EC 2009 12 09 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting December 9, 2009 Members Present: Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Denny Hansen Members Absent : Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Minutes: November minutes were approved. 2009 Recycling Coupon: the information regarding the amount spent as part of the coupon program wasn’t received from the county prior to the meeting. Arbor Day Planning: Staff suggested changing the Arbor Day event to try something new since the format has remained the same for a number of years. The commission discussed possible changes to the event. Ideas included having an Environmental Day where the AD posters would be highlighted and things could be going on at parks; celebrating AD by planting a tree at one of the local schools. Jill explained that the annual tree sale will be different this year. She handed out the order forms that showed the larger sized trees and different varieties. 2010 Work Plan : The commission discussed next year’s work plan. Jill relayed a message from the mayor that the commission should focus their work on one or more of the following topics: urban forestry, stormwater management, lake water quality, and water use/conservation. The commission first talked about their means of communication with the public: schools, th events such as 4 of July and Chanhassen Day, city newsletter, and the cable channel. They then discussed different ideas under each topic. Water quality is generally covered by the Watershed District, but there may be opportunities. Stornwater management and urban forestry seem to be related and the commission would like to focus on these two issues. Many links between the two can be found and may provide a variety of subjects. An additional side issue may be the management of yard waste. A commissioner suggested that perhaps a weekly update on forestry and stormwater issues could be printed in the paper. For example, “look for caterpillars on your pines now” or “don’t fertilize your lawn until September” or “don’t prune from April to June”, etc. Next month the EC will further detail their 2010 plan. General Discussion: Jill reminded the commissioners that the Environmental Excellence Awards will be presented at the City Council meeting on Monday, December 14. At the next meeting they will discuss work plan items for 2010. The next meeting might be moved to Wed, Jan. 13 at 6:30 pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair