Structural Analysis Report 06-03-09 hvlaRICANtt)WaR Structural Analysis Report Structure 115 ft Pirod Self Supported Tower A TC Site Name Hazeltine, MN A TC Site Number 81388 Proposed Carrier Carrier Site Name ITT Corporation Chanhassen Carrier Site Number 173-21 County Carver Engineering Number 43396122 Date June 3, 2009 * 40% Legs, 70% Diagonals, 9% Horizontals Usage Submitted by: Christopher L. Jolly, E.!. Design Engineer American Tower Engineering Services 400 Regency Forest Drive Cary, NC 27518 Phone: 919-468-0112 PROFESSIONAL ENGU-!EER ~""-~",,,~<,,-"~<="'_...~~_'_'''_r__=__~.:_ I hereby specification. or report was :y; under my direct supcrvisi::n, :md t;'.;.,; Licensed Professio"a! I!!,dc;' ;;.<~ ;;;:''''15 of the State of T\-'j L~-:nC5Uj_':.. 1.;V~chzrned Prmt Namc:_..__.__. ... SIgnature: ./'- ~ Date:~ Lic~nse it 44557 Engineering Number 43396122 June 3, 2009 Page 1 Introduction The purpose of this report is to summarize results of the structural analysis performed on the 115 ft Pirod Self Supported Tower located at 2290 Lyman Blvd., Chanhassen, Minnesota, 55317, Carver County (ATC Site No. 81388). The tower was originally designed and manufactured by Pirod (Drawing No. 114515-B, dated August 15, 1990). Analvsis The tower was analyzed using Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc., Software. The analysis assumes that the tower is in good, undamaged, and non-corroded condition. Basic Wind Speed: Radial Ice: Code: 80 mph (Fastest Mile) 69 mph (Fastest Mile) wi 12" ice TIA/EIA-222-F I 2006 IBC Section 1609.1.1, Exception (4) and Section 3108.4 12007 Minnesota State Building Code Antenna Loads The following antenna loads were used in the tower analysis. Existing Antennas Ehr. Qty Antennas Mount Coax Carrier. (if) 6 Swedcom ALP 9214-N (6) 7/8" 6 Antel LP A -185080/8CF (6) 1 5/8" 114.0 6 ITA (3) Flat Light Sector Frames -- Verizon 3 CSS X7C-880 m7/8" 3 CSS DBC-750 -- Proposed Antennas Ehr. Qty Antennas Mount Coax Carrier (if) 1 Vertex 101VVPD (1) 7/8" 95.0 1 DB Systems 5100A (3) Stand Off (0.1 5/8" ITT Corporation 4 DB Systems 5100A-D (4) 1 5/8" Install proposed coax on empty tower leg. Engineering Number 43396122 June 3, 2009 Page 2 Results The maximum structure usage is: 70% Leg Forces Original Design Current Analysis % Of Design Reactions Reactions Uplift (Kips) 223.9 91.0 41 Axial (Kios) 241.9 109.1 45 Shear (Kios) 40.6 15.9 39 The structure base reactions resulting from this analysis are acceptable when compared to the reactions shown on the original structure drawings, therefore no modification or reinforcement of the foundation will be required. Conclusion Based on the analysis results, the structure meets the requirements per TIAlEIA-222-F and 2007 MSBC standards. The tower and foundation can support the existing and proposed antennas with the TX line distribution as described in this report. