CC Minutes 12-14-09Chanhassen City Council – December 14, 2009 pleasing, improve property values and provide good stewardship so Greg and Colleen, congratulations and thank you. Greg Fletcher: Thank you very much. Mayor Furlong: We have a Certificate of Recognition as well so thank you very much. At this time I’d like to invite members of the St. Hubert’s Church and School. I think we have one of the teachers, Layne Bensiek here and some students as well. Project Reduce, Reuse and Recycle programs in the church and school was the winner of this year’s award. This year St. Hubert’s Church and School decided to do things a little bit differently. Instead of going with the status quo they made some environmental changes throughout their building. Some of the changes were small but some big but they all added up to a significant difference in the church and the school’s environmental impact. They discontinued using styrofoam cups and now use donated coffee mugs. In the classrooms paper towels are no longer used but instead rags and natural cleaners are used instead. In hallways and other rooms there’s a greater quantity of recycling bins to ensure access for everyone. They switched from, all from lighting to environmentally friendly products and use only green cleaning solutions in their buildings. With the success and accomplishments this year the school plans on forming a student green team, which I think we’re seeing the initial membership right here. Excellent. This year and into next year as well as looking at other options such as composting organic waste in their cafeteria. So to the St. Hubert’s Church and School and the green team, thank you and congratulations. Move on now to the next items on our agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated November 23, 2009 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated November 23, 2009 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated December 7, 2009 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated December 1, 2009 -Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated November 24, 2009 b. Park and Recreation Volunteer Service Awards: Approve List of Winners. Resolution #2009-87: c. Resolution Accepting Donations to Chanhassen Senior Center from Community Bank. Resolution #2009-88: d. Approve Resolution for Withdrawal and Termination from the Joint and Cooperative Agreement with the Regional Mutual Aid Association for the Use of Personnel and Equipment during Emergencies. 2 Chanhassen City Council – December 14, 2009 Resolution #2009- 89: e. 2010 Street Improvement Project 10-01: Accept Feasibility Report; Call Public Hearings for Red Cedar Point and Erie Avenue Areas. Resolution #2009-90: f. Well No. 14, Project 10-03: Approve Plans and Specifications; Authorize Advertising for Bids. Resolution #2009-91: g. Approval of Vehicle Purchases Consistent with the Capital Improvement Project. Resolution #2009-92: h. Chanhassen Public Works Facility, Project 08-03: Approve Change Order #3. i. American Tower Corporation: Approve Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 09-3 to Allow Co-Location/Addition of ITT/FAA Antennas and Radio Equipment at an Existing Telecommunications Tower, 2290 Lyman Boulevard. Resolution #2009-93: j. Approve Resolution Amending the 2009 Budget. Resolution #2009-94: k. Extend Authorization for Mayor, City Manager and Finance Director to Execute Refunding Bonds Without Prior Council Approval. Resolution #2009-95: l. Approve Resolution Establishing Procedures Relating to Compliance with Reimbursement Bond Regulations under the Internal Revenue Code. Resolution #2009-96: m. Resolution Approving a Land Use Plan Amendment, Re-Guiding Lot 1, Block 1, West One Addition from Commercial to Office Industrial (7900 Kerber Boulevard). n. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, February Festival, February 6, Chanhassen Rotary Club. o. Approve Tower Lease Agreement with Clear Wireless, LLC for Murray Hill Water Tower and Lake Lucy Water Tank. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC HEARING ON FIVE YEAR STREET RECONSTRUCTION PLAN. Paul Oehme: Good evening Mayor, City Council members. Mayor Furlong: Good evening. Paul Oehme: Tonight staff would like to review the 5 year street improvement plan with council and hold a public hearing and we are requesting that council provide preliminary approval for the 3