1986 04 01 I. a Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 . A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairperson Lynch at 7:40 p.m. Commissioners present were Mike Lynch, Mike Rosenwald, Charlie Robbins, Wallace McKay, Sue Boyt and Jim Mady. Curt Robinson was absent. Lori Sietsema, Park and Recreation Coordinator was also present. CHANHASSEN VISTA SKETCH PLAN REVIEW Sietsema presented the Chanhassen vista Sketch Plan stating that the developer was proposing to build 126 single family homes on 70 acres of land. This proposed development is located east of Kerber Boulevard, approximately 1/4 mile north of West 78th Street. Sietsema said that Chanhassen Hills Pond is located within the proposed development. Chanhassen Hills Pond is a natural park, designed for passive use and the City currently owns the land on the southeast side of the pond. She said that she had met with the developer and had indicated that the City would be interested in continuing the park around the pond and was likely to ask for a wider area than that shown on the plan. She said that the Comprehensive Plan and the 1990 Land Use Plan both show the pond surrounded by parkland. Sietsema suggested that the Commission decide how much land should be requested and identify a contour . line that would outline that area. She said that staff was recom- mending that the land around the pond within the 952' contour line be designated for park purposes. She added that this line should continue into the area below the ridge on the west end of the pond. sietsema said that the developer was proposing to include pedestrian corridors within the development to allow access to the park as well as to the adjacent neighborhoods. She said these corridors were shown as OUtlots A, B, and C on the sketch plan. Sietsema suggested that the street easement be widened along Frontier Trail to allow a pedestrian walkway. This would allow continuation of the existing trail on Kerber Boulevard. Lynch asked if anyone in the audience had any questions or com- ments. Jay Johnson, Saratoga Drive, said that he was concerned about siltation settlement in the pond as well as as lawn fertilizer running into it and basically killing the pond. He was concerned that development would not leave adequate space for the natural goose breeding area around the pond. He said that the Environ- mental Assessment done by the developer did not address any of these concerns. Charlie Coffee, Saratoga Drive, asked if the dam would be . replaced. He said that the pond used to be higher than it is now . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 2 and he was afraid it would become a swamp. Lynch said that the present level of the pond is close to what it was when the City acquired it. Mr. Coffee said that a wildlife barrier may have to be installed as this development would bring more children who will catch fish and frogs. He said that he was afraid that this could kill the pond as well. Bill Boyt, Kiowa Circle, said that the neighboring residents wanted to protect the park. He said that the proposed plan shows development within 100' of the pond. He felt that the parkland around the pond should be consistent with the existing park. He said that the proposed trail corridors were only 10' wide and questioned whether this was a reasonable width. Mr. Johnson said that if he were moving into this development he would appreciate a totlot so that the children would not have to cross busy streets to get to one. The Commission discussed the 952' contour line and were concerned that asking for more would not be acceptable to the City Coun- cil. Councilman Dale Geving said that the Commission should review this proposal and make a recommendation that they felt comfortable with. He said the Commission should not be too con- servative at this point. Commissioner Boyt felt that the parkland around the pond should go to the ridge line. She said this would keep the parkland consistent with what exists. She also mentioned that a trail along the east property line as shown in the Comprehensive Plan should be explored. McKay moved to table any action until they were able to inspect the site themselves at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, AprilS, 1986. The CHANHASSEN HILLS SKETCH PLAN REVIEW Sietsema began by saying that the Commission had reviewed this sketch plan at the previous meeting. She said that the Com- mission had recommended that the City acquire a 5 acre parcel located in the center of the development for park purposes. The Commission had also recommended that the City acquire the trail corridor along Lake Susan as shown in the Comprehensive Plan as well as the 1990 Land Use Plan. Sietsema said that the developer had reviewed the recommendation and felt that the area requested was one of the best locations for single family homes. The developer was asking that the Com- mission review the sketch plan again and consider a 5 acre parcel along the Highway 212 alignment. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 3 . Jim Curry, owner of the Chanhassen Hills proposed development site, was present to discuss the sketch plan. Mr. Curry said that the development included 178 single family units and 50 multiple family units, bringing the total to 228 units. He said that this development would generate approximately $94,000 in park dedication fees and that the 5 acre parcel along Highway 212, at 10,000 per acre, was valued at $50,000. Mr. Curry indicated that he would be able to make up his loss of the 5 acre parcel if he were allowed to put in 3 lots on the north end of the development near the lake. He said that he pic- tured these to be large, beautiful lots that would share a drive- way. Lynch indicated that this request would not be up to the Park and Recreation Commission and that it would have to be addressed by the Planning Commission. Mr. Curry was proposing that the City allow a 50% reduction in park dedication fees in exchange for the open space along the west side of the development~ a trail easement along the lake~ a trail easement off the center cul-de-sac on the west side, allowing access to the open space~ the 5 acre parcel along Highway 212~ and the natural ponding area just south of the pro- posed 3 lots. . Al Klingelhutz was present to request that the Commission abandon their request regarding the trail corridor along the lake. He said that it was a 750' trail that did not go anywhere. He said that his property is at the end of that trail and the that it would not be continued around the lake due to the existing pri- vate homes. He felt that the remoteness of the area would attract kids for parties. Sietsema said that the corridor was a continuation of a trail on the north side of the lake and that the Comprehensive Plan clearly designated this area as part of the City's trail system. She said that it would also be a nice picnic area for the resi- dents of this development. The Commission indicated that they were in agreement with staff on this point. Rosenwald made a motion to recommend that the City acquire the 5 acre parcel along the Highway 212 alignment~ accept the wetlands along the west side of the development~ obtain an easement off the center cul-de-sac on the side~ request a trail easement along the lake~ accept the ponding area on the north side of the development~ and negotiate with the developer a fair reduction park dedication fees. The motion was seconded by Robbins and carried unanimously. The Commission stated for the record that they had no objection . to the 3 lots north of the ponding area on the north side of the lake. . . . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 4 CHANHASSEN LEGION PROPOSAL FOR A PARK SHELTER AT LAKE ANN PARK Torn Klingelhutz was present to discuss a proposal by the Chanhassen Legion to build a park shelter at Lake Ann Park. He showed the Commission the design for the building stating that it would be octagon in shape with one section enclosed for a con- cession area. Klingelhutz said that this building would be used during events like the Fourth of July Celebration and the Firemen's Softball Tournament. He said the Legion has had a concession stand in a tent at the Fourth of July Tournament for the last two years and have all but blown away. He feels this would be a very nice addition to the park. The Commission agreed that this type of facility would be a welcome addition and were impressed with the design. They asked how it would be paid for. Mr. Klingelhutz said that the Legion was prepared to provide all labor needed for design and construction of the building. He said that the Legion was asking the City to put up $16,000 for the construction materials. He said the Legion earned money from their pull-tab business and would use that income to repay the loan. The Legion would be able to repay the City within five years by making monthly payments. Councilman Dale Geving, asked if the building included water. Mr. Klingelhutz said it did not. Mr. Geving said he would rather the Legion request $20,000 and put in water as well. Mr. Klingelhutz had no problem with that request. Robbins asked if restrooms would be included in this proposal. Mr. Klingelhutz indicated that it did not. Lynch said that the park was outside the City sewer service and a septic system would be too costly. Robbins asked if the shelter could be used in the winter as well. Mr. Klingelhutz said that it could be. Robbins moved to recommend that the City accept the Chanhassen Legion's proposal to a build park shelter that includes running water and a concession area at Lake Ann Park near the ballfields, and that the City put up $20,000 for construction materials which the Legion will repay in monthly installments within five years. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and carried unanimously. NORTH LOTUS LAKE MASTER PARK PLAN Sietsema presented the revised plan for North Lotus Lake. She stated that the basic changes from the original plan included the additional skating rink for hockey and additional parking to serve Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 5 . the tennis area. She said the soccer/softball field, 30 car parking lot, tennis courts, trails, and picnic areas remained the same as the original plan. Robbins felt that the backstop for the softball diamond should be moved to the southwest corner of the soccer field so that people would not have as far to walk from the parking lot. He said that people were likely to park along Fox Hollow Drive to avoid the walk. Sietsema indicated that there would not be a problem with that change and would be sure to it on the grading plan. Sietsema said that she had discussed the plan with Park Main- tenance Supervisor, Dale Gregory, who did not find any problems with the plan. He suggested that the City start with only one ice rink to determine the need of two separate skating areas. He said that in some areas ice rinks do not get much use and it takes a considerable amount of time to flood and maintain them. The Commission indicated that this would be acceptabe but that the grading plan should include the second skating area in case it is needed in the future. Dave Felthouse, Fox Hollow Drive, said that he was concerned that . the tennis courts were too close to the eastern property line. He suggested that the tennis courts be moved further to the west. He said that there would be houses along the that property line and that tennis may disturb them. Sietsema said that there would be approximately 150 feet between a house and the tennis courts. Moving the tennis courts to the west would cut into the soccer field, which could not be made smaller if it was to serve its purpose. Rosenwald said that the tennis courts at Chanhassen Elementary were somewhat close to houses and did not seem to cause a conflict. Sietsema added that these tennis courts were not likely to be lighted, so conflict, if any, would be minimal. Mr. Felthouse suggested that landscaping be done to provide some barrier. Sietsema said that landscaping was done in all of the parks and would be done in this one as well. McKay made a motion to recommend that the City Council accept the master plan for North Lotus Lake Park as presented with the con- dition that the backstop for the softball field be moved to the the southwest corner of the soccer field. The motion was seconded by Lynch and carried unanimously. CHAPARRAL HOMEOWNERS REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TOTLOT EQUIPMENT IN MEADOW GREEN PARK . Sietsema said that she had recently received a letter from Sheryl Mickelsen and the residents of Chaparral. She said that these . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 6 people were requesting that the tot lot at Meadow Green Park be enlarged as there are so many children in the neighborhood that it is frequently overloaded. The Chaparral residents also had concerns regarding safety, as the surface beneath the structure is either hard packed ground or else mud. The request included the installation of a new play surface, another totlot play unit, and play equipment for older children. Sheryl Mickelsen, 901 Pontiac Lane, was present to discuss their concerns. She said that they were concerned about safety. The play equipment is so crowded at times that that children are at risk of getting pushed off or hit by a swing. She said that there are softball players playing ball at the park almost every night and they often bring their children, which makes it even more crowded. She said that there are currently 80 children living in the Chaparral subdivision, ages 1 to 12. Ms. Mickelsen said that they were requesting that a softer sur- face be filled in beneath the equipment as the ground there now is very hard when dry and quite muddy after a rain. She suggested sand or pea gravel. . Ms. Mickelsen said that the letter outlined what she felt would be most used, but at this point they would set tIe for any addi- tional equipment. Sietsema said that the Commission should be aware that Meadow Green Park is still quite new. She said that the existing totlot equipment was installed only two years ago and a half court basketball court was installed in 1985. She said that there are a number of parks that do not have totlot equipment at all, such as Greenwood Shores, Lake Susan, Bandimere Heights, etc. Sietsema said that just because these other areas do not come forward to ask for these facilities does not necessaily mean that they do not need them. She indicated that the Commission may want to look at all the park's needs before adding to a park that already had new equipment. Lynch said that he has talked to Greenwood Shores homeowners in the past and was given no indication that anything new was needed there. He said that he was not opposed to upgrading facilities as requests came in. . Sietsema said that perhaps the City should develop a totlot plan for Meadow Green Park that could be done in stages. She said that a new play surface could be installed the first year, large enough for future additions, and that the extentions to the existing play structure could be done in following years. Lynch asked staff to research different types of surface that would be acceptable to this area and the costs. He also asked that a time table be prepared as to how this could be done. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 7 Sietsema said the cost of the fill would depend on how large of a play area would be needed. She said that if it got too large there may not be room for the tennis court that is scheduled to go into this park according to the park plan. Ms. Mickelson said that the residents would rather have additional play equipment than a tennis court. . Sietsema said that staff would develop a totlot plan with cost estimates and a timetable for the Meadow Green Park and bring it back to the Commission. 