CC Minutes 04-12-10 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 12, 2010 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, and Todd Hoffman PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Furlong: Good evening and welcome to everyone here in the council chambers and those watching us at home. We’re glad that you joined us this evening. At this time I would ask if there are any changes or modifications to the agenda from members of the council. If not, we’ll proceed with the agenda as published if there are no objections. And I don’t have a printed copy so I’ve got to get back to. Thank you. First item on our agenda this evening will be the consent agenda items. CONSENT AGENDA:Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated March 22, 2010 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated March 22, 2010 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated March 16, 2010 -Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated March 23, 2010 Resolution #2010-26: b. Approve Resolution Accepting Donations from Xcel Energy and Roberts Automatic Products for 2010 Special Events Sponsorship Program. Resolution #2010-27: c. Harrison Hill Drainage Improvements: Approve Quote. Resolution #2010-28: d. 2010 Street Improvements (Erie Avenue), Project 10-01(a): Call Assessment Hearing. Resolution #2010-29: e. Approve Change Order No. 1 for Sewer Pipe Installation at Lake Ann Park. Resolution #2010-30: f. Medical Arts Parking Lot Rehabilitation Project 10-05: Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Study. g. Approval of Arbor Day Post Contest Winners. h. Approve Amendment to the Following Planned Unit Developments: Vasserman Ridge/Arboretum Village/Galpin Business Park. Applicant: City of Chanhassen. Chanhassen City Council - April 12, 2010 i. Approve Request for Preliminary Plat Extension, Liberty at Creekside, NDI Minnesota, LLC. j. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, Chanhassen Fourth of July Celebration, Chanhassen Rotary Club. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: CHANHASSEN RED BIRDS BASEBALL TEAM, BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Mayor Furlong: Tonight we have representatives from the Board of Directors of the Chanhassen Red Birds baseball team so I’d like to invite them up at this time and. Bird doesn’t say much. Councilman Litsey: I don’t want to make him mad through. Elise Ryan: Well good evening Mayor, council members. Mayor Furlong: Good evening. Elise Ryan: Do I need to state my name and address? Okay. Elise Ryan and address is 6587 Shadow Lane in Chanhassen and we’re here to talk about the Red Birds, if you didn’t notice. Thank you for allowing us to be here tonight. I understand that you got to have a little baseball fare before in your prior meeting so hope you enjoyed that and I think now Todd Hoffman’s going to come up and sing “Take Me Out to the Ballpark”. Todd Gerhardt: I’ve never seen Todd get nervous. Elise Ryan: Of course everybody has the Twins on their minds today with opening day and Go Twins. Pulling out a victory but in Chanhassen we have our own ballpark that we’re very excited to be talking about today and want to go into that a little bit here today. So first of all the baseball stadium we believe is just an awesome facility for town ball and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the board and the Mayor for approving the building of this facility and your investment, agreeing to invest the $600,000 of the park dedication fund to allow building this phenomenal facility. It’s going to be as the Mayor said in an earlier press conference, it’s going to be a great thing for the City of Chanhassen. Great for families from this community and all around so we really thank you for that. It once again shows our community what a commitment you all have to make this a great place to live, a great place to work, and a great place to play baseball and have a lot of fun so on behalf of the Red Birds we would like to thank you for that. rd Second of all we would like to invite the board to come to our opening game which is on May 23. It’s a Sunday at 2:00 p.m. and there’s going to be a lot of exciting festivities on that day and we would like if you are able, for all of you to come and join us on the field so we can thank you publicly for all your hard work on behalf of the City but also for help funding the building of a great facility and Mayor we would like you to throw out the first pitch. Mayor Furlong: I would be honored. Councilman Litsey: There’s some pressure. Elise Ryan: So start practicing. And last of all as a token of our appreciation we brought some goodies so you guys are appropriately outfitted for opening day. We brought you hats and t-shirts and our Red 2