Administrative Administrative Section BUDGET CUTS PARTIALLY RESTORED BY CITIZEN ADVOCATES This fall, self-advocates and families affected by disabilities stepped into action to save adaptive recreation services for children and adults living in Plymouth. Many cities in the Twin Cities have lost state aid and have also had to confront sharply declining revenues from fees, taxes and other sources. Under significant pressure to cut spending, the cities of Plymouth, Robbinsdale, New Hope and Crystal decided to eliminate adaptive recreation services that have been provided through REACH for Resources for the last 23 years. As news of the 2010 elimination began to emerge, an adaptive recreation advisory group sponsored by the REACH Board of Di- rectors, sprang into action. This group of concerned parents and professionals began to look at ways to respond. Recreation advi- sory group members were concerned that the cities planned to completely eliminate rather than reduce funding for adaptive recreation, which would mean that many of the specialized and popular REACH programs like adaptive bowling, On The Town, Wednesday Night Social and others would no longer be I Continued on p.IO Plymouth SeB-Advocate, Abby Pearson spoke at her CRy Council meeting to request restoration of adaptive recreation tunding. .... Rock for Reach... page 2 M 0 re I n S -I de.... Winter Programs...pages 3 - 7 .... Ghostly Gala Highlights... page 9 I REACH supporters channeled their inner Rock Stars on September 24 at the first ROCK for REACH Rock Bandâ„¢ competition. Eight Rock Band teams competed for glory and top honors on stage at The Fine line Music Cafe in Minneapolis. The Rockaholics, Snuggalicious, the Spicy Finance C hicks, Twisted Mister, Heart of Metal, Blood on the Tracks, the No-Nos, and the Reach Rockers all strutted their stuff and entertained the crowd with their Rock Band expertise, costumes and showmanship. The No-No's, a last minute competition entry, walked away with top honors and a $400 cash prize for their performance of "We've Got the Beat" by the Go Go's. Blood on the Tracks took second place with their rendition of Bob Dylan's "Tangled Up in Blue." Winners were determined by the sum of their Rock Band game scores, points awarded by guest judges, and audience votes, which spectators purchased to support their favorite bands. Judges also awarded best Male and Female Rocker prizes to Ryan Keller and Madeline Timba. ROCK for REACH was a great time and raised over $2600 for REACH programs! ;1'- Top Band: The No-No's Snuggaficious entertains with Vikings spirit while per- forming "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash PHIZES DONtHED BY: First Avenue/7th St. Entry The Fine Line Gameworks Guthrie Theater Joe's Garage 2 THANK YOU SPONSORS P" t *~~i~J' l"d~1''''1,''',,1''1.''4j\,,~. Liberty Diversified Industries Minneapolis Elks Club VFW Post 494 Andy Burman & Terry Burke Robert & Rosemary Callahan Emma Fulgenzi Kevin Kavanaugh Victoria Kasdan Pete & Mary Keller Terry & Rick Kern Sally Kraske Steve & Marcia Crist Patrice Wehner 2nd Place Winner: Blood on the Tracks Twister Mister performs "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys THAN!<' YOU REACH EVENT PLANNiNG COMMITTEE for your hard work and dedication to our-cause! Net City Shops Pracna Tavern Sally's Saloon & Eatery Vic's Debbie Cooper Amanda Kavanaugh Marcia Crist Andrea Salem J Winter 201 0 c e u es EDUCATION, THERAPY, LEISURE ACTIVITIES Inc. Helping Individuals with Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Phone ReQistration beQins 11/30/09 Prioritv deadline 1 /4/10 REACH is an agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and theirfamilies in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include counseling, therapy groups, commu- nity living training and support, therapeutic recreation and leisure, information & referral. ----------------------------- Counseling & Education ARMHS For Adults with Mental Health Disorders and Mild Cognitive Impairments Counseling Reach for Resources specializes in work- ing with people with developmental dis- abilities such as mental retardation, down syndrome, autism, and mild to bor- derline cognitive difficulties, and their families. We believe in a friendly, suppor- tive, person-centered approach, and in setting personalized goals for each cli- ent. Reach accepts: Medical Assistance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, MHP, Medica/UBH, Ucare & America's PPO. To schedule an intake interview or for information on counseling options call Lisa Rivers, MA, LP at (952) 988-4177 or email Irivers@reachforresources.org REACH OUT Independent Living Support for Adults with Disabilities REACH for Resources offers Adult Rehabilita- tive Mental Health Services (ARMHS) that can help you successfully live on your own in the setting of your choice. An ARMHS case worker can teach you skills to: · Cope with stress, fear and anxiety · Find safe, affordable housing · Find a job and learn job skills · Manage your money · Develop a healthy lifestyle · Learn to use community resources Reach Out is a private pay in-home support service for adults with disabili- ties who want to live independently, but have been denied eligibility for other public assistance programs. Clients are assigned a case manager who provides on-going support with: . Housing . Employment . Managing Finances Health & Safety Socialization . Transportation Government Benefits Application . Regular phone Check Ins . Crisis Support To be eligible for REACH ARMHS you must: · Have a Mental Health Diagnosis . Have a Mild Cognitive Disability (ie. Border- line IQ, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alco- hol Syndrome, Learning Disability, or T rau- matic Brain Injury) . Be 18 years or older · Qualify for Medical Assistance Reach Out is tailored to your individual needs and offered at an affordable per ses- sion fee. Empowerment Group Support Group Scholarships may be available based on family income. Men and Women in this group learn to support each other, solve their own prob- lems, advocate for themselves, and form a strong social network Participants must arrange their own transportation and be able to wait independently for their ride. I----"~~'----'----"l Young Women in Transition . (Ages 18-30) Call Mary Perkins at 952-98-4177 for a Free Preliminary Assessment This group provides an opportunity for women with borderline to m~d cogni- tive disabilities to talk with other women about their concerns and experiences regarding relationships, sexuality, grief and loss, or other topics of interest. WHERE: Eisenhower Center 1001 Highway 7, Hopkins Did You Know? REACH is also a SILS and Waiver provider. If you are looking for a worker who can meet your needs, give us a call! WHEN: Tuesdays, 6:30 -8:00 pm Jan. 12-Mar 2 ,Th" Ih..ape,Uc gm,p will meet a"e eve"'"g I per week at the Eisenhower Community Center in Hopkins. If you would like to be a part of the group, an intake is required. Call Lisa at 952-988-4177 for more information. _.~---- '-...-------------,---- FEE: $10 An intake is required for new participants. Call Mary Meyer at 952-988-4177 to register or schedule an intake. 3 Adaptive Recreation Program Changes For the past 23 years, REACH for Resources has contracted with 13 west metro City Park & Recreation Departments to provide adaptive recreation services to residents with disabifities. Due to budget pressures, the cities of Crystal, New Hope and Robbinsdale have opted to discontinue their Adaptive Recreation contract with REACH. Inclusion services will still be available in those cities, allowing people with disabilities to participate in mainstream programs. But adaptive recreation services will no longer be available through those city Park& Recreation Departments, nor will residents of those cities receive priority registration or reduced pricing when signing up for REACH programs. EFFECTS OF THIS CHANGE ON REACH PROGRAMMING: . Residents of Crystal, New Hope and Robbinsdale will no longer receive resident priority status when registering for REACH programs . Residents of these cities must now pay the "Non-Resident" program fee and wait untO after the Priority Registration deadline for available program slots, or purchase their own membership to guarantee a place in a program. . Due to reduced funding, some REACH programs will have smaller capacity and non-residents will be less likely to get a slot. . A Non-Resident Membership option will be available for $200 annually for those non-resident participants who wish to continue receiving priority registration, guaranteed slots in programs** and reduced program fees. (SEE BELOW) REACH deeply regrets any hardship that these budget cuts will cause our clients in the cities of Crystal, New Hope and Robbinsdale. If you have any questions about program changes, please contact Becca Stenzel at 952-988-4176 or bstenzel@reachforresources.org. Scholarships: Reach will have limited scholarship funds available to help cover the cost of this membership fee. Scholarships will be awarded based on a variety of factors, including financial need and access to programs. If you would like more information regarding scholarships or to apply, contact Becca at 952-988-4176. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP FORM ~ For residents of cities OTHER THAN: Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, 1 Chanhassen, Chaska, Golden Valley, Hopkins, Maple Grove, ~ Minnetonka, Plymouth or St. Louis Park You may purchase an annual ~ REACH membership that will give you the same benefits as residents of ~ those cities including priority in registration and reduced program fees. ~ PLEASE NOTE: Members must still pay the resident program fees in addi- ~ tion to their membership fee. ~ To purchase an annual membership, please complete this form and ~ mail with your fee payment to REACH. ~ Name: ~ Address: ~ City Zip ~Phone ~ Payment Options: Annual (1 payment of $200) Bi-Annual (2 payments of $ 100. REACH will bill you for the 2nd ~ payment) 1 $_ Amount enclosed today ; Please contact Mary Meyer at 952-988-4177 if you would like to discuss ~ other payment options. j **Members/residents are Quaranteed a spot in a program ONLY if thev ~ reQister and pay by the Priority Reqistration Deadline** Registration Notes and Information The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort between REACH for Resources and the Northwest Consortium and West Consortium of cities in Hennepin County. The North- west Consortium consists of: Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, and Plymouth. The West Consor- tium consists of: Chanhassen, Chaska, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and St. Louis Park. Residents of our consortium cities and Members are Quaranteed reQistration UNTIL the Priority ReQistration Deadline. At that point. open prOQram slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Non-resident registrations are held until after the Priority Registration dead6ne. Non-residents must pay an addi- tional $8 non-resident fee for each program. . Adult participants may only register for either Wednesday Night Social OR On The Town. If you are unsure which program is the best fit for you, call Becca at 952-988-4176 Please do not sign up unless you will be able to attend! Participants who consistently do not attend programs they have registered for may lose their resident status for the next quarter. If you are concerned about your program filling up quickly please feel free to stop by the Reach for Resources office to complete a registration form in person. You will receive a letter confirming your registration along with schedules for all programs you have been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the p~ogram. REFUNDS ARE NOT GIVEN IF YOU CANCEL 1 WEEK OR LESS BEFORE THE PROGRAM BEGINS! Winter Registration begins 11/30. Priority Deadline 1/4 Spring Registration begins Feb. 15 YouthlTeen Programs (Ages 5 - 21) ~ ~ Inclusion Services Reach for Resources provides inclusion facUitators for children with disabilities who would like to participate in their city park and recreation programs. Registration for these programs is done through your park and recreation depart- ment. After registering, contact Reach for Resources to discuss the needs/accommodation for yourself or your child. We require a minimum of two weeks notice for a successful inclusion. Call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for more information Girls Club WHEN: This club is designed for girls ages 13-21 who are independent in their personal care and want to meet new friends and have fun! One Saturday per month, Jan., Feb. & Mar. Various locations WHERE: FEE: S30.00 Resident, S38.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 Teen Explorers Make new friends while trying new activities. This is a weekly social group that give teens the opportunity to go to concerts, restaurants, movies, plays, sporting events, shopping and more! For ages 13-21. WHERE: Various west metro area locations WHEN: Tuesdays, Jon 12-Feb 23 TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm FEE: S40.00 Resident S48.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 Family Yoga This class is designed for children/teens with disabilities and their parents to learn yoga together. Increase attention span, focus, muscle tone and flexibility! Siblings welcome too. All children must be accompanied by at least one adult. WHERE: St. Louis Park Rec Center 3700 Monterey Dr. WHEN: Tuesdays Jan. 19-Feb. 23 5:30-6:30 pm TIME: FEE: S50 for parent/child pair S58 for non-residents S20 for each additional person Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 Social Seekers Social Seekers is a fun, age appropriate program for teens and young adults with Asperger's Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism. WHERE: WHEN: The Depot Coffee House , Hopkins Mondays, Jon 4- Mar 22 No session on MlK or Presidenf s Day TIMES: 4:00 - 5:30 (ages 12-14) Min S . Max 8 5:45 - 7:15 (ages 15-18) Min S' Max 10 WHERE: LivinQ waters Market & Cafe Mtka WHEN: Wednesdays, Jon 13-Mar 17 TIME: 5:15-6:45 (ages 19+) Min S' Max 12 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: Erm Lutheran, Robbinsdale Thu~ays,Jan1~ar 18 4:30-6:00 (ages 15-18) MinS'Max10 FEE: S210.00 for 10 Sessions. S10 discount if you pay by check or cash. Price includes 3 to 4 community activities in addition to the 10 regular sessions. Returning participants should contact REACH to register. An intake is reQuired for new participants. Please call (952) 988-4176. Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive open bowl- ing. You will bowl 2 games each week. Open to aQes 5-21 North TIME: FEE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Jan. 16-Mar 6 12:00-2:00 pm S35.00 Resident S43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 WHERE: WHEN: West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park WHEN: Saturdays Jan. 16-Mar. 6 TIME: 9:30-11 :30 am FEE: S35.00 Resident S43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week Program Minimum 5. Maximum 10 Take Five Respite Ages 13-21 Looking for something fun to do over Winter Break? Come meet new friends at this great all-day program filled with field trips, friends and fun! WHEN: Session 1: Dec. 21-23 Session 2: Dec. 28-30 WHERE: Elim Lutheran in Robbinsdale TIME: 9:00 am-3:30 pm FEE: S210 per session Payment Options: Private pay, Waiver, PCA & CDCS. Some scholarships are available. For an application, please call Stephen at (952) 988-5321 5 Adult Fitness f~ Adult Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week. North WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broa dw ay Crystal WHEN: Saturdays Jan. 16-Mar. 6 TIME: FEE: 12:00-2:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week WHERE: Earle Brown 6440 James Circle N. Brooklyn Center Saturdays Jan. 16-Mar. 6 3:0~5:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $4.00 Per Week WHEN: TIME: FEE: PrOQram Minimum 5, Maximum 20 West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park WHEN: Saturdays Jan. 16-Mar. 6 9:3~ 11 :30 am $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Week Program Minimum 5, Maximum 20 TIME: FEE: Yoga for Adults (ages 18+) Relax, gain flexibility, and get in shape at this great program. WHERE: St. Louis Park Recreation Center 3700 Monterey Dr. St. Louis Park WHEN: Tuesdays Jan. 19-Feb. 23 6:45 - 7:45 pm $40.00 Resident $48.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 TIME: FEE: Call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for details Walking Club Keep that body moving and enjoy the community! We will walk at various indoor and outdoor locations. WHERE: Various Locations WHEN: Mondays Jan. 25-Mar. 8 TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 pm (e) '~ Non-Competitive Basketball Have fun and get some exercise in this great non-competitive league! WHERE: Sandburg Learning Center 2400 Sandburg Ln. Golden Valley WHEN: Thursdays Jan. 7-Mar 11 TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident $48.00 Non-resident A Competitive Basketball League is offered by the Ridgedale YMCA on Mondays. Call Molly at 952-982-8264 for information. Basketball Team Sponsors Needed! Help adults with disabilities have fun playing basketball Full sponsorships are $275 Contributions of any amount welcomed! CaD Becca at 952-988-4176 if you or your business would nke to sponsor a team. The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort between REACH for Resources and the Northwest Consortium and West Consortium of cit- ies. The Northwest Consortium consists of: Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, and Plymouth. The West Consortium consists of: Chanhassen, Chaska, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Sf. Louis Park. For information and registration procedures, call Becca at 952-988-4177. NOTE: For persons not living in one of the above communities, you are considered a "non-resident" and will not be allowed to register until after the Priority Reg- istration deadline. You also need to add S8 to the registration tee. WINTER 2010 REGISTRATION BEGINS 11/30/09. PRIORITY DEADLINE 1/4/10. 6 FEE: $25.00 Resident $33.00 Non-Resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 Adult Social Programs On the Town I A social group for young adults, aqes 18 - 30 who are independent and would like to explore their community. Intake required for new participants. Call 952-988-4176 to schedule intake. On the Town II A social group for adults, aqes 31 and over, who can access the community independently with minimal supervision. Intake required for new participants. Call 952-988- 4176 to schedule intake. WHERE: Various locations in the Northwest & WHERE: Various locations in the Northwest & West Suburbs West Suburbs WHEN: Every other Friday evening Beginning Jan. 15 TIME: Varies with activity FEE: $20.00 Resident $28.00 Non-resident Plus addiTIonal aCTIvity fees Proqram Minimum 5, Maximum 15 WHEN: Every other Saturday evening Beginning Jan. 16 TI ME: Varies with activity FEE: $20.00 Resident $28.00 Non-resident Plus addiTIonal aCTIvity fees Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 Club West (west metro) and Wednesday Night Social (northwest metro) are social programs for adults age 18 and older. Meet new friends and visit with old friends while enjoying gomes, donees, movies, bingo, etc. Staff to participant ratio is 1: 10 Proqram Minimum 5, Maximum 20 (for each program) Club West Wednesday Night Social WHERE: Various west metro locations WHERE: Various north metro locations WHEN: Wednesdays WHEN: Wednesdays Jan. 13--Mar. 3 Jan. 13--Mar. 3 TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident FEE: $40.00 Resident $48.00 Non-resident $48.00 Non-resident Plus addtional activity fee Plus addtional activity fee 1----- ru...------uo--.---.-.-- WHEN: January 15 February 12 March 19 Dances WI WHEN: February 26 WHERE: Brooklyn Center Community Center 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy TIME: 7-9 PM FEE: $5.00 at the door WHERE: St. Louis Park H.S. 6425 W. 33rd Sf. 7 - 9 pm $5.00 at the door TIME: FEE: Co-sponsored by Project Soar Weekend Ventures For ages 15+ MALL OF AMERICA We will spend the weekend at a hotel in Bloomington and all day Saturday enjoying attractions at Mall of America! WHEN: March 19 at 7pm- March 21 at 11 am FEE: $350 for entire weekend VALLEYFAIR We will stay in a hotel in Shakopee and spend a day at Valleyfair. Ride roller coasters, see a show, swim at the water park and so much more! WHEN: Coming in June 2010. Details in the Spring Reach Reader. For more information or for on application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4176 SUPERBOWL PARTY!! Join your friends for food, fun, prizes & the big game! Sunday, February 7th from 5:00-9:0Clpm Brookview Golf Grill 200 Brookview Pkwy, Golden Volley Cost: $7.00 Resident/$15 Non-resident R h **4- eae :;" ~or Resources, Inc. Annual Membership Scholarship Application If a participant or their family member is unable to pay the $200 annual membership fee to be considered a resident in our programs, we will make every effort to help reduce this cost by offering a scholarship. Please note that scholarship funds are limited. It is important for participants to cover as much of the cost on their own that is possible, and only request the amount that is necessary. Many factors will be considered in the awarding of scholarships, including: · financial need (personal income, and/or guardian/family income under $24, 499) · access to programs (are there other programs available to you if Reach isn't?) e fundraising contributions to REACH (participants who have raised over $200 in pledges at fundraisers will be eligible to receive a scholarship) Use the space available on these forms to explain why you are requesting a scholarship. The information provided here will determine who we are able to provide scholarships for. If you need to attach additional information, please feel free to do so. Scholarship recipients will be notified 1 week after the listed deadlines. Applications received after this time will be considered only if funds are still available. Participant Information: Name 0.0.8 Address City Zip Code Phone number AIL Phone number Email address Person requesting scholarship (if other than participant) Name relationship to participant Address City Zip Code Phone number AIL Phone number Email address (Continued on Reverse) R h ~;A:4 eae ? ~or Resources, Inc. Please complete the following information: What is your annual income? Parent/guardian annual income? How much can you afford to pay? How much can your family afford to pay? Have you asked your city for a scholarship? yes no Amount of scholarship requested from REACH What alternative programs do you have access to if this scholarship request is denied? How many days per week (on average) do you have the opportunity and ability to participate in recreation programs other than those offered through Reach for Resources? How many Reach for Resources programs are you planning on signing up for this year? Have you received scholarship funds from Reach for Resources in the past? _ yes no If yes, for what? How much money have you raised for REACH fundraisers? (i.e. Bowl-a-thon) Please describe the reasons you are requesting this scholarship. Provide as much detail as possible. Attach additional pages if desired/necessary. The deadlines for scholarship applications are listed below, according to quarter: December 21 sl - Winter quarter May 1 yth - Summer quarter March 1 sl - Spring quarter August 23rd - Fall quarter Please return this form to: Reach For Resources Attn: Becca Stenzel 1001 Hwy 7 #235 Hopkins, MN 55305 Registration Form-Winter 2010 Advance payment is required for all programs. NO REGISTRATION AT PROGRAMS OR BY PHONE. To ensure a spot in the program(s) of your choice, mail in payment and registration form as soon as possible. Residents of the West & Northwest consortium of cities and Members receive priority registration up to the deadline. Registration is then open to non-residents (unless program is full). ReQistration beQins November 30,2009. Priority reQistration deadline for residents/members is January 4, 2010. Name: Gender: Birth date: Address: City: Zip Code: Home Phone: Work Phone: Email Emergency Contact: Emergency Phone: Please Check ALL That Apply DISABILITY DIAGNOSIS: 0 Developmental Disability (MR or unspecified) level: Borderline Mild Moderate Severe (circle one) o Autism 0 Aspergers/PDD o Cerebral Palsy o Down Syndrome o FAS o Prader-WiIIi o Williams Synd. OTBI OADD/ADHD o Emotional/Behavior Disorder 0 Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder 0 Mobility Impaired o Blind/Vision Impaired o Deaf/Hearing Impaired o UsesWheelchair OOther Disability or Mental Health Issues OTHER SPECIAL NEEDS Allergies/Medical Cond./Special Diet.: Photo Waiver: My photo may be taken at Reach programs and used for promotional materials, unless I check below: o No, I DO NOT wish to have my photo used. Social Worker: Social Worker's Phone: - P arent( s )/Guardia n (s): Parent/Guardian's Phone: - Home Address: ~~_M_ _..-..~-----~-- City: - Zip: Parent(s) E-Mail: --------~-- --.- Parent(s) Cell or Work Phone: m Annual House- D $0 - $24,999 D $25,000 - $49,999 D $50,000 - $74,999 D $75,000 - 99,999 hold Income: D $100,000 - $124,999 D $125,000 - $149,999 D $150,000 - $174,999 D $175,000 - $199,999 D $200,000+ I, the undersigned, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that participation in this activity is completely voluntary and the activity is being offered for the benefit of the participant. Reach for Resources sholl not be liable for any claims, injuries. or damages of whatever nature, incurred by the participant arising out of, or connected with, the activity. On behalf of myself and the participanf, I expressly forever release and discharge Reach for Resources, its agents or employees, from any such claims, injuries or damages. I hove received 0 copy of Notice of Privacy os required by HIPAA. I hove read, understood and agree to these privacy practices. legal Guardian: Date: 0" Youth Programs Resi dent/ Non- Res 0" Adult Programs Resident/Non-Res 0 Youth/Teen Bowling Doyle's $35.00 / $43.00 0 Adult Bowling Doyle's $35.00 / $43.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling Park Tav $35.00/$43.00 Winter 0 Adult Bowling Park Tavern $35.00/$43.00 0 Family Yoga (# attending_l $50.00/$58 (+$20) 0 Adult Bowling Earle Brown $35.00 / $43.00 -- 2010 0 Teen Explorers $40.00 / $48.00 0 Adult Yoga $40.00/$48.00 0 Girls Club $30.00/ $38.00 0 Non-Compete Basketball $40.00/$48.00 Special Events 0 On the Town I $20.00 / $28.00 0 REACH Holiday Party $5 $7.00/$15.00 0 On the Town II $20.00 / $28.00 0 Superb owl Party 0 Club West $40.00 / $48.00 **REMINDER: Clients living in Crystal, New Hope and 0 Wednesday Night Social $40.00 / $48.00 Robbinsdale are no longer considered residents. See 0 Walking Club $25.00/$33.00 page 4 for details. ** Please mail completed form with payment to REACH at 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 Program Total: $ Donation to support REACH - _ Approved by Amt Pd $ Ck# programs (optional): $ Dole Iniliols Cash _ Waiver Exp Total Enclosed: $ _ Registered by _Schedule Sent by Dole Inifiols Dole Initials o I have a Waiver AND I have made arrangements with _ Pymt Rec'd by Dale Inilials o DB Entry Complete the County for Reach to bill them directly for my recreation programs. (If not, vou must pay for proarams when reaisterina) Thank you to all of our guest, sponsors, & volunteers for helping raise $4800 for REACH programs! Best female costume: Stephanie Fair Best male costume: Winslow Riley ~~ '- < mt1a<r'I<;~cili S'~~<str\~~<mala - ~< ." monf~iD~t.rsJ: , , ' ~ F ':;- ... ': '''. ,5', ~ ~.