CC Staff Report 12-14-09 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227,1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952,227,1180 Fax: 952,227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952,227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227,1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952,227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227,1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952,227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952,227,1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 4b MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner DATE: ~. December 14, 2009 SUBJ: Final Plat Approval for Chanhassen Transit Station Planning Case No. 09-18 PROPOSED MOTION: "The City Council adopts a resolution approving the Final Plat for Chanhassen Transit Station - Planning Case 09-18, subject to conditions as specified on pages 11 - 12 of the staff report." PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting final plat approval to replat 9.64 acres into four lots and two outlots. The site is located south of West 78th Street, west of Great Plains Boulevard, and north of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad. The site is zoned Central Business District (CBD). Staff is recommending approval of the request subject to conditions. SUBDIVISION Lot 1, Block 1, is proposed to house a parking ramp. There are currently 120 parking spaces that will be replaced with a 420-stall parking ramp. Lot 2, Block 1 will contain the Dinner Theatre Building. Lot 3, Block 1, will contain an existing one-story building. Lot 1, Block 2 will contain the historic train depot. Outlot A will contain an existing sign and Outlot B will be occupied by the extension of Market Street. PLA"T FILE NO. CHANHASSEN TRANSIT STATION C"-DOC.NO. ~,t;;2.r:..:S.?~ _ _ _ _ ~ ~.;0.f"";f2'-2'::s.; --::...Dt;;';-:~)t~ ~~ ~~ 11 T L :':!N~~ .~~..:;;;"...,., "" s_""_ ,_~. _..~_ ."-~~~,",,_'.r"'~'" IEFN ~_.................. ......,..,............ Chanhassen is a Community for Life. Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14,2009 Page 2 of 12 BACKGROUND On November 23,2009, the Chanhassen City Council adopted the following motions: A. "The City Council approves Variance request - Planning Case 09-18 to allow parking spaces that are 8V2 feet wide and drive aisles that are 24V2 feet wide, as shown in plans dated received October 16,2009, subject to the condition as specified on page 20 of the staff report." B. "The City Council approves the Preliminary Plat for Chanhassen Transit Station - Planning Case 09-18 as shown in plans dated received October 16, 2009, subject to conditions as specified on pages 20-21 of the staff report." C. "The City Council approves the Site Plan for the construction of the parking ramp and transit station for Planning Case 09-18 as shown in plans dated received October 16,2009, subject to the conditions as specified on pages 21-22 of the staffreport." And adoption of the Findings of Fact. PRELIMINARY PLAT The preliminary Plat was approved with the following conditions: 1. Outlot B and Lot 1, Block 2 shall be conveyed to the City. This condition still applies. 2. Existing public and private utilities must be encompassed by a ten-foot wide drainage and utility easement centered over the utility. This condition still applies. 3. The main drive aisle dimensions to the parking ramp shown on Sheet C20G must be clarified. This condition still applies. 4. The parking ramp and surface parking area shall be privately owned and maintained. This condition still applies. 5. The sidewalks within Outlot B shall be maintained by SouthWest Transit. This condition still applies. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 3 of 12 6. The grading plan is incomplete. It must show the existing two-foot contours on the north and west side of the proposed construction limits. The proposed contours must tie in to the existing contours. This condition still applies. 7. The proposed concrete spillway that would convey runoff from the western 25 to 50 feet of the parking lot on Lot 1, Block 1 must be eliminated from the design as it would direct runoff across a sidewalk. This condition still applies. 8. The hydrology calculations must be revised to include the drainage area to the north, particularly the flared end section that discharges approximately 55 feet north of CB B. This condition still applies. 9. The developer's engineer and the City's engineering consultant must coordinate their respective designs to ensure that the rate and volume control requirements are met. This condition still applies. 10. Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals. This condition still applies. 11. The developer's engineer must work with the City's engineering consultant for the public street project to ensure that the City's storm sewer design will be able to accommodate the runoff from the parking ramp storm sewer. This condition still applies. 12. A building permit is required for the proposed retaining wall. This condition still applies. 13. It is the developer's responsibility to coordinate any small utility relocation with the appropriate utility company. This condition still applies. 14. The utility plan must be changed to reflect the following: a. Show the directional flow arrows on existing and proposed utilities. b. Adjust the line work so that the proposed storm sewer can be seen on the plan. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 4 of 12 c. Show the connection to the existing storm sewer on the southwest comer of the construction limits. d. Include a note where the rain leaders connect to the existing storm sewer. These conditions still apply. 15. Full park fees shall be paid in lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction. The fees shall be collected for Lot 1 Block 1 (1.45 acres) as a condition of approval for Chanhassen Transit Station. The park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. The current park and trail fee charge for commercial property is $12,500 per acre. This condition still applies. 16. All plans must be revised to reflect a continuous sidewalk along the north edge of Market Street. This condition still applies. 17. The plat must be revised to include a 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement centered over the existing watermain within proposed Lot 1, Block 2. This condition has been deleted. The watermain is located within city property and no easement will be required. 18. Approval of the subdivision is contingent upon approval of the vacation of the drainage and utility easement. This condition still applies. 19. The executed temporary easement agreement must be submitted before the final plat is recorded. This condition still applies. SUBDIVISION REVIEW The site lies south of the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, west of Great Plains Boulevard, and north of the railroad. The site is currently used as a surface parking lot, a scene shop for the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, and an old train station. The proposed preliminary plat consists of two unplatted parcels, a portion of Outlot A of the Frontier Cinema Addition, and Outlot A of the Old Village Hall plat. Staff does not have any record of easements on the unplatted parcels. There are no easements on either of the platted outlots. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14,2009 Page 5 of 12 PRELIMINARY PLAT The preliminary plat includes four lots within two blocks and two outlots. Proposed Lot 1, Block 1 is the site of the proposed Chanhassen Transit Station parking ramp. The Chanhassen Dinner Theater lies on proposed Lot 2, Block 1 and the Chanhassen Ballroom building is on proposed Lot 3, Block 1. The proposed Outlot A contains the Chanhassen Dinner Theater monument. The old train station lies on proposed Lot 1, Block 2. A future City street is proposed within Outlot B. Outlot B and Lot 1, Block 2 shall be conveyed to the City. WETLANDS A review of available data including the Chanhassen SWMP, NWI, and aerial photography does not indicate the presence of any wetlands on or adjacent to the site. LAKES AND RIVERS The proposed project is not located within a Shoreland Overlay District. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND DRAINAGE The total land disturbance associated with the proposed project exceeds the minimum threshold for "small construction activity." Therefore, a NPDES Phase II permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction activities is required. This permit must include the General Contractor responsible for day-to-day operations of the site and the owner. This should be noted on the SWPPP included with the plan submittal. Sheet C-600 includes a detail for the Dandy Bag II@ to be used as inlet protection. The City discourages the use of these because of the frequency with which we have observed materials spilled into the system upon removal. If these are to be used, they should be cleaned out with a frequency at least adequate to assure that they never exceed one-half capacity. The plan calls for a concrete spillway to be used westerly on the property. City staff recommends the use of a vegetated swale with turf reinforcement mat to decrease rates, promote infiltration and to filter sediment. The plan shows curb cuts approximately 36" in width. It has been staffs observation, as well as reported by others, that a curb cut this narrow results in a concentrated flow and subsequent head cutting and channel incision at the inlets. Curb cuts at least 8 feet in width are recommended. Further, it has been staffs' experience that the use of rip-rap at the inlet poses future maintenance problems. The use of a fescue (or other similar) sod at the inlet is recommended. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 6 of 12 Soils within the City of Chanhassen are known to have high clay content. The use of in situ materials is counterproductive to infiltration. As such, a 70% sand and 30% compost mixture is suggested. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWlVlP) CONNECTION CHARGES SWMP Fees will only be applied to Lot 1, Block 1 and will not include any public right-of-way. The drainage calculations do not indicate what portion of the watershed is directed to the rain garden. As a result, staff is unable to calculate what credits, if any, should be applied to the project. Water Quality Fees The fees for water quality are $6,820.00 per acre. Based upon the commercial land use of the property and an area of Lot 1, Block 1 of 1.43 acres, the water quality fee due at the time of final plat is $9,779.78. Water Quantity Fees The fees for water quantity for commercial property are $17,400.00 per acre. Based upon the land use type and a lot area of 1.43 acres, the water quantity fee due at the time of final plat is $24,951.60. Total SWMP fees due at the time ~f final plat are $34,731.48. It is possible that a credit may apply for the rain garden feature. However, as the