EC 2009 06 16 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting June 16, 2009 Members Present: Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Bill Fouks Members Absent : Denny Hansen Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Minutes: NoMay minutes. July 3 and 4 planning: The commission the schedule of events for the holiday. They would like a table at the July 3 trade fair. The display will focus on Water Wise lawn care. For the parade, the theme is Land of Opportunity. A possible float theme may be Land of Opportunity, where all people use Water Wisely. The commissioners won’t hand out candy this year. WaterWise program update : Commissioners thought the weekly newsletter was good. There still needs to be more emphasis on reducing or eliminating lawn watering. Joint Meeting with Planning Commission: The commissioners met with the Planning Commission for a joint presentation and discussion on wind energy. City Planner Angie Kairies presented a staff report on the topic and explained that the main issue in residential zoning areas regarding wind turbines is sighting, the height and distance from structures. Discussion points raised by the commissioners included: ? Should the city incorporate wind study requirements in to city ordinance? ? How is our code different from state regulations? ? Are there any areas that wouldn’t want turbines because of aesthetic issues? ? What do other communities regulate? ? Are there areas where we would want to encourage wind turbines? ? Where are the windy parts of Chanhassen? The commissions would like to see a map with lot sizes, topography and wind studies overlaid. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45? PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair