1986 01 07
JANUARY 7, 1986
The Park and Recreation Commisison meeting was called to order at
7:35 p.m. by Chairman Mike Lynch. Commissioners present were:
Mike Lynch, Wallace McKay, Joe Warneke, Mike Rosenwald and Curt
Robinson. Commissioner Charlie Robbins was absent.
MINUTES: The Commission reviewed the minutes of the December 3,
1985 meeting. McKay moved, seconded by Warneke to approve the
minutes as presented. Motion unanimously approved.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Warneke said that before officers were
elected, he wanted to announce that he will be resigning from the
Park and Recreation Commission. He said that he has been
involved with "Project 21" at the school and that it was his
first priority. He said he has enjoyed working with the
Commission, but feels he must cut back some of his obligations.
He said he would send a letter to the Chairman to formally
announce his resignation.
Lynch said that he was sorry to see him go and wished him the
best in his future endeavors.
McKay moved to elect Lynch as the 1986 Chairman of the Park and
Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and
carried unanimously.
Rosenwald moved to elect McKay for the 1986 Vice-Chairman of the
Park and Recreation Commission. The motion was seconded by Lynch
and carried unanimously.
PARK ORDINANCE REVIEW: Sietsema said that the Park Ordinance had
not been reviewed by the Commission for a number of years and
felt that it would be beneficial for the Commission to do so.
The Commission reviewed the ordinance and found it to be sound.
They did ask staff to find out if guide animals were considered
pets in Section 23. They also questioned what the City's policy
will be regarding ice houses being launched from public accesses.
Sietsema stated that she would check on both issues and get back
to the Commission at the next meeting.
BLUFF CREEK GREEN: Sietsema presented the proposed plan for the
Bluff Creek Green Subdivision. She said that the plan involved
subdividing 59.2 acres into 20 single family lots. She said that
because property borders the golf course, the average lot size is
2.9 acres. The Comprehensive Plan does not identify any por-
tion of this area as potential park/open space and she recom-
mends accepting park fees in lieu of park land.
McKay said that he felt the Commission should have a philosophy
and a policy when reviewing these proposals. He said that the
Commission needed guidelines so that each proposal could be
JANUARY 7, 1986
reviewed in a similar fashion. McKay requested that at each
meeting a different park be reviewed so that the Commission could
be aware of its history, location, past development, and plan for
future development.
Sietsema said that she felt the Comprehensive Plan may outline
the City's park and recreation philosphy and that it may be
beneficial to review it as well.
McKay said that now would be the time to acquire park land in the
Bluff Creek area - before it is in high demand for development.
He said that this proposal may not have anything the City may want
to acquire, but we should not totally dismiss the idea of park
land in that area simply because of the larger lot sizes.
Lynch said that because of the topography, park land in this sub-
division would probably not be most desirable.
Lynch moved to recommend that the City accept park dedication
fees in lieu of park land from the Bluff Creek Green developers.
Rosenwald seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Lynch requested that a review of the comprehensive Plan and the
City parks be put on the agendas for future meetings. He also
asked that the next agenda include an update on the goose control
Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. The motion,
seconded by McKay, carried unanimously.
Prepared by Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator
on January 9, 1986.