\; I, ~ >5 , , Corporate & Civic Sponsors Brooklyn Park lion's Club The Goldbrick Club Individual Sponsors Jim and Cyndi Bade Tony Boldon Patrick Boley Tim and Piper Garmon Maxine and Jeff Skold Matthew Smith Special Thanks to the Brooklyn Park Community Center and Jen Gillard for hosting the Ghostly Gala! In-Kind Donors Aerital Network Consulting Applebee's Arbys Larissa Beck Bell Museum Brunswick Zone First Avenue/7th Sf. Entry Erin Kober Mad Jacks Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota Twins Minnesota Vikings Amber Norcutt Old Log Theater Mike & Mary Perkins Plymouth Playhouse Rainbow Foods Rocky Rococo Stages Theater Co. ti,';"'., "", ' 'l2i*IiEISW*lilte,Ii~~""""" " ~,,::,,';', ;:., ',;',', ";:,,,..'.:;.;., ~ ';. . <'(,'1.:' .,:,- ,,~Jt,;L:.::, """ ' ,.; Applications are currently being accepted for membership on the REACH Board of Directors or Fundraising Committee. Strong leadership and new, creative ideas are needed to help guide REACH through future challenges and opportunities. REACH needs you! We are seeking individuals who: . Have a family member who has benefited from our services · Would like to be involved in the strategic direction of the organization · Have an interest in advocating for disability services with local elected officials and other government entities · Will help with fundraising events, and with identifying new donors and funding sources for our services · Can help organize other REACH supporters and get them involved with advocacy and fundraising activities. By volunteering your time and expertise to REACH you will help strengthen and improve our organization white ensuring quality services for our clients. Average time commitment is one meeting per month. To request an application, please call Mary Perkins at 952-988-4177 or email mperkinS@reachforresources.org The Board Recruiting Committee will be screening applications and conducting interviews with candidates in January. 9 **~ Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID LITTLE FALLS, MN PERMIT NO.9 1001 Highway 7 #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Reach For Resources Staff Mary Perkins, L1CSW Executive Director Lisa Rivers, MA, lP Director of Counseling Services Mallhew Smith Director of Education & Training Becca Sfenzel. CTRS Director of Recreation & Inclusion Services Cyndi Bade, MBA Director of Marketing & Fundraising Mary Meyer Office Manager larrisa Beck, Community Living Specialist Tony Boldon, Community Living SpeciaUst Dan Brown, Community Living Specialist Jessica Cermak, Administrative Management Associate Analisa Hernandez, Community Living Specia fist Yong Kue, Community Living Speciafist Marsha Miller, Family Housing Advocate Amber Norcull, LGSW, Mental Health Practitioner Judy Salsido, Mental Health Practitioner Stephen Savior, Recreation Specialist Susan Schubert, Mental Health Practitioner Shawna Weaver, MA, Mental Health Practitioner 1',II,llllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIII'IIIIIII,11111111'11,1'11'1 4*1.......SCH 5-DIGIT 55317 TODD HOFFMAN CITY OF CHANHASSEN PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317-0147 Budgel culs. coni. from p.l available for their sons, daughters or residents. Self-Advocates worried too that they might not be able to connect with their friends, maintain their fitness or have any meaningful access to recreation in their communities. "I feel we are just being completely left out" said Gary Johnson, Reach Board member and Self Advocate from Robbinsdale. Kathy stagni. Advisory Group Chairperson and Plymouth parent decided the group should write to other parents asking for help communicating with city officials. Merry Jo Parker, another Plymouth parent contacted city council members from her community to begin a dialogue. Other families did the same. A group of family members and self advocates appeared at a Plymouth City Council meeting in October to testify about how important adaptive recreation services are to them and their family members. Abby Pearson, self advocate and avid On The Town participant was one of several people to appear. "I told them how much I enjoy being with my friends at On the Town and doing things typical kids do on Friday nights," said Abby. After hearing from several concerned citizens, the Plymouth City Council decided to restore $10,000 of funding to Reach for adaptive recreation in 2010. This funding represents a 41% cut from Plymouth's contribution for 2009 but will allow Plymouth residents to continue with most programs. "We are grateful to the Plymouth City Council for responding so positively'to familie~ and self advocates", said Mary Perkins, Reach Executive Director. "Adaptive recreation makes a vital contribution to the lives of so many individuals and families affected by disabilities. I know these services enrich the lives of not only those that directly participate, but also the lives of all citizens within a community as they convey a message 'ue that all citizens are welcome."