EC 2009 07 14
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
July 14, 2009
Members Present:
Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Denny Hansen
Members Absent
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
June minutes were approved.
July 3 and 4 planning:
The commission reviewed the July 3 and 4 community events.
The business expo went well, but the commission didn’t think there were as many visitors asking
questions as last year. Is it worth the time? Maybe a different set up is needed since the big
display board pushed the commissioners out in front of the table. The booth was on the inside
row and the commissioners had to stand in the aisle to be in front of the display board. In the
past, when the table was at the edge of the tent, the set up worked better. Give away items and
drawings might help draw more people in. Giveaways are good. Maybe a rain barrel or
composter could be given away. People didn’t stop and read the display board. We need to
think about what we really want information on next year. Ideas for next year include: having a
laptop and showing the website, have an expert available to promote a specific message, could
have information on rain gardens, could give away recycling coupons. Some commissioners
thought we should stick with water issues. Name tags are needed as well as a sheet in the display
with all of the names of the commissioners.
The July 4 parade went well. The commission had a good position in line this year. Maybe the
commission should have candy next year. Or stickers. The truck signs looked good. Marcus’s
daughters did a great job and deserve a big thank you.
General Discussion:
The commissioners discussed changing the by-laws to allow Bill Fouks to
stay on the commission in spite of the fact that he’s moved to Chaska. The by-law wording
could be changed to say that you can complete a term even if you move out of the city. The
commission directed Jill to put this discussion on the agenda for the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair