Recording Transmittal 12-23-09 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 FAX (952) 227-1110 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Campbell Knutson, PA 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 DATE JOB NO. 12/23/09 09-18 Plannin Case ATTENTION Sue Nelson RE: Chanhassen Transit Station Document Recordin WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached D Under separate cover via the following items: D Shop drawings D Copy of letter D Prints D Change Order D Plans D Samples D Specifications o Pay Request 0 _ COPIES DESCRIPTION 1 Grant of Permanent Easement between Bloomberg Companies and the City of Chanhassen sanita sewer and watermain 1 Grant of Permanent Easement between Bloomberg Companies and the City of Chanhassen ublic street, draina e and utilit ur oses 1 Grant of Temporary Drainage & Utility Easement between Bloomberg Companies and the Ci of Chanhassen 1 Public 1m rovement and S ecial Assessment A reement 1 Nota a es for Redevelo ment A reement 2 THESE DOCUMENTS ARE TRANSMITTED FOR RECORDING REMARKS COPY TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Laurie Hokkanen, Asst. City Manager Paul Oehme, Public Works Director/City Engineer Alyson Fauske, Asst. City Engineer SIGNE . '- If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once.