01-21-1997 3/t Z g AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDAY, January 21,1997 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of Agenda 1. Approval of minutes Dated December 20, 1996. 2. Visitors Presentation. a. Mr. David Viland with Auburn Manor will give an informational presentation regarding proposed expansion of their facility as well as service. Ms. .Julie Frick Frick with Carver County HRA will answer questions on housing in the County. �o(Thec\. "c ( cioac SPA rc • b. Mr. Tom Juhnke from Southwest Metro Transit will present a newly proposed transit service (the Circulator Bus). bd•- r. 15 NJLI"k (\ r \ C� 3. Congregate Dining. �' Z j�s � G{-� 6C2- � � �' /(' � �I 4. Update on Senior Line. o� W��j Q�C e r � � LRFo ( �6h �0 2 Upd to on Senior Center Activities. GO atti COOPeia4 CI f , (Am carvdeeXp,e-ex\5Ae- q; 6. do pt t h e Goals and Objectives for 1997. p et, 65 bb W\11 7. A rova f Senior Commission Mee chedule. pp 8. Senior Commission Terms. Till C kg , g1-ef� 9. Senior Commission Comments. Adjournment' 1 ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL -JAFF AT CITY HALL (937 -1900 EXT. 120) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED. e-)\' f\Yo tvom,,vee.. mot- -1-t) ptil,- --c-p 140 0),A, 0 C - S of , C e-mi • CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION • REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 20, 1997 Chairwoman Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Selda Heinlein, Bernice Billison, Sherol Howard, Barbara Headla, Albin Olson, and Dale Geving. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director, Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II, Kitty Sitter, Senior Linkage Line Coordinator, Kara Willems, Senior Center Coordinator. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Geving moved add item #8 dealing with Senior Commission meeting dates. Commissioner Billison moved to approve the agenda as amended. Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VISITOR PRESENTATION: There was none. SENIOR CONGREGATE DINING, PRESENTATION BY KATE AANENSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR: Kate Aanenson explained that $100,000.00 funding for the kitchen will be presented to the City Council for their final approval on January 13, 1997. The intent is 1111 to have the final plans approved at that meeting, go out for bid in February, and begin construction in March. Some of the issues that need to be determined relate to the number of hours the kitchen will be open, as well as the number of people to be served. These to issues will impact the allocated budget of $10,000 for the operation of the kitchen. The program must be advertised. One option is to do a second telephone survey to see exactly how many people are interested in the program. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: The Christmas Party was a great success. All other activities are on schedule. On January 11, there will be a Saturday night special, January 16, is an appreciation reception, January 23, is a trip to Mystic Lake. February 8 is a Pizza party, March 8, Saturday night special (Irish Night). Defensive driving is scheduled for February 5 and 6 , 1997. SENIOR LINKAGE LINE UPDATE: Kitty Sitter informed the Senior Commission that the County approved the funding for Senior Linkage Line for 1997. The system must use a new name . Commissioner Geving move to rename the system to Carver County Senior Information Line. Billison seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1997 (Set a date for a work session). The Senior Commission decided to meet on January 10, 1997 to set goals for 1997. The meeting will be • held at the Legion at 9:00 a.m. • SENIOR COMMISSION MEETING DATES: The Senior Commission suggested the following dates for their commission meetings: January 24, February 21, March 21, April 18, May 23, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, and December 19, 1997 SENIOR COMMENTS: There were none ADJOURNMENT: Geving moved to adjourn the meeting. Howard seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and Submitted by Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II. • • C ITYOF --. , ,,_,.: 4t,:i ,.