1986 04 05 Special Meeting
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
Special Meeting
April 5
A special meeting was called to order at the site of the proposed
development of Chanhassen vista at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, AprilS.
Commissioners present included Sue Boyt, Mike Lynch, Jim Mady,
Wally McKay, and Charlie Robbins. Commissioners absent were Mike
Rosenwald and Curt Robinson.
The Commission held a special meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday,
AprilS, 1986 to walk the Chanhassen Vista proposed development
The Commission walked the site to determine high water lines,
ridge lines and existing property lines. They felt that
Chanhassen Hills Pond was a definite asset to the community and
were very concerned about not only preserving it, but enhancing
it as well.
As they walked around the pond area the Commission
the existing ridge line should be preserved on all
pond and that the parkland should go to that line.
allow ease of access to the park at various points
wildlife buffer around the pond.
agreed that
sides of the
This would
and provide a
Lynch moved to recommend that the City obtain all the land around
the pond for park purposes within the following boundaries:
beginning on the east side of the pond near the dam, the existing
fence line running west to the corner post on Kerber Drive, south
along the property line, following the 990' contour line east and
north to the northwest corner of lot 3 on north Cascade Court,
then following the 980' contour line east and northeast to the
property line. This recommendation basically includes everything
within the ridge line around the pond.
Lynch stated that it was important to widen the park area for the
following reasons:
-To provide ease of access due to elevation changes
-To provide a buffer to protect wildlife
-To conform to the previously established setback on the
southeast side of the pond
-To prevent future change in contours from existing
ridge line and control silting problems
-To provide a buffer to control fertilizer and lawn
chemicals from running into the pond
The motion was seconded by Mady and carried unanimously.
Park and Recreation Commission
AprilS, 1986
Page 2
In addition to the recommendation, the Commission stated for the
record that they were opposed to storm drains or any artificially
conveyed runoff directly into the pond, due to siltation, shallow
pond structure and refuse deposition.
Motion by McKay, seconded by Robbins to adjourn the meeting at
11:30 a.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Prepared by: Lori Sietsema
April 10, 1986