Public Improvement and Special Assessment Agreement PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") made this Z-yJ day of N OVP}(y\ \::rev , 2009, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") with offices at 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, and BLOOMBERG COMPANIES INCORPORATED, a Minnesota corporation, whose address is 525 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 ("Owner"). RECITALS A. The Owner owns real property located in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as: Lot 2 Block 1 Chanhassen Transit Station Addition ("Parcell") Lot 3 Block 1 Chanhassen Transit Station Addition ("Parcel 2") Outlot A Frontier Cinema Addition ("Parcel 3") Lot 2 Block 1 Frontier Cinema Addition ("Parcel 4") collectively referred to as the "Subject Property." B. The City of Chanhassen intends to have constructed street, storm drainage, water main, and sanitary sewer improvements (the "Public Improvement"), in conjunction with Southwest Metro Transit's construction of a Downtown Parking Ramp. A copy of the Engineering Feasibility Report is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". The current estimated project cost ofthe Public Improvement is $1,822,264.00 including but not limited to land acquisition, building demolition, tenant relocation, engineering, testing, financing, legal, inspection, and construction costs. C. Owner is requesting the Public Improvement and is in agreement with the assessments set forth herein. I 44622v07 RNK:rll/20/2009 1 NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS SET FORTH HEREIN, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSMENT. The Subject Property shall be assessed by the City as follows for the following principal amounts: Parcell $361,843.40 Parcel 2 $116,723.58 Parcel 3 $63,929.02 Parcel 4 $186,757.00 The assessments shall be spread over eight years, together with six percent interest (6 %) per year on the unpaid balance. Interest shall accrue from February 1, 2010, however payment of the first installment of the special assessments will be deferred to taxes payable in 2012. 2. WAIVER. The Owner, by signing this Agreement, waives any and all procedural and substantive objections to both the Public Improvement and the special assessment against the Subject Property, including but not limited to hearing requirements and any claims that the assessment exceeds the benefit to the Subject Property. The Owner waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~ 429.081. 3. BINDING EFFECT; RECORDING. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Owner and the Owner's successors and assigns. This Agreement may be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: OWNER: BLOOMBERG COMPANIES INCORPORATED BY:i~ ~ {;:e- f~ 144622v07 2 RNK:r 11120/2009 ST ATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l~...\.-h day of 1)::rpmber ,2009, by Thomas A. Furlong and by Todd Gerhardt, the Mayor and City Manager/Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. STATE OF MINNESOTA ~)~ Not ry PubliC.. . I- '. KIM T. MEUWISSEN I Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 ) COUNTYOFGAtZVfZ,fL jss. AJ The foregoing inslrnment was acknowledged before me this 2.:3 ~y of DV~ 2009, byC-L...~vrD 1J T: ~ the F2..x. tt~ & J -r I v.~ V l~ Pt2..~ S of Bloomberg Companies Incorporated, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. TillS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNuTSON Professional Association 1380 Corporate Center Curve, Suite 317 Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 RNK: sm 144622v07 RNK:rll/20/2009 3 EXHIBIT" A" TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AND ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY REPORT 144622v07 RNK:r I 1/20/2009 4 1JP'l-_n Kimley-Hom IraJ U and Associates, Inc. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attn: Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Jon Horn, P.E. Date: October 30, 2009 Re: Amendment #1 to Feasibility Study and Report Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements City Project 08-11 This memo amends the feasibility study and report accepted by Council on March 23, 2009 for the above-referenced project. The purpose of this amendment is to: 1. fuclude the updated design of the proposed SouthWest Transit parking ramp/transit station 2. Address changes in the proposed phasing plan for the construction of the proposed improvements 3. IdentifY changes in the proposed land acquisition and the associated acquisition costs 4. Update the estimated costs, financing plan, and estimated assessments 5. Update the proposed project schedule These changes are the result of continued coordination of the project with SouthWest Transit, Bloomberg Companies, and MnIDOT. This amendment includes the following attachments: · Revised Exhibit 3 Proposed Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Relocation · Revised Exhibit 5 Proposed Street Improvements · Revised Exhibit 7 Proposed Property Ownership . TEL 651 645 4197 FAX 651 645 5116 . Suite 345N 2550 UnivelSlty Avenue West Sl Paul, Minnesota 55114 PROPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS The proposed design for the parking ramp/transit station has changed since the original feasibility study and report was received by the Council on March 23, 2009. The footprint for the ramp has been revised and a bus turnaround and transit platform has been added east of the ramp. The updated design for the parking ramp/transit station improvements is illustrated on attached Exhibits 3 and 5. The proposed parking ramp/transit station improvements are further detailed in a Site Plan Review package that was submitted to the City by Southwest Transit on October 16,2009. The original feasibility study and report identified that the City improvements associated with the parking ramp/transit station would be constructed in two phases. The scope of the proposed City improvements has not significantly changed; however, the phasing for some of the improvements has been revised based on coordination with SouthWest Transit. The following is an updated summary of the improvements to be included in each phase: Phase 1 Improvements The Phase lA improvements include the following: . Demolition of the existing scene shop · Clearing and grubbing · Earthwork/grading · Retaining wall construction The Phase lA improvements will be fmanced through assessments to SouthWest Transit and Bloomberg Companies. The Phase IB improvements include the following: · Watermain relocation and service improvements · Sanitary sewer relocation and service improvements The Phase 1 B improvements will be fmanced through City funds. The Phase lA and IB improvements will be designed, bid, and constructed together as a City public improvement project. Phase 2 Improvements The Phase 2 improvements include the following: · Storm drainage improvements · Street construction · Sidewalk construction · Street lighting . Restoration/landscaping PauIOehme,F.E. October 3D, 2009 Page 20[5 Paul Oehme, P.E. October 30,2009 Page 3 of5 These improvements will be financed through assessments to SouthWest Transit and Bloomberg Companies. The Phase 2 improvements will be designed by the City, but bid and constructed as a part ofthe SouthWest Transit parking ramp/transit station project. The City improvements are being included as a part of the parking ramp/transit project for coordination and funding purposes. A Cooperative Agreement will be executed between SouthWest Transit and the City detailing the terms and conditions for this arrangement. Attached Exhibit 3 details the proposed sanitary sewer and watermain improvements. Attached Exhibit 5 details the proposed street improvements. RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT REOUIREMENTS As a part of the project, the City and South West Transit will be acquiring easements and property from Bloomberg Properties. A plat is being prepared to create the necessary land acquisition parcels. Attached Exhibit 7 details the proposed property ownership. The table below further details the proposed property and easement acquisition included as a part of the project. Current Proposed Parcel Deseri tion Ownershi Ownershi Lot 1, Block 1 Bloomber SouthWest Lot 2, Block 1 Bloomber Bloomber Lot 3, Block 1 Bloomber Bloomber Lot 1, Block 2 Bloomberg & City Ci Outlot A Ci Ci 5,244 N/A Outlot B Bloomberg & City 47,062/34,879 $286,008 Ci Roadway, Drainage, Bloomberg Bloomberg 15,250 $0 &Utili Easement SouthWest Transit is acquiring Lot 1, Block 1 :from Bloomberg Companies through a separate agreement. The proposed roadway, drainage, and utility easement is outside of the boundaries of the plat and will be dedicated to the City by Bloomberg at no cost through a separate agreement. Additional land acquisition costs will be incurred to acquire and relocate the scene shop as identified in the original feasibility study and report. ESTIMATED COSTS The following is an updated estimated cost summary for the project: Proposed Improvements Estimated Cost Phase lA Improvements . Building Demolition $ 51,500 . Site Preparation Work $ 218.200 Subtotal $ 269,700 Phase 1 B Improvements . Sanitary Sewer Relocation $ 52,800 . Watermain Relocation $ 77.500 Subtotal $ 130,300 Total - Phase 1 Improvements $ 400,000 Phase 2 Improvements . Street Improvements $ 486,100 . Storm Sewer Improvements $ 88.100 Total- Phase 2 Improvements $ 574,200 Land Acquisition Costs . Depot Station Site $ 140,540 . Street Right-of-Way $ 286,008 . Acquisition of Scene Shop $ 300,000 . Scene Shop Relocation $ 100.000 Subtotal $ 826,548 Total Project Cost $ 1,800,748 METHOD OF FINANCING AND ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS As identified in the original feasibility study and report, the improvements are proposed to be fmanced through a combination of assessments to benefiting property owners and City funds. The following is a summary of the proposed financing plan for the project. Financing Source Assessments Bloomberg Companies SouthWest Transit Total Assessments City of Chanhassen Costs Total Amount $ 729,253 $ 700.655 $ 1,429,908 $ 370.840 $ 1,800,748 The proposed financing plan is based on the following criteria: Paul Oehme, P.E. October 30, 2009 Page 4 0/5 . Bloomberg Companies is assessed 51 % of the street right-of-way and scene shop acquisition, building demolition, street, and storm sewer costs. . SouthWest Transit is assessed 49% of the street right-of-way and scene shop acquisition, building demolition, street, and storm sewer costs. . City of Chanhassen pays 100% of the costs for depot station site acquisition, the scene shop relocation, and the sanitary sewer and watermain improvements. . All land acquisition costs assume a land value of $8.20/square foot. PROJECT SCHEDULE The following is a preliminary schedule for the implementation of the project. City Council Received Feasibility Report Site Plan and Preliminary Plat Submitted to City Staff City Council Receive Feasibility Report Amendment and Call Public Hearing Planning Commission Review Site Plan and Preliminary Plat Public Hearing and Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications City Council Approve SW Transit and Bloomberg Agreements Site Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Final Plat to City Council Phase 1 Improvements City Council Approve Final Plans and Specs and Authorize Ad for Bids Bid Opening City Council Awards Contract Start Construction Complete Construction March 23, 2009 Oct. 16,2009 Nov. 9, 2009 Nov. 17,2009 Nov. 23, 2009 Nov. 23, 2009 Dec. 14,2009 Jan. 11,2010 Feb. 12,2010 Feb. 22,2010 April 5, 2010 June 25, 2010 Phase 2 Improvements (in coni unction with parking ramp construction) City Council Approve Final Plans and Specs and Jan. 11,2010 Authorizes SW Transit to Bid Project Bid Opening SouthWest Transit Awards Contract/City Concurs Start Construction Complete Construction February 2010 March 2010 July 5, 2010 August 2011 The fmal schedule for the public improvements will be coordinated with the construction of the parking ramp/transit station and may change from the dates listed above. cc: File 160511012.2/3.1 Paul Oehme, P.E. October 30, 2009 Page 5 of5 _... Kimley~Horn - ,,-_., and Associates, Inc. I.",' ~~'-:I ... . --. .&.-- - . III .... .. ... -. . .. II .. _ ..... II 0' III .- I. ..- - .. - - . r_1 -.. . -.. -- .-' -.-. 1_ _ II.... ., .,. .,.r:-..-. I .. . _'1_ ...._ ... - III _.... ... .... III ' .. . 1.-- - .... . - . - .. .,,- ... '. I .... -. . .....- II.' .1. .!;. - -... II C,. . . .. -II .. .. ... .-. - - .-. . . .... . -..- .. ,...... = . I ,. - ..r _. r.l... - .........- ..'-. -'.. .. - - --, . .. 11_ . --.- . ,- .. ... .. ... , . -=. I -.. ... . ....,-., -, -- . --_.-. -. -..... .. .. .. . "'.-. ..' . . .. .... .... . .. -.11 - III -.- - . . . -..:".-, - .'11.... .. . - -. -. ...-... ....... .. . II .-_. - II .. ...., II .... -.i':. .. .. - .. .-- .. .--- - -.'.".' . 11,..- ... .'.--=- . Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements City Project 08-11 Feasibility Study And Report Prepared for: City of Chanhassen March 2009 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. March 23, 2009 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 III Suite 345N 2550 University Avenue West SI. Paul, Minnesota 55114 Attn: Paul Oehme, P.E. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Re: Feasibility Study and Report Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements City Project 08-11 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: The enclosed feasibility report has been prepared for the Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements, City Project 08-11, as was authorized at the August 11, 2008 City Council meeting. The feasibility report details the scope of the project as discussed with City staff and provides estimated costs and a proposed method of financing for the project. Information utilized in the preparation of this report included utility as- buiIts, survey information provided by SouthWest Transit, information from other City studies/reports, information gathered through field reviews of the project area, and discussions with City staff. All available information was reviewed and considered to determine the feasibility of the proposed project. We believe that the proposed project is feasible, that it will benefit the properties in the project area, and that it will benefit the City of Chanhassen. Sincerely, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~ Chadd Larson, P .E. Project Manager Enclosure cc: File: 160511012/3.10 . TEL 651 645 4197 FAX 651 645 5116 FEASIBILITY STUDY AND REPORT FOR CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2550 University Avenue West Suite 345N St. Paul, MN 55114 (651) 645-4197 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature: ~/~ Chadd B. Larson, P.E. Date: 3/z!.A;:;9 Lie. No. 41864 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 APPENDIX A - EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Project Location Proposed Building Demolition Proposed Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Relocation Proposed Typical Sections Proposed Street Improvements Existing Property Ownership Proposed Property Ownership APPENDIX B - DETAILED COST ESTIMATES APPENDIX C - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL APPENDIX D - HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT APPENDIX E - TRAFFIC IMP ACT ANALYSIS CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This feasibility study and report has been prepared for the Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements, City Project 08-11. The project includes the construction of public roadway and utility improvements to support the proposed construction of a 400 car parking ramp/transit station for SouthWest Transit. The parking ramp is proposed to be constructed along the south side of West 78th Street between Market Boulevard and Great Plains Boulevard, directly behind the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. The public improvements are proposed to be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 will include the demolition of the existing scene shop building for the Dinner Theater and a bus stop enclosure, sanitary sewer relocation, and watermain improvements to prepare for the construction of the parking ramp/transit station. Phase 2 will include street and storm drainage improvements in conjunction with the construction of the transit station. The estimated costs for the proposed improvements are detailed below. These costs include a 10 percent construction cost contingency and a 30 percent allowance for indirect costs. Proposed Improvements Estimated Cost Phase 1 Improvements . Building Demolition $ 51,500 . Sanitary Sewer Relocation $ 52,800 . Watermain Relocation $ 77 .500 Subtotal $ 181,800 Phase 2 Improvements . Street Improvements $ 704,300 . Storm Sewer Improvements $ 88.1 00 Subtotal $ 792,400 Land Acquisition Costs . Depot Station Site $ 133,660 . Street Right-of-Way $ 400,000 . Acquisition of Scene Shop $ 300,000 . Scene Shop Relocation $ 100,000 Subtotal $ 933,660 Total Project Cost $ 1,907,860 The improvements are proposed to be financed through a combination of assessments to benefiting property owners and City funds. The following is a summary of the proposed financing plan for the project. Financing Source Assessments Bloomberg Companies SouthWest Transit Total Assessments City of Chanhassen Costs Total Amount $ 787,640 $ 756.260 $ 1,543,900 $ 363,960 $ 1,907,860 The proposed financing plan has been prepared based on the following criteria: . Bloomberg Companies is assessed 51 % of the street right-of-way and scene shop acquisition, building demolition, street, and storm sewer costs. . SouthWest Transit is assessed 49% of the street right-of-way and scene shop acquisition, building demolition, street, and storm sewer costs. . City of Chanhassen pays 100% of the costs for depot station site acquisition, the scene shop relocation, and the sanitary sewer and watermain improvements. . All land acquisition costs assume a value of approximately $8.20/square foot. Funding for the City share of the project would come from several sources: Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund Water Utility Fund Revolving Assessment Fund Total $ 52,800 $ 77,500 $ 233,660 $ 363,960 Note: The Revolving Assessment Fund estimate is over the budgeted amount in the 2009 CIP. This increase in cost is due to the increase in costs of the project and additional negotiations with the benefiting property owners. The following is a preliminary schedule for the implementation of the project. City Council Receives Feasibility Study and Report; Call Public Hearing Public Hearing and Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specs Phase 1 Improvements City Council Approves Final Plans and Specs and Authorizes Ad for Bids Bid Opening City Council Awards Contract Start Construction Complete Construction Phase 2 Improvements City Council Approves Final Plans and Specs and Authorizes Ad for Bids Bid Opening 11 March 23, 2009 April 13, 2009 April 27, 2009 May 29, 2009 June 8, 2009 July 15,2009 August 14,2009 January 2010 February 2010 City Council Awards Contract Start Construction Complete Construction March 2010 June 2010 August 2010 The final schedule for the public improvements will be coordinated with the construction of the parking ramp/transit station and may change from the dates listed above. Based upon the analysis completed as a part of this report, the proposed Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements, City Project 08-11 are feasible, necessary, and cost effective, and will benefit the City of Chanhassen. 111 1. INTRODUCTION On August 11, 2008, the Chanhassen City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility study and report for the Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements, City Project 08-11. The proposed improvements are in conjunction with a separate project in which SouthWest Transit proposes to construct a parking ramp and associated parking lot and site improvements on Chanhassen Dinner Theater property. The proposed project will be constructed in two phases: Phase 1 will include the demolition of an existing building and bus stop enclosure, and the relocation of sanitary and watermain; Phase 2 will include street construction and storm sewer improvements. Details of the project are outlined in this report along with the estimated costs, proposed funding methods and proposed assessments to the benefiting property owners. A project location map is provided as Exhibit 1 in Appendix A. 2. PROPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS The following is a summary of the proposed Phase 1 and Phase 2 improvements to be included as a part of this project. Exhibits 2, 3,4 and 5 in Appendix A further illustrate the proposed improvements. Phase 1 Improvements A. Building Demolition This project is proposed to include the demolition of an existing steel building located at the south end of the Chanhassen Dinner Theater parking lot. The existing building currently serves as a scene shop for the Dinner Theater and is located within the area of a parking ramp proposed to be constructed as part of a separate project. A SouthWest Transit bus stop enclosure adjacent to the existing scene shop will also be removed. In conjunction with the building demolition, a Hazardous Building Materials Inspection Report was completed by Braun Intertec to ascertain the extent, type and condition of hazardous materials within the existing building. No asbestos-containing materials or deteriorated lead-based paint were detected at the time of the inspection. The Hazardous Building Materials Inspection Report is included as Appendix D of this feasibility study and report. B. Sanitary Sewer Relocation Existing 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer located within the proposed parking ramp footprint is proposed to be removed and relocated south of the proposed parking ramp and extend east to serve potential future development. Relocated sanitary sewer is proposed to be 8- inch PVC pipe. A temporary sanitary sewer bypass may be necessary for the relocation 1 of the sanitary sewer main. Sanitary sewer services are proposed to service the proposed parking ramp and potential future development to the east of the parking ramp. Existing sanitary manhole castings within the area disturbed by construction are proposed to be replaced. C. Watermain Relocation Existing 8-inch cast iron watermain located within the proposed parking ramp footprint and extending east toward Great Plains Boulevard is proposed to be removed and relocated to south of the parking ramp. The watermain will be replaced with C-900 PVC pIpe. Existing hydrants disturbed by construction are proposed to be relocated. Water services are proposed to be constructed to service the proposed parking ramp and potential future development. All existing water services and curb boxes adjacent to replaced watermain are proposed to be replaced. Exhibit 2 in Appendix A illustrates the proposed building demolition. Exhibit 3 in Appendix A illustrates the proposed sanitary sewer and watermain relocation. Phase 2 Improvements A. Street Improvements This project is proposed to include the construction of a local street connecting Great Plains Boulevard at the Dinner Theater driveway to existing Pauly Drive. The proposed street will facilitate access to the proposed parking ramp to be constructed by SouthWest Transit as a part of a separate project. This feasibility study includes a traffic impact analysis which was conducted to investigate potential traffic impacts of the proposed parking ramp and associated site improvements. The traffic impact analysis is included as Appendix E ofthis feasibility study and report. The existing Chanhassen Dinner Theater driveway at Great Plains Boulevard is approximately 36 feet wide and currently provides easterly access to the Dinner Theater parking lot. Pauly Drive currently provides westerly access from Market Boulevard to the Dinner Theater and other adjacent buildings. The new street is proposed to connect to Great Plains Boulevard at the existing driveway to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater and parallel the Soo Line Railway. The proposed street is approximately 1,000 feet in length. From Great Plains Boulevard to the proposed parking ramp, the new street is proposed to be a 36 foot wide urban street section with concrete barrier curb and gutter. Adjacent to the proposed parking ramp, the street is proposed to be a 48 foot wide divided street with an 8 foot wide median and 10 foot wide bus drop-off bay. West of the proposed parking ramp, the proposed street will taper down to connect to Pauly Drive. 2 New bituminous surfaces are proposed to consist of the City standard commercial/ industrial pavement section: 6 1i inches of bituminous pavement and 12 inches of aggregate base course. Due to Chanhassen's clay soils, an additional 2 feet of sub-cut is proposed to be excavated and replaced with 2 feet of select granular borrow material. Geotextile fabric may also be installed in areas with less suitable soils to stabilize the sub-base. The proposed street construction will include the removal of existing parking spaces along Pauly Drive to facilitate safe pedestrian and vehicle movement out of the proposed parking ramp. Proposed improvements also include the construction of a sidewalk connecting the proposed parking ramp to the adjacent movie theater. Coordination with private utility companies will be required as there are private utilities which lie within the proposed area of disturbance. Relocation of some private utilities may be necessary for completion of this project. Exhibit 4 in Appendix A illustrates the proposed typical sections. B. Storm Sewer Improvements Existing storm sewer within the project area consists of catch basins, pipe and flared end sections which will be displaced by the proposed roadway and parking ramp construction. Runoff from the western portion of the project area ultimately discharges to a pond located west of Market Boulevard. Storm sewer is proposed to be constructed as necessary to modify existing storm sewer displaced by ramp construction, or to collect runoff at low points created along the proposed roadway. The proposed storm sewer will connect to the existing drainage system wherever possible and will be designed with consideration of proposed adjacent site improvements. Drain tile is proposed to be installed at all low points and in areas with a high groundwater table. Exhibit 5 in Appendix A illustrates the proposed street and storm sewer improvements. 3. RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS The project area impacts a combination of parcels owned by Bloomberg Companies and the City of Chanhassen. Bloomberg Companies owns two parcels which will be affected by the proposed construction. Exhibit 6 in Appendix A illustrates the existing property ownership. 3 The City will acquire the right of way necessary for the roadway improvements as well as the existing Depot parcel located at the southeast corner of the project area. SouthWest Transit will acquire the necessary property for the parking ramp improvements. The project area will be re-platted to accommodate the proposed land uses. It is assumed that any easements required for construction will be dedicated at no cost to the City. Exhibit 7 in Appendix A illustrates the proposed property ownership. 4. ESTIMATED COSTS The estimated costs for the Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements, City Project 08-11, as proposed in this feasibility study, are detailed below. The estimated project costs include a 10 percent construction cost contingency and a 30 percent allowance for indirect costs such as engineering, administrative, legal items, and capitalized interest. Detailed cost estimates are provided in Appendix B. Proposed Improvements Phase 1 Improvements . Building Demolition . Sanitary Sewer Relocation . Watermain Relocation Subtotal Phase 2 Improvements . Street Improvements . Storm Sewer Improvements Subtotal Land Acquisition Costs . Depot Station Site . Street Right-of-Way . Acquisition of Scene Shop . Scene Shop Relocation Subtotal Total Project Cost Estimated Cost $ 51,500 $ 52,800 $ 77 500 $ 181,800 $ 704,300 $ 88,1 00 $ 792,400 $ 133,660 $ 400,000 $ 300,000 $ 100,000 $ 933,660 $ 1,907,860 5. METHOD OF FINANCING The Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements, City Project 08-11, is proposed to be financed through a combination of assessments to benefiting property owners and City funds. The following is the preliminary financing plan for the project. 4 Financing Source Assessments Bloomberg Companies SouthWest Transit Total Assessments Amount $ 787,640 $ 756,260 $ 1,543,900 City of Chanhassen Total $ 363,960 $ 1,907,860 The proposed financing plan has been prepared based on the following criteria: . Bloomberg Companies and SouthWest Transit are assessed for the street right-of-way and scene shop acquisition, building demolition, street, and storm sewer costs. . City of Chanhassen pays 100% of the costs for depot station site acquisition, the scene shop relocation, and the sanitary sewer and watermain improvements. . All land acquisition costs assume a value of approximately $8.20/square foot. Funding for the City share of the project would come from several sources: Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund Water Utility Fund Revolving Assessment Fund Total $ 52,800 $ 77 ,500 $ 233,660 $ 363,960 Note: The Revolving Assessment Fund estimate is over the budgeted amount in the 2009 CIP. This increase in cost is due to the increase in costs ofthe project and additional negotiations with the benefiting property owners. 6. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS Special assessments for the proposed improvements are proposed to be levied against benefiting properties. This report includes preliminary assessments to the benefiting property owners based on cost estimates for the improvements. The City will assess the benefiting property owners based on the actual cost of the improvements. The costs for the improvements are proposed to be assessed to the benefiting properties on the following basis: · Bloomberg Companies is assessed 51 % of the street right-of-way and scene shop acquisition, building demolition, street, and storm sewer costs. · SouthWest Transit is assessed 49% of the street right-of-way and scene shop acquisition, building demolition, street, and storm sewer costs. Estimated Costs Street Right of Way Scene Shop Acquisition $ 400,000 $ 300,000 5 Building Demolition Street Improvements Storm Sewer Improvements Total Assessments Bloomberg Companies (51 %) SouthWest Transit (49%) Total Assessments $ 51,500 $ 704,300 $ 88,1 00 $ 1,543,900 $ 787,640 $ 756.260 $ 1,543,900 A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix C. The preliminary assessment roll details the proposed assessments to Bloomberg Companies and SouthWest Transit. 7. PROJECT SCHEDULE The following is the proposed project schedule: City Council Receives Feasibility Study and Report; Call Public Hearing Public Hearing and Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specs Phase 1 Improvements City Council Approves Final Plans and Specs and Authorizes Ad for Bids Bid Opening City Council Awards Contract Start Construction Complete Construction Phase 2 Improvements City Council Approves Final Plans and Specs and Authorizes Ad for Bids Bid Opening City Council Awards Contract Start Construction Complete Construction March 23, 2009 April 13, 2009 April 27, 2009 May 29, 2009 June 8, 2009 July 15,2009 August 14, 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 20 I 0 June 2010 August 2010 The final schedule for the public improvements will be coordinated with the construction of the transit station and may change from the dates listed above. 8. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the analysis completed as a part of this report, the proposed Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements, City Project 08-11 are feasible, necessary, and cost effective. We recommend the following: 6 A. The Chanhassen City Council accept this feasibility study and report on March 23,2009 and call a public hearing for April 13, 2009. B. After receiving the appropriate staff reports, staff information and public hearing input, the Council must decide on the approval or rejection of the proposed public improvements. C. Based upon the outcome of the public hearing, the Council could proceed to order the proposed improvements. 7 APPENDIX A EXHIBITS 0> 3= "U Z o i= <( <.> o ~ I ?- m I x w I (L :::;: <( 0::: :;;:: ~ (f) w ~ ~ ~ I x ~ Cl Cl <( <.> /' (L :::;: <( 0::: ,d (f) /' z w (f) U) <( I Z <( I <.> /' ~ U /' "> U I <.> :;;:: l- /' ~ SEN 2 \ \\\ li\\ e Ann ) II! / If in '{!III I ri. SADDLEBROOK PA 7 CHIPPEWA TR 3. BELMONT LA . 74. DERBY DR . ;~: CANTERBuRy OR PREAKNESS LA . ~7. P1MUCO lA. 8. LAREDO LA. ~~. IROQUOIS ST. 109' SANTA FE OR. 112' SPOONBILL OR. . NICHOLAS :;i KIMBERLY l:AY . KELLY CT. I!( CITY OF CHANHASSEN ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, 100. DOWNTO WN TRANSIT STATION CI~TpERI~;EROVEMENTS CT NO. 08-11 PROJECT LOCATION EXHIBIT 1 CflY OF ~ ~ ~I c...;> '" l:l " < < "- ~ ~ m ~:: a ~ ~ g ~ ~ 5 ~3~5~ 8 ~ i 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ..5 i ~JQl >. oS;! 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TES CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 ESTIMATED COSTS BUILDING DEMOLITION Item No. Item Units Quantity Unit Price Amount 1 Remove Building LS 1 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 2 Remove Bus Stop Enclosure LS 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 3 Remove Concrete DriveIWalk SY 250 $ 4.00 $ 1,000.00 4 Site Restoration LS 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal $ 36,000.00 10% Construction Contingency $ 3,600.00 Total Construction Cost $ 39,600.00 30% Indirect Cost $ 11,900.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 51,500.00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 ESTIMATED COSTS SANITARY SEWER RELOCATION Item No. Item Units Quantitv Unit Price Amount 1 Remove Sanitary Sewer Main LF 350 $ 10.00 $ 3,500.00 2 Remove Sanitary Sewer Service LF 30 $ 8.00 $ 240.00 3 Remove Sanitary Manhole EA 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 4 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY 750 $ 2.00 $ 1,500.00 5 Sanitary Manhole (48") EA 2 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 6 Sanitary Manhole Casting EA 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 7 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer EA 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 8 Sanitary Sewer Bypass EA 1 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 9 Coarse Filter Aggregate Foundation TON 75 $ 25.00 $ 1,875.00 10 Granular Bedding CY 100 $ 15.00 $ 1,500.00 11 8" PVC SDR 35 Sanitary Sewer Main LF 500 $ 35.00 $ 17,500.00 12 6" PVC SDR 26 Sanitary Sewer Service LF 50 $ 35.00 $ 1,750.00 13 8"x6" PVC Service Wye EA 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 Subtotal $ 36,900.00 10% Construction Contingency $ 3,700.00 Total Construction Cost $ 40,600.00 30% Indirect Cost $ 12,200.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 52,800.00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 ESTIMATED COSTS WA TERMAIN RELOCATION Item No. Item Units Quantity Unit Price Amount 1 Remove Watermain LF 750 $ 7.00 $ 5,250.00 2 Remove Water Service LF 60 $ 3.00 $ 180.00 3 Remove Hydrant EA 2 $ 500.00 $ 1,000.00 4 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY 750 $ 2.00 $ 1,500.00 5 8" PVC C-900 Watermain LF 700 $ 30.00 $ 21,000.00 6 6" DIP CL 52 Water LF 75 $ 30.00 $ 2,250.00 7 1" Copper Watermain (Service Line) LF 3 $ 25.00 $ 75.00 8 Fire Hydrant EA 2 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 9 8" Gate Valve and Box EA 2 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00 10 6" Gate Valve and Box EA 2 $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 11 1" Corporation Stop EA 3 $ 175.00 $ 525.00 12 1" Curb Box EA 3 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 13 Coarse Filter Aggregate Foundation TON 100 $ 25.00 $ 2,500.00 14 Granular Bedding CY 150 $ 15.00 $ 2,250.00 15 Ductile Iron Fittings LB 700 $ 5.00 $ 3,500.00 16 Plastic Wrap LF 75 $ 1.00 $ 75.00 17 Connect to Existing Watermain EA 2 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Subtotal $ 54,500.00 10% Construction Contingency $ 5,000.00 Total Construction Cost $ 59,500.00 30% Indirect Cost $ 18,000.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 77,500.00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 ESTIMATED COSTS STREET IMPROVEMENTS Item No. Item Units Quantity Unit Price Amount 1 Mobilization LS 1 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 2 Remove Curb LF 1,000 $ 4.00 $ 4,000.00 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY 1,500 $ 2.00 $ 3,000.00 4 Sawing Bituminous Pavement LF 250 $ 3.50 $ 875.00 5 Common Excavation CY 6,500 $ 10.00 $ 65,000.00 6 Clearing and Grubbing LS 1 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 7 Select Granular Borrow CY 3,200 $ 14.00 $ 44,800.00 8 Topsoil CY 300 $ 15.00 $ 4,500.00 9 Geotextile Fabric SY 1,000 $ 1.50 $ 1,500.00 10 Aggregate Base, Class 5 TON 2,800 $ 14.00 $ 39,200.00 11 Bituminous Base Course (4.5") TON 1,100 $ 70.00 $ 77,000.00 12 Bituminous Wear Course (2") TON 500 $ 70.00 $ 35,000.00 13 Concrete Curb & Gutter (B618) LF 2,500 $ 10.00 $ 25,000.00 14 6" Concrete Sidewalk SF 3,500 $ 4.50 $ 15,750.00 15 Concrete Median SF 1,850 $ 4.00 $ 7,400.00 16 Retaining Wall SF 600 $ 40.00 $ 24,000.00 17 Signage/Striping LS 1 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 18 Traffic Control LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 19 Erosion Control LS 1 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 20 Landscaping LS 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 21 Streetlights LS 1 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 21 Seed AC 0.5 $ 1,500.00 $ 750.00 Subtotal $ 492,800.00 10% Construction Contingency $ 49,000.00 Total Construction Cost $ 541,800.00 30% Indirect Cost $ 162,500.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 704,300.00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 ESTIMATED COSTS STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Item No. Item Units Quantitv Unit Price Amount 1 Remove Storm Catch Basin/Manhole EA 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 2 Remove Flared End Section EA 3 $ 250.00 $ 750.00 3 Remove Storm Sewer Pipe LF 250 $ 10.00 $ 2,500.00 4 15" Storm Sewer LF 525 $ 30.00 $ 15,750.00 5 18" Storm Sewer LF 250 $ 34.00 $ 8,500.00 6 Catch Basin (2' x 3') EA 5 $ 1,500.00 $ 7,500.00 7 Manhole Catch basin (48") EA 6 $ 2,100.00 $ 12,600.00 8 4" Perforated PVC Pipe Drain LF 400 $ 8.00 $ 3,200.00 9 Inlet Protection EA 18 $ 350.00 $ 6,300.00 10 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer EA 4 $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Subtotal $ 61,600.00 10% Construction Contingency $ 6,200.00 Total Construction Cost $ 67,800.00 30% Indirect Cost $ 20,300.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $ 88,100.00 APPENDIX C PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF CHANHASSEN DOWNTOWN TRANSIT STATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT 08-11 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL Assessment Parcel # Owner Amount 1 Bloombero Companies $787,640.00 2 SouthWest Transit $756,260.00 ASSESSMENT TOTAL $1,543,900.00 APPENDIX D HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS INSPECTION REPORT Hazardous Building Materials Inspection Report SW Metro Transit-Property ID #250130700 Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. Project Bl-08-03783 August 29, 2008 Braun Intertec Corporation BrcJuJ: 'nh:~th:.'c; COf"por{ffio~l i '~.. .: t>' '. ".?9(.,I'.. ';.:H; ';'.~!.Cjij'.i /l...::'f.l : i' " .! ;~. ::.: :.....:\.' ':!l;. . i ...ii!":"'I!.')' f'..H; ',', {':;'.: VV",~,. :'1 : ~ lfllt Ii! ~~ ;t" .' JIll August 29, 200S Project Bl-QS-03783 Mr. Jon Horn Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. 