Consent of Bremer Bank CONSENT OF BREMER BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION TO PLAT OF CHANHASSEN TRANSIT STATION, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA BREMER BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a national banking association, is owner of and the Mortgagee / Secured Party named in certain documents [First Combination Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement, Amendment thereof, Mortgage and Modification Agreement], and is owner of and the Assignee/Lender named in certain documents [First Assignment of Rents and Leases and Amendment thereof and Assignment of Rents] which documents are identified as follows: 1. First Combination Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement dated February 4, 1999, and filed March 2, 1999, as Document No. A245261 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota; 2. Amendment to First Combination Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement dated April 6, 2004, and filed May 20, 2004, as Document No. A387174 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota; 3. First Assignment of Rents and Leases dated February 4, 1999, and filed March 2, 1999, as Document No. A245262 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota; 4. Amendment of First Assignment of Rents and Leases dated April 6, 2004, and filed May 20, 2004, as Document No. A387175 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota; 5. Mortgage dated June 13, 2006, and filed July 7, 2006, as Document No. A444885 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota; 6. Modification of Mortgage dated January 2, 2008, and filed February 20, 2008, as Document No. A478849 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota; 7. Assignment of Rents dated June 13, 2006, and filed July 7, 2006, as Document No. A444886 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota. Bremer Bank, National Association, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby consent to and join in that certain plat of CHANHASSEN TRANSIT STATION, Carver County, Minnesota, filed on the day of December, 2009, as Document No. , in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota.1'1 Executed this {1- day of December, 2009. BREMER BANK, TIONAL ASSOCIATION By;/J# ~. Nelson Its Senior Vice President STATE OF MINNESOTA ] ] ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11 'l:!1 day of December, 2009, by Mark R. Nelson, Senior Vice President of Bremer Bank, National Association, a national banking association, on behalf of said national banking association. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Rice Law Firm, Chartered 525 West 78th Street, Suite 201 P.O. Box 1180 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317-1180 MARILYN T. BURLINGAME NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jan. 31,2012 EXHIBIT" A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY KNOW ALl. MEN BY nlESE PRESENTS: That Bloomberg Companies Incorporated, 0 Mlnn..oto corporoUon. lee owner of the following described property situated In the Counly 01 Corver. Stot. of Mlnn..olo to wit: . ThaI port of the Northeast Ouarler of the Northwest Ouorler 01 SecUon 13. Township 115, Range 23 whIch lies southerly 01 Ihe north 33.00 reet thereor. which Ilee eosterly of the plot of Frontier Clnemo AddltlOll. occordlng to the recorded plot thereOf. northerly of 0 line distant 55.5 feet northerly and parallel with the centerline of the Chicago, Mnwoukee, st. Paul and Paclfh: RanroQd Compony'~ moin track as now laid out and e5tobllshed ond which Ifts southerly of a UnB drawn paraUel and/or concentric with find distant 50.00 fed southeasterly af the following described limn .. CommencIng ot a point distant 5.00 feel south from auld northeast come, of tha Northwest Quorter as measured at a rIght angle from the north line of sold Northwest Quarter; thence on on assumed bearmg of West parallel with sold north Une of the NorthwBst QUllrter for 600.00 feel; thence on a bearing of East for 107.01 feet to the aotual patnt of beginning of the line to be descrlbedj thence easlerly and southeasterly 257.84 feet along 0 tangenUal curve concave to the southwest having Q radIus of 300.00 feet and a centraf angle of 49 degroM 14 minutes 41 seconds; thence South 40 degrees 45 mrnutes 19 seconds East, tangent to the last described curve, Q distance of 351.48 feet; thence southeasterly and southerly 2<4-9.72 feet along a tangential CUI'VO concave to the sOlJthwe.st having a radius of 344.92 feet and 0 centrol angle of 41 degrees 28 minutes 55 seconds, and sold line there terminating. Excepllng therefrom lI1e lollowlng three parcell" Commencing at the northeasl comer of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwsst Quarter. Section 13, Township 116, Range 23; thence w.st olong the north line 01 sold Northeost Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 252.00 fest to the pamt of beginning of the troct to be described: thence south parallel with the eost Une of sold Northeast Quarter 01; the Northwest Quarter a ,,"stance of 303.00 feet: thence east parallel with the north Une af sold Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter 0 d1shmce of 60.00 fsetj thence north parollcd with the east line of sold Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 303.00 feet: thence west 60.00 fset to the polnt Qf beglnntng. And That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13. Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described os follows: Commenclng ut the Norlheast corner 01 sold Northwest Quarter: thence south along the east line ,af said Northwest Quarter a distance of 351.5 fBeti thence west ot right angles 192.00 feet more or less to Its Intersection with a Uno 192.00 feet weat of cmd parallcd w1th the 8ast nne of sold Northwest Quarter, as measured along a line parallel with the north nne of said Nor\hwesl Quarterl to the actual point of beginning: thence contfnue afong the last de.lcrlbed r;:ourlle 15.00 feet; thence north parallel t~~ e~B~ t~~t ~~n~arJ N~~':s~Q~s:rl~or:hen~~ ~~ep~~~i~O ~thtt~:U~rU: ":~ ~r:~~ N~h~e~t"Q~r~~~e aa~I:~~~c~~\h~5~~OOreo:ter~ ~lJl:;::G1~r~oD}:f :e~'r~r::J'e' with parallel with the east line of saId Northwest Quarter, as measured along a line parallel with the north Rne of aald Northwest Quarter. thence south parallel with the easl line or said Northwest Quarter to the point or beginning. ANO All that port of the Northeast Quarter of th. Northwest Ouorter. SecllOll 13, Township 115, Range 23 which I. embraced withIn the plot of Old vmage Hall, according to the recorded plot \hereof, Carver Coun1y, Mlnnesoto# Together with that port of OUUc:tl At Frontier CInema Addltlon, Corver County, MtnnelJota, described os follows: Commencing at the southeast carner' of said Outlot A, Frontler CInema Addition, Carver County. Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 33 minutes 26 seconds West, on assumed bearing, along the east nne of sold Outlot A, a distonce of 110.00 feet; thence North 17 degrees 52 minutes 40 Baconds East along sold easlllne of Outlot A, 0 distance of 6.11 teet to the point of beglnnfngi thence North 11 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds West 0 distance of 98.29 feet; thence North 78 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds EQ'st 0 dlBtonce of 31.70 feet to sold e..tllne of Outlot A; th""ce .outherly alang saId east line of Outlot A 10 tho point 0' beginning. . And that the City of Chonhosscn, 0 public bod)' corporate and poUtlc under the laws of the State of Minnesota. fee owner of the following described property s1luated in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota to wit: All that port of the following described property; That port of the Northeast Quartsr of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 116, Runge 23, described as follows: Commencing at. the northeast comer of tho Northeast Quarter of the Narthweat Quarter, Section 13. Townahlp 116, Range 23: thence west o1ong the north line of said Northeast ~~~:: ~~ ~: ~:.~:::: ~:::~ ~ ~=::: :r ~gigg :::~; lrh~:c,P:~\ :~r:li~r~,t~ ~eu;.~r~aiI~etoo~~o1:s::th~a:~~:rl~~~ f~:a~~rth~B:hOu:~:~ "~e dl~~a~:~ ~tr6~~t feet: thence north parallel with the eost llne of aold Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter 0 dtstanl::e o( 303.00 feet; thence west 60.00 feet to the point of beginning. Which lies Southerly of a Una drawn porollel and/or concenlric with and distant 50.00 feet Southeosterty from the fallow1ng descr'ibed line: Commencing at a poTnt distant 5.00 feet South from sold Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter au mea~ured at a right angle from the North line or sold NQrthwe!l Quarter; thence on on ossumed bearing of Wesl parallel with said North Una of the Northwest Quarter for 600.00 feet: lhem;CI on 0 beorlng of East for 107.01 'eltt 10 the actual point of beginning 01 sold line; thence Easterly and Southeasterly ror 257.8+ leel along 0 1000genllol curve COllcove to l~. Southwest having 0 radius. of 300.00 feel and .0 l:entral angle ar 49, degrees 14 minutes 41 seconds; thence 'South 40 degrees 45 mInutes 19 seconda E08t, tangent ,to sold curve. for 351.48 feeti thence Southeasterly and Southerly for 249.72 feet along a tangenUol curve concol/e to the Southwest ha'Ang 0 radius of 344.92 feet and 0 central ongle af 41 degrees 28 minutes 55 scconds, and sold line there terminallng. Togttther with that part of the Ncrthwe:st Quarter cf Section 13, Townshfp 116, Range 23, Carver County. M~nesota, described os follows: Commencfng at the Northeast comer of sold Northwest Ouarter. thenes south along the east Une of sold Northwest Quarter 0 distance of 351.5 feet: Ulence west at right angles 192.00 feet more or less to its Intersection with 0 line 192.00 feel west of and parallel with the east line of sold Northw~:Jt Quarter, os measured along 0 line parallel with the north line at said Northwest Quarter. to the actual point of beginning: thence continue along the last described GOUr'se 1~DO feeti thence north paraUet with the eo"t line of ,saId Northwest Quarter to a Une 303.00 feet south of and par.allel with the nOr'th line or said Northwest Quarter, as measured along 0 line parallel with tha east line of sold Northwest Quarter; thence east parallel with the north Una or said Northwest Quarter a dlstance of 1S.00 feet to a line 192.00 teet west of and parollel with the east Une of sold NorthwQst Quarter, as measured along 0 line parallel with the north Una of said Northwest Quarter; thence south parallsl with the east line of sold Northwest Quarter to the point of begInning. ~I~~rn~t dt::c~bO::'~~o:;r~yR:I~~~t~c:ri:aet~:~~u~~~ :r c:~~~r s\~~e C~? MI~,:~~~at:e~l:g public body corporate and polltfc under the lows of the Stote of ~lnnesota. fere owner of the OuUat A, Old Village Hall, According to the recorded plot thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Hove caused the some to be surveyed and platted as CHANHASSEN TRANSIT STAl1ON. 149200vOl SRN: 1 2/16/2009 A-I CHAN :Chanhassen Transit Station