, regarding facilities.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
December 2, 1986
Page 3
Sietsema said that it may not be appropriate to develop each type
of park the same. She said that different neighborhoods have
different personalities and needs.
Mckay said he wants to know what is appropriate for each type of
park. He said that standard criteria was needed to treat each
park development request equal. He said that he feels that staff
has no long range planning when it comes to park development and
just plays it by ear. He said that since he has been on the Com-
mission, it has only been the "squeaky wheel that gets the oil"
and he resents the looseness in the way decisions are dealt with.
Lynch said that although long range planning is needed, inflexa-
bility tends to cause waste. He said that criteria was needed
that would determine what the minimum size is for a park to be
considered for a ballfield, or what the minimum size for a park
should be, or how close to a highway is acceptable to develop
park facilities.
Boyt said that if such criteria is included in the Comprehensive
Plan, the Commission will be better equipt to make sound deci-
sions, which will be defendable to the City Council. She said
criteria that would state "a ten acre park is eligible for..." or .
"a three acre park is eligible for ..." She said she would like
to know what is appropriate for each size park.
Boyt said that the Compo Plan should also identify where poten-
tial parks should be for long range planning.
Capital Improvement Program Budget
Sietsema said that the Commission had prepared a Capital Improve-
ment Program in September and recommended its adoption in the
1987 budget. She said that she was bringing it back to the Com-
mission for reconsideration.
Sietsema said that the proposed CIP Budget identifies $25,000 for
trail development and that perhaps this request was premature as
we do not know how much the total will be for trail development.
The trail plan is currently underway and cost estimates have not
yet been established. She said once the trail plan has been
completed, the Commission will have to look at how it will be
financed. She recommended taking the $25,000 for trail develop-
ment out of the 1987 CIP Budget. She noted that when the trail
plan is completed the Commission could then go to the City Coun-
cil with a budget amendment request.
It was stated that other items that are dependent on future
events should also be taken out, such as the development of Lake .
Susan Park (which depends upon the HRA acquisition of an addi-
tional 8 acres).
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
December 2, 1986
Page 4
Rosenwald said that if this was done, he would suggest stating
for the record that it is anticipated that the Commission will be
asking for a budget amendment in 1987 upon the completion of the
trail plan. This will let the Council know we are looking ahead
and there will not be any suprises.
Lynch suggested making a contigency list:
-Lake Susan running track (pending the acquisition of addi-
tional 8 acres)
-trail development (pending the completion of the trail plan
and estimated costs of such a plan)
-Herman Field Access Development (pending the results of the
access plan)
Rosenwald moved to amend the original proposed 1987 Capital
Improvement Plan Budget to delete the running track at Lake Susan
($1000), the trail development funds ($25,000), the Herman Field
development ($5,000), and to add $3,500 for the development of an
access plan for Herman Field. This brings the total request to
$80,500. The motion was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously.
McKay said he would like to know how much is in the Park budget.
He said that staff should be able to provide the Commission with
the financial status and projections.
McKay moved to request the balances for the 1987 Capital Fund,
the 1987 estimated Capital Fund income, and any earmarked funds
that are a part of the beginning balance, in order that the Com-
mission can enhance its recommendation for this fund. The motion
was seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Appointments
Sietsema said the terms of office were to expire on December 31,
1986 for Boyt, Lynch, Rosenwald, and Robbins. She said that the
Commission was to make a recommendation to the City Council as to
reappoint or advertise the vacant positions. She said that she
received a call from Robbins who said that he would not be
interested in a reappointment. Lynch, Boyt and Rosenwald all
indicated they would like to be reappointed for another term.
McKay moved to recommend the reappointment of Lynch, Boyt, Rosen-
wald and Robbins and the authorization to the advertisement for
the vacant position of any who do not wish to continue. The
motion was seconded by Robinson and carried unanimously.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
December 2, 1986
Page 5
Herman Field Access Plan
Mady moved to recommend the authorization of Van Doren Hazard
Stallings to prepare an access plan for Herman Field at an esti-
mated cost of $2,500-3,500. The motion was seconded by McKay and
carried unanimously.
Eagle Scout Project Update
Sietsema said that she received a letter from Steve White
regarding his Eagle Scout Project at Chanhassen Pond Park. White
said that because of weather and other difficulties he was not
able to complete the project this fall. He said he will continue
to work on the project next spring and gave June 30, 1987 as an
estimated completion date.
McKay asked staff to send White a letter of thanks.
Discussion of Commission/City Council Goals and Objectives
McKay said that specific areas should be identified to set goals,
i.e. how we run meetings. Mady said problem areas should also be .
identified, i.e. how does the Commission interface with the Coun-
cil. McKay said the the Commission lacks the financial data to
base decisions. Mady said Chanhassen's part in park development
should be discussed. Boyt said the survey should be included.
Lynch said that the City needs to plan for when the City will
take over the youth athletic programs. Boyt said the Commission
should ask when a referendum for trail development would be con-
sidered. Mady said that it did not sound like the City has much
tax base for a bond issue. Lynch said the Commission should
establish when and if the City should consider a Community
Center. McKay said a long range plan should be developed. He
said there was a problem with the Council's confidence with the
Park and Recreation Commission.
Mady moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by
Robinson and carried unanimously.
Prepared by Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator