4. Nominees for P&R Service Awards
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone 952.2271100
Fax 952.2271110
Building Inspections
Phone 952.2271180
Fax: 9522271190
Phone: 952.2271160
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Phone 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone 952.2271120
Fax: 952.2271110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone 952.2271400
Fax 9522271404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone 952.2271130
Fax 952.2271110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone 952.2271300
Fax 952.2271310
Senior Center
Phone 952.2271125
Fax 9522271110
Web Site
Vlww.ci .crlanhassen. mn .us
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
November 17, 2009
Review Nominees for Park & Recreation Service Awards; Forward
Recommendation to the City Council
The Park & Recreation Volunteer and Service Award program was developed to
recognize those who make contributions to the community. In order to raise
awareness of this new program, staff advertised in the summer and fall editions of
the Chanhassen Connection, on the city's web site (both in the Park and
Recreation section and under What's New), on the city's electronic message
board, and a press release was published in the Chanhassen Villager.
The service awards are broken down into four different categories:
A. Resident Groups
B. Business
C. Community Groups and Organizations
D. Groups representing schools in Districts 276 & 112.
A total of four applications were received and are detailed below:
Resident Group Nominees: Juggbros-Brett & Blake Szalapski
The Juggbros are brothers whose main focus is teaching kids how to juggle and
entertain crowds of people. During the past year, the Juggbros voluntarily taught
classes to children and performed at the Summer Discovery Playground Program,
the Penny Carnival, the Fourth of July Celebration, and the Senior Center picnic.
Their performances have been enjoyed by a large number of our residents and
staff appreciates the ability to use local performers in our recreation program
g:\park\jerry\volunteer awards\prc memo 1 1-24-09 doc
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Mr. Todd Hoffman
November 17,2009
Page 2
Business Group Nominee: The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center
The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center has been a Gold Sponsor of our
annual community special events for the past four years. Not only has The
Mustard Seed contributed financially, but they have volunteered their time and
resources to other community events. They donate and coordinate Santa Claus,
his head elf, and a real live reindeer for the Tree Lighting Ceremony. They also
are active in the SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce and have volunteered at
the Fourth of July Celebration, and the Home & Garden Expo. Additionally, they
are involved with various projects with St. Hubert's Catholic Community, Eastern
Carver County School District 112, and many other service projects.
Community Groups and Organizations: No nominees
Groups Representing Schools in Districts 276 & 112 Nominees: Greg
Drewiske and Danny Hatton
Greg Drewiske is a junior at Chanhassen High School and Danny Hatton is a
senior at Chaska High School. During this past year, both provided instructional
support for a Chanhassen Park & Recreation Youth Football program. The
program was for children in grades 1-3 and ran for five weeks. Both young men
provided instruction on football skills that will improve participant's knowledge
of the game. Our department certainly has benefitted from utilizing talented
community members to assist with our programs.
Staff recommends that the Commission review the applications and make a
recommendation to the City Council as to who should receive Park & Recreation
Service Awards.
1. Application Forms.
g:\park\jerry\volunteer awards\prc memo 11-24-09.doc
Park & Recreation Volunteer & Service Awards are provided by the City of
Chanhassen to recognize individuals, businesses, community groups or school groups
for their contributions to the community. These awards are designed not only to
recognize achievement, but also to enhance the lives of our citizens through giving of
Park and Recreation Service Awards will be presented in each of the following
C-Community Groups and Organizations
D-Groups representing schools in Districts 276 & 112
All entries submitted or nominated must meet the following criteria:
1. Activities and benefits must occur within the city limits.
2. Any community member is eligible for the Volunteer and Service Awards.
3. Volunteering or special projects must be performed between January 1
and December 31, 2009.
1. Complete the application form and attach any supporting documentation.
2. Applications are due by November I, 2009.
3. Mail application materials to:
City of Chanhassen
A ttn: Jerry Ruegemer
7700 Market Blvd.
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Or fax to: 952-227-1110
Or e-mail to:irueqemer@ci.chanhassen.mn.us
If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Ruegemer at 952-227-1121.
Application Deadline is November 1, 2009
Phone Number:
If in Category B, C or D:_
(Name of Business, Community Organization or School)
Volunteering Description:
Release of Information
The City of Chanhassen reserves the right to use the award winners for promotional purposes through
newspaper articles, the city website, or other means. I agree to allow the city to use my name and the
description of my volunteering project. This release is only valid for winning entries.
Cateaorv A:
Resident - A resident or individual who has volunteered for a community park and
recreation activity or service project, or other related activity.
A Sample of Eliaible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
Category B:
Business - A local business who has taken the initiative to become involved in a special
project, a special event, or a recreation program through either working the event,
dedicating their business resources, or providing financial support or sponsorship to
the city.
A Sample of Eli9ible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
Cateaory C:
Community Groups and Organizations - A group that has completed a special project
or provided a service to the community that has directly benefitted the city.
A Sample of Eliaible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
Cateaory D:
Groups Representing Schools in Districts 276 & 112 - School groups who have
completed a special project or provide a service to the community that has directly
benefitted the city.
A Sample of Eliaible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
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Application Deadline is November 1, 2009
Name: JL{6Gf)!0S. f3i~f(o/- 81cJ/0 >ca!q/s.l/
Address: ?;50 p)(Ja~t(l1i {j ;e'U-) f!OC(c}
C);j/l!)t1gSeI1/ Ill/? 55 3/9-
Phone Number: q) () ~ \.f 70- Lfl{<b ~ Category: A () r G ~
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(Name of Busi ess, Community Organization,or s. chool) .J/'Y\
we b S) K h +f f'/I J (//(fj 0('0 s. (U , I
Volunteering Description:
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Release of Information f {d~ ( jalN t e s
The City of Chanhassen reserves the right to use the award winners for promotional purposes through
newspaper articles, the city website, or other means. I agree to allow the city to use my name and the
description of my volunteering project. This release is only valid for winning entries.
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Greetings from the Juggbros!
Teaching Life Lessons Through Juggling
We would like to start off by thanking you profusely for your
generous donation to the Angel Foundation as part of our Joggling-Run-
Walk race held at Lake Harriet on August 22, 2009. The event was a
success thanks to your support.
The event took place on a beautiful summer day; the weather
could not have been more perfect. The sun shone brightly, the
temperature hovered around 80, and a gentle breeze blew off the lake.
The day began with some ,~r" ;;"\!1;
event-promotion, with Blake !'.'
juggling clubs and torches
and riding his five-foot
unicycle, while Brett
performed numerous tricks
such as five balls and, of
course, his favorite, Mill's
Mess-always a delight to
onlookers. The race got
underway shortly after 12
noon, with the Blake cross-
country team leading the
way. Brett joggled the race of, course, while the rest of us walked or ran
the beautiful three miles. We handed out many fliers with details on the
Angel Foundation and Juggbros, and our new, snazzy black Juggbros
t-shirts attracted quite a bit of attention as well. At the end of the three
miles, everyone felt great knowing they had run for a great cause!
As mentioned previously, all proceeds are benefitting the Angel
Foundation. The foundation, established in 2001, is a MN based charitable
organization that works to meet the non-medical needs of adult cancer
patients and their families. While many foundations raise money for
research, the Angel Foundation focuses specifically on day-to-day needs,
including financial and education support. At one Angel Foundation
event for children affected by cancer, Kids Kamp, the Juggbros taught
the children how to juggle, giving them a great way to take their minds off
the stresses they face in everyday life. To learn more about either
Juggbros or the Angel Foundation, visit their websites at:
http://iugqbros.com or
Thank you again, http://www.mnanqel.orgL
The Juggbros
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Segment Information Sheet
For Showcase Minnesota
Business or Name: Juggbros - a MN nonprofit
Segment Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Segment Contact (name, phone, & email):
Victoria Szalapski, parent of Juggbros Brett & Blake Szalapski
victski~msn.com; 952-470-4488
Guest Name & Title: Juggbros
Brett (age 17) Blake (age 15) Szalapski
Directors of MN Profit Juggbros
Synopsis of SegmentlWhat are your goals for the interview?:
The goals of the interview are to share with a wide audience Juggbros variety of
skills of juggling to encourage venues who have children who might be in need of
a focus, outlet, exercise, active participation, competency to solicit their
volunteer abilities.
Juggbros. would also like to encourage participation in their joggling fundraiser
(running while joggling) around Lake Harriet on 8/22 at noon - walkers and
runners are encouraged as well or donations or pledges so that they can achieve
their goal of $1,000 to contribute to the Angel Foundation. Juggbros. has taught
juggling at Angel Foundation's Kids Kamp this summer.
The Angel Foundation is dedicated to their mission of improving the quality of life
throughout the cancer experience and works to fulfill un met non-medical needs
of cancer patients and their families, including financial assistance and
educational programs and other acts of kindness. Our sister, President of
Operation Snuggles provided hundreds of fleece hats for chemotherapy patients.
Talking ~Dints/Questions:
1. Who are the Juggbros?
We are Brett and Blake Szalapski, two brothers performing community service
through teaching and performing of juggling.
2. How did you get the idea?
Beginning with Blake, juggling became a family affair after he took some lessons
with Paul at Jugheads. Paul was instrumental in encouraging Brett to move on
from basic juggling to multiples and a variety of objects including rings, torches,
machetes. We began teaching hockey families and their moms, friends, started a
juggling club at school and decided it would be a great idea to teach children
whose life situations may not allow them individual lessons.
3. What are your goals?
We teach juggling mainly to kids going through stressful times, for instance we
teach at Tubman Family Alliance a shelter for families experiencing domestic
violence and Angel Foundation Kids Kamp, a summer camp for children whose
families are going through someone with cancer. Juggling provides focus, a
feeling of mastery, exercise, a group contribution and also helps with math blc of
all of the variety of patterns.
What are your current projects? Our next event is our joggling race. This is
running while juggling around Lake Harriet on Sat. 8/22 at noon. The race is open
to walkers and runners and we are really hoping for contributions and pledges to
reach our goal of at least $1,000 to give to the Angel Foundation, our most recent
teaching venue.
4. What has been the most rewarding experience thus far?
One sunny day in the, City of Minneapolis last summer, we walked into the
Tubman Family Alliance Peace Camp and were overwhelmed by the kids
enthusiastically chanting: "The jugglers are here, the jugglers are here", followed
by usually rowdy children sitting attentively waiting for their juggling baits.
5. What do you hope to do in the future?
We hope to continue to teach people how to juggle as an overarching goal, but
also plan to increase the scope of nonteaching events to raise money for our
particular causes. We also are looking for funds to purchase juggling balls for
the children we teach so they can bring them home to practice.
6. Wh~t are your favorite juggling tricks?
Audiences are usually really impressed when we pass 6 flaming torches and 6
machetes back and forth. Quantities of objects are probably Brett's favorite as in
6-7 balls being flashed up in the air.
7. What to you hope to do in the future?
We hope to continue to teach juggling to individuals, especially children, in
difficult situations how to juggle while increasing fund raising exposure in a
variety of venues.
8. How can people find you?
We can been reached at http://juggbros.com or
Mom's email: victski@msn.coll] or
Brett's Szalapski's email: beszalapski11@blakeschool.org
Demo/Props Description: Juggling balls, rings, clubs, torches, machetes
Do you have video or images available to use during segment and on what format
(DVD, Beta, DVCam)?:
We have a Juggbros. banner and a large - 18x24 flyer of the joggling race
coming up on 8/22.
Information to air at end of segment (Website, Event Promotion):
The enlarged flyers should be a great item and/or the 1st page of the website:
We also could send you the logo in a PDF format as well as the registration form
in a PDF.
Paragraph for the ShowcaseMinnesota.com website:
We are two teenagers who have developed skills juggling 6-7 objects, including
balls, rings, clubs, machetes and torches. We voluntarily teach juggling
generally to kids in stressful situations who need assistance with focusing,
mastery, to help build confidence and character so that they are set apart and feel
good and strong about themselves. He hope to continue our fund raising activities
to include other worthwhile causes, but currently are kindly requesting
donations, contributions and pledges for our joggling race to take place on
8/22/09 at Lake Harriet at noon. All of the funds raised will benefit the Angel
lfor tbe:'SboWcaseMinnesota.com website paragrapb, please use tllis instead of tile
previously sent paragraph that was included with the segment information.
We are Brett and Blake Szalapski. .'uggbros., two teenage ,iuggh~I's \\ho teach
kids how to juggle after ha'l,.ing acquin'd the skill ourselvt~s over the fH1St six ~ears.
We especiallJ fo(~us on reaching out to kids who ~lre going through stressful times.
.Juggling is a sport, an art, or a hobby. but no matter how intt'use a ,juggler is, it is an
exceHt~nt distraction from tht' troubles of life. In addition ,to t~:aching people how to
juggle, we have done some small pert'ol'mances for senior citizens and younger
children. \Ve,juggle everything from halls to torches und machetcs-t'\'cn the
o('casional ('t'n. phOfH:. Find out mort: ~lhout Jugghros or how to contad us at
hUp:/liuggbros.com; email atiugJ!bl.os(a.m(~.(.om.
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Page 1 of3
"Maurie Clipperton" <maurie.clipperton@ppl-inc.org>
Friday, August 07,200912:38 PM
RE: Juggbros
Would you be willing to change the mention of SEED Camp to, "SEED Camp, a youth development program offered by
Project for Pride in Living, VV\\\v.ppl-inc "
Our programs are not Mpls. Public Schools programs, but we are a community partner of the Mpls. School district.
At Project for Pride in Living our mission is to work with lower-income individuals and families to achieve greater self-
sufficiency through housing, employment training, support services, and education. Our work is guided by a commitment
to providing a process for skill-building and a support system for achieving:
. Housing Stability
. Economic Advancement
. Family stability
. Youth Achievement
PPL promises comlections to reliable relationships and life-changing opportunities.
At our Summer Educational Enrichment Day Camp (SEED Camp) we provide venues for youth to meet their basic needs.
The work Juggbros did here provided supports and opportunities for the youth to meet these needs:
. Feel a sense of safety and structure.
Brett and Blake facilitated their class in a very nurturing manner. The kids felt safe taking the risk of trying
to juggle. Brett and Blake structured the class to promote learning.
. Experience active participation, group membership, and belonging.
The whole class was all about active participation. And they each defmitely identified themselves as a
member of the juggling group.
. Develop self-worth through meaningful contribution.
As they put on their juggling exhibition for the whole camp it was obvious they knew they were adding
value to the entire SEED Camp experience for everyone.
. Experiment to discover self, gain independence, and gain control over one's life.
None of the kids in the class knew they could actually juggle three objects. They found out they were
. Develop significant quality relationships with peers and adults.
It was obvious the kids connected with Brett and Blake right away. And as they struggled to learn how to
juggle they supported and encouraged each other.
. Feel pride of competence and mastery.
Anyone who was paying attention at all saw pride in their faces as they performed in front of their peers.
. Expand their capacity to enjoy life and know that success is possible.
Our desire over the years in SEED Camp is to see kids walking out of here with an air about them that
conveys, "I can do stuffi!!" Each member of the juggling class felt successful. It was most evident to me
during those times when I stopped in to see how the class was going and kids were coming up to me saying,
"Mr. Maurie, watch this!" and they would enthusiastically and confidently (never mind how haltingly) begin
to juggle.
Page 10f3
Page 2 0
AS I watched the kids perform, deep do~ inside I responded with a huge t t YE S ! t, This is why we do this SEED
Camp program. This is why I've been doing this program for over 20 years.
I do indeed hope we can schedule the Juggbros to teach juggling again next summer.
Maurie Clipperton
Program Manager of Elementary Educational Enrichment
Project for Pride in Living
2539 Pleasant Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN
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Name: The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center
Address: 6055 Hwy 212, Chaska, MN 55318
Phone Number: 952-361-9954
Category: B
The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center
Volunteering Description: Although the Mustard Seed is no longer located
within the city limits of Chanhassen, we have still remained very active within the
community. Some of our ongoing involvement and support within the
Chanhassen community is as follows:
1. We have been a Gold Sponsor of the "Chanhassen Marque Community
Events" since we opened our Garden Center 4 years ago.
2. We donate Santa, his Head Elf, and his favorite Reindeer at the Annual
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony each year.
3. Through the SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce, we have been a
part of the core group that founded and continues the "Southwest Metro's
Home and Garden Expo" that has been held at Chapel Hill Academy in
4. We provided and planted a tree to the 2009 State of Minnesota winner of
the National Arbor Day Poster Contest, Hugh Truempi, of St Hubert's
School in Chanhassen.
5. We visit District 112's Kindergarten Center each year with our Reindeer to
kick off the Christmas Season
6. We landscaped the front of the Kindergarten Center at a greatly reduced
price (approximately our cost) to make it more inviting, reduce
maintenance and conserve water.
7. We have "adopted" a 2 mile portion of Hwy. 212 between Hwy 101 and
Lyman Blvd. This year we spent 36 man hours cleaning this section of
roadway in Chanhassen and collected over % ton of garbage!
8. We provide free recycling of plastic pots to all residents of our community.
9. We have volunteered at the Annual 4th of July Festival through the
SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce.
10. We provide free Field Trips to area schools and churches where children
learn earth science and principles of good stewardship of our natural
resources. You can view a Field trip at this link:
http://www.voutube.com/watch?v=msnE81QT01 U
Release of Information
The City of Chanhassen reserves the right to use the award winners for promotional purposes
through newspaper articles, the city website, or other means. I agree to allow the city to use my
name and the description of my volunteering project. This release is only valid for winning entries.
Signature: Mark D, Halla, President, The Mustard Seed, Inc.
Name: Greg Drewiski
Address: 17317 Pavelka Drive
Eden Prairie
Phone number: 612-559-4619
Category: D
Individual, District 112
Volunteering Description:
Greg Drewiski provided instructional support for the first of two football classes.
Greg provided instructional support for the Chanhassen Park and Recreational Youth Football League
(grades 1-3) in the spring of 2009. While at the Chanhassen Community Center Greg's volunteer time
included direct supervision, training and guidance to all 18 class participants over the course of the five
individual sessions. Greg's presence provided the participants more frequent and extended one-on-one
time to develop football skills as well as life skills. Participants of the football class benefited from
Greg's humor, punctuality, and competitiveness. Greg is a Junior at Chanhassen High School and has
committed to the United States Armed Forces, and will be leaving for summer training between his
Junior and Senior year.
Name: Danny Hatton
Address: 8018 Erie Ave.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone number: 952-846-9754
Category: D
Individual, District 112
Volunteering Description:
Danny Hatton provided instructional support for the second of two football classes.
Danny provided instructional support for the Chanhassen Park and Recreational Youth Football League
(grades 1-3) in the spring of 2009. While at the Chanhassen Community Center Danny's volunteer time
included direct supervision, training and guidance to all 18 class participants over the course of the five
individual sessions. Danny's presence provided the participants more frequent and extended one-on-
one time to develop football skills as well as life skills. Participants of the football class benefited from
Danny's inviting mannerisms and knowledge of the game. Danny is a Senior at Chaska High School,
plays football, swims and runs track for the Hawks.