2. Recreation Center Updates CITY OF CHAN HAS SEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanllassen, MN 55317 Administration PllOne 9522271100 Fax 952.2271110 Building Inspections Phone 9522271180 Fax 9522271190 Engineering Phone 952.2271160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.2271140 Fax 952.2271110 Park & Recreation Pllone 9522271120 Fax 952.2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Pllolle 952.2271400 Fax 952.2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.2271130 Fax 952.2271110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Pllone 952 227 1300 Fax 952227 1310 Senior Center Phone 9522271125 Fax 95222711 ',0 Web Site W\'NI.CI. charlllassell.mn. us ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director FROM: Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager DA TE: November 30, 2009 SUBJ: Recreation Center Updates FACILITY INFORMATION The Rec Center meeting rooms and locker rooms have been updated with a fresh coat of paint in a soft, tan shade. Come see our new look! PROGRAM INFORMATION Dance for Fun - The fall session of dance had over 239 participants in 23 classes. Winter registrations are underway. Students are preparing for a May 15,2010 recital that will be held at Chanhassen High School. Enhance Fitness -Seventeen seniors are participating in the current session. Funding through UCare has been secured, so this program may continue past the MAAA grant period which ends March 30, 2010. Grandparent & Me Pumpkin Painting - Twenty grandchildren and their grandparents participated in this activity at the Rec Center. Pumpkins were painted and popcorn balls were made. Tot Time Fun - Two programs were offered this fall-Halloween Hoopla and Harvest Hi-Jinx. A total of 22 children and their parents participated in creating fun, holiday-themed crafts. Rec Center Sports - The Rec Center and Recreation Supervisor started a new preschool youth sports program this fall. Currently, 95 preschoolers are participating in the basketball program and 121 participated in the soccer program. Also this fall, we have added after-school programs of dodgeball, basketball and volleyball. A combined total of 36 youth ages 7-11 participated. Our next activity is skating lessons (weather permitting) in December. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - ProViding for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Mr. Todd Hoffman November 30, 2009 Page 2 MISCELLANEOUS Birthday Party Packages - The Rec Center birthday party packages continue to be a popular, affordable party for our residents. We have hosted 61 parties from January - November. Room Rentals - The Rec Center is now the host site for the Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce new member orientation sessions as well as the weekly home for the BNI Circle of Excellence networking organization. g:\park\jodis\commission reports\Dec 09 commission report.doc