drainage calculations do not address what area is being treated in the rain garden, this credit cannot be calculated. OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. ACCESS AND SITE CIRCULATION A traffic study was completed for this site. The study identified the increase in traffic volume at the intersection of Market StreetlMarket Boulevard and the intersection of the parking ramp access/Great Plains Boulevard. Based on the predicted peak traffic volumes identified in the report, the majority of the traffic will access the site via the Market Street/Market Boulevard intersection. The traffic study recommends that the parking ramp access to Great Plains Boulevard be constructed as a two-lane approach: a left turn/through lane and an exclusive right turn lane. These turn lanes will be constructed with the City street project. Due to anticipated increased traffic at the Market StreetlMarket Boulevard intersection, the traffic study included an analysis to determine if a traffic signal is warranted at the intersection. Based on the projected traffic volumes, this intersection would not meet signal warrants. The intersection will be monitored in the future to re-evaluate the signal warrants. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 7 of 12 The main drive aisle dimensions to the parking ramp shown on Sheet C200 must be clarified. The minimum drive aisle width for two-way traffic is 26 feet, per City Code. The drive aisles on the west side of the construction limits are proposed to be 22 feet. Staff supports the proposed width at this location since it is consistent with the existing condition. The west entrance of the parking ramp does not align with the drive aisle to the west. The entrance to the ramp is fixed since it aligns with the main drive aisle in the ramp; it is not desirable to have all traffic make a turn immediately after entering the ramp. The surface parking lot to the west of the ramp cannot be easily reconfigured to align with the ramp entrance. The surface parking lot configuration is such that there will not be a large volume of vehicles using this particular drive aisle. Based on these observations, staff is not concerned that the west entrance of the parking ramp does not align with the drive to the west. The parking ramp and surface parking area will be privately owned and maintained. The future public road within proposed Outlot B will be owned by the City. The City and SouthWest Transit are discussing who should be responsible for snowplowing this segment of public road. An agreement with the City will be executed should SouthWest Transit agree to snowplow this roadway. The sidewalks within Outlot B shall be maintained by SouthWest Transit. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The grading plan is incomplete. It must show the existing two-foot contours on the north and west side of the proposed construction limits. The proposed contours must tie in to the existing contours. The proposed concrete spillway that would convey runoff from the western 25 to 50 feet of the parking lot on Lot 1, Block 1 must be eliminated from the design as it would direct runoff across a sidewalk. The developer's engineer has submitted hydrology calculations for the site. The calculations reflect the construction area, not the actual tributary drainage area. The hydrology calculations must be revised to include the drainage area to the north, particularly the flared end section that discharges approximately 55 feet north of CB B. Runoff from the site currently is conveyed to the stormwater pond that lies south of the Cub Foods store located on the west side of Market Boulevard, south of the railroad tracks. The proposed development slightly increases the volume and peak discharge to the storm pond. The runoff from the proposed development will enter into the public storm sewer that will be constructed with the public street project. The developer's engineer and the City's engineering consultant must coordinate their respective designs to ensure that the rate and volume control requirements are met. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 8 of 12 Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals. The developer's engineer must work with the City's engineering consultant for the public street project to ensure that the City's storm sewer design will be able to accommodate the runoff from the parking ramp storm sewer. RETAINING WALLS A retaining wall is proposed on the north side of the passenger loading/unloading area. The retaining wall reaches a maximum height of 11.3 feet at the west side. A building permit is required for this retaining wall. UTILITIES The developer does not propose to install public utilities with this project. Some small utilities will be relocated with this project; it is the developer's responsibility to coordinate this work with the appropriate utility company. There are existing drainage and utility easements over these existing utility lines that must be vacated. The vacation will appear before the City Council on December 14, 2009. Approval of the final plat is contingent upon approval of the vacation. The sewer and water services to the proposed building will extend from laterals that will be relocated with the City's street and utility project. City Staff and the developer will continue to coordinate the utility plans to ensure continuity between the two projects. The utility plan must be changed to reflect the following: a) Show the directional flow arrows on existing and proposed utilities. b) Adjust the line work so that the proposed storm sewer can be seen on the plan. c) Show the connection to the existing storm sewer on the southwest comer of the construction limits. d) Include a note where the rain leaders connect to the existing storm sewer. The new building is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges based on the Metropolitan Council's SAC unit determination. These fees are collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. LANDSCAPING Minimum requirements for landscaping include 3,240 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot, and 13 trees for the parking lot. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table: Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 3,240 sq. ft. >3,240 sq. ft. Trees/parking lot 13 trees 19 trees Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 9 of 12 Applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. The applicant has limited planting opportunities and has maximized the available spaces with a good selection of species. The mostly native choices complement the design at the SouthWest Village park-and-ride station located in town along Highway 212. There are no plantings proposed for the north side of the building due to limited space and availability of direct sunlight. PARKS This property is located within the community park service areas for City Center Park and Lake Susan Park. Visitors to the Chanhassen Transit Station have convenient access to these park locations from the downtown area. The Transit Station will be connected to both City Center Park and Lake Susan Park by an existing off-street trail and sidewalk grid. City Center Park is 12 acres in size and features ball fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, trails, a skateboard park, and winter hockey and ice skating. The property also houses City Hall, the Main Fire Station, and the Library. Many of the city's special events, including the 4th of July Celebration, Huffman 5K Run, Farmers Market and Summer Concert Series are hosted at the park. Lake Susan Park is 34 acres in size and contains a public water access, fishing pier, extensive off- street walking trails, a community ball field, picnic areas, two large playgrounds, and ample parking. No additional parkland acquisition is being recommended as a condition ofthis subdivision. Community Park Service Areas Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 10 of 12 TRAILS The Chanhassen Transit Station will be afforded convenient access to the city's comprehensive trail system. Extensive public trails can be accessed in all directions upon leaving the subject property through utilization of downtown streets and walkways. Accessible public walkways, bicycle racks and other pedestrian-oriented improvements should be incorporated as integral features in the new transit station project. No additional trail construction is being recommended as a condition of approval of this subdivision. SIDEWALK Bike Trails "-' Existing Trod ~ Future Trail The plans reflect a sidewalk running along the north edge of the extension of Market Street. The preliminary plat drawing is missing the extreme east and west segments of the sidewalk. The applicant has been made aware of this. All plans must be revised to reflect a continuous sidewalk along the north edge of Market Street. bu I.-l~' -- ---...- --- --- =F" I --=:.-. -- --- ......~, , ',. I ::-.' -------- Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 11 of 12 RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: "The Chanhassen City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the final plat for the Chanhassen Transit Station with the following conditions: 1. Outlot B and Lot 1, Block 2 shall be conveyed to the City. 2. Existing public and private utilities must be encompassed by a ten-foot wide drainage and utility easement centered over the utility 3. The main drive aisle dimensions to the parking ramp shown on Sheet C200 must be clarified. 4. The parking ramp and surface parking area shall be privately owned and maintained. 5. The sidewalks within Outlot B shall be maintained by SouthWest Transit. 6. The grading plan is incomplete. It must show the existing two-foot contours on the north and west side of the proposed construction limits. The proposed contours must tie in to the existing contours. 7. The proposed concrete spillway that would convey runoff from the western 25 to 50 feet of the parking lot on Lot 1, Block 1 must be eliminated from the design as it would direct runoff across a sidewalk. 8. The hydrology calculations must be revised to include the drainage area to the north, particularly the flared end section that discharges approximately 55 feet north of CB B. 9. The developer's engineer and the City's engineering consultant must coordinate their respective designs to ensure that the rate and volume control requirements are met. 10. Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals. 11. The developer's engineer must work with the City's engineering consultant for the public street project to ensure that the City's storm sewer design will be able to accommodate the runoff from the parking ramp storm sewer. 12. A building permit is required for the proposed retaining wall. 13. It is the developer's responsibility to coordinate any small utility relocation with the appropriate utility company. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen Transit Station December 14, 2009 Page 12 of 12 14. The utility plan must be changed to reflect the following: a. Show the directional flow arrows on existing and proposed utilities. b. Adjust the line work so that the proposed storm sewer can be seen on the plan. c. Show the connection to the existing storm sewer on the southwest comer of the construction limits. d. Include a note where the rain leaders connect to the existing storm sewer. 15. Full park fees shall be paid in lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction. The fees shall be collected for Lot 1 Block 1 (1.45 acres) as a condition of approval for Chanhassen Transit Station. The park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. The current park and trail fee charge for commercial property is $12,500 per acre. 16. All plans must be revised to reflect a continuous sidewalk along the north edge of Market Street. 17. Approval of the subdivision is contingent upon approval of the vacation of the drainage and utility easement. 18. The executed temporary easement agreement must be submitted before the final plat is recorded." ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution. 2. Reduced Copy Final Plat. g:\plan\2009 planning cases\09-18 chanhassen station park and ride\final plat staff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DA TE: RESOLUTION NO: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT CREA TING CHANHASSEN TRANSIT STATION WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen has requested a subdivision of 9.64 acres of property into three lots and two outlots; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code; and WHEREAS, the Chanhassen Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 17,2009 and found the plan consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance and recommended approval of the subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ChanhassenCity Council hereby approves the final plat for Chanhassen Transit Station (Planning Case #09-18) creating four lots and two outlots for the property legally described in Exhibit A. The approval of the subdivision is subject to the following conditions: 1. Outlot B and Lot 1, Block 2 shall be conveyed to the City. 2. Existing public and private utilities must be encompassed by a ten-foot wide drainage and utility easement centered over the utility. 3. The main drive aisle dimensions to the parking ramp shown on Sheet C200 must be clarified. 4. The parking ramp and surface parking area shall be privately owned and maintained. 5. The sidewalks within Outlot B shall be maintained by SouthWest Transit. 6. The grading plan is incomplete. It must show the existing two-foot contours on the north and west side of the proposed construction limits. The proposed contours must tie in to the existing contours. 1 7. The proposed concrete spillway that would convey runoff from the western 25 to 50 feet of the parking lot on Lot 1, Block 1 must be eliminated from the design as it would direct runoff across a sidewalk. 8. The hydrology calculations must be revised to include the drainage area to the north, particularly the flared end section that discharges approximately 55 feet north of CB B. 9. The developer's engineer and the City's engineering consultant must coordinate their respective designs to ensure that the rate and volume control requirements are met. 10. Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals. 11. The developer's engineer must work with the City's engineering consultant for the public street project to ensure that the City's storm sewer design will be able to accommodate the runoff from the parking ramp storm sewer. 12. A building permit is required for the proposed retaining wall. 13. It is the developer's responsibility to coordinate any small utility relocation with the appropriate utility company. 14. The utility plan must be changed to reflect the following: a. Show the directional flow arrows on existing and proposed utilities. b. Adjust the line work so that the proposed storm sewer can be seen on the plan. c. Show the connection to the existing storm sewer on the southwest comer of the construction limits. d. Include a note where the rain leaders connect to the existing storm sewer. 15. Full park fees shall be paid in lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction. The fees shall be collected for Lot 1 Block 1 (1.45 acres) as a condition of approval for Chanhassen Transit Station. The park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. The current park and trail fee charge for commercial property is $12,500 per acre. 16. All plans must be revised to reflect a continuous sidewalk along the north edge of Market Street. 17. Approval of the subdivision is contingent upon approval of the vacation of the drainage and utility easement. 18. The executed temporary easement agreement must be submitted before the final plat is recorded. 2 Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 14th day of December, 2009. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Clerk/Manager YES Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor NO ABSENT g:\plan\2009 planning cases\09-l8 chanhassen station park and ride\subdivision resolution. doc 3 o 0 z z ~ 0 u:: 0 I- 0 :3 ci c.. 0 z o - I- ( I- UJ I- - UJ Z ( " I- Z W UJ UJ ( I: Z ( I: o II J ~ iO! ~ ~ g H~ m 6~~ ~~~ Uh "'lJ~o; 1m di! I' ~ )I,dl 0; .sa:5 o < !H !H ~j~ ;06:; tsi II! o~:! i;i m ~~~ !~t ;€=ij'; "0- t~~ ~~! m o}~ Iii o~~ ll~ ~~ :; i Ill, ~; un ~~ !il~ ;! 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