1986 06 03
Park and Recreation Commission
June 3, 1986
A regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was
called to order by the Commssion Chairman, Mike Lynch. Com-
missioners attending the meeting were Mike Lynch, Wallace McKay,
Charlie Robbins, Susan Boyt, James Mady, Curt Robbinson, and Mike
Rosenwald. Staff present were Lori Sietsema and Don Ashworth.
Residents present were:
Greg Datillo, 7201 Juniper Avenue, Chanhassen, MN 474-0065
Ed Hasek, 6570 Kirkwood Circle, Chanhassen, MN
Tom Heiberg, 3725 South Cedar, Chanhassen, MN 474-2466
Wayne Fransdal, 6200 Murray Hill Road, Chanhassen, MN 474-4857
Mike Liddicoat, Carver County Park Director, Chaska 448-3435
Sherri Mickelson, Chaparral
Robbins moved to approve the Park and Recreation Commission min-
utes of May 6, 1986. The motion was seconded by Rosenwald and
carried unanimously.
Red Cedar Point Homeowners Request for Trail Along Minnewashta
Sietsema began by saying that the Red Cedar Point Homeowners were
requesting the City to look into the feasibility of constructing
a pedestrian trail along Minnewashta Parkway. The residents in
that area feel that there is a growing number of people who are
jogging and biking along the road which is not always safe due to
the narrow width, curves and hills. These residents have signed
a petition stating this request.
Greg Datillo stated that in 1982 a boy was nearly killed on this
road. He said that the 124 signatures on the petition clearly
shows that the people in the area want such a trail. He said
that at this point they were only asking that a feasibility study
be done that would outline the costs of such a project.
Ed Hasek said that the population in Chanhassen is on the rise
and is generally people with young families. These people are
the Baby Boomers who like to jog and bike and Minnewashta Parkway
is not a good linkage road. The road is deteriorating, has no
curbs and has lanes only 12 feet wide. He said that the road
will need upgrading soon and the trail should be done at the same
time. He said that the third issue is that there is little park
space on the west side of Lake Minnewashta and the residents are
in favor of this being their neighborhood park.
Tom Heiberg said that he agreed that the population in the area
is growing. He reiterated that the road was deteriorating and
that the time was right to look at a feasibility study. He said .
that many joggers wear the headsets with music playing and are
not always aware of their surroundings which creates a dangerous
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
June 3, 1986
Page 2
Boyt said that she was in favor of sidewalks and off-street
trails, rather than adding extra width to the roads, although
she has been told that costs are prohibitive.
Lynch asked who maintained this road. Staff said the City.
DattilIo asked if different plans could be developed that could
be taken to the residents.
McKay said that there should be an overall trail plan for the
City. He suggested that such a plan be developed that would
discuss the different kinds of trails i.e. off-street, on-street,
wood chip, bituminous, etc. This type of plan would provide cri-
teria to identify trails and to prioritize.
Hasek said that he sat on the park board in Mound and when a
street project went in, trails were also constructed. He
said that they were here to prevent an accident. He said that
they would like a timetable of how this item would proceed as
they have been asked to report to the residents. Sietsema said
that she would send them a copy of the minutes and let them know
when this item would be reviewed again.
McKay moved to authorize staff to prepare a proposal for comple-
tion of a feasibility study for a comprehensive trailway system
in Chanhassen. The motion was seconded by Boyt. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Lynch said that he would like to see what the consultant
suggestions of what the plan should include.
Chaparral Homeowners Proposal to Purchase Additional Totlot
Equipment for Meadow Green Park
Sherri Mickelson was present to discuss a proposal to purchase
tot lot equipment for Meadow Green Park. She said she had
reported the Commission's decision regarding Meadow Green Park
totlot equipment to the Homeowners Association. The Association
felt the need for additional equipment was immediate and has pro-
posed to purchase up to $500 worth of equipment and are
requesting that the City install and maintain it.
Sietsema said that the equipment purchase should be reviewed by
staff and the consultant to be sure that it will be consistent
with our future plans. Mickelson said that staff could order
whatever fit with the plan and bill the Association.
Robinson moved to accept the purchase of up to $500 in totlot
equipment from the Chaparral Homeowners Association and to
authorize staff to install and maintain it. In addition, he
moved that staff should work with the vendor to get equipment
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
June 3, 1986 .
Page 3
that will be consistent with what we have. McKay seconded the
motion and it carried unanimously.
Minnewashta Regional Park Request to Allow "Group Reserved Camping"
Mike Liddicoat, Park Director for Carver County, attended the
Park and Recreation Commission meeting to discuss the request to
consider a variation of the Master Park Plan to allow "group
reserved camping" in non-designated areas.
Liddicoat began by saying that the County Park Commission is
asking the City of Chanhassen for advice. He said that the Minn-
ewashta Regional Park Master Plan was put together by the City,
the County and the Metropolitan Council in 1982 and that the plan
designated an area within the park for "group reserved camping".
This type of activity involves an organized group, such as the Boy
Scouts, Girl Scouts, or church groups, requesting a permit
allowing them to camp in the park. The master plan spells out
what group camping is and identifies an area for such.
Liddicoat said that although the master plan allows for group
camping, the designated area is not ready for such use. He said
that he felt the City may want to be part of this decision as to .
whether or not to allow this activity at this time.
Lynch said that he did not feel this was a decision to be made by
the City, but by the County, as they would have to handle it.
Ashworth pointed out that it is a conditional use permit and the
City Council did review the Master Plan before it was adopted.
He said the Council would be looking for a statement from this
group as to whether this should be allowed to take place. Lynch
said that it was his opinion that this request be denied until
the area designated for group camping is ready.
Boyt asked what would have to be done to prepare this area. Lid-
dicoat said that it would have to be forested.
Robbins asked what the disadvantage would be to allow this
request at this time. Liddicoat said that basically the disad-
vantage is that the area is not ready and another area would have
to be used, and extra satellites would be rented for that area.
Mady asked if approving this request would set a precedent for
any future requests, even if the County did not want to allow a
certain group in. Liddicoat said that he could not think of an
undesirable group.
McKay asked what the County wanted to do. Liddicoat said that
they were unsure. Their first thought was to approve the request .
but then thought they should get Chanhassen's input. He said the
County Commission is in support of the request, but wanted to
know the City's opinion.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
June 3, 1986
Page 4
Boyt suggested having the group pay for the extra satellites.
Lynch suggested they have the group (a Boy Scout group) work on
the undeveloped area, as these campers are supposed to be a
working group.
McKay summarized by saying that the concept of group camping has been
approved in the master plan but the area identified for this type
of activity is not yet ready and the park director does not have a
problem with finding an alternative location for group camping.
He stated that allowing this group to camp in an alternate location
sets a precedent and it will have to be allowed in the future.
He said that he felt this was not the City's jurisdiction, but
the County's. Liddicoat said that the County makes the final
decision but were seeking advice form the City.
Rosenwald said that if it would be 10-15 years before the
designated area was ready, he would be in favor of finding a tem-
porary location.
Robbins moved to endorse the "Order of the Arrow" Camporee at
Minnewashta Regional Park on September 7th, 8th, and 9th and
advise the County to explain to the scouts what the basic rules
of the camps site are. McKay seconded the motion.
Robinson said that there had been two points made in Mr.
Liddicoat's letter; if we approve this request, should this type
of activity be encouraged or does the City only approve of this
specific Boy Scout Camporee request?; and if the City approves of
and encourages this type of camping, does the City want to review
each request? Lynch said that he did not feel this Commission
should be recommending something that we have no jurisdiction
over. Robbins said that this was not a recommendation but an
Ashworth said that the action that the Commission will be taking
is a recommendation to the City Council. We do have a con-
ditional use permit with them in the master plan and the master plan
designates areas for specific use. What you will be doing is to
modify the master plan to show an alternate area for "group
reserved camping" for a specific amount of time.