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call 919-465-6545. Standard Conditions All engineering services are performed on the basis that the information used is current and correct. This information may consist of, but is not necessary limited, to: Information supplied by the client regarding the structure itself, the antenna and feed line loading on the structure and its components, or other relevant information. Information from drawings in the possession of American Tower Corporation, or generated by field inspections or measurements of the structure. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the information provided to A TC Engineering Services and used in the performance of our engineering services is correct and complete. In the absence of information to the contrary, we assume that all structures were constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications and are in an un-corroded condition and have not deteriorated; and we, therefore, assume that their capacity has not significantly changed from the "as new" condition. All services will be performed to the codes specified by the client, and we do not imply to meet any other codes or requirements unless explicitly agreed in writing. If wind and ice loads or other relevant parameters. are to be different from the minimum values recommended by the codes, the client shall specifY the exact requirement. In the absence of information to the contrary, all work will be performed in accordance with the latest relevant revision of ANSI/EIA-222. All services are performed, results obtained, and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices. A TC Engineering Services is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions and recommendations made by others based on the information we supply. == o 00 'Il) en . ~""" .c .c -- "tl"tl ii ellC- UlO ~~ z :E C Gi o C ell ;; E-a, III ell C E N III .2 ~~ .5 .c o "") C ell OC- ~~ I.)tI) o ..J II.. a; ~ 0::::;:: Nf! NO NC- cog <5 co!!:! 0 ..,<~ ~i=!:: ;.=Gi.:.: ell"tl C ~8'!!! {:. U <;) .s lIi <:: .S! ~ (l.)N ~ 0....... .~ g~ CB..c.c '" Q, Q, .~ E E Jj g ~ <:: ~ en ~"C '" ell <J) 0 :c:..J .S!> ~ o (,) UI .. ell ..c E ell ::i 'i - C o .!:! <5 J: .., ~ anift~ CJ,) Nf'ooo.d E ~~~~ CD ~ ~= ~ ::i >< >< >< III 'ii 'lII:t C'?C'? N C o 111 G) :e G) Cl. o ... Il. 111 5 III ;; C u G) U) iiiUiU;'; .::.:::.::.:::.::.:::.:.&:: UldD CD U) C")MMC') wwww <C<C<C<C 11)11)11)11) i'n u,: i'n "":~~C'! ---- cccc ~ !D!D!D!D CD ~~~~ ..c E ell ::i U; U; 'in w ~.::.:::.::.:::.:c Q 00 0 10 wun II) j ~~~~ C ON.., :.c 11")1(0 ~ _ "d" U) .~ m :0 ~ .., ... .. - o >< .., '" >< .., '" iii ... 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'* CD CX!~..::.::: 00",,,, ~~~ 'OM -NN ~~ -0.1: 530U) E"'ffim 0-- :::;~~ ~l CD '0 ., en ~, '" '0 ., en '" '0 ., en N '0 ., en ~I '0 ., en M '0 ., en ~I ~] ~I Gh: 1.15 LoadCase Normal No Ice Allow Stress Inc: 1.333 Dead LF: 1.000 Wind LF: 1.000 Wind Sect Height Seq (ft) qz 6 102.5 22.65 5 80.00 21.10 4 60.00 19.44 3 40.00 17.31 2 20.00 16.38 1 5.00 16.38 Total Flat Area (sqft) 12.37 14.44 15.97 17.56 25.68 13.71 Total Round Area (sqft) 19.53 17.23 17.23 18.83 18.83 9.42 LoadCase 60 dea No Ice Allow Stress Inc: 1.333 Dead LF: 1.000 Wind LF: 1.000 Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc ~91'49'''PM Code: TIAlEIA-222 Rev F Section Forces 80.00 mph Wind Normal To Face with No Ice Ice Ice Round Eft Linear Linear Total Struct Linear Total Area Sol Area Area Area Weight Weight Force Force Force Eft (sqft) Ratio Cf Of Dr Rr (sqft) (sqft) ( sqft) (Ib) Ice (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Face 0.00 0.15 2.791.00 1.00 0.58 23.71 54.21 0.00 2,676.9 0.0 1,724.19 1,697.2 3,421.47 1 0.00 0.14 2.791.00 1.00 0.58 24.45 59.47 0.00 2,789.4 0.0 1,660.13 1,734.6 3,394.74 1 0.00 0.13 2.861.00 1.00 0.58 25.93 59.47 0.00 2,857.7 0.0 1,657.74 1,597.7 3,255.47 1 0.00 0.12 2.88 1.00 1.00 0.58 28.44 59.47 0.00 3.825.9 0.0 1.633.06 1,422.9 3.056.02 1 0.00 0.13 2.84 1.00 1.00 0.58 36.57 59.47 0.00 4,068.3 0.0 1,962.56 1,346.8 3,309.42 1 0.00 0.12 2.87 1.00 1.00 0.58 19.15 29.73 0.00 2,085.8 0.0 1,035.75 673.43 1,709.18 1 18,303.9 0.0 18,146.30 80.00 mph Wind at 60 deg From Face with No Ice Total Total Ice Ice Wind Flat Round Round Eft Linear Linear Total Struct Linear Total Sect Height Area Area Area Sol Area Area Area Weight Weight Force Force Force Eft Seq (ft) qz (sqft) (sqft) (sqft) Ratio Cf Of Dr Rr (sqft) (sqft) ( sqft) lib) Ice (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Face 6 102.5 22.65 12.37 19.53 0.00 0.15 2.790.80 1.00 0.58 21.24 54.21 0.00 2,676.9 0.0 1,544.35 1,697.2 3,241.63 1 5 80.00 21.10 14.44 17.23 0.00 0.14 2.790.80 1.00 0.58 21.56 59.47 0.00 2,789.4 0.0 1,463.97 1,734.6 3,198.57 1 4 60.00 19.44 15.97 17.23 0.00 0.13 2.86 0.80 1.00 0.58 22.74 59.47 0.00 2,857.7 0.0 1,453.59 1,597.7 3,051.32 1 3 40.00 17.31 17.56 18.83 0.00 0.12 2.88 0.80 1.00 0.58 24.92 59.47 0.00 3,825.9 0.0 1,431.35 1,422.9 2,854.31 1 2 20.00 16.38 25.68 18.83 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.80 1.00 0.58 31.44 59.47 0.00 4,068.3 0.0 1,687.01 1,346.8 3,033.87 1 1 5.00 16.38 13.71 9.42 0.00 0.12 2.87 0.80 1.00 0.58 16.41 29.73 0.00 2,085.8 0.0 887.47 673.43 1,560.90 1 18,303.9 0.0 16,940.60 LoadCase 90 dea No Ice Allow Stress Inc: 1.333 Dead LF: 1.000 Wind LF: 1.000 80.00 mph Wind at 90 deg From Face with No Ice Total Total Ice Ice Wind Flat Round Round Eft Linear Linear Total Struct Linear Total Sect Height Area Area Area Sol Area Area Area Weight Weight Fore\! Force Force Eft Seq (ft) qz (sqft) (sqft) (sqft) Ratio Cf Of Dr Rr (sqft) (sqft) (sqft) (Ib) Ice (Ib) lib) (Ib) (Ib) Face 6 102.5 22.65 12.37 19.53 0.00 0.15 2.790.85 1.00 0.58 21.86 54.21 0.00 2,676.9 0.0 1,589.31 1,697.2 3,286.59 1 5 80.00 21.10 14.44 17.23 0.00 0.14 2.790.85 1.00 0.58 22.28 59.47 0.00 2,789.4 0.0 1,513.01 1,734.6 3,247.61 1 4 60.00 19.44 15.97 17.23 0.00 0.13 2.86 0.85 1.00 0.58 23.54 59.47 0.00 2,857.7 0.0 1,504.63 1,597.7 3,102.36 1 3 40.00 17.31 17.56 18.83 0.00 0.12 2.88 0.85 1.00 0.58 25.80 59.47 0.00 3,825.9 0.0 1,481.78 1,422.9 2,904.74 1 2 20.00 16.38 25.68 18.83 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.85 1.00 0.58 32.72 59.47 0.00 4,068.3 0.0 1,755.90 1,346.8 3,102.76 1 1 5.00 16.38 13.71 9.42 0.00 0.12 . 2.87 0.85 1.00 0.58 17.09 29.73 0.00 2,085.8 0.0 924.54 673.43 1,597.97 1 18,303.9 0.0 17,242.02 Page 1 Code: TIAlEIA-222 Rev F Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc J-:""91''''08 PM Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Gh: 1.15 Section Forces LoadCase Normal Ice Allow Stress Inc: 1.333 Dead LF: 1.000 Wind LF: 1.000 69.28 mph Wind Normal To Face with Ice Total Total Ice Ice Wind Flat Round Round Eff Linear Linear Total Struct Linear Total Sect Height Area Area Area Sol Area Area Area Weight Weight Force Force Force Eff Seq (ft) qz (sqft) (sqft) (sqft) Ratio Cf Of Dr Rr (sqft) (sqft) (sqft) (Ib) Ice (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Face 6 102.5 16.99 12.37 28.82 9.29 0.19 2.64 1.00 1.00 0.59 29.31 54.21 34.58 3,832.4 1,155.5 1,511.79 2,084.9 3,596.72 1 5 80.00 15.82 14.44 . 25.53 8.30 0.18 2.66 1.00 1.00 0.59 29.42 59.47 36.67 4,018.6 1,229.2 1,425.82 2,102.9 3,528.81 1 4 60.00 14.58 15.97 26.04 8.81 0.16 2.731.00 1.00 0.58 31.15 59.47 36.67 4,133.5 1,275.8 1,427.82 1.937.0 3,364.87 1 3 40.00 12.98 17.56 28.18 9.35 0.15 2.761.00 1.00 0.58 33.96 59.47 36.67 5,168.6 1,342.7 1,402.89 1,725.1 3,128.05 1 2 20.00 12.29 25.68 28.75 9.91 0.16 2.731.00 1.00 0.58 42.44 59.47 36.67 5,646.5 1,578.2 1,642.75 1,632.9 3,275.65 1 1 5.00 12.29 13.71 14.59 5.17 0.15 2.761.00 1.00 0.58 22.20 29.73 18.33 2,900.8 815.0 867.43 816.45 1,683.88 1 25,700.3 7,396.4 18,577.98 LoadCase 60 dea Ice Allow Stress Inc: 1.333 Dead LF: 1.000 Wind LF: 1.000 69.28 mph Wind at 60 deg From Face with Ice Total Total Ice Ice Wind Flat Round Round Eff Linear Linear Total Struct Linear Total Sect Height Area Area Area Sol Area Area Area Weight Weight Force Force Force Eff Seq (ft) qz (sqft) (sqft) (sqft) Ratio Cf Of Dr Rr (sqft) (sqft) (sqft) (Ib) Ice (Ib) (I b) (Ib) (Ib) Face 6 102.5 16.99 12.37 28.82 9.29 0.19 2.64 0.80 1.00 0.59 26.84 54.21 34.58 3,832.4 1,155.5 1,384.24 2,084.9 3,469.17 1 5 80.00 15.82 14.44 25.53 8.30 0.18 2.66 0.80 1.00 0.59 26.53 59.47 36.67 4,018.6 1,229.2 1,285.84 2,102.9 3,388.83 1 4 60.00 14.58 15.97 26.04 8.81 0.16 2.730.80 1.00 0.58 27.96 59.47 36.67 4,133.5 1,275.8 1,281.47 1,937.0 3,218.52 1 3 40.00 12.98 17.56 28.18 9.35 0.15 2.760.80 1.00 0.58 30.45 59.47 36.67 5,168.6 1,342.7 1,257.79 1,725.1 2,982.95 1 2 20.00 12.29 25.68 28.75 9.91 0.16 2.730.80 1.00 0.58 37.30 59.47 36.67 5.646.5 1.578.2 1,443.96 1.632.9 3.076.86 1 1 5.00 12.29 13.71 14.59 5.17 0.15 2.760.80 1.00 0.58 19.46 29.73 18.33 2,900.8 815.0 760.30 816.45 1,576.75 1 25,700.3 7,396.4 17,713.08 LoadCase 90 deg Ice Allow Stress Inc: 1.333 Dead LF: 1.000 Wind LF: 1.000 69.28 mph Wind at 90 deg From Face with Ice Wind Sect Height Seq (ft) qz 6 102.5 16.99 5 80.00 15.82 4 60.00 14.58 3 40.00 12.98 2 20.00 12.29 1 5.00 12.29 Total Flat Area (sqft) 12.37 14.44 15.97 17.56 25.68 13.71 Total Ice Round Round Area Area Sol (sqft) (sqft) Ratio 28.82 9.29 0.19 25.53 8.30 0.18 26.04 8.81 0.16 28.18 9.35 0.15 28.75 9.91 0.16 14.59 5.17 0.15 Eff Area Cf Of Dr Rr (sqft) 2.640.85 1.00 0.59 27.46 2.660.85 1.00 0.59 27.26 2.730.85 1.00 0.58 28.76 2.760.85 1.00 0.58 31.33 2.730.85 1.00 0.58 38.59 2.760.85 1.00 0.58 20.14 Linear Area (sqft) 54.21 59.47 59.47 59.47 59.47 29.73 Ice Linear Total Area Weight Weight (sqft) (Ib) Ice (Ib) 34.58 3.832.4 1.155.5 36.67 4,018.6 1,229.2 36.67 4,133.5 1,275.8 36.67 5,168.6 1,342.7 36.67 5,646.5 1,578.2 18.33 2,900.8 815.0 25,700.3 7,396.4 Struct Force (Ib) 1,416.12 1,320.83 1,318.06 1,294.06 1,493.66 787.08 Linear Total Force Force Eff (Ib) (Ib) Face 2.084.9 3.501.06 2,102.9 3,423.82 1,937.0 3,255.11 1,725.1 3,019.22 1,632.9 3,126.56 816.45 1,603.53 17,929.31 Page 2 Code: TIAlEIA-222 Rev F Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc J:009'''''08 PM Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Tower Loading Discrete Appurtenance Properties Attach No Ice Ice Distance Vert Elev Wei~ht CaAa CaAa Weiqht CaAa CaAa From Face X Angle Ecc (ft) Description Qty (Ib) (sf) Factor (Ib) (sf) Factor (ft) (deg) (ft) 114.0 CSS DBC-750 3 4.88 0.510 0.67 7.65 0.650 0.67 0.000 0.00 0.000 114.0 CSS X7C-880 3 40.00 12.580 0.82 110.60 13.560 0.82 0.000 0.00 0.000 114.0 TTA 6 10.00 1.400 0.67 20.34 1.640 0.67 0.000 0.00 0.000 114.0 Flat Light Sector Frames 3 400.00 17.900 0.75 510.00 22.200 0.75 0.000 0.00 0.000 114.0 Antel LPA-185080/8CF 6 7.00 2.095 1.17 25.04 2.400 1.17 0.000 0.00 0.000 114.0 Swedcom ALP 9214-N 6 53.00 11.890 1.04 151.00 12.860 1.04 0.000 0.00 0.000 95.00 DB Systems 5100A-D 4 38.00 3.090 1.00 66.00 3.500 1.00 0.000 0.00 3.240 95.00 DB Systems 5100A 1 21.00 2.070 1.00 36.30 2.460 1.00 0.000 0.00 3.240 95.00 Stand Off 3 150.00 6.300 0.67 230.00 7.000 0.67 0.000 0.00 0.000 95.00 Vertex 1 OW VPD 1 4.00 2.540 1.00 26.20 4.520 1.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 Totals 36 2381.64 4079.51 Number of Appurtenances: 10 Linear Appurtenance Properties Elev Elev From To (ft) (ft) Description Qty 0.00 115.0 Climbin~ Ladder 1 0.00 114.0 1 5/8" Coax 6 0.00 114.0 7/8" Coax 9 0.00 95.00 1 5/8" Coax 5 0.00 95.00 7/8" Coax 1 Width (in) 3.00 1.98 1.09 1.98 1.09 Weight Pct Spread On (Ib/ft) In Wind Faces 6.90 100.00 Lin App 0.82 100.00 Lin App 0.33 100.00 Lin App 0.82 100.00 Lin App 0.33 100.00 Lin App Bundling Arrangement Separate Separate Separate Separate Separate Page 3 Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc ~"49'''PM Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Code: TIAlEIA-222 Rev F Force/Stress Summary Section: 1 1.75 Max Compression Member LEG 12B -12"BD 1.75" HORlZ DlAG SAE - 4X4XO.25 Max Tension Member LEG 12B -12"BD US" HORtZ DIAG SAE - 4X4XO.25 Max Splice Forces Top Tension Top Compression Bot Tension Bot Compression Bot Elev (ft): 0.00 Height (ft): 10.000 Member Shear Bear Force Len Bracing % Fa Cap Num Num Cap Cap Use (kip) Load Case (ft) X Y Z KUR (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes (kip) (kip) % Controls -103.98 Normal No Ice 10.02 100 100 100 0.0 0.0 258.77 0 0 0.00 0.00 40 User Input 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 -5.07 90 deg No Ice 21.03 50 75 50 158.7 7.9 15.33 1 1 21.98 23.20 33 Member Z Force Fy Cap Num Num Shear Bear Use (kiP) Load Case (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes Cap (kip) Cap (kip) % Controls 87.14 60 deg No Ice 50 288.64 0 0 0.00 0.00 30 User Input 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 6.64 90 deg Ice 36 48.55 1 1 21.98 23.20 30 Bolt Shear Force (kip) Load Case 83.10 60 deg No Ice 99.90 Normal No Ice 91.8860 deg No Ice 109.21 Normal No Ice Capacity Use (kip) % 0.00 0 0.00 0 305.25 30 0.00 0 Num Bolts Bolt Type 6 1 A687 Section: 2 1.75 Max Compression Member LEG 12B -12"BD US" HORIZ DIAG SAE - 4X4XO.25 Max Tension Member LEG 12B -12"BD US" HORlZ DIAG SAE - 4X4XO.25 Max Splice Forces Top Tension Top Compression Bot Tension Bot Compression Len (ft) 10.02 0.000 20.15 Height (ft): 20.000 Member Fa Cap Num Num (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes 0.0 258.77 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 8.6 16.69 1 1 Shear Bear Cap Cap (kip) (kip) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.98 23.20 Bot Elev (ft): 10.00 Force (kip) Load Case -95.42 Normal No Ice 0.00 -6.12 90 deg Ice Bracing % X Y ZKUR 100 100 100 0.0 o 0 0 0.0 50 75 50 152.1 Force Fy Cap Num Num Shear Bear Use (kip) Load Case (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes Cap (kip) Cap (kip) % Controls 79.54 60 deg No Ice 50 288.64 0 0 0.00 0.00 27 User Input 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 5.39 90 deg Ice 36 48.55 1 1 21.98 23.20 24 Bolt Shear Force (kip) Load Case 66.64 60 deg No Ice 80.39 Normal No Ice 83.1060 deg No Ice 99.90 Normal No Ice Capacity Use (kip) % 0.00 0 0.00 0 276.45 30 0.00 0 Num Bolts Bolt Type 6 1 A325 Page 4 Use % Controls 36 User Input o 36 Member Z Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc ~091"9'" PM Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Code: TIAlEIA-222 Rev F Force/Stress Summary Section: 3 1.75 Max Compression Member LEG 12B -12"BO 1.75" HORIZ OIAG SAE - 3X3XO.3125 Max Tension Member LEG 12B -12"BO 1.75" HORIZ OIAG SAE - 3X3XO.3125 Max Splice Forces Top Tension Top Compression Bot Tension Bot Compression Bot Elev (ft): 30.00 Height (ft): 20.000 Member Shear Bear Force Len Bracing % Fa Cap Num Num Cap Cap Use (kip) Load Case (ft) X Y Z KUR (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes (kip) (kip) % Controls -75.38 Normal No Ice 10.02 100 100 100 0.0 0.0 258.77 0 0 0.00 0.00 29 User Input 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 -4.92 90 deg Ice 18.44 50 75 50 187.9 5.6 10.03 1 1 21.98 29.00 49 Member Z Force Fy Cap Num Num Shear Bear Use (kiP) Load Case (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes Cap (kip) Cap (kip) % Controls 63.25 60 deg No Ice 50 288.64 0 0 0.00 0.00 21 User Input 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 4.65 90 deg No Ice 36 41.99 1 1 21.98 29.00 21 Bolt Shear Force (kip) Load Case 50.48 60 deg No Ice 60.74 Normal No Ice 66.64 60 deg No Ice 80.39 Normal No Ice Capacity Use (kip) % 0.00 0 0.00 0 276.45 24 0.00 0 6 1 A325 Section: 4 1.5 Max Compression Member LEG 12B -12"BO 1.5" HORIZ OIAG SAE - 3X3XO.1875 Max Tension Member LEG 12B -12"BO 1.5" HORlZ OIAG SAE - 3X3XO.1875 Max Splice Forces Top Tension Top Compression Bot Tension Bot Compression Num Bolts Bolt Type Bot Elev (ft): 50.00 Height (ft): 20.000 Member Fa Cap Num Num (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes 0.0 185.18 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 7.0 7.58 1 1 Shear Bear Cap Cap (kip) (kip) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.98 17.40 Force Bracing % X Y ZKUR 100 100 100 0.0 o 0 0 0.0 50 75 50 169.2 Len (kip) Load Case -55.66 Normal No Ice 0.00 -4.33 90 deg Ice (ft) 10.02 0.000 16.80 Force Fy Cap Num Num Shear Bear Use (kiP) Load Case (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes Cap (kip) Cap (kip) % Controls 46.93 60 deg No Ice 50 211.98 0 0 0.00 0.00 22 User Input 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 4.26 90 deg No Ice 36 25.83 1 1 21.98 17.40 24 Bolt Bear Force Capacity Use Num (kip) Load Case (kip) % Bolts Bolt Type 34.03 60 deg No Ice 0.00 0 41.33 Normal No Ice 0.00 0 50.48 60 deg No Ice 276.45 18 6 1 A325 60.74 Normal No Ice 0.00 0 Page 5 Use % Controls 30 User Input o 57 Member Z Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc ~"'49'08 PM Code: TIAIEIA-222 Rev F Section: 5 1.5 Force/Stress Summary Max Compression Member LEG 12B -12"BO 1.5" HORlZ OIAG SAE - 3X3XO.1875 Max Tension Member LEG 128 -12"80 1.5" HORlZ OIAG SAE - 3X3XO.1875 Max Splice Forces Top Tension Top Compression Bot Tension Bot Compression Bot Elev (ft): 70.00 Height (ft): 20.000 Member Shear Bear Force Len Bracing % Fa Cap Num Num Cap Cap Use (kip) Load Case (ft) X Y Z KUR (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes (kip) (kip) % Controls -36.50 Normal No Ice 10.02 100 100 100 0.0 0.0 185.18 0 0 0.00 0.00 19 User Input 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 -3.97 90 deg No Ice 15.24 50 75 50 153.4 8.5 9.22 1 1 21.98 17.40 43 Member Z Force Fy Cap Num Num Shear Bear Use (kiP) Load Case (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes Cap (kip) Cap (kip) % Controls 30.31 60 deg No Ice 50 211.98 0 0 0.00 0.00 14 User Input 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 3.94 90 deg No Ice 36 25.83 1 1 21.98 17.40 22 Bolt Bear Force (kip) Load Case 17.3260 deg No Ice 22.06 Normal No Ice 34.03 60 deg No Ice 41.33 Normal No Ice Capacity Use (kip) % 0.00 0 0.00 0 276.45 