1986 Fourth of July Celebration Sietsema said that at the last Park and Recreation Commission meeting the Commission had discussed including a street dance in the annual Fourth of July Celebration. She said that the Com- mission had agreed on a 50's/60's as all ages enjoy that type of music. Staff was given $3000 as a guideline when inquiring about bands that would be available for that day. Sietsema said that the "White Sidewalls" and the "Rockin' Hollywoods" were already booked. She said that she had found a band called "The Stingrays" that were very similar in style to . both groups and could get them for $1100. She said that she had seen them play and they were very good. She said this band would not have the draw of the better known bands, however, because this will be our first experience in holding a street dance, it may be for the better. The Commission indicated that the The Stingrays would be fine. Sietsema said that a location would have to be chosen and iden- tified the options. She said that the dance could be held at Lake Ann Park, but because of parking and policing problems was not recommending it. She said that Coulter Drive could be blocked off for the dance, leaving part of the street, the bank parking lot and the school for parking. She said that another possibility was to hold the dance on the school grounds. The parking area near the bowling center along West 78th Street would be another option as there would be plenty of parking available in the vacant area next to it. The Commission felt that the dance should be kept away from the residential areas if possible and agreed the dance should be held in the parking area near the bowling center. Robbins made a motion, seconded by Mady, to recommend that the City Council authorize staff to proceed with the preparations for a celebration at Lake Ann Park with a street dance following in the parking area near the bowling center along West 78th . Street. The motion carried unanimously. . Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 8 1987 LCMR/LAWCON PRELIMINARY APPLICATION Sietsema stated that the 1987 preliminary application deadline for LCMR/LAWCON Grants was May 5, 1986. She said that the Commission would have to review this item to decide if there were any pro- jects for which the City should submit an application. Sietsema explained that municipalities were eligible to receive only one LCMR (state) Grant per biennium. Therefore, Chanhassen would not qualify for state funds as we received an LCMR Grant for the ballfield lighting project. However, the City would qualify for a LAWCON Grant as this limitation does not apply to federal funds. . Sietsema explained that the two projects that were not funded last year were the park shelter building at Lake Ann Park and the Lake Ann Park expansion field development. She said that because of the scope of the expansion project, the City would need both federal and state grants to proceed. In addition, she said that the federal grant program focuses funding on natural resource-oriented recreation facilities, not athletic facilities. Specifically, this project is not likely to be awarded a federal grant. Sietsema suggested that the City look to other ways to fund this project. The park shelter project incorporated a number of outdoor fea- tures, Sietsema said, and therefore may have a chance at funding. She said that John VonDeLinde, from the grants office, was quite impressed with this proposal last year and had indicated that the City should submit it again. OUr 1986 application for this pro- ject ranked sixth in the metro region, of which the top three were funded. . Rosenwald discussed the possibility of building a nature center area at Chanhassen Estates Park. He said that the 30 acres of parkland is not suitable for active use but would make a nice scenic park. He said that the Commission had talked about this before and felt that this was the time to pursue it. Sietsema said that the Comprehensive Plan calls for this area to be devel- oped as a "nature oriented, passive park facility permitting public viewing of wildlife in its natural surroundings". Rosenwald said that the project should include boardwalks throughout the park and a shelter building. Rosenwald made a motion to recommend that the City submit 1987 Preliminary Applications for the Lake Ann Park Shelter Building and for a Community Nature Center located in Chanhassen Estates Park. The motion was seconded by McKay, and carried unanimously. The Commission requested to review the 1986 budget, regarding park maintenance as well as park development. Park and Recreation Commission Minutes April 1, 1986 Page 9 The Commission decided to visit a park site each meeting for the reainder of the summer starting next meeting. The Commission will meet at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall and visit Bandimere Heights and Chanhassen Estates Park. Robbins made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The motion was seconded by Lynch and carried unanimously. Prepared by: Lori sietsema Apr il 25, 1986 . . .