Robbins amended the motion to read as follows: the Commssion
recommends the approval of modifying the Minnewashta Regional
Park Master Plan to allow "group reserved camping" in non-
designated areas on an interim basis at the discretion of the
County Park Commission. The motion carried unanimously.
The Park and Recreation Commission had questions regarding where
park monies were receipted and how accounting was carried out for
expenditures. Don Ashworth was present to review both the 1985
Audit Report as well as 1986 Budget. The 1986 Budget review
included current operating expenses, i.e. park maintenance, park
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
June 3, 1986
Page 5
and recreation administration, and self-sustaining programs.
Also reviewed was the detailed budget which includes the capital
improvement funds of the City, i.e. South Lotus Lake Boat Access,
Lake Ann Boat Access, Park Acquisition and Development Fund, etc.
The Park and Recreation Commission thanked Mr. Ashworth for being
Chanhassen Vista Site Plan Review
Don Ashworth, City Manager gave a brief history of the Chanhassen
Vista development proposal. He said that at the last meeting the
Park and Recreation Commission had authorized staff to proceed
with an appraisal of the value of the sloped area to determine
whether it was feasible to purchase the property. Ashworth
explained that staff will do that, however he wanted to explain
the impact of what the taking of those slopes will have on the
Ashworth said that the state statutes allow the City to request a
reasonable portion of a development to be dedicated for park/open
space purposes. The problem is determining what is reasonable. .
To the developer, the taking of the sloped area in this case pre-
sents a hardship as it eliminates a number of his lots. The
courts may deem this to be unreasonable and request that the City
compensate the developer for the lots lost.
Ashworth explained that establishing a conservation easement
along the slopes may achieve the same purpose as acquisition. He
suggested that the Commission consider and easement. Rosenwald
asked what the easement would entail if the City should decide to
go that way. Ashworth said that it would restrict the use of the
slopes to a degree set by the City. Restrictions could include
structures, dumping, application of chemicals, etc.
Mady said that he would be interested in seeing how much the
property was worth to see if the City could afford it, before
going for the easement. The Commission generally agreed to let
their last recommendation stand until a fair market value was
Chanhassen Hills Site Plan Review
Sietsema said that the Commission reviewed this proposal at the
sketch plan stage of the application process. At that time the
Commission recommended that the City accept the dedication of a 5
acre parcel for active park purposes and the open space along the
north and west sides of the development. The Commission also .
recommended that a trail easement be obtained along the lake and
off the center cul-de-sac on the west side, and that the street
easement be widened for pedestrian purposes on the street shown
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes
June 3, 1986
Page 6
as Lake Susan Drive in the current plan. The recommendation
included that the City negotiate with the developer a fair reduc-
tion in park dedication fees for this land donation.
The City Council reviewed the Commission's recommendation and
felt that 5 acres of active park land was insufficient for this
size development. They asked the developer to increase the size
of that parcel to at least 7 acres in the final plan. The
Council accepted all other recommendations made by the
The final plan includes a 7.8 acre parcel for the active park
area. This area includes a ponding area, which leaves enough
space for a regulation size ballfield, two tennis courts, a small
parking area, and a tot lot area. Sietsema said that these faci-
lities are sufficient for neighborhood park purposes as this will
not be used for organized leagues.
Rosenwald moved to recommend that the City accept the following
for park/open space purposes:
- the 7.8 acre parcel along the proposed Highway 212
- the wetland area along the west side of the development
- an easement off of the cul-de-sac shown as Barbara Court
- a pedestrian easement along the south side of Lake Susan
In addition, Rosenwald moved to recommend a wider street easement
for the street shown as Lake Susan Drive, and that staff be
authorized to negotiate with the developer for a fair reduction
in park dedication fees. The motion was seconded by Mady and
carried unanimously.
Robinson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. The motion was
seconded by Boyt and carried unanimously.
Prepared by: Lori Sietsema
Park and Recreation Coordinator