City Council Action Update City Council Action Update MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 2009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: . Gleason Variance, 2111 Pinehurst Drive (Lot 22, Block 1, Pinehurst 2nd Addition): Request for an After-the-Fact Hard Surface Coverage Variance. Applicant: US Home Corporation.- TABLED TO JANUARY 11,2010 CC MEETING . City Code Amendments: Approve Amendments to Chapter 20, Zoning Concerning Community Commercial and Regional/Lifestyle Commercial Zoning Districts. - APPROVED . Chanhassen Transit Station, 500 West 78th Street - Approval of Site Plan with Variances & Preliminary Plat - APPROVED The minutes for this meeting can be viewed from the City's web page. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us.click on the "Quick List" pull-down menu, then click on "Agendas and Minutes". g:\plan\forms\city council action update.doc