2550 University Avenue West, Suite 345N St. Paul, MN 55114 Re: Hazardous Building Material Inspection SW Metro Transit-Property ID #250130700 Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Mr. Horn: The enclosed report provides the results of the hazardous building materials inspectionconducted on August 25, 2008 at the SW Metro Transit-Property ID #250130700 building located in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Braun Intertec was authorized to provide a hazardous building material inspection in accordance with our Proposal Bl-08-03783 dated August 19, 200S. The following outline provides the structure of the report. · Scope of Services Site Description · Results · Discussion · Remarks If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call John Hauschildt at 612.360.0735 or Gregg Kruse at 952.995.2438. Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION ::DJ 5 ~ fo~ John W. Hauschildt Environmental Technician =-Ll-'-Jp9 ~ Gregg D. Kruse Associate Principal Attachments: Hazardous Building Materials Inspection Report Asbestos Building Inspector Certificate Table I. - Asbestos Building Inspection Results Table II. - Bulk Asbestos Analytical Results Table III. - lead Based Paint Testing Bulk Asbestos Analysis Reports Haz Rpt - SW Metro Transit Celebrating 50 years of growth through service and trust A. Scope of Services The scope of our services was limited to: Visually examine accessible areas and identify the locations of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM), lead, poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCB), mercury, and other miscellaneous hazardous materials. · Collect and analyze representative bulk samples of materials suspected of containing asbestos. Conduct limited lead-based paint testing of deteriorated painted surfaces suspected of containing lead. Testing was accomplished using a Niton X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrum analyzer. Document the various materials' current conditions and ACM quantities. · Generate a final report documenting the sample locations, analysis results, conditions, ACM quantities, and recommendations. Please refer to the Braun Intertec Proposal Bl-08-03783 dated August 19, 2008. B. Site Description The subject site included the SW Metro Transit-Property ID #250130700 building located in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The building is a slab-on-grade structure with corrugated metal siding and roof system. Interior construction consists of sheetrock, plaster, wood, concrete, fiberglass insulation and ceiling/wall texture. This building was occupied and used as a wood working shop at the time of the inspection. C. Results C.l. Asbestos-Containing Materials Ten (10) bulk samples from six (6) homogeneous materials were collected August 25,2008, and submitted to our laboratory for analysis. · No asbestos-containing materials were observed at the time of this inspection. BRAUN INTERTEC Kimley-Horn & Associates Project Bl-08-03783 August 29, 2008 Page 2 C.2. Non-Asbestos-Containing Materials The following is a summary of building materials found to contain no asbestos. · Sheetrock · Sheetrock and joint compound Ceiling/wall insulation · Plaster Trowelled-on ceiling/wall texture · 12-inch by 12-inch tan self-adhesive floor tile Table I lists individual functional spaces of the building, the suspect materials identified in that functional space, whether the suspect material was identified by analysis to be an asbestos-containing material, an estimated amount of each suspect material for the functional space, and includes condition and hazard ratings based on subjective observations made by our representatives. Table II lists the homogenous material sample numbers, sample locations, suspect material descriptions, and the analysis results for each sample. This table summarizes the results from the attached Bulk Asbestos Analysis Report. C.3. Lead in Paint Testing of deteriorated painted surfaces for lead was accomplished during the inspection with a Niton Xl x-ray fluorescence (XRF) field portable analyzer, Serial Number USal. Analysis decision-making protocols were based on compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), which consider any XRF result of 1.0 mg/cm2 or greater to be "Iead-based paint." · No deteriorated lead-based paint was detected at the time of the inspection. Specific components and locations are summarized in Table III, which lists the area, building component, XRF analysis result and paint condition. BRAUN INTERTEC Kimley-Horn & Associates Project BL-08-03783 August 29,2008 Page 3 C.4. Other Hazardous Building Materials A visual inspection for miscellaneous hazardous materials that require separate handling and disposal prior to building demolition was also performed as part of this inspection. The following is a list of the items documented at the site. . Battery-operated emergency backup lights . Argon gas tanks . Refrigerator Acetylene tanks . Exit signs Miscellaneous electric tools . HID lights . Window AC unit . Fluorescent Bulbs . Central AC units . Ballasts . Misc. cleaners . Electrical panels . Solvents . Natural gas overhead space heaters . Paints . Batteries Stain . Thermostats Paint booth . Air compressors Computer equip . Overhead filtration systems Natural gas meter . Fire extinguishers Portable air tanks D. Discussion In the case of building demolition, all of the hazardous materials listed in Section C.4 must be separated from the general demolition waste and their hazardous components must be recycled or disposed of in accordance with state and federal guidelines. E. Remarks In any building, the potential exists for hazardous building materials to be located inside walls, above ceilings, under floors, and other inaccessible areas. This inspection attempted to identify hazardous building materials in these inaccessible areas. However, it was not feasible to inspect 100 percent of these areas. Also, the potential exists for hazardous materials to be found outside the building buried underground. Braun Intertec cannot be held responsible for the presence of any such hidden materials. BRAUN INTERTEC Kimley-Horn & Associates Project BL-08-03783 August 29, 2008 Page 4 In the case of building demolition, contractors involved in the project should be made aware of this potential. If previously unidentified suspect hazardous building materials are exposed during their activities they should be sampled and analyzed for content prior to any disturbance. In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. Bulk asbestos analysis was conducted in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Method 40 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 763, Subpart F, Appendix A (7/1/87 Edition). Bulk samples are retained at our laboratory for 60 days and then disposed of, unless instructed otherwise. Detailed quality-control information is available upon request. F. Asbestos Building Inspector Certification I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am an accredited Asbestos Building Inspector in the state of Minnesota. A photocopy of my current asbestos inspector certificate is attached to this section. Signature:V~~ 5, f~l Fb)L John W. Hauschildt Environmental Technician Date: C6l"";).l))o <6 Haz Rpt - SW Metro Transit "BRAUN INTERTEC '....:-... ; . ':..~~f{;;:~~<.' . e:: ~ ........ 00 C) 00 ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ I:l) ..... l:::l I:...) S ...... ~ I:l) U . :"". 0- C) ~ r-'l ~ Cerllfled by State of Mllmesola Department of Heatth Expires: 01/08/2009 John W Hauschildl 9168 - 211th SI W LakevitJe. MN 55044 Director. Env Heahh Div Nt> Ar/8!f Issued DT/1712008 00 t, ~ .;::S - ..... ~ (ll ..... ~ ;;;;: C) -- ..... ~ :.... "~ ~ kj ~ ~ ~ ]~C ~~U .....9- .... ~ 5 \.J ~ ~.- I:...) [~, ~ --t::.t: - ~ ~ :- (.):::;:' ~ ~ ~ CI) ......;::: t'..-.: >:>: ";::: ':::S c:;>:-'.oJ ~ ~~ B ~ ~ C) ~ r-. ::; ~ ~ -.1 ~ ..... :51. ~ C t.-) t:: :;;:: E--c ~ ~.t:~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ] ~ ~ (',t (".1 "'- l'V) c) ('..1 '0 """" C) .... ---. u ~ '- ..... I:...) ~ f''l _ C) ~ "'- .... ~ t: C) 0 f't 1Y \.) '0 ~ ~ ~ ." :::: I:...) I:l) c:u :::: ~ ;:: tl. -.a ...... ""- ~. ;-. t:t: ~ t.-) .-, -C" "::.-C).-C) \::: - -- -- ~ c t;.c;) ~ ..... t.-) c:u ~ .... .~ (U :.... ..... ~ :::: t:: ~ >-: ..;: ..... t- ...... <:) V ~~ ~ ~ 8 :.... c:u' c:u (ll ..... ~~~ l:: - '" ;:s ~ ::::: ~ :::: (ll .....~- o .-:::: ~ ~ S 1:;- .... ~ ~ ~ ~ o :::: ~ .~ ~ t) Co) ~ c:u ..s: ..... ~ "N ~ Q:) o ,....so ~ ~ CO ~ 0:)'8 t: c~ ~ caOO ~ g ~ ~ cts:::s -- ...., t: ~ t: cts ~ 0...., .....-", ". ~.:::~ Q) ~ ~ en -- ..0 ~ ~ 5 cts._ ~ ...J..... ~ \""cts ~ as.s ~ ~ e ....... as ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .' \::..~f.:~::'.. : '. . .. f~\ 'v\} _ ,J '" .E:; .~~ '- '" co '0 00 ":I- ~Or) .:::s~ -..: ~~ - ~ ~'-l :::: :u - ~ ~;y '- ..... ;:.. --. t~ Or) -.. ......":1-00 ",,'00\ ~ ~ ~ X:C"'I ~ Q:l ....t :to ,.....; CS' ~'-'C) ~Cl.;~ ':.. . :~[.~ -'t... ;..:~~ . ~'.' ~ .. ,-,.o. ';~~, . ... . .. '0.>., ..~ . . \:.: .. '<., .~: . >~.. BRAUN I NTE RTEe Table I. Asbestos Building Inspection Results . Providing engineering and environmental solutions since 1957 Client; Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Location; Southwest Metro Transit; Chanhassen, MN Date of Inspection: August 25, 2008 Project No.: Bl-08-03783 .. <"'. :;.... ; "..:.; .' '~'" . .....?~:o.~:~t.ii~~fji~~~~tja!. . .,~l~;~ji{~~' .'.':~~'." :.M~~~~1:~ii:: t~:'-~~;ar,d.~. .CQridit'Qii.. :'Ca~egofV . Back storage (west} Sheetrock No 1 Throughout NO '0 Work shop Sheetrock/joint compound No 2 Throughout NO 0 Workshop Ceiling/wall surface No 3 6,000 fe NO 0 insulation Work shop Ceiling plaster No 4A-C 3,000 fe NO 0 Work shop - restroom Trowelled-on ceiling/wall No 5A-C 275 fe ND 0 texture Work shop - upper office 12" x 12" tan self-adhesive No 6 260 ft2 ND 0 floor tile 1- Condition of ACM: NO = Not Damaged D == Damaged SD == Significantly Damaged 2. Hazard Category o == No hazard - material does not contain asbestos 1 == ACM with potential for damage 2 = ACM with potential for significant damage 3 = Damaged or significantly damaged asbestos-containing miscellaneous material 4 = Damaged or significantly damaged friable asbestos-containing thermal system insulation 5 = Damaged or significantly damaged friable asbestos-containing surfacing material Table' . SW Metro Transit BRAUN INTERTEC Table II. Bulk Asbestos Analytical Results · Providing engineering and environmenta/solutions since 1957 Client: Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. location: Southwest Metro Transit; Chanhassen, MN Date of Inspection: August 25, 2008 Project No.: Bl-08-D3783 :m :~i}r;;f~i~~t~~p!~;)tp~ttQn.' . )Y.i~t~rjal . ..' '. :' <~li~stqs ~ri.ot~ij~( '.. .... N.D.< 1 Back storage Sheetrock 2 Work shop Sheetrock/joint compound N.D. 3 Work shop Ceiling/wall surface insulation N.D. 4A Work shop Plaster N.D. 4B Work shop Plaster N.D. 4C Work shop - upper office Plaster N.D. SA Work shop - restroom Trowelled-on ceiling/wall texture N:D. 5B Work shop - restroom Trowelled-on ceiling/wall texture N.D. sc Work shop - restroom Trowelled-on ceiling/wall texture N.D. 6 Work shop - upper office 12" X 12" tan self-adhesive floor tile N.D. Materials containing 1 percent of asbestos or less are not considered to be asbestos-containing materials by the U.S. EPA. 1. Asbestos content is indicated as an approximate percent by area. 2. N.D. ;= None Detected. Table 11- SW Metro Transit BRAUN INTERTEC Table III. Lead-Based Paint Testing · Providing engineering and environmental solutions since 1957 Client: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Location: 'Southwest Metro Transit; Chanhassen, MN Date of Inspection: August 25, 2008 Project No.: BL-08-03783 ~ii~~~i~i1lj1~'\I;',;'~:~~,;,7~:~~ .' 1 Validation 1.1 2 Validation 1.0 3 Validation 1.0 4 Exterior (east) Tan metal corrugated siding 0.0 G 5 Exterior (north) Tan metal corrugated siding 0.0 G!p mg/cm2 = milligrams of lead per square centimeter of paint Table 111- SW Metro Transit B.RAUN I NTERTEC Braun Intertec Corporation I 11001 Hampshire Avenue S. Minneapolis. MN 55438 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com Mr. Gregg Kruse Braun Intertec-Bloomington 11001 Hampshire Ave. South Bloomington, MN 55438 August 28, 2008 Work Order #: 0805177 RE: S.W. Metro Transit BL-08-03783 Dear Gregg Kruse: Bulk Asbestos Analysis Report The microscopy department of Braun Intertec Corporation received your analytical request on August 25, 2008. The objective ofthis analysis was to determine the presence of asbestos using polarized light microscopy (PLM) and to determine the percent of asbestos and non-asbestos fibrous components by calibrated visual area estimation. Analytical results are summarized on the following laboratory report. Discussion None-detected floor tile results obtained by PLM analysis may contain thin asbestos fibers below the limits of resolution ofthe polarized light microscope. The EPA Method EPN6001R-931116 recommends the use of transmission electron microscopy to confirm the absence of asbestos. Methodology Bulk asbestos analysis is conducted in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EP A) methods 40 CFR Part 763, Ch. 1, Subpart F, Appendix A (7-1-87 Edition) and EPN6001R-931116. All analyses are in compliance with the quality control procedures specified by the methods. All samples are examined for homogeneity. If a sample contains more than one layer. each layer is analyzed individually. Total fibrous content is calculated for joint compound/wallboard systems by combining layer results according to their percentages of the total sample. Detailed quality control information is available upon request l.... · ~~.}\' Page 1 of7 Reports\RPT 19.00 BRAUN INTERTEC August 28, 2008 Remarks Braun Intertec Corporation I 11001 HampshireAvenueS. Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com Work Order #: 0805177 Braun Intertec is accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST), National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) tor selected test methods for bulk asbestos identitication under Accreditation Number 101234. This report in no way constitutes or implies product certification, approval or endorsement by NVLAP or any other agency oftlJe U.S. Government. This test report relates only to the items submitted for analysis. Samples are retained at our laboratory for a period of 30 days and will be disposed of unless otherwise instructed by the client. This report is issued under terms of our General Conditions. It can not be copied, except in its entirety, without prior written pemlission from Braun lntertec. We appreciate your decision to use Braun Intertec Corporation. for this project. We are committed to being your vendor of choice to meet your analytical needs. If you have any questions please contact me at 952-995-2688. Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION ~8~ Steve Felton Project Manager Reports\RPT 19.00 Page 2 of? 00 o o N -- 00 ~ 00 -0 <I} t:: o 0.. ~ Q) 1<i o l'- ..... o r") Cl) b!l t<I ~ ~ ,9 .... t'S l-o o 0.. s- o U t.l Q.) .... <"l ~ ~ 00 .... .8 l'- ~v8 = l.L4 cb = ~ 0 e Q) ~ 1::QC/.it:Q ~ o t;j .... o ~ ....'l .;..; L.: ~ Q) ~ ~ o Z ~ 0 ....'l p.., ~ o .... bO = '5 o o .~ j;Q '" ~ a .a ~ s- .a g .s 00 Q) = ~ ;E ;~-:> l-o -- ;;> J::Q~CIi ~ ~ ~ ~ i:l ...., g >-;' s:: .2 gf ~ G....'l U <U u ~ ro ~ s:: ~ <Co 5~ 'E ~ o ;>, o ~ ",....'l .8 8 (I) <I>"tii .0.... '" 0 <E-< E~ E .... ;g s:: Q) 88 ~ ,o",...:l l>::.s8 .... '" ~J5~ o<~ * =~ o s:: .E ~ ~& ~ s o 0 Zo Q) ....P.. o m ~rn 8a; .... ..... <I) 0 p..,E-< .... o .- s:: 0..0 0._ 0.... ~.& I-. .... o 0 t'S '" ::go '" <I) (5 Ei o o p., (I) <I) -0 Z o p., ..... 00 o 00 ~ 00 o "0 Q) u Q) 4) o <I> s:: o Z 0'\ ""' ...... 0\ <I) Q) '" (I) o 0 :2 :@ Q) Q) o 0 r<"!.. ..... (<) o o ...... N ..:tl t.l e .... II) II) .Q rn "0 <I} u Q) ..... 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Paul, Minnesota 55114 From: Date: March 23, 2009 Subject: Traffic Study for Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements Introduction Kimley-Horn and Associates was retained by the City ofChanhassen to perform a traffic analysis at the intersections of Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access and Market BlvdlPauly Dr. The purpose of this study is to investigate traffic impacts at these intersections caused by the development of a 500 stall park-and-ride facility and additional development on the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Site. Figure 1 illustrates the site location. The park-and-ride facility is currently served by the Chanhassen, Chaska, and Victoria Express Route, operated by SouthWest Transit. This route connects this region of the southwest metro to downtown Minneapolis, the University of Minnesota, and Uptown. The park-and-ride facility improvement would consist of a multi-level, 500 stall parking ramp. The additional site improvements would consist of an apartment complex, office space and retail. The construction and occupancy timeline of additional development is approximately 2 years or by 20 I O. This report has been prepared to evaluate existing conditions aswell as future traffic conditions that include the proposed development. The analysis assumes a future build year of 20 10. Assumptions regarding the study area, traffic generation, access, and traffic control were discussed with City staff prior to the completion of this analysis. Study Area The study area for this analysis includes the following roadways and intersections: Roadways · Great Plains Blvd · Market Blvd · Pauly Dr II TEL 651 645 4197 FAX 651 645 5116 Page 1 March 23, 200<) Intersections · Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access · Market Blvd/Pauly Dr Existin2: Conditions and Traffic The intersection of Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre is currently two-way stop controlled, with free-flow conditions on the Great Plains Boulevard approaches to the intersection. The intersection of Market Blvd/Pauly Dr is currently two-way stop controlled, with fj'ee-flow conditions on the Market Blvd approaches to the intersection. AM and PM peak hour weekday turning movement counts were performed by a sub consultant to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. at the above intersections on September 4, 2008. The turning movement count data is included at the end of this memorandum. Figures 2 and 3 depict existing lane geometry and traffic volumes at the intersections, respectively. Traffic Generation Traffic generation potential for the proposed development was determined using traffic generation rates published in Trip Generation (Institute of Transportation Engineers [ITE], ill Edition, 2003). Table 1 summarizes the estimated traffic generation potential for the proposed development. Page 2 l\'lnrch 23, 2009 Table I-Proposed Development Trip Generation I AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour : Weekday ITE Code Description Size i Daily In . Out ,Total In : Out: Total Park-and-Ride Lot 090 with Bus Service 500 stalls 2,137 308 77 385 71 237 308 220 Apartment 54 units 475 6 24 30 31 16 47 814 Specialty Retail Center 20,000 sf 893 66 71 137 30 39 69 710 General Office Buildino 30,000 sf 528 63 9 72 19 93 112 Special Trip Generation NA Kiss-and-Ride NA NA 15 15 30 15 15 30 NA Busses NA NA 5 5 10 5 5 10 Total New Trips - 463 201 664 171 405 576 Specific information regarding the retail development is not available at this time. Trip generation for the retail pOltion of the development was completed assuming the specialty retail land use. This land use was selected because the trip generation rates for this land use are based on similar sized retail facilities and are reflective of the typical stores located in this type offacility. A conference center may also be constructed, although it is anticipated that this facility will be used primarily in the evenings by Dinner Theatre patrons and many will be staying in hotels so they will not require a vehicle to gain access to the site. The impact of such facility is not anticipated to significantly impact traffic operations in the area. Table 1 indicates the proposed development having the potential to generate 664 trips in the AM peak hour and 576 in the PM peak hour. Reductions in trip generation caused by internal, multi- purpose trips or pass-by trips were not taken into consideration for this analysis because their impact is negligible and this is a more conservative approach. Traffic Distribution The directional distribution and assignment oftrips generated by the planned development is based on a review of existing and historic roadway volumes from Mn/DOT, information from recent traffic studies, and from assumptions of travel patterns within the study area. Below is a list of the site traffic distribution percentages: Page 3 March 23, Z009 . 20% to/from north Market Blvd . 40% to/from south Market Blvd . 15% to/from north Great Plains Blvd . 25% to/from south Great Plains Blvd Site traffic distribution is shown in Figure 4. Historic Traffic Growtb Historic traffic growth is the increase in the volume oftraffic due to usage increases and non- specific growth throughout an area. Based on a review of the existing roadway network and historic traffic volumes an average annual growth rate of two percent was determined for background traffic at the intersections being analyzed. Total Traffic To obtain total 20 1 0 no-build traffic volumes, existing (2008) traffic volumes were increased to account for background growth. All traffic generated by the site improvements were then added to develop total 201 0 build traffic volumes. Figure 5 illustrates weekday AM and PM peak hour 2010 turning movement volumes. Traffic Analvsis Capacity analyses for the unsignalized intersection in the AM and PM peak hours were performed for the following scenarios: · Existing · 2010 No-Build · 2010 Build Analyses were completed to detennine the operating characteristics of the study area intersections using Synchro 7, using methodologies contained in the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HeM). Intersection tuming movement counts were used with information about the number oflanes and traffic control to determine existing and future levels of service. Level of service (LOS) describes traffic conditions--the amount of traffic congestion-at an intersection or on a roadway. LOS ranges from A to F-A indicating a condition of little or no congestion and F a condition with severe congestion, unstable traffic flow, and stop-and-go conditions. For intersections, LOS is based on the average delay experienced by all traffic using the intersection during the busiest Page 4 March 23. 2009 (peak) IS-minute period. LOS A through D are generally considered acceptable. Table 2 lists the level of service thresholds for unsignalized intersections. Table 2-Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections LOS Control Delay per Vehicle (sec/veh) A s10 B > 10-15 C > 15-25 0 > 25-35 E > 35-50 F >50 Each of the aforementioned scenarios was analyzed during the weekday AM and PM peak hours. The results are presented in the following summaries and model output is included at the end of this memorandum. The unsignalized intersection of Market Blvd/Pauly Dr cUlTently provides the following lane geometry: . Market Blvd (southbound)--one shared left, through, and right turn lane. . Market Blvd (northbound) - one shared through and left turn lane and one shared through and right turn lane. . Pauly Dr (westbound)--one shared through and left-turn lane and one exclusive right turn lane. . Retail Access (eastbound) - one shared left, through, and right turn lane. The unsignaIized intersection of Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access currently provides the following lane geometry: . Great Plains Blvd (southbound)-one exclusive left turn lane, one through lane, and one shared through and right tUl11 lane. Great Plains Blvd (northbound) - one exclusive left turn lane, one through lane, and one shared through and right turn lane. Retail Access (westbound) - one shared left, through, and right turn lane. Pauly Dr (eastbound) - one shared left, through, and right turn lane. . . . Page 5 MMCh 23, 2009 Tables 3 and 4 show levels of service and delay for the approaches under existing (2008), 20 I 0 no-build and and 20 I 0 build conditions under two-way stopped control for both intersections. Table 3-Market BlvdlPauly Dr Two-Way Stopped Control Approach LOS Weekday AM Peak Hour LOS Weekday PM Peak Hour LOS (delay (secfvehl) (delay [secfveh]) Year NB S8 EB WB N6 . S8 E6 WB 2008 2010 No. Build 2010 Build Table 4-Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access Two-Way Stopped Control Approach LOS Weekday AM Peak Hour LOS Weekday PM Peak Hour LOS (delay [seciveh]) (delay [seclvehl) Year NB S6 EB WB NB SB EB WB 2008 2010 No- Build 2010 Build The level of service on all approaches for the Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access intersection operate at satisfactory levels and are all at LOS C or better for all scenarios analyzed. The level of service for the Market Blvd/Pauly Dr intersection are satisfactory under all conditions except the westbound left-through movement which operations at LOS F under all scenarios analyzed except the existing AM and AM 2010 No-Build peak hour conditions. A signal wan"ant analysis was performed to determine if a signalized intersection would be justified. It found that despite the failing WB approach, the intersection did not meet the requirements for the peak hour, four hour, or eight hour warrants documented in the Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Under build conditions the signal only satisfied Page 6 March 23, 2009 conditions for two of the four hours required for the four hour WatTant and only two hours of condition lA of the eight hour warrant. Four hours of data were used to complete this warrant analysis (2 hours in the AM peak and 2 hours in the PM peak) and the right-turns were removed from the westbound Pauly Drive approach which is typical for an intersection with this geometry. Since there would need to be two more hours that satisfy the four hour warrant and six hours that satisfy the eight hour condition I A, it is unlikely that these conditions would be satisfied during the off peak periods throughout the day. A signal warrant analysis was also completed that included 50% of the right turns on the westbound Pauly Drive approach. This is a somewhat conservative approach and was done to determine the impacts of partially including the right-turns in the warrant analysis. The results were identical to the previous analysis with no right turns included. The output from the warrant analysis is included at the end of this report. The use of a roundabout at Market Blvd/Pauly Dr was also taken into consideration. However, due to the close proximity to railroad tracks a roundabout at this location is not desirable. Because of the nature of a roundabouts design, if traffic exiting the roundabout were to back up into the circulating traffic all approaches would be unable to enter the intersection. Conclusions and Recommendations The proposed development will increase traffic volumes at the intersections of Market Blvd/Pauly Dr and Great Plains Boulevard/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access. The recommendations listed below will result in better traffic operations: . Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access - The EB approach to this intersection should be modified from a single lane to one shared left and through turn lane and one exclusive right turn lane. This is not needed from a level-of-service and delay standpoint but will provide better operations for those being served by the intersection. . Market Blvd/Pauly Dr - While this intersection does not currently warrant a signal under the proposed Build conditions, both operations and safety should be monitored in the future. Page 7 Legend: _ .Proposed Development e - Study Intersection .c t o z ~=n Kirnley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Traffic Study for Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements Chanhassen, Minnesota Study Area FIGURE 1 W 78th St -0 > iD ...... ~ '- ItI ::E W 78th St y r?r,:t4 Pauly Dr G) ..... (l) OJ M- -0 iiI ::r VI ro ~ Legend i -+-- - Lane Geometry .c ~ o z ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Traffic Study for Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements Chanhassen, Minnesota Existing Lane Geometry FIGURE 2 W 78th St -0 2: co ...... ]1 .... to :E W 78th St ~~ >{.l ~ <:;~, (\\ ~~ ./r/ 'l,b..~ <"~~ J('/ ( t;:/~ 0~ ~~~ I ~ .>i:S?~ ~~ /~ ~ ~ <:;~, ~ r:;,~ ":, <J:t;$\ Gl OJ OJ rt "0 ar 5" III OJ ~ ~~ ~r;;. ;5\~ ()\\>);{ ~{~ ()\'\) --'. \. \. ~_ t? ~ - ~ oJ', .1< V 1.'!J \.'\1.7:1 ~ It ~~ Pauly Dr Legend i +-- - Traffic Volumes - AM(PM) .r: ~ o z ~_n ~-,. ~ Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Traffic Study for Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements Chanhassen, Minnesota 2008 Existing Conditions Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts FIGURE 3 W 78th St W 78th St "C > 53 ~ .:>! "- <'0 ::E: G) .... lD W ,...,. -0 iil :i" V> OJ & B\\fd /1\1-5 p.rbOretum i .!: -e o z ......--n ~-, ~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Traffic Study for Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements Chanhassen, Minnesota Site Traffic Distribution FIGURE 4 .> ~6' tP'l9. 0B tP-;;:;-::> ~;\~ (1,(1) \(1\ ~ ()\\))\\)\ ~ ?-6. ,\))\'1-6.\ {;~ 0"& ~~~ ~;\~ 5\\))\<:>\ ~ \ \\)) \'\\ ~ '1?-1 1,.\))\,?-1\ Legend W 78th st W 78th St "0 > iO ]1 '- ro ~ 1 '0~) \1l.'O\ ~ \) \\)) \\)\ '7 ~ \?>~\ \~?\ Pauly Dr G) @ Q) ..... "1J i>> 5' In o;J <: Co Legend ..-- AM Traffic Volumes. Background (Site) rr olal) W 78th St W 78th St "0 > co t) ~ '- ro ::E 6"> "" ~\" ~ ~ ,,>"> ~"\ -b ~ ~ ~ ~~\ ~~ ~~~~~( "~~ ) 1 ~~ ~~ -?~;& '!I!~?~ ~~?' ,,~~ -,..~"\ /' - ~ '}~ "" t:,~' ~ '9 ,,\'l.. ",<$-.' '\~ ').. ~Il. \'DI)) \\ \60\ · ~ 1\)\\2-\ .~ '1-\ f;)\\\'O'O\ r- ?-\ ,\'0 Pauly Dr G) .... CD 01 rT "1J W 5' V> o;J <: Co t ..c ~ o z ..-- PM Traffic Volumes. Background (Site) rr otal) ~_n ......... -, , Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, Traffic Study for Downtown Transit Station Site Improvements Chanhassen, Minnesota 2010 Weekday AM and PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes FIGURE 5 E<O 0"- oQ) .0 01 c:<O '-N ~Q) ~,...... "0 N OlO !.i:Q) 10'-' ~ 1 ._~ 1:1; ...... Q) ..... ~ Q) ..c: r- .... Q) c: .S o c: ~ ..c: o ~ I/) c: 12 CL ..... co Q) .... <.9N ......co NOOO ..;f..;fO OONN .......--- NO:::t ..- 0 Q) ..- Q)Q)Q) E"On;o ~ooz zOt:Q) .~ Jg ;g g> LL(I)(!)CL .... Q) ..... ~ Q) ..c: r- l- Q) c: .S o c co ..c: o ~ "Oz cri:2 I/) C .S Q) co~ 0:: CO .......c: co C Q)CO ......c: <.90 -- g \O~<O 0 <'> <00> l- ..; c 19 "''''<0 0 I- ei. ft - " qO<e-~ "C .. ~ a. '0 C f..- 1-- ::l 0 :;: q NN'</" .a Ol -<- ~ ~ w - 2 qooo .a:: I- - ~ ~..-OT"" .J .... - m (v)""'o ~ ~N'</" I- "- Q. <( -- " ~ooo "C .. ~ '0 a. 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Free Grade' "<j)o/~':., '>:0%"" Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourl)tflowrate(vph) ':::'23;:\~,15',:, \2'.:':8,178' '37 ....1 Pedestrians Lane Width(ft).~" . Walking Speed (ftls) P.ercentBlpdmge'X;;':H.' . Ri~htturnf1~r~Jveh) . "" Meelian ~1Yp..~~:.f:;;:,>+.';:::.':\\;:<~' ):. .;iN6he i/:;.~:: Median stora.9e. veh) Up.~tieam:~i9iiaf(ftHi ' pX, platoon unblocked vt;i:~fljctlDgtvpj~01~\! /\';;;;:~;Y~~~~ii~i "".:'" ,"-' "".' ;:{~g,:;>\ \I~1~ s~~9.~~c9ryfy~1 H.....,. ." vCZi{.$t~~~}~~~nf.V.9G.!:~VJ(;\~E>~~.!.;:};l(:.:~} :<.\: -.:." .;~~~:~r'~ .\~~~~::~~;;'~.~:~.:~. . ': :::' .:~~..:.:.:' .... ~:~.:.. . ,"' vCu, unblocked vol 215 217 383 492 109 369 475 108 fQt'$}~gj~~(~)~;:;a(:.t;@JJl'i'it:f':;j';W4:;,f iW;~~/.k)?i'],!:?:i;,;:::':;.'}:4;1"~' .&\:,:.;~!i)f:;t!::'.:.;;g~{:?j:$;2~U:}!~;5.tY:;?~~~1.;'NgN1-r.~\;:'<)9.;~~}'~m;~:9 ~~~([)*!S~~i~~!~@:;i~AA';!i;~i;~t:f&;:#:k%~;~!ki\~;+'F:;i:;t:Hi:ii\.H:}J,;:\?;2:' :}<;:H".;: . ....,..:.:..,..' X~:3;5;iU~1\F;4X);:'i5;,~\i;!~$;(::+:~}3;~';:::';}:4~Q?';'.::!,'3:1 pO queue free % 98 . 99 100 100 100 95 100 98 ~M.:ciipa:aW!(v.~)lIh)t\C'\F,; ';(fi;rt~'5Z}i;~;~;l,):~})p;r!.~.: .!':' <:;;';t)'349'\;\{::'i'i;::;<:<i::;';}i::;5.3.O::;\ij!f;:4~5t;E'.::924 :;r;.:,':,;:i5$ii:~{r;">(76,<: .;:926 '. ~ . ". Nonl;l' '\'>363S:?J'f:t9?>;~~;ittQ9,{:~;;;;;~p~ . ~':~/ :'475:i\,\1Q8 ",A!~n}[i~:'::N/i~'9<F~~6..U;;'W\.. L:,,' Volume Left 23 0 0 8 0 0 1 26 Voitiro~;.Bjg~ttjfiW:~b'i: ;i;~;;/~;;:;~:;E!~{EQ~Y~EHi;?;:;OY;'N:i~;,;;iK2;:;'?~~(::fo';~\::';:;;O}::(}':i!3iX .')hS;;}3',';; .;Hn4,~!::~M!'F;fg/>::. :,J;jE8::, cSH 1352 1700 1700 1349 1700 1700 687 646 VoliJ.fu~li9iQ~p.#~\W:;:is;:1'~:~;\;}!i~j~t\Q;P,gifWifi;Qj9-~:!!~iN?Q::P1;;:~~;~~~Q.p):};fX;pJQt;Hih'o,:$~\'J',,\O)9jli;;imp;Qiig?il;H~\h;~t;'M{e';;Jj~!ii:,;'X/);:.:';~;, ):".';:; Queue ~ength95th (ft) . 1 , , 0 0, 0 0 O. 1 . 5 Gontf91!P~)~yU~)1~;;;@rAi;,;,;:;;g)ki;J;tt:.k6:/XQ:O:{;.::~'".;Q!1>;,'~i;F<7/r :.;.:;)o;O,~A:;: ;p:b.....''\Mo,3i,~'i:i~.t;Qrji;);;;;j;~;;.\~L<:,)J,', .,' ",;,',,:; ..' . Lane LOS A A B B Apikq~gh~:j:>,:~f~y:(s) :f\':;~;:tR\>\;;;~)>" " ': ;:">~O~3:": ........... .' .' "";lQ:~;::into':::/::,:~:~;;:;';\:::\;:,:. Approach LOS B B ~J~~~~1~{iW"m'~%a.~:t1;~~~~i::~~~z\~'fl~~1l('@'~r~1~l~~i}f}i~"'(l~~~~~~~_~~f~~~~~ .,~,.""", !!I.ll. ",.""'..,,,, . ..y_".,t'"~\'i!l>i",,..,,,,.,,,~.,,,_,?~;i.,~"Wii,.~~~.>&y,.$.-,g(,,,,,,,,,,;~*,-,,,,,.,,,,.~,,,=J~~"'tli..5~~~~~~"*",!lI'Jl.",,,,:w.:;~,\l'~>>'>,_. Ay~r~~~p~l~y 'u, , .... , '.' 1.5 '6t~ts~gljJih!~ap~CitY.J)Ji.ij~~ti9n ;)~;<;::/i k\;:, h~4;q% ,:'" 'ICU:Ley,eI9fS~r:\ii~<:\.~:;.\:.::;J:;(;,\, <~,:;;:<A, ~ ,::' '. A~~Iy'~i~~~~i~~(n;in) 15 . ." -.;..:. '; . ..'.~. .':' .'. . ...::. '. '.' -. ~. ':.- .:' "".... .' Existing Synchro 7 - Report AM Peak HeM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Market Blvd/Pauly Dr 9/15/2008 /' -II- ,. .f otf- " ~ t r \. + ../ . ":,,.tr~:/'~~~;\ Stop ".><0% 0.92 0.92 0.92 '.1 ',: '/1<: '25.' :!/::}~~'i;',;:\;: :9, ::"" i..>::V:~~\;2.<~M:."/;~;:~\';.>::::;21\i{ Srop Free , ,,' . "..0% . , ' ~O% ;: 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 <10 ; :"::<::1 :. : ", ,8.:-:. ,;34 .' >, 265 ~ ~. ':15/(262 ." .. 3 Free .: ......::,oo,{;'>-.. 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 ',23 :".' '16>:285:3 Lane Co~figurations VOlurn~:NetillJ):t '. Sign Control Grade: Peak Hour Factor Hou~ytlow rate '(vph)' . Pedestrians Lane Wi9th :(ft) , V\lalkin~ ,Speed (ftIs) Per~enf81~cKage " ,'. . Right turn flare (veh) MEidianJype:<':<;::)i/J:;,::/ '. . ":;::;\\j',: .: \ .,>,;,':' .. M.edi~n ,~t()ra.~e veh) , . Wps~reafiisigijal ~(ftr;\ pX!platoonunb!ock~d, '.' ..... ..'........ .. ." . . vO;:;g>nftiGting :vpl~me),?(::);+;;;{5.n;t,:)f~7;4:}:;:;)g~Q;;/i::': Q~~i;!;;:;;:,66~:k5:i@~~tii;;i\:48a, . vC1, stage 1 conf vol \iP~;~~agfi;2;cp.of;vOJ;Y;'~:,:'/.:A(Nif!t6F.;;};P::t;i}<!:-: .,' .:');\(:;~~~\\}/L5K>W~;N:'\:" vCu, unbfocked vol 527 674 286 689 665 144 288 288 tOr$fn.gl~?{~)%Y'i?(!:m~n:;::fi;M:rRJJ';7'i;$;:?;:;~f~.~:5::WNY~~~:NX;~:~~t;5H:;:(j:;{\~~~$)itit1!;~~~1;f?;;'ji4}1>;Xiii\;,;'~;[;;!,':<~}?!i;j~\;i;:!.4;:~:fi&ii\"}J<WF:::;:;;}",) ~~r(f)j\~t~;;~f./;l;Fii,:r:;{H;ifi(F)fit:;' ~;ifu~J~;;5Nf;;!~:!WQ;:;j;W~~~frf'f!i!['a;$T~~;~;h;{4;Q{~\;.~~1t~~;~Wi'(~;ti~:2'):~i~Hiik~ ",\,;);j~(ik:i;ii1HMkg;.~j:'.' ;);;;:'f:!~;;~L'~ig;;;:Z pO queue free % 100 100 96 97 100 99 91 99 cM.l~pt~~jWi.(lje!:i1tih:'/\.:.;:;i~lmj&E4~6!::l~%;~~;f:'ki{:;~~ij.o.}iii~;;~'i~1Pi?J?h~64 '?'!>;ii8rt~;;f~12i1,;i!:;;' /;'?:A/}{ (,;.t;;:~~YJ12t'1Wi;;)L(i,,::i.;":;. :",~":'" , :. . "i::,.;.;;\t\jqrte, 0;\ . . "Y:N6he~\ 'lQum Volume Left. 1 10 0 34 0 16 V.91um~:'RlglJWN;/{';\: :;\:'{:j:;.:: J\}2.&)';: ?;:A;?(l?:':"r;::;~;8f:i.;;:;m;"fiO:i?iW:{23Yn)~::Wi:3J)A;i<:\g;I~{:\~'~i~~tiNLW~n':{:Wi;); :i..,m!!i:;;t(;);;j'~\i;"{\:';:\;'; cSH 666 315 877 1271 1700 1271 V9.iijm~it.g.l:~p~gw'i'i:i;j;t?@*(\;;;\Q:Q{Wi;.'};1:QJQ~'::;\;:~&Q19j~J;;:!;iX9.&.~:~i;fg:@:;~)\i!Ai-Q;Q},i~!!~j,4liif.;N;~;~~;;}?ii~t~;iiMijHfi::~:;~Mk;;:'\;;:/lA~i;t.;WWi%'~j~{;::,;:;:~;;:;'::'. Queue Length 95th {ft} 3 3 1 2 0 1 c9iifiPiftl~tayX$.) f;;{(D;;i/,:;,:~:;J&t;~\%1.Q;~j;H;d~~8.@,/':@;1.;;g;;)~~.;1;a:'~;:~::<.;::o.,Q,j~';.;:k;:Q;~:i,~;\~;t.~KSk~;/;:~;:::;l~t~;;::i/H\Ct&;i;';Q~i':i\~ii; '.::.:;:N'j\.:.....:" lane LOS B C A A A ApprQaGh:b~lay;(S) <~;;/k:',;;:1'O';6> ;.:d~;ty,)s:<:\r;':Q;9".. .,~ .::' ,'. ." " . ,;O;~ ;:" .".," .>:'/.: Approach LOS B B Average Delay 1.5 ititers~M9WC~p.a~ltyMt\O~~tjoriA;Y ';..;'\i{:;;:UfMi7;o/pi::i:;.;i:;,;;,'IQl!.~~Yt:1I.0r:s.~iYi~;+! ::i:>;~i);ijt\~;:;':.:~:;.\i\iA;;i:i~; Analy'sj~p~riod{mj~).. 15 .::.:~< :.....:: .... ''':'"'::'.::';:"'.:. . :: .-., . Existing AM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access 9f15fZ008 ....:;t( ~ ) )/:' , ( , ? nt , JI ~ ..l'Rt:1.~m'"~~~~~~~~~B~f~~~f~S~~~~~i:.p~~~jf~wNJ~~'it~)~{.'l'Vl~~'tIfii;l~~~r€m~"i1'Wi'f.D~t&Iill~~'gi1l'l~~~~'~'a. OOM...~~1f.l~JJls~~~.~~~~.f~~.;~.~l..~~.~",;::~, .~~f~~~.l;l~l"..~m~~~.... .~~:..,.:>;>~).Y...,JJ~ta~UU~...ts.W~t~E~J.~~J~li.~~)-~~~':g..~\t~~~~\;>.XY.f~I~~'ltS'...V.'1j~l lane Confi9urations ."j . . t.'tJ. .. . ~ t'tt.. . .' .+. ..' . * VolumeMihlh)"-h~:;.'> ..'. .':~~;j;\,\~ 9T~;';: .;'10.i.~" :: :Zt5 ':':.;;' ;236 ,::\W;::~f'~;}'/': .:~:;.<~Y:H~1~';;h//{(2Q.:;\<~j~1:\./;:(\i1',:':':32 Sign Control Free Grade;//' '. . '. .;:....<.\;..:,;0%',.. Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Houilyffow rate (vpb) . ';24 ':-:214': ",,11:.;.28 . Pedestrians LaneWidth (ft).. . V{alking Speed (ftfs) Pere,S.Qt:i3lo~age' '. Right turn flare (veh) Meaianlype\:'i;;~':o';;;': Median storage veh) Upstfeam'signaf(ft) :;'. pX, platoon unblocked vC;1iX)nfli<;tingN61#me\ ..;~i,\\g~o,Y;\i,;::o+;S;; .... ,"" '.' :;\;:'~~p t<:/\ :::,~::m~;~{;!}ji;{~4.&.?J;~{;:;{~H:;&<'~11'2::!\\M;~~;59!.iHy\.\~03\~.o;:~45 vC1, stage 1 confvol v~~;#~g~i2:'~nfvpf;<>,'.:,:;/f.." . vc:u~.unblockedvol ." ..' ..290 . . '. .' 225.. . . 48~. . ..614 . 112 507 603 145 tb;is)rigi~1($.)';:}:kf:Ug;(\q{:;':};M4'iJ..!\:".';\;:';\ . ,"~:;'\';.;.')'M/W~;1;:o.:j'\\.;~;')..},M1:;1t!~~{;!j;);;'i;~i:f:~;lft~!';;1~~;~it~~~tt~~~R4Wiit&i~:fW,~i'{i:'~{5f'i(,;:S:~;~ tC, 2 stage (s) ii'1;t!)~i~~{;1;.:}Mi:~iQ~;; (~;\h}~;;/{;f.};;i.\2.'{:i{s~n~{!'i) pO queue free % 98 cMf~pat(tY1{ve~lh) .~~.~ .~~ :.;~;/h/~.J/;'.~':::'j.2~.8~;i;;~~~~r'~jr::.::~~/'(:'" ~:::i~~~~f;:~~# . -.'\ Free 0% . 0.92 '. .257: Stop ":~.':;)O%\//\':\' ',' 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 :~3r:'" . )O::>:;:-",J)/~~'22 ". .. .. Stop. . "'<:0%' 0.92 0.92 ~'.."..40:. '. 0:1 . 0.92 .;:35 ; .........,;,; ,None> ...... i'/t~'s:\: ..:+;;Aiij2.;i'Wil:;i..:::'".!8:tl~;;~;j;~t};)i!ti;k~t-5f(/W4(QY~t1%gi~'f3.~!!i;!fH{~t~~t,;;;;,A:tk:~\(.\:3j W W 100 W ~ 100 00 '.\/j~1;>#::i::;.)::~,.\~~;,,;t}to\\:;;'430\iH\W,fM~~WJ.'~\i~~1Q%>i'f:\;4~~H.;tr3.9.5! :':\876 g6.f Volume Left 24 0 0 28 0 0 40 VPl~IM'fRjgh.G~?;ilt\g,.;~" '; .;" .to;!)!?i:\f;;~"O cSH ... . ... .' '. 12681.700 1700 1341 1700 1700663 554 voJUm~;jQ'\Qap.~G.lty;U;\).;M:.;:;:/;;X:~~.9~9?J{Jj~~~;~~.:i!;:;NQt95:;i~0t@92\G;):.9;10Sli\WIP.1Q7,&~E.:k;Q!p~)rt~~Q~:~]~~i;'1h&'Mi!j~4}W~t?k*i:%~KiM:;!;}~;,~{Y;; ,:~ Que~e ~~ng~h.~5th (ft) . ....1... 0.. . 0 . . 2 . 0 0.. .4. 12. . '. C.c@t91J.:?~J.ay.'($.):(\:::~;U.~;.;:,>j:.~~;\\;:I;'~ ~{;i;;;;().;Q;{:.'d;;,Q):llj';:\;.;;;-v)1;;\};",:.'Q:~).Mi~i;~'Mj;:~YH:~iM~llii.~j;m~t2;t5,f.i~'\;{j,j\;fW{}iil~.:;(/;11;i~,:n;;:;;\~j;'Y~;:~" Lane LOS A A B B Approacil;b?'[~y;(~}:;f:' ,0;8::)(:' oi ':.' :';.0;1>; "':;:'c:;:. <~:'d1Q;l\/;:1i.:'5t Approach LOS B B ~:~&ti~~I~~paqtY;~0iiliiati4l}/; i\:;):~/:)::j;;;,!o'i'}!4r,~~;: ....:)::<~i!Gl) 1l~v~tQf,$eiYj~~;;';1}:>;;,:.: Hit;;:;<>j;:N;~jA2i\i:i:~. Analysis Period (min) 15 '",' \...F-:...~~ . , . .... ':-.', ': -', ; ,'.;. .":'~ ::: :'.: '.: . . . ,:. ......'...;:. Existing PM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Market Blvd/Pauly Dr 9/15/2008 ./' -tI- " f oIIt- '- "\ t l' '. + .; '-'B"~'tJ[~iW~i'~iB~~~~'iifl~D'f~'if?~Y~D'ff'Jf.f~B~:'O ..1~~I)JD~.~4t\J:lM;,~~.~~~,~~~~.~6>J1~'~~'''~'~~~' ...J~ Lane Configurations \jOiilme:{Y~n.lfj)~f:N~:';:~;:~';'::.. . ;';"5 Sign c:;ontrol Grad~<' Peak Hour Factor Hourly'flow rateJvph}." Pedestrians .lane Width{ft)i. ...... '. . .' Walking8pe~d(ftls) .. Per~eri.f;B'o~;:lge;:' '.:', R.ighttur_~~~r~(v~h).. . MedilinWpeC;'//;:';:';:>': :,,, Median storage veh) Up~tr~am$i9ria:i'{fOi\': ~~:;~~J~~WgW~d&~t:::,?,;{;\'!i.~.:if>7;~\,:;;14~9l:L;\@ap.;"<<~.5g2::.i~1420;'.\-;ii!2Q~;)t;1~~;A~1}kt2.;j;i;:~::;~:;}" ; :/;;Wi';:~'::9~:~i)\!';;:f;;~(:};':;:),\;:*\;:i;: vC1, stage 1 conf vol vQ2;\~i~g~ig;(CQfif;,y.oi:;i;:\\;~,i:\/~i'fiiii"::ii.. vCu, unblocked vol 1151 1430 490 1552 1420 299 491 599 t~:{~idgl~j(~)Wi~i1.;\:;;i~~~1i;n!fBr:.:':i':~t~~1;t}H;;J)}'~;i~1~;?f$;~:~~untff:;$': }};:;}.~}5:\:\::;f.iY~1..~lti'i;{{;t~{1H;;f;;}g::;}\};-5;.ti;f;::'t;\~t~~'t4~~jz~g;:rW~i?~tt~'m{,~\.; t~i(~)Vt!~I;~\~1~&wr#%:~0:;~~:~i.~Yiif\Hji;:~::5!;\}~~;4::O:~y(tj$~3 :\;;~;i;:3:5W;:'..i~4;0 i\i.i~lj$l$l;!~tiHii~:~\~~j:!;*::(fH;';.?:'<:;:!;+?!;:j;;;::, 2.2 ~,~ .', (;:::: .:. pO queue free % 96 99 75 57 98 95 85. 99 cMMiP~~ny~(v.~~'iil);i6@!;:;;l~n'\;;,\(i~4;t{.'~:\~(11'2;i!ik~i;~524W,i';:: :!)!50 ':":;'<11~?:;';Q;'69.7.;~i;;'H~j'~?\i;{Ai~Jfi}i;:'E~i:{i:;~i!'\;'~i':\9i.4i}}~;)$~;i}:!;;:M~ii~;.;&;-.(~'- :.:JiF~; Stop "::0%::," 0.92 0.92 " '5 '.': :.,:., 1 ..' .'. .. .~.. (\)22>/~:20 . :/:(':;:g. Stop . . ;00/0':':;:' 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 .133....'22:..". :;'2':.:-<::'.3~" .'f . q .' 4~ >.W-~:L?':;,\H~;~~.\:it5~O\:< 21:1;;/ .' 11"- Free < '00/0 .' .' .' 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 :.<159':,<;;576. :..';23,,'; ':<1~_, :\2A;'i;~:':\:;"<2. Free ';0% 0.92 0.92 :>A8~ "':":::? . .... . . " .. . .n:'. '....' -\::.J';;':U;;:::.'::~;o";;~~;}i'N9ne'i' " '.' ...,.....::.:. :::~.:. ':'~.";' ),;'!iNone')e<',i" ~;/;'l}ri.4:f?/':(f'~3 . Volume Left 5 22 0 VoiJ.m.~~:~!@tt{i;.J\~E::'?;'?;;~. :i: \i13jt;::;:;To'!;/(\:::3~': cSH 454 53 697 1068 1700 vo!~m~i.iQj:;'~p~qjWi{jf;~:i;~~e(~Mt;iQ}$1~{;#.S;\Q;~5)i;.~FM;p:~\ii:{*9;15j ~';;...iP;:1ij:f.:(WiQ1Q1N\~~'~$.:i;~till~ktqgtm:~;K;i;:;j;\1~~/);t~}:}iXV~;M~1:EjMi!W1iMli';i:iiW;~;!fi: Queue Length 95th (ft) 32 42 4 13 0 1 CO"o~QI;Q.~I~yl(~)~{%;Bf:XA%\i{;;i.;1~~i,;;~i;i1io,~~t)f,1Q;%::';:&;~i4.;2.{'~":' ).:;o;Qi-;;.}li\Qt~iK~;i!.(fJi);;'.;;g:t';;;:':i~};;?i~);(.':';>::i:(\;gN;S}~,i'::U.;m;\~LW>Bi~';!i)jiJi(- LaneL,OS " .' .... C _ "J B.. A. . .A App.r:Q~'cijYD~la5<(s): '.' \..,;. .:.::A6~4~:'~:;;~~S). ....r '~2..5, . //;';\QA. Approach LOS C F 5.2 ......ii,:~!:9y;,~~i3.?/o ..</.:" ICVL~vel ;Qt$~rvi~.i;;~;:H;\;!;;"i%i~i:t);:;';/</iJ1 <.C:~,> 15 '.......' . ". ," .:, <.':.':':.~+( .:~ .:"..::", -.;-..; ~-:-':'-' .' AVElra~~p,eI?y. 'u . . u.., Intef~~c.l!6)j~QapaCiJY i!JtiH~tjo~/ " '> Analysi~ Peri~d (min),. .' ~':'/" . .... ". .." . . . .~~, ..'. Existing PM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access 9115/2008 -..:s( '" ) JI:'"'. "' ( ) Jf ~ , JI 'ttJ ~~~~'~i~.~lr~~~l~":'.f~1Pi~~~~~~l1r~~.' M.\:!J{,!;l"JJ;tm~.~~J...;""""",d~"..l..'I;;I, .,..~_. . .Jll~~.""'~'\l< ,.<.,~... .<- t613m~~r:&fu)t!~:~.~, . 2~~+!}:~:';:M;M;\~2..'/'/';~ '::;:;::1~,;\;d',)\;3$.' ::>iA'.':': SiQn Control . Free. Free. . Gra~e"<;:,<:, . . . '<:0% . '''. :'0% Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourtyflow.;/'ate:(l,Iph) :24.'224>'(/:'::'2:8 .186 ','.38 <'1. Pedestrians l~ne:Wi~th;(ft)':.: . Walking Speed (ftls) Percen(Biockage Right turn flare (veh) Med.i~lrnype '. , ,: , Median storage veh) Upsire~hHsignai;(ft)..: . . pX, platoon unblocked vQ;1~nft(CtjilgW,QI4m~'!;;:iY.::. ~,:;]:; 2g4.>(\~;iF' <;:;::~i;~>)~()!{i':'H.246 >:;i:.:';\i.\:;t;iiif;r',Wh;j;\3$~:;:;,':;~:.;i$1?"fS.\ ,~1)3/A;:,':~~M:,;'-jJgA~4,tW;~'~,;j142 vC1, stage 1 conf vol YC~;;M~9:~:2:!~.on(:v.oI"'~':': \ci(;:&h::<h,~:':>~;~"::::{i}:i:<Wt'; \. vCu, unblocked vol 224 226 399 512 113 384 494 112 iC;'$.jngie.~Rs)f{(fiiI:~:'!L, :~:v}'>:n::;\:;4Ti;\;?;i);HJ';i;;~;:[)~\L;\:~~(;;g1;~.:;~.~RH;~'i'~;gi;'1'~,~)r~;<:>: :Firri~$mm~~i~)~~/",~;;;;'~~i$j)~s{;~l;t;~;t,ffim~)i~:;~\~f;~:n~(~ tC, 2 stage (s) tFi{sj'iFt\~f)~((;Wi~Hi\;~tit;;h: :;:>iN~r;.H~i~m1.~i!t:/i.:L\~)i/;~;:~li?Ft;J.{\;t4;2)~?iiiii:!i:A'f'!Wt:\;'bt\~+:;?:i3~~~i(;i%~~t4.0 \;):?f~:3:M\i~iiqi5ii):~~)k~rQh~;(ti{i~~Ja pOqueuef~eeo;o.. ..... . 98 .. . . 99 .. .' 100 100100 95 100 98 tiM;,qa.'p'~g.itYRyebih)'\nwy;:;. ,.c::)ii342~r:;i...:;t:i):/~~s1;fl::S;:;;;TW:~;134b/(q;".:;(:M :;~\::ii':H~::<K51 ~!i;~:~W!453:S;i}i9j8iVri;Wi5~~;~iY,\\((<\M;i\;:,,;j92b ~.f.:t(:: Stop :\,:0%.... 0.92 ..1.... ';'3.;n::):~~$:\d?Y;'~;<":' ';:16 St~p .; .~:.:::'.;,~>:~',:.::.:. \:iO%.'<:; 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 . :.' .~3i.'27:'.\1...... , ..'17 '. .' , '., '.: ...... . . . .. .. '., ", :. ,." ,... ;\Nohe':Yi,::~:'iii ..\.~':::'::" , ''('lone '.: \'" M....';;nam Volume Left 24 0 0 8 VQ!lXm~!glgh:t~;\ii~\>.". ~. :.......,::~;}?;:;!:~O'.'%'ty(f'\~{;.;;:C;:;:2I; ~;/i;\ :o]\/~i. cSH 1342 1700 1700 1340 1700 1700 674 635 V.QiUmg;1Q1G.~p.ii~ItY./.?;;'\'. ;;;~\t~;Q;p,gNi;~~~~Q;Q~;t6\tQJQ~l%~\MQi.91 SSi~t9;Qti;;i:(iQ.;Q.~~it;)p:Q,;1ti;::BQfQZ(i:~".'..ii!Wt{\'.({f!i!j]t%H'i.l!{f~\":iWf,~{;}i~:;; ~.~~6Jf~~~0:(;~'ti~i.f:~~j\ ::iUi;\.\C!y;;j/:<;:[Qi.b:.;;~;~i\&:~;:~;);::iXli.~i:,;'ji~UQi,~/t2&;~lQ.;b.~~\:'1;;:jQ.;~)1~0~jj1 iri;\,t;j;;;-;";;ij;;.,;;:(K:+::(.t;;fm(:@,,'.i:;~.;lf~";', Lane LOS A A B B Ap'pr;9.~~bQ~I~y;(s)\:' .... '. :'.::,o,j<':/:: ......0:3 ::: ...1.di4;h\A H::; .:.' Approach LOS B B Average Delay ihr~r$~ct(Qq;C~pa~ity,;LitlliiaJio.rl .... .... ..... ~~aIXsi~ P~r!?~ (min) ... ':'/:~';.":/:-,',/~0-:~X:~;;):; ?}:::.;x.;'.' \ . .- '. . . 1.5 .,.~::'g~.J%,:(;;;,i:.;~.:;:IC.Wil~y?l,o.f'$~N.:!~i';/".'.'!i\";", 15 ':" .... ': ~'~. '.:' .. ...,...A,...:.. .. ..... ". .. . , .. ' , ,,::;.'~;:;:~,'!:~)::';\{\/'::-:", 2010 No-Build AM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HeM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Market Blvd/Pauly Dr 9/15/2008 ,f __ .. f +- "'- "\ t I" ~ ~ ..,' "!,,~~.%,;r;-~~~~JIi\f~"~a'ii;:w.Yt!1li~~~eoiS-r--U%'A~Bit~~,\W'pI~~~[lD1llillfD~-.:?f...'~~!ilB~~~j;>Jfi"B6'~~~~W~~C!'E'f~~~d M~v;em:e.l)t.~~~~'i~._" '..~"",\I:~l!ll1jill\~\~l,*P,~,~~v.,Y,"~4id")~f.."W.~"r;Wl!:~';y;!',,m,~,J.!I.;r~,\)jJt,'.I~~~l',_!;!,~~iJ\!,~9.pl,Wr~~, :,\;\ ~~~:~~~~%)'~0f};?':;: i;;<;->:i;~;",1' :C,' ",~~ ~,i~;,': ,',24: .,.i:>;;:9~:'~::Fn;>~\i/;;~;i(';1;:A~i:;';):~ig~;';,';H~~;,:F 'i:{:~6;, ~<:'2;('~' :?:3 Sign Control Stop Stop Free , Free , Grade:' """0%::"'" ':~O%:"':,.O%": ,,' ':"0%> Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Houilyflowrate,(vph) ": ~1' " "'1<26 " '10,'1 ,,8;):35: \ ;;276 :'>:44: "1F2~Ti/, ,,'3 Pedestrians Ulne \Nldih (ft):::?', : " " Wa~i~g Sp~e~,(ftIs) , p~rcent:Blockage.:,-' ',' , Right turn flare (veh) Medianl}ipe' ,'. ,,' , ": ,;,;,;,' Med~all ~or~9e.ye~~ . _ . Upstream signal (ft), .,'" " pX, platoon unblocked v.C;;C9.i1flic:t!@fv9j~m~\:};i,,\;>;iic:!M~<i !),'70~}::i'i;,:i.2$~ 'i:;),;f1X:.?H:';6.9i'i ;;:i!\159:\:\ . \30:qH:':::A,';<+:)'iWii'i~t$90{:; .' ';i/{ V;:::i.::).' ~gt~l:~~~f~~t~~:~ib:::::hi:;;:H;;:;'::U:.,: ;,:.,j\:::?;;~F}<:;:.\ vCu. unblocked vol 549 703 298 717 692 150 300 300 lO~':$ji1g[e:(sj?;i;:rq;~\ii:/v;w\r:~::!'ii;i5:;';::iSg~(5 X;:::.~:/6:~.~.;:)~;;7I.5X;. : .:.~[$.;$>\:\~::iJ3;9.;::::!ii.fi,t4~1W~;~:!~T~ /;;,i:~)~tn,;\t;\~;\:4;Ji!;::~;;, j?;fg./"::W:js';i; }~it~) ~~0M!~j;:"}1i.i;.'}:e;iWfW!k:"3~5'3i;i;';'(dj':'." :.S}~~3 't~WiW:3.f6"U:;,;:h'4tO'}\i:.:::::3;3{:~.;;:,.:"iij,:2 pO queue free % 100 10096 97 100 99 97 99 ~Mi~p'~~IMMiHih) '(;~:/f;~~\j /i'\\14p~W;:'i:'346~:;;i::;.i;698';;.':;'~:Z95\-:(;~$~fL:i.f~;;8j(t:;;':if12~W!/i.:{i~;;;hi?fi}:/'j~iii::<12$,8';";iAMii;;;r'i:,!V:'. . ". .. ". ...... . \. ';: ;....". . . :. .\. . ::. :.:.::. ".. .'-... . . . '", ~'" ".::' . ,;..~ : =. :.:-;:::-t :.: }\ :!:'~'N.one:\:< .:.::....';:':::..:.. .'. N6ne~:>V;~i . .:.... ~Q :cj' }IJ~&X. ~:i;jJ;:t';i~1\:~;?'i:Y<;;173.\" Volume Left 1 10 0 35 0 v.Q!u.m~';Righfji:;;}:~';:;r tt::: ;;':26S\.:::?j) :::'~(j.::...':'n(~;24:~:\'}, cSH 654 299 870 1258 1700 1258 y'g!~m.~::t9.j.Ga.P'#qilY?;"j:r;!;iPh\(;H;;(fQ4HN;;:'ii9;:Q4:;~';;;{Q;,Ojik;',:=;\O'iu3:fi{<:Qift 9';;~~:~~tp101i!b;~NjfAf%i;&il;tf.:T; :',t;:~(t{,d:ji;i~~(. :':" )!(),),;'/<~';(&.':i~:;K':,..:.: ~hVbl~~1~0(it{~;\~~~~:t;;{i'i:;~:;i:\;1Pi,~:/;:i;:1J,;$,\j::{;;9;~;:'\'{M}~ ,';;::i;W,Q:~,,};}M;:;;Q;~fj:~;,i:.;~gi:Xi',\;}it;::\;iiifif~;;:bMA~;.,;::t';;:.iL';i.::."'.' :;;',':';':'." ~eWS B C A A A A'ppioacll;Dei~y;(s) ,...... '10;8:14.1,:, tJiLO:~ ' Approach LOS B B A Y,e.ra~~_ [)e~ay .., . . . . . lI:ile~~&ti,o&Capacity;Utili4ati()fl'::\~;-:,\;" '... Analysis Period (min) Descnption.::teslTesiTest . . . ::;:~;:IGl,JL~veIOf$ervke;:\'c" H;;~:;;0;~;:: ;;\':<A:>,. ., 2010 No-Build AM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access 9/15/2008 ~~~~U~";fu\~W$~;;;'*~.;'"$'!~~~~~ir~ J.V.!..Q'{e..lJlenl~~~~~~~~~ ~aneConfigurations VOlum~1N~hlh)'.. ......<. . Sign Control Grade',>>;:' . . Peak Hour Factor Hou~y 'fiowi'at~(vph) Pedestrians LaneWidth.(ft) Walking Speed (ftIs) P~;'Cf)ntl3lpckage Right turn flare (veh) .. Medi~ntYp~(:' . ... fv1e.~ianstor.a.g~ veh) . Upiitream'signal(ft):: . pX, platoon unblocked vc.J(#nmiitjrig ;v.ol<<l\1ei:', vC1, st?ge 1conf vol y.C2j?~lag~'~;~ntYOr . .'. '.' veu, unblocked vol 302 ttW~ivgj({(s):;:;~~;}t:(: . . ..F4J{?\ '" .':YD'::\i !~.' ~..~!eQ.~(~) . . ~n1(s)}':t;~~y>". .... ,". ..... ,.:. ::: .'.... ::' '~"'2;2 :\":::':,'2\\:\)Sd)'if.!;)\~;2:;;~;\iJWWt!!;:f:{t:'m~r'.I.:@;))!5:t};i;;:U4:Q;;.;f.:i<'3:3".,:, :;:~:i:~.;5%=t;':N~1ij~\~im~3::~ ~~~~~~jt~~~~iti) :",'. .... ": '}.';1'2;~.~i'/:' i'V'? .:W':'i.;;;X};i:;j:1$~~:V \~!F!~;;;t:\Wh~?i!i~~tit4i:~;{;N;\,,1~~;(U:.'9~~;;?:\;:;4~~N:i;;i~f~~~/t);{':8~~ -...;1( ) ( , Jf 'tt.J ~ '\ ;It " ~ )r' . +~ .' . '.' ."23.):'::\205'~;'<>W1.0:.: Free . '..0%:: ." 0.92 0..92 0.92 252230;<11 ""'. 9 . ....\.:t.1. .ii.',:. .:.,...;.,: Stop .:.u..... :". -.\:0% 0.92 0.92 :.10 ""..1 '. -"?llW~"l{""'~'. Jl<<tm,,~..m :"{'}i'~a~.t<(;;;~;~\;~.:::;':~:.~3 Stop ,-.:i,'.;;:.<iO%{..... . 0.92 0.92 0.92 :41">1-'.' ....3p . t'ft. . . .;-'~~46)\;:/;'~~2;'<; Free , : ('(0%:;;.:'. . 0.92 0.92 i:::2~1' 35.. ;:~21::':, 0.92 '.'23 0.92 <:'29 ::'.~ ',.: .. ': ',. :,: :<None ;~.</'. .' . "?Pi3,02,\ .>\~;:;\;::::;.);f{:j;:.A\'::i')2M i.:;:iW{t:r;;~j}}ii;j;~i;SLX\{$Ol.\:;~:,;;~9~~~;:::\'117"\ ,i;:!~2~~l)t'/$,?1':!Zi:~\j~A~j. 234 507 639 117 528 627 151 :'.;::K4,i1:i)h.::;{;J0;VHt:k:i(:.::]i:id\;?Jil5.;;;if~%$;5(0'/:::6:;9.T:::;::.:'j($::;f/iY}@$1:~;~i:'~:6:~ Volume Left Volum~:Rightr. ,.... :.' cSH vQI~n.M\Q;C~pacllY: > ....,.. ... Queue Length 95th (ft) CQntfQi::o.:~iM/(~):>.' \ Lane LOS ~ppr:da&tr,Delay. (s) Approach LOS . i;ff!ii&s.i~~l", ..;;t~tW1K 25 0 0 29. 0 0 10 41 0.,\ ..' ':\'.\:0;t'.S;,iit11 <':;W.J.~~p:YSLi~I-!pr'S{)Y(35\\t~;2~;i\:;/i:36:;\T:::0:": .......,. .' ::~:' '\\j~/:;;i~;::L;;::';:' 1256 1700 1700 1331 1700 1700 655 538 'i.: ~'."{Q;Qg;W)'J'Q:Q$.;.?;;,~;:~tQjP$!i.;t'iH:QiQ~.;ti?11Q.:ip.f:gf1)9.'lQn~:\~~i,i.Q;Q~:1:~M.S\lo:f1:~}it~\.;S;:;\;W,;;~>k:;(jUX;'i{iiJ/i&iiYi..,);" 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 13 :,>7.~9:;:\;';XO;Qj{U;A;Q.;Q)};!~i7.~~.':;;;s.{tp.i9J;~::;~l;.Qr.Q;iii:~;~;ifQ)~;{::g#.2~a;);,,:,;.:,..;:;d:;;;.')>/;~:.~.~%:;:t:rhY, A A B B .0;8: '\:::to;~;:\12i8 . B B Average Delay !i1tei'S~cii.~ri[CapacityUtiliiation . Analysj~ ~e.rio~ (m[n) . ". ~'.". ." . .." . 2.6 ......<:'~}2~;~W:..:,..;;;. ; "IC~!l~\;~lioft$~Ni~;:' 15 ". -," . ". ~.;)~::;.!li~:.~.;:;~~..~:::: ::~.: . .....:.A:.......;... :.":";; . 2010 No-Build PM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Market Blvd/Pauly Dr 9/15/2008 J' -110 " ~ ....- "- "\ t r \... ~ ..; ~'.>i'."=_"~~..Ifu~>l<~~g~~~'iil.~~;.f-''"':4*MI&i';t''''''''i.~=WiW~1'illl'~~~Afi;-,'i'[)'~~lfr-U~""'''''',;\~;''''Ih'''''',*,''~&!i)B'8'I~Wii~~'.~.:~fu.~-~''''~ N1b.v:l!illlefi~~~M~e.BI!..Ea.Jt~%~8R~_W.B.\~'-~NB~mlis~iB~ml~Np.B.iff~~~6,~~S.B.f.~~~B.R Lane Configurations 4v 4" 4~ *' Volum~'iNenihf',:i ;~,);'~i:;;: ..:', .:.-F?s;)f?:;!:;1'.'127.. ... 21:.::~/.~i::Dj~i':"}i3Mh::<J5ii\C:::~51:" i~';'i;~f>~'n{+~4~ >>.-.. 2 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Grade' ....':0% " :>0%:' . .0%:"-. '/'.'.Q% '. Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0,92 0.92 0.92 Hciur1yJlovh~ate~(Vph)":'<.5 .... 1'.138 :2~., .<':2."<.:<...3Z,'\19.5''''>S99 ';\.:i:24" '<12:50~'"2 Pedestrians Lane Widtli'(ft) . 'ii: ". Walkin~Speed (ftIs) . P~r~e.nba.lpCk~ge.,:::.:~.>.>\:: ;:-. Right turn flare (veh) MediantYjj'i:t::':','.::\>;> .': .'.' Median storage veh) Upstreamsi?inal {ftr pX. platoon unblocked vc.;:;t9nijJfit!hg:voJ4m~: .i;h:;?;M';~;t~Q~:%~?146l.d~i\'.;5JQ' .... ::j&j.4,/;'/MIQ.;~;~~)R:~fi1&:AW~j1)j\~C}i:it,;iJG~~;i!:-~:1*k::'f~i3+ ;::.:.ci./(i;';,:".,: ~~~f;:~:~~:~?~~~y~:~;.>;<tt:Nif{d,)fi; ;.}..:'g:;/'::<;;:... ". . . vCu, unblocked vol 1202 1487 510 1614 1476 311 511 623 tC(single\(s)'W:?;(,:.:/;t/:('..\ii,;;.....i;.\7.,{!:iMi{:,:;\:\~i5:-!:';~ ;:'6;~.' ....:; ;.5}~:;.;;;(i.l6;~.t(;!ri~;.~i9:!:~{,i.t~ir4:;:lt~{Nt:l;\:;X;'t:ihrir!i:,mt!:i;;~;4;1~:i)::W"..:.. .'."'" tC, 2 stage (5) ~F;{s)~,H;f;~;lhi~r;ik:,lii;;;:yi;J~:X;;,\\.~{$.!5\t::;SY4;bfp:ii!.;3:3 ';:.'. ':: "~,~5 :~'h(\4:0;i\h~!ii;3.)~~Vdi;ff.i~gg~~;~}{;'W~Wi:(:;/:WfiW:Wt1ii2:Wi/;i':::.;':: pO queue free % 95 99 73 48 98 95 84 99 .". ...:..:.:....: ."... ...., : ". ; ..... . . . . . . ... -.' ; :,..~ ..... ...~";:.:::. ~. ; ::"". ;':;.\:i:~.' ,,:':':':.-;~.'~:~;;t;tN6n'e "';i-: ;' ':.<i'Nc1I1e:":'.:':': ' vpi .... . Volume Left 5 23 0 165 V9JOm~'R!gbf: '.'.':;/:/:;j,38';i\:;:1:\io:;< :.:37". cSH 438 46 684 1051 1700 954 *Qiu:m~j9.iG.:~P?~IIy)~U;:,:~WM.N;P.:i~,$.W%{W$4i;:;\:i'O(Q5 ;<:<Q;19>':1iQ}1~\\~f1K.:())Q~~;;!j:~'i;;~i#.~f.ji~:t1\2;~j}1i~,j.@;\!;j161il~;iiAL:i1;ii',{:;:-;.;\;;\{t'XU.; . '.' ". Queue Length 95th (ft) 36 51 4 14 0 1 qanfd)jIb~I~y.Ys,)};;~{;~):,:~:!ti:W~f:N.ji1 ft~~~>i~153.;-?;;;t;;A ,Q.~ Lane LOS C F B Ap'pfqacnPei~y.(s):~;:: ";;11:2:';;~&J'. Approach LOS C F lli1,€(~~'f~' Average Delay !hi~t~~ct!pn;,bapaCityliti\iz~tion:i. ",.. . Analysi~ P~riod(min) 12 A 2.6. : A ";0;4: . ..:'::. .:. ":~: .:. .'.':~ '. ,. 5.9 0;98.3%" .... :..ICU:tevEl.hj[:$ervioo:,;i,\:;i;.'h;;i~g.i;:;;W.i;: 15 . ." ':". . '.:. ::".:.-:." 2010 No-Build PM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HeM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access 9/30/2008 '-1f \t. ) Jt:' "" ~ , Jf ~ , J/ ):oJ ~l\t.~iWeE.~<<<<~_gEL~lti'SE{.1tS.EB:r~~Wl.~wrr.&Dglf_lfI'It~E.[~i~Wllii1$fil~WR ~~~~. ~~.,~ ." ... VQiOm~~(Vetilti}\ih'i}.h!\' ;.;. .. ;;?2....;i;.;.~09<;f(:<71.; :';,;';:121 '.;':;i11:J,<, / :,;;:35,::.:;;i~@;<; <:.;; ',1 i;; ;.:;iiSgi<:"; :,;(;4~:Y:;\:';;);' ;;,'<A~ ~laa~~mj{1,,::: .' :':.)~~X~':;; q';~:';i){~;:'> '::.q...;.'<~~~;:::;" ,,:"""<~~~%<:"'''<: Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hourlyi!OW"r~{e;(vpn}.>:.:24 ':224';::,}7":;.138>::':;-186., ...38 ,:;'32..' .1 . ..,:'57.- .: 27. '::\'1 . ;'.'17 Pedestrians ~an.e:WI~th(ft) :" Wal~i.~QSp~(ftI~). . . P~rc~!lt;Blp~k~g~:>:'. '" . . . Right turn flare (veh) M~diafi1YpefM;;:~:<:.;:;;;!f~id';;;;i;'>~:;;, i/None:;\>;: . Median storage veh) UpSfr.~am'Sjgr:l~f{ftjt .:>\> :;;-:..;. pX, platoon unblocked Y:GlAA~\flJqi!ngfvQ'Mm~'i(~b:~@~;;j\!}i.~f.4 "'..' . . '~i(~;>>' vC1 ,-.sta9~ 1 ~q~fyo! .. u. .' .' v.(;2ii~~@e:;2.IQQf.!fyqlb:<;~):'ji;}}:.'.': f.\:, :,,', ~t~1.liij@;~~r~w~\~~i~;;;tKt~(mi;(-~X':'K~~.;';!.;r:""';F{f\:?:}~;:::.;}'..!;<;jt1.~f';::~i(:;!;;:!";:;fg;;,~.?:,~:;',{ig~YR~t~;.::1~;::\r~i~}'U;iJ~~1~ij:;~:?f}~~$SJ~'m~~rVn;j(~!~ tC, 2 stage (5) (~t.t~Wi)J~t~t~~.;tl*F;\:hti;;tnriNi:~g;2.{2: :~.';.; ...,.;(;:ti'!:.... :.,};;t\.....:;~l~:;;;..:;,j~;\.::;.t~.~~;i~i::})~:<.H.~iH~~~~\fi';.X!1t !QIt4fig~~3H'>;r$:$ ~P,~Wl.M;.o.H!:i~~i~3.'~ pO queue free % 98 89 89 100 93 90 100 98 ~M:;~p~C.iWnv.enlh)\~.:;f\t{":{:::~1?4iir.'<' ":"';:;;i'.'.:'~'\:';<.:";;12.~7{\i:;::'!iYkF;;.~\j;';i\l1A':::ii}1e9~~~~~E~:t~J:\Mfi;8~gi.~\'~?!!i16.;i.;::;'i\~~6'::'\;~~.~~9 ."... . 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Approach lOS B C inlr&~allati1S'mma'lY~lfiil:.f(it~iJ!~~i~.it~!4j1~111i~_~l'DA~~.~la~~a..t~~W~ Average Delay 4.0 Jntet&~clronYGcip.acjty:LItnizCltJpni) . . · ....... '30;1 % '.. An~ty,~i~.~~ri?;~ (lTli~) 15 . '-'. '. ~'.: ~:'.'. ~. " JCU.L~y~!;~tSerVjCe:::~';1U; ::;.;:;. ::;~AV. ;.i.' ,....:..:,~ ~'. :.;' '?:~': . .' .. .' .... '.... . ..... '. ", .... 2010 Build AM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HeM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Market Blvd I Pauly Dr 9/30/2008 / -II- .,. -I'" ..- -\.. "" t I'" \.. * ../ lane Configurations VolumeX~eillt.i)'\,,!;:{y,}::')" Sign C~ntrol Grape <: Peak Hour Factor HoudffloYirate'(vPh):> ,', '" ',., Pedestrians lane Wipth'(ft)~ :~' :.,' Walking Speed (ftIs) , . Per.cent;I?Jo.~~ge:\,::' "'" ' Right turn flare (veil) MediaiWfypei/\\\;;:.\:::, , Median storage veh} Lip'stre~m:iighal;{ftf '" pX, platoon unblocked v,9;;t.Q.nijIGijng;~9}iJ:&.ii.;:::,;!;;-/:+ :::::};1~j}/5ti1n,QiHJ';:;i2~~iYn)~j ti;~fY:~~$4,i@}jd4~:F;"::}30Q, vC1. stage 1 conf vol vQ.~;:si~g?)iBQ[i{Y9IF;U;' ,. .,:," vCu. unblocked vol 791 1102 298 1017 992 249 300 tG;\$lQ9i~J(M8W;:\:',i(");'::;!U;;;~.',?JtJ$, '.,'(:1;<i~~;~;:;:Nfi':i;6:~n~;',F;izt5)t;;~H)~J~,?:\{(~)~;t~;Li'~\~4,;~;i~;+';;;;':i): ,. .,.... ,.: '., tC.2 stage (s) t~\{$j:WFifi~~!'/i9\iltnt\;(t\?:: \:/;'$:5:&;;{i~[Q~:i;Nj):Hi3.;~~)~Jf:t!i!{~;~:~~~#~j;:AJo<':iJ.\:%~iB);'."t\i~@i,';?,;(;;i..:.'/:'::\::' pO q\J~ue. free %.. . . .1 qo. 99 ..96 . . 39.. ... 99 93 97 c.Mjp~p'apW.)N~tllli):'V/:?;;)'\;:.;'i;:2~~ "'\~:;h~'&~');,:;;!;::6~fFU'}~16~:V~\'\~n .';;3(~l':1$rj::\:;\'t2$8YJf;{:~\Y::;'.~,:",\ .':;;Y;;1\.:)~;:)\:;:.1;";~/.i;i~4'Jj>!/.:92 .~~op ,.'\,','/ " ....".0% ., .' 0.92 0.92 0.92 T>,';.\26\:' ~%f~'i't:'~iii\\'~'""'".~~if.~~.'ii;'~-"~'~fW~""-'~" .._.f>j;~l)J.Sil~B..aw~ma1!~*~--66["m%iSeR .";:~h3.,ii{~::'f;~i;~~?i(\'i:;:;32 ,".:. ;1~ i.<....;10~;//;/;1Q8\\,>;;21;,{, ;,.\,3 Smp Free Free .,',\';;0%' : /': ' ';.'. '. '0% ';:::;0%': . 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 :.1.00........ 1 ,., ;':':00," ':35:. :276" .'223~..11(:.;297:::':3 . -.; . "." ','.;' ';''::None .:. , ';-.:' ~...,': , ~"Nqne:":;.'.:, 499 ~\\;;t4;1g[\~::~...<:::<:;i..}' ;,.ii:. ;"'~?;2 ,i;.?{ib!li)Rf;:{"}5;h';~ 89 '\'\;i1Q~j .;:: {!'(: ;';J?; ;';li;f?,).:;'~ V~.LJ., '.' . a;f@::Xt9.:~:\~~; Volume left 1 100 0 35 0 117 YpllJm:~\Big~~iY' ;':~')}/;.;;.:t:;: ":";':26?;:Y.~'.'\O'; ';i~~;"=~~,;~O:::;\:});;.:~O,::;:t>:g23~>,":T';.\~3:;:\.::;'.:: . ..'.::i..'} ..,;',,;, cSH 589 165 750 1258 1700 1061 y.()i~Hi:~~fqiC~~~~jtY;t.*;\MY;:;;YOio.$i;i'WEo.l~)t:1~:;i:Qfp'!i%'D\:\Q1Q3W\;;'~~Q;?1'!~M~&;:Q~t~~~p;.,:':; i:\;;"fk:,\...t;>};;;;~(,:\r{'.\f(\,i\i:;<;;i';':;,. ':: ..... que.~e.L.e~Qth 9~~h (ft). .4 83 . 5... 2 0.. 9 CQot(Q\~p~j?}i:~s)\i~Wii'M/:\t.':>:.'1.~ ;1+:i.!?MWi;!}fi.\tQ}1fH\~~~@~ M~i:j~O;QXH::?<~;~.\.;.;~~;;g:;\::i ......\ ;;;':i!'i,:')' .'~;(:;;}:.,,}\Wb;:; \'H:;;:;.~ 'Xi lane LOS B F B A A ApproachO?I~y~(sf',,> . ...1.1:4..... '.,~to . ",::\\:;';"O,6:'i'':{;;. ".::.~j Approach LOS B E Average Delay liMr~'qtion:Caifa~iWUtili~tjoii; ". Anal~~is Pe~~d (min~ .'.: ~:'." . 7.3 ;;~6;~%';:,:.';:;';:)Jc0.1eyel pfS~iYice:i 15 "'. :'.:B''='" 2010 Build AM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Great Plains Blvd/Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Access 9/30/2008 -..::I( ~ ) /f1:'"' , ( , Jf ~ , )I' ~ t~ '" '. ..'1 t~ " ;205/:t~W':;':3$:<:-~':(7~'::':S':(?46\ Free Free "0%. ....,><'iO%. 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 223:;',',':<3& <; :""':";1~:' >"~67-; 4J. :.:): \~~,\~'?'!.:~9A: '/:<:1'\ '. ::.' ....:,,{~~~i '. 0.92 0.92 0.92 ':35..:'.-'75 \>1:' '.'121::' : 3ft; ;:(;~1.t~?{< !:k33. . ...~top . . ....... . . . . .......:0% .' 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 '132 :' .'411,~;36 Lane Configurations Voium~}{\iehlh);' ?~{F;' Sign Control Grade .' Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Hoi)nyfl6w,"rate:(vph)':'.' :', ....: :25 Pedestrians laneWidth(ft) ...,'. Walking Speed.J,ftJs) . . PerceriH3J9ck~ge: <.. . Ri9.h.t:~~~.f1.~r~ ~v.~~)., Medlan.'type ".;::... ':";:::. "; Median storage \fe~) . Upstream'signal(ft):. . . '. '.' ~2::~l~h~~n~t~~J~~~~):';t;f<~~;:';;:;.;~6.~\h::::!;L?~i/{d:f,::;;::\:\'>X?~1k:i( .\;+~)}(.: ('!;;:};~\~;!E~~bi~\~;j.$~::<,;,'13Q{":~;' {l/Jl{::\i::;il~1 ;.:. t.~f1..S1 vC1, stage 1 cont vol vC2,'st$g~i{C9rl';YQI~;:t>L':/:>;i,;(':<i~>~ >:.'U?:..'~. ::~. ::,:;.::~>";::,,,:,:;:,)}:!.,,:;:~ ':;;!;,. vCu, unblocked vol 302 261 621 753 130 737 754 151 fC;' slngl~Xs.H:;};tY;:~:I;+xn;::;;i;;):&f.H:ht;..".. ::;/c:;Fi;:/fN;;;!!:.:'.;!:;'~ft4;1k'\i~.:;'~'}F;}(::;;:~\.":;iL;;;}~!7J?;FW;n;~@./';:(}~:~::'.?t?t:W%~,;J:;~I5.;.' ;m~I~$ tC, 2 stage (s) tp;(ii}\:H!;J!:NtU,;'\:SiW?i': ;:{!:f;,c;W.j;~.\2;:;;'; W{;;:;;r.:1();f<,;\"h'\,N;~~2:.~::'/);).s:n:;:~:'f'0'!Xt:\\C'3:.$:f;:s;!.:~m 1{ii. pO queue tr~eOIo .. 98. ... . . .. 94 . . .. . 78.. 100 eM 'cap~"CilY-;(v~iil~)tHi;.!Yf.Fr:()1~~~~W;\"?;;q\:",:)/;'i~:.;,'i/h1~Q~t(!\~{?~;}}~;~':i'; ':'?<' !'\"3~ft::1!<~W:~3jO!' '". . ", "," ",', .... . . ~ ,".. :".~. ~ ~ "," '\':None':~'~',}" . .... . ;':;':0:.' None . . .. . . . '.:.-. ... ..~:~!;):;~y~;5{~?~Nf.l4i(}\\2(~;~:i;t3. 85 83 100 96 ::.~;~~9'5 ':;;:X\24~kf\;:f:3}O,~~':'.;:~:ee8. v.oJ~ z)m.\~;r?4:;W!#L.... Volume left 79 0 0 75 41 Voh.iri:ieRj~iht\>Y ~~.:;i:;! YS\o .\"\::: i CHi> .:S;5}:rj32:L;<\;$6Y;;' ;', cSH 1256 1700 1700 1301 1700 1700 553 367 vPlume."tp;.C~P~~itY;;%\::.;:H;~i.';&Q;9i~~(I;O;Q~:.fm:':;QfQi;!Ntj.{.Q;Q~k.tt!:(),~."Qi{::ii'9;Oj.;.~:;.tp~~Mm~SQ:~10:{(iW: ...:j:;~(?~i'!j:i~;i:;1N;i.~A;iWj;:::};:'~i(:~.l\:;: Queue Length 95th (ft) 2 0 0 5 0 0 43 20 Control Del~iY: (s) .,' : '.:: ".~ ; .;;. ..: q~9 ,;. '-:....,;:Q;6;:t!jM:Vio.!Q:~~}i~~;it;~;i:\;X/Q;O...:}'>Q}9> ?};;#!>)jY;,;il511~5~:;;) :;:f~;!:f<;i}~;:\t;~:X""'. ;)i:!;("',';i\,:i;;: lane LOS A A C C ApproachDelay(s)::;:; '.'Oil> ......'(..x1.T:'..:..... 15.4'\1);5', Approach LOS C C . ~ ". . rDJ.~mlir~o~rmIDfiW}~~~...~il.)1.~~i~I~~~II{~J~1i~~_~.t~tf~1I;.~A~ Average Delay 5.6 InterseCtioh Capacity lJti!iz~ii9~iiS< .:...<< <$~:70/0;.:\!:'-'\:IGUkeyel of Service'. Analysis Period (min) 15 ...... 2010 Build PM Peak Synchro 7 - Report HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis Market Blvd I Pauly Or 9/30/2008 ./ --II>- ,. of -+- "'- "\ t I"" ~ ! ..,; r'i...."'-!~~~"""';;...~~,t!);ijf~~&..'~I'!l~.."':'4ll:'- ". ,y.IQM:em~1it~~;.~Wi~':i,"l:!iia.Wf~~. L.ane ~~nfi~urations . .. +.......... '. volufu~'(V~h/h)./~~~::;'. :"', :.5,:;:':/.':Ht ::?+1?7j",':J?6<< Sign Control Stop Grade..::..' . . .0% .,... . Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Hblirty flow rate :(Vph) .. :".' 5 ." '.1 '138> " 2Q~" Pedestrians Lane.Wi~th(ft). :...... Walking Speed (fils) percentBI9ckage",: . R.i~htturt1 f1~re. (y~~) M~di$n ltYp:e',.i' t:;:\ :. Median storage veh) tipstfearr;;~ignar((i) ':' ~x.! p'1~~o~.~ ~~~I?c..~~?... V.C;:p':l[ln@IOgNQllJm~?< ;: vC1, stage 1 confvol V$2;sWg~i2;tQnf;v.bj!. . . vCu, ul)blocke~v()l. . .. 1360 1630.. 51~ 1721 1584 347 511 695 ;t.~.:.:.~:~~.s~2:.',).in:..:...'...~.t.:.;:.."I:,e.,~,_,':;.~.,.t..~::.s.,...(...).~.::.,)'..:.~'.."...:..''.i,.;.:.',~...:...::..~,:,:,:'..'..:::':,::.....~:.:.:.~.....:'.",::..:.':".:.".' ....t;;\~7)5:<...~;.6!$::.:;;:::.;6.:p.m'iT:::iI$?:!./,'\i~~~;~:ii;~m~t6:~'~;'i.t)4'~1i:D':;"';fril;tt}:~:;;;fK!.!:'.;::>(i',~i_~\~<:tt:;iK:A:::2t. r- \ ... 0'-' . "<$:5' '4j)>\/~;$":~f~~~t1~:5;}/:;'diAWF;'>}:";~!:3>::\1:;:i)i{;\(WJ;~~.:Yi)~XWi:}i:;iiiY~\2;2;;'+<%.'!\r;;i:';;';:.: '.' ~~~~cl~~~r.ti1.~)\~tXi:.;:;, ...i~, "':":~\i';'k$~~.W<\;>(3~rK;0;~g~~\'i;r:{$.~~ 'NiH9~~!W6~):fi:;t8/X/(H;~;:?i;\/;;<8~jy ;::"~:r:.\: :;:,\'\;. +t ,';':,2"'" Stop '>0%' '. 0.92 0.92 ,2..;1~4. '.!!1,52\:~;:;rBi',,;\!i!};88.i\ Free !;:-:~:WO';.:;:;\;:" ':' '.' 0.92 0.92 0.92 , '~.165.',. .'i5~9::.":\/9p :~atl.I:'l~ftf~lJ.t$BR ;A.4::;!~i.:4;;; ?:;.'~ Free ..,';)0%:..: 0.92 0.92 0.92 .: <A8 ,,509....2 . . . '". "'" "';. . .,....:........ . . . ". ...;.... "'.:-.:'.', > (N,on-e'i . .::,\.i.:'..t\lone:X' :13~O. ,'::;;19~Q>::'>:~jQ;;; Y'1:~~j1 ih);~ $,64. \'\::~<~t/'f;iL:~t1ji}\;.(!';::':;;' M(iLY'me:i Volume left VQI~lji~R'ight cSH YQiMm'~;tP1C.~'p~,CiiY;:";~~\V'.i;: . Queue Length 95th (ft) ContrQH~.~li:1Y;{s.)}i~i;:.\W~~;: ".('. Lane LOS Appro~~filbelay ;(s)~' :'. Approach LOS 5 :. :1$8: .". 401 'Q:~6;. 40 ',W;Q.. C '19,0 C ~~}: 202 0 165 0 48 . ....;O.<.;J2~. ;\\it<o: :inS96!l}:'j'\2:{X', ~/i{V:\)\YD{i::: {i{';':: '.' .. :~;.;..<,>.. 35 649 1051 1700 897 i5:ao'\);?QA~i.~';T4:Q~1~2'i;A;pf?~ :i!/~!~QJO.~.);'~'~ ':hfUH:XWi):c:~:Jf~);i:i;j~:: .'.. Y:5H}};,,}J;\}\{';. ;":>;;/' ~ . Err 18 14 4 F . 6229:0 ". . F B A .'...:"2;.3....:.... . ":.- A /1:4 1084.1 .:-J3L6%',:;. . <leu Level of Service 15 '.": ~'.;: :;.' \'.0:, .; ..... ...; Avera~e Delay . Iriteis~c:ticiriiCa.paCily:Uti!i~ation . Analysis Peri?d (min) .::.:' >.... ," . . ':.:... .:.;.....:::::.. 2010 Build PM Peak Synchro 7 - Report Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. SIGNAL WARRANTS ANALYSIS LOCATION: City of Chanhassen, Market and Pauly, Wllhout Right Tums on Minor Approaches CaUl'll'(: CalVe< REF. POINT: DATE: 101712008 Speed 30 30 30 30 Approach Description Major Appl: Major App3: Minor App2: Minor App4: Markel Blvd NB Markel Blvd SB Pauly Or WB Private Access E8 Lanes 2 1 1 1 OPERATOR: Chris Ryan 0.70 FACTOR USED? POPULATION < 10,OOO? EXISTING SIGNAL? THRESHOLDS lA11B' no no no MAJOR MAJOR TOTAL MAJOR MAJOR MINOR MINOR 2 MINOR 2 MINOR MINOR 4 MINOR 4 MAJ & MIN MAJ & MIN HOUR APP.l APP.3 1+3 lA 18 APP.2 lA 18 APP.4 1A 18 1A 18 0:00 - 1:00 0 1:00- 2:00 0 2:00. 3:00 0 3:00. 4:00 0 4:00 - 5:00 0 5:00. 6:00 0 6:00 - 7:00 0 7:00 - 8:00 304 342 646 X 92 X 24 8:00 - 9:00 491 384 875 X 92 X 24 9:00-10:00 0 10:00 -11:00 0 11:00 - 12:00 0 12:00 -13:00 0 13:00 . 14:00 0 14:00. 15:00 0 15:00.16;00 0 16:00 -17;00 728 463 1190 X 160 X X 100 X X 17:00 - 18;00 791 514 1305 X 188 X X 133 X X 18:00 - 19:00 0 19:00 - 20:00 0 20:00 . 21 :00 0 21:00 - 22:00 0 22:00 - 23:00 0 23:00 . 24:00 0 600 900 150 75 150 75 Warrant 1 a Warrant 1b Warrant 2 Warrant 3 Warrant 7 Met (Hr) Required (Hr) 2 8 o 8 2 4 o 1 o 8 NOI satisfied Not satisfied Not satisfied Not satisfied Not satisf.ed Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. SIGNAL WARRANTS ANALYSIS lOCATION: Cityo! Chanhassen. Market and Pauly. Wilh 50% Right Turns on Minor Approaches COUNTY: Carver REF. POINT: DATE: 101712008 Speed 30 30 30 30 Approach DeSCliplion Major Appl: Major App3: Minor App2: Minor App4: Market Blvd NB Market Blvd SB PaUly Dr WB Private Access EB Lanes 2 1 2 1 OPERATOR: Chris Ryan 0.70 FACTOR USED? POPULATION" 10,000? EXISTING SIGNAL? THRESHOLDS lA1lB' no no no. MAJOR MAJOR TOTAL MAJOR MAJOR MINOR MINOR 2 MINOR 2 MINOR MINOR 4 MINOR 4 MJlJ & M1N MJlJ & MIN HOUR APP.l APP.3 1+3 lA 1B APP.2 lA 1B APP.4 lA 18 1A 18 0:00 - 1 :00 0 .. 1:00-2:00 0 2:00 - 3:00 0 3:00 - 4:00 0 ... 4:00 - 5:00 0 .. 5:00 - 6:00 0 6:00. 7:00 0 7:00 - 8:00 304 342 646 X 115. X 24 8:00 - 9:00 491 384 875 X 115 X 24 9:00 - 10:00 0 10:00 - 11:00 0 11:00-12:00 0 12:00. 13:00 0 :c. 13:00 - 14:00 0 14:00- 15:00 0 15:00-16:00 0 16:00 - 17:00 728 463 1190 X 208 X X 100 X X 17:00 - 16:00 791 514 1305 X 245 X X 133 X X 18:00 - 19:00 . 0 19:00 - 20:00 0 20:00 - 21:00 0 21 :00 - 22:00 0 22:00 - 23:00 0 23:00 . 24:00 0 600 9Q() 200 100 150 75 Warrant la Warranllb Warrant 2 Warrant 3 Warrant 7 Met (Hr) ReqUIred {Hr} 2 8 o 8 2 4 o 1 o 8 Not satisfied Not satisfied Not satisfied Not satisfied Not satisfied