12 0.00 0 Num Bolts Bolt Type 6 1 A325 Section: 6 1.25 Max Compression Member LEG 12B -12"BO 1.25" HORlZ SAE - 2.5X2.5XO.1875 OIAG SAE - 2.5X2.5XO.1875 Max Tension Member LEG 12B -12"BO 1.25" HORIZ SAE - 2.5X2.5XO.1875 OIAG SAE - 2.5X2.5XO.1875 Max Splice Forces Top Tension Top Compression Bot Tension Bot Compression Bot Elev (ft): 90.00 Force (kip) Load Case -18.68 Normal No Ice -0.52 60 deg No Ice -4.99 Normal No Ice Len (ft) 10.02 7.500 13.12 Height (ft): 25.000 Member Fa Cap Num Num (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes 0.0 123.45 0 0 6.0 5.43 1 1 7.9 7.09 1 1 Use % Controls 15 User Input 9 Member Z 70 Member Z Shear Bear Cap Cap (kip) (kip) 0.00 0.00 21.98 17.40 21.98 17.40 Bracing % X Y ZKUR 100 100 100 0.0 100 100 100 181.8 50 75 50 159.1 Force Fy Cap Num Num Shear Bear Use (kiP) Load Case (ksi) (kip) Bolts Holes Cap (kip) Cap (kip) % Controls 15.46 60 deg No Ice 50 147.19 0 0 0.00 0.00 10 User Input 0.46 Normal No Ice 36 20.38 1 1 21.98 17.40 2 Bolt Bear 4.89 60 deg No Ice 36 20.38 1 1 21.98 17.40 28 Bolt Bear Force (kip) Load Case 0.00 1.58 Normal Ice 17.32 60 deg No Ice 22.06 Normal No Ice Capacity Use (kip) % 0.00 0 0.00 0 276.45 6 0.00 0 Num Bolts Bolt Type 6 1 A325 Page 6 Load Case 90 deQ Ice 60 deQ Ice Normal Ice 90 deQ No Ice 60 deQ No Ice Normal No Ice Max Uplift: Max Down: Max Shear: Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Code: TIAlEIA-222 Rev F Support Forces Summary FX FY FZ Node (kip) (kip) (kip) 1b -12.72 -73.98 -6.37 1a -8.01 93.83 3.67 1 -1.66 9.93 2.70 1b -13.73 -86.28 -7.93 1a -4.05 57.98 0.71 1 -1.41 58.08 -3.87 1b -7.49 -39.65 -6.06 1a 7.49 -39.65 -6.06 1 0.00 109.08 -10.91 1b -9.97 -78.74 -4.80 1a -10.87 92.53 5.34 1 -1.64 6.90 -0.54 1b -10.96 -90.97 -6.32 1a -6.86 55.77 2.36 1 -1.38 55.88 -7.12 1b -4.79 -44.12 -4.50 1a 4.79 -44.12 -4.50 1 0.00 108.93 -14.38 90.97 (ki p) 109.08(kip) 15.86 (kip) Moment: Total Down: Total Shear: 1,678.86 (ft-kip) Normal No Ice 20.69 (kip) 23.39 (kip) Page 7 Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc J-:OO"''''09 PM (-) = Uplift (+) = Down '.. ' Code: TIAlEIA-222 Rev F Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc ~091'49'09 .M Site Number: 81388 Location: Hazeltine, MN Deflections and Rotations Elevation Deflection Twist Sway Load Case (ft) (ft) (deg) (deg) 69.28 mph Wind Normal To Face with Ice 90.00 0.1723 0.0046 0.2019 115.00 0.2894 0.0204 0.5948 69.28 mph Wind at 60 deg From Face with Ice 90.00 0.1678 0.0096 0.1938 115.00 0.2827 0.0263 0.5884 69.28 mph Wind at 90 deg From Face with Ice 90.00 0.1687 0.0083 0,1912 115.00 0.2840 0.0182 0.5715 80.00 mph Wind Normal To Face with No Ice 90.00 0.1782 0.0042 0.2127 115.00 0.3036 0.0218 0.6536 80.00 mph Wind at 60 deg From Face with No Ice 90.00 0.1718 0.0100 0.2020 115.00 0.2937 0.0288 0.6429 80.00 mph Wind at 90 deg From Face with No Ice 90.00 0.1734 0.0090 0.1994 115.00 0.2960 0.0202 0.6252 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Page 8