3. Staff Report Reformatting CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952,227.1190 . Engineering Phone: 952.227,1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227,1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227,1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952,227,1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952,227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952,227,1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us w MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: April 20, 2010 6'f;&' Staff Report Format Change SUBJ: Staff has revised a previously reviewed report to sho'w how it could be reformatted. Our intent is to make the motion easier for Planning Commission and City Council. Note the motion could be modified to incorporate changes to conditions by simply adding a statement such as "as modified by Planning Commission discussion" or stating additional language. Please provide staff with direction on this potential change. Also provide staff with comments or concerns about any other changes which should be made to the report format. ATTACHMENTS 1. Staff Report Planning Case #09-16. 2. Staff Report Sample Planning Case #09-16. g:\plan\planning commission\staff reprot format change memo 4-20-1O.doc Chanhassen is a Community for life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow CC DATE: 10/12/09 IT] PC DATE: 10/6/09 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: 11/3/09 CASE #: 09-16 BY: AK, TJ PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the amended and restated Conditional Use Permit 79-6 for the Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot property located on Outlot B, Lotus Lake Estates, Planning Case #09-16, subject to conditions and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation as specified on page 5 of the staff report." PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 79-6, Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot, to eliminate the expiration date and amend the language pertaining to the fire pit. LOCATION: Outlot B, Lotus Lake Estates APPLICANT: Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association P.O. Box 63 Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Single-Family Residential (RSF) 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Parks Open Space ACREAGE: 1.82 DENSITY: N/A LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION MAKING: The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Outlot B is part of the Lotus Lake Estates development and has approval for a beachlot via Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 79-6 for sole use by the Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association. The Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association is proposing to amend the existing Conditional Use Permit and remove the July 21,2010 expiration date. A Conditional Use Permit runs with the land and does not expire, unless the conditions of the CUP are not met and the City holds a public hearing revoking the CUP. Therefore, the expiration date listed in the CUP is Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6,2009 Page 2 of 5 unenforceable; however, staff and the applicant feel it is in the Association's best interest to remove the expiration date from the CUP to clear up any misunderstanding. In reviewing the existing CUP, staff and the applicant noted the approved location of the fire pit within the site. The location is not feasible due to the topography of the site. Therefore, the applicant is also requesting an amendment to the language pertaining to the location of the fire pit. The subject site is zoned Single-Family Residential (RSF) and is part of the Lotus Lake Estates development. Lotus Lake is located to west, the Lotus Lake Estates single-family residential lots are located to the east and permanent open space is located both to the north and south of Outlot B. The beachlot complies with all requirements of the City Code and staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit amendment to eliminate the expiration date and revise the permitted location of the fire pit. APPLICABLE REGUA TIONS Chapter 20, Article IV, Conditional Use Permits. Chapter 20, Article IV, Division 3, Section 20-266 Recreational Beachlots. Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6, 2009 Page 3 of 5 BACKGROUND Lotus Lake Estates is comprised of 44 single-family residential lots and 3 Outlots. The development is located on the east side of Lotus Lake and was platted in 1979. At the time of platting, Outlot B was designated as a beachlot for the benefit of the Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association and was approved with Conditional Use Permit 79-6 for such use. The subject site is part of the Lotus Lake Estates Development, which is a riparian outlot for the exclusive use by the Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association. </," Garbage and Recycle Collection The Homeowners Association was granted approval of several amendments to conduct further development of Outlot B: . March 10, 1981 . April 22, 1982 . July 18, 1984 . August 8, 1984 . November 19,1984 . July 7, 1986 Canoe Rack.. The amendments include installation of a sand blanket swim area, a pedestrian walkway, four boat racks, three docks, a lO-foot by lO-foot swimming raft, a fire pit, and four sailboat moorings. sailboat Racks,~'.""",,~, ANALYSIS Fire Pit The Lotus Lake Homeowners ,.i1bo.' moo'~n. Association is very active in maintaining the beachlot and complying with the outlined conditions of the CUP. The Association has been working with staff to install additional plantings to eliminate erosion along the slope and restore areas ofbuckthom removal (depicted with X's on schematic above). The HOA has clearly acted in a manner consistent with the intent of the original CUP and in a manner displaying good stewardship of Lotus Lake. Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6, 2009 Page 4 of 5 Compliance Table: Ordinance Existine Lake Frontage 200' 1,058' Site area 30,000 sq ft for first dock, 100,188 sq ft 20,000 sq ft for each additional dock Camping Not permitted Not permitted Boat Launch Not permitted Not permitted Overnight Mooring :::; 3 motor or non-motorized water craft Not more than nine (9) boats, motorized or non-motorized, may be docked overnight at the docks Docks (number) Max 3 docks 3 docks 200' of shoreline/dock Dock size . shall not exceed 6 feet in width shall not to exceed the greater of fifty . shall not exceed the greater of 50 feet or (50) feet in length or that number of the minimum straight-line distance lineal feet necessary to reach a water necessary to reach a water depth of four depth of four (4) feet; feet . The width (but not the length) of the At the option of the Association, the cross-bar of any "T" or "L" shaped dock final ten (10) feet of any dock may shall be included in the computation of consist of a ten-foot by ten-foot (10' x length described in the preceding 10') square platform sentence. The crossbar of any such dock shall not measure in excess of 25 feet in length Sailboat Mooring No sailboat mooring shall be permitted on 4 approved amended and restated any recreational beachlot unless it has at CUP 1986 least 200 feet of lake frontage. No more than one sailboat mooring shall be allowed for every 200 feet of lake frontage. Canoe/Kayak/Sailboat 4 racks with no more than 6 storage units 4 racks with 6 storage units Rack per rack Swimming Area swimming areas are clearly delineated with One sand blanket swim area marked marker buoys which conform to the United with a minimum of three anchored States Coast Guard standards "swim area" buoys that are in accordance with the Uniform Waterway marking System Sand Blanket Yes Yes When the Conditional Use Permit was originally approved, there was an expiration date of July 21, 2010 listed. Conditional Use Permits (CUP) run with the land and are an indefinite permit until revocation is requested by either the property owner or by the City. Therefore, staff is recommending removal of the expiration date listed in the CUP. The CUP permits "one conversation pit-fire hole, three (3) feet in diameter with a six-foot (6') apron constructed of brick or masonry material, to be located landward of the walkway and not further north than the northerly line of Lot 32, Block 1, Lotus Lake Estates, extended northwesterly." Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6, 2009 Page 5 of 5 It is not possible to locate the fire pit landward of the walkway due to the sloping topography of the site at the east edge of the walkway, as well as the heavy vegetation. There is not an area landward of the path that would accommodate the fire pit described in the CUP. The Association has installed a 4' x 4' (16 square foot) masonry fire pit located on the northern edge of the sand blanket. Staff is proposing to amend the permitted dimensions of the fire pit to 4' x 4' (16 square feet) and amend the location of the fire pit to the northern edge of the sand blanket. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the amended and restated Conditional Use Permit 79-6 for the Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot property located on Outlot B, Lotus Lake Estates, Planning Case #09-16, subject to the following condition and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1. Outlot B must comply with conditions of the Amended and Restated CUP 79-6." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Exhibit A--Site layout. 4. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing List. 5. Amended and Restated CUP 79-6. g:\plan\2009 planning cases\09-16Iotus lake estates cup\staff report lotus lake estates beachlot.doc CC DATE: 10/12/09 [2J PC DATE: 10/6/09 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: 11/3/09 CASE #: 09-16 BY: AK, TJ PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the project as specified on page 5 of the staff report." PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 79-6, Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot, to eliminate the expiration date and amend the language pertaining to the fire pit. LOCATION: Outlot B, Lotus Lake Estates APPLICANT: Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association P.O. Box 63 Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Single-Family Residential (RSF) 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Parks Open Space ACREAGE: 1.82 DENSITY: N/A LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION MAKING: The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Outlot B is part of the Lotus Lake Estates development and has approval for a beachlot via Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 79-6 for sole use by the Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association. The Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association is proposing to amend the existing Conditional Use Permit and remove the July 21, 2010 expiration date. A Conditional Use Permit runs with the land and does not expire, unless the conditions of the CUP are not met and the City holds a public hearing revoking the CUP. Therefore, the expiration date listed in the CUP is unenforceable; however, staff and the applicant feel it is in the Association's best interest to remove the expiration date from the CUP to clear up any misunderstanding. Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6, 2009 Page 2 of 5 In reviewing the existing CUP, staff and the applicant noted the approved location of the fire pit within the site. The location is not feasible due to the topography of the site. Therefore, the applicant is also requesting an amendment to the language pertaining to the location of the fire pit. tial (RSF) and is part of the Lotus Lake Estates e Lotus Lake Estates single-family residential lots pace is located both to the north and south of Outlot B. quirements of the City Code and staff is recommending approval dment to eliminate the expiration date and revise the permitted APPLICABLE Chapter 20, Article IV, Conditional Use Permits. Chapter 20, Article IV, Division 3, Section 20-266 Recreational Beachlots. BACKGROUND Lotus Lake Estates is comprised of 44 single-family residential lots and 3 Outlots. The development is located on the east side of Lotus Lake and was platted in 1979. At the time of platting, Outlot B was designated as a beachlot for the benefit of the Lotus Lake Estates Homeowners Association and was approved with Conditional Use Permit 79-6 for such use. Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6, 2009 Page 3 of 5 The Homeowners Association was granted approval of several amendments to conduct further development of Outlot B: . March 10, 1981 . April 22, 1982 . July 18, 1984 . August 8, 1984 . November 19, 1984 . July?,1986 The amendments include installation of a sand blanket swim area, a pedestrian walkway, four boat racks, three docks, a lO-foot by lO-foot swimming raft, a fire pit, and four sailboat moorings. ANALYSIS The subject site is part of t Lake Estates Development, riparian outlot for the exclusiv by the Lotus Lake tes Homeowners Ass The Lotu Assoc. maint has be restore acted in a manner cons stewardship of Lotus L EXHIBI.T A lO1US srrE PiAN Canoe Rack -.-.... sailboat Racks-- ~ Fire pit p ym th the outlined conditions of the CUP. The Association stall additional plantings to eliminate erosion along the slope and al (depicted with X's on schematic above). The HOA has clearly the intent of the original CUP and in a manner displaying good Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6, 2009 Page 4 of 5 Compliance Table: Lake Frontage Site area Cam ing Boat Launch Overnight Mooring Docks (number) Dock size Sailboat Mooring Canoe/Kayak/Sailbo Rack Swimming Area Ordinance 200' 30,000 sq ft for first dock, 20,000 s ft for each additional dock Not permitted Not permitted .$ 3 motor or non-motorized water craft Existin 1,058' 100,188 sq ft Not permitted Not permitted Not more than nine (9) boats, mot d or non-motorized, may be d overni ht at the docks ociation, the o ny dock may ot by ten-foot (10' x form 4 approved amended and restated CUP 1986 4 racks with 6 storage units One sand blanket swim area marked with a minimum of three anchored "swim area" buoys that are in accordance with the Uniform Waterway marking System Yes When the Conditional U rmit was originally approved, there was an expiration date of July 21, 2010 listed. Condit" e Permits (CUP) run with the land and are an indefinite permit until revocation is request either the property owner or by the City. Therefore, staff is recommending removal of the expiration date listed in the CUP. The CUP permits "one conversation pit-fire hole, three (3) feet in diameter with a six-foot (6') apron constructed of brick or masonry material, to be located landward of the walkway and not further north than the northerly line of Lot 32, Block 1, Lotus Lake Estates, extended northwesterly." Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot CUP October 6, 2009 Page 5 of 5 It is not possible to locate the fire pit landward ofthe walkway due to the sloping topography of the site at the east edge of the walkway, as well as the heavy vegetation. There is not an area landward of the path that would accommodate the fire pit described in the CUP. The Association has installed a 4' x 4' (16 square foot) masonry fire pit located on the northern edge of the sand blanket. Staff is proposing to amend amend the location of the ft it to 4' x 4' (16 square feet) and blanket. ed an restated Conditional Use Permit 79-6 for the n Outlot B, Lotus Lake Estates, Planning Case #09- tion of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation: conditions of the Amended and Restated CUP 79-6." 1. Findings of Fact a 2. Development Application. 3. Exhibit A--Site layout. 4. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing List. 5. Amended and Restated CUP 79-6. g:\plan\planning commission\staff report reformat sample.doc