APRIL, 19, 1996
Chairwoman Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Selda Heinlein, Bernice Billison, Sherol Howard, and
Albin Olson, and Barbara Headla, Dale Geving.
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner II, Kitty Sitter, SLL Coordinator, Kara Willems,
Senior Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commission Geving amended the agenda by adding an item
of election of officers. Billison seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: There will be a movie on the third Friday of
the month. On March 2nd, there was a potluck and Bingo. There was a Tax aid help in February,
March, and April. This session will be open to seniors, low, and mid income individuals.
SENIOR LINKAGE LINE UPDATE: The number of volunteers working on Senior Linkage
Line has increased to eight volunteers. Bernice Billison and Sharol Howard are tow of the eight
volunteers. This will free up Kitty Sitter's time to visit other cities within Carver County to speak
about the program, Transition to MAAA took place on April 1, 1996. There are no changes
proposed to the program. There will be a field trip for SLL volunteers to learn more about the
program operation. The trip will take place on May 17, 1996.
SENIOR HOUSING UPDATE: The K.C.'s volunteered to help out with moving seniors into
Centennial Hill Senior Residence. The construction of the building is on schedule.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Currently Sharol Howard is the Chair of the commission. The
Senior Commission voted to keep her as the Chair with Bunny Billison as the Vice-chair.
SENIOR COMMENTS: Chairwoman Howard requested an update on Mark Littfin's Memorial
Bench. Staff informed the commission that it will be installed once weather permits it.
ADJOURNMENT: Selda Heinlein moved to adjourn the meeting. Bernice Billison seconded the
motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Prepared and Submitted by Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner II._