Letter from Lotus Lake Estates HOA dated October 2009 Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association Conditional Use Permit Renewal Our neighborhood is requesting a permanent Conditional Use Permit for our beach outlot. Our neighborhood consists of 44 homes, with approximately 1/3 of the families longtime residents (20+ years) and 1/3 newer residents with young children. We have diverse occupations and interests but we are united by our enjoyment of the natural setting and the lake. Weare currently redoing our front entrance at our expense to upgrade the entrance to our neighborhood. We have been working with and attending meetings of the Watershed District and the Lotus Lake Clean Water Organization (about 95% are members) to better educate ourselves on how to help improve the water quality of Lotus Lake. We want to do what we can to help. We have worked at improving our beach outlot by: Cutting and pulling buckthorn Replanting with native shrubs Mitigating erosion by planting native plants and grasses on slopes Discussing and planning for raingardens to reduce runoff We have had lots of neighborhood involvement in planting, donating plants and materials, and in keeping the area clean. We have earmarked portions of our association dues for these efforts and hope to expand our planting program next year. We wish to keep the area as natural as possible while enhancing our enjoyment of the lake. We are grateful to Jill Sinclair and Terry Jeffrey for their advice and time in helping us continue our improvement efforts. We respectfully request the permanent renewal of our CUP so we may continue our stewardship of the outlot. October, 2009