„, 4i,,,,, CHANHASSEN • .,„,,:_,,,, :47 '"i .," ::, 0- ;--74,4 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 t. MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II DATE: January 24, 1997 SUBJ: Future Senior Housing On January 10, 1997, the Senior Commission developed their 1997 goals. Staff was directed to investigate the need for a new senior housing site, since Centennial Hill Senior Residence is 100% occupied and a waiting list has been started. As of January 21, 1997, there were twelve (12) names II on the list. The City of Chaska is in the processes of adding senior housing units to their Auburn Manor facility. Mr. David Viland of Auburn Manor will be attending the Senior Commission meeting to present current and planned services and facilities for their establishment. This will help the Senior Commission in understanding the type of product available on the market and prevent duplication of services between the two cities. Ms. Julie Frick, Carver County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Director will also attend the meeting to answer any questions relating to housing needs for the entire County. • 2.6. CITYOF • # ,„, „„ .v4 CHANHASSEN' ,,,,,„.„.,,, 1 „I:4f' i l 4 . ; � �.- 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner I1 DATE: January 24, 1997 SUBJ: Southwest Metro Transit Circulator Bus Southwest Metro Transit is planning a new service involving a circulator bus between Chaska, • Chanhassen and Eden Prairie. This bus is proposed to make stops at certain locations once an hour, every hour. On January 10, 1997, the Senior Commission requested to work with Southwest Metro Transit to provide input on senior citizen needs in Chanhassen. Mr. Tom Juhnke with Southwest Metro Transit will attend the Senior Commission meeting to provide additional information to the Commission and take comments to incorporate into the new service. • __ _ .. , _..:',. ' - ' . ' ' ''''' .•-T s.k..;-;:, VP'''. I u -,:?..-,„ 4 • Ff.:fi ,,,.,-t-...2.14.!,?: :-.., ...:;..' i\ ',.,-, \'. ,7 - -•'"- - ----7 ' "...-. ''.'., !'''''''''' . ?:''''' ' ' - -,. -....v.,fi.-1- , r.''.,,,'.',...:.4.0...-:).-y . ,,,,-..., ‘ The purpose:of this memorandum is to bring the City Council up to date on the progress - setuor dining. Staff has been working on e id preparation for the kitchen area. Attached is the r: proposed design of the kitchen space and bid package. The only item remaining on, t4epA •., .,„ ,,,,•,- _ . and Hennepin County. to ensure that the design meets all standar and tha the bi packagel! , . ..,.. ,.. - meets the all Federal requirements: The tentative plans are to bid the project by the end of - r. ',._ Attached you will see the estimate is over the $100,000 allocated budget. I hope the city will be :'.. ,. .,, _. , ,.,- - able to fmd a way to meet the funding gap. The mechanical expense is well in excess ,of whq : ,. , • ,,,,,,,,,„,,... entire lower level:: Staff had asked Amcon to prepare an estimate to finish e re of the lowerA -.,, _ level of the building.' - Ongmally, it was estimated that not all of the block grant do lars would beicg . .. , ,. :,_ : ,,,,,,,,,....„ ...-. ,,„ ,..,...,......, ,, .,.... , . . -,......,,,,,, - - ,_,,... -:,,,,..-.,,,,...„,,, . ;,-,.....,,,,---.,-- . . ,,,,,,,, a , - ,,,,,, , , o.., - .*vt-- , .. , : :: : :? - -, , , , ::: : ::-.7,1.4t used and some dollars could be used to fmish this additional space. (This use would have to ,,.: , - .. _ ..„ „. ,, ,,,,..- ..,.,... --,7, ,,,,,- , ,,..„-..,.-.,--.,.,,,,,,. -. -,- ..--- -, --,,,- ,, :-..:',=--- -'-.--'-',' ',- - = - -•-• - •ii- -- - ' - ' 4 ''''PrA, 4 .01.i. , ,,.!;:f.. , :• , .., ,,,, t';:14' relate to the semor use/dining). Based on the bid estimate, additional finished space as been ; ,.;;lt a e , v+ <^y, a,,' ., y r ,? nr .. ,,a"s+ h - za prcwr.-�x. .ar, xr .,•'.s ')"':.,4,,,,,-'1,-',.4'1F' i . ,7 1;:',' . 44 t� Y #: 4 � > 1 Y 1 . ; 5 } a J t,4e^ 4 .A" } *a � w * q: *C AP Wg7 , ii 7 ,�asrr Mi11 r c 1237 . 02/2 ., ., ' r tiuz > :;, t? x ' � � .� � � k � : 9 '; i r • a r � '�`' � r p { fi f p } f � r „a � �� c q , c �� ' �.� ,.t � ,- /(�.: C1 / « A 1 ' t r'k " , ..4 , '',. - 4 "d r X . � o � 4` "' `" k--, 'f « r id 'A a R f Z �8 . �J • 1 /k1 7197 7 J' p0 i f ,::.',4"'''',.' , 4:. PREL M NARY COST ESTI A TE' ° ,'. a '' r `' ` , t � ^ ,�_ � � , ' z i J t C y ,� Y �," t t ""i''} .',F i� Y * ,�q' e• '''... K.• X . J to d °4 } { , } s ,fir M a ✓ fY - i i. ;1' 1 2 � a . 4c tariq, kr. ` a - ''.,..1-. $ ` Cf x; 9 . y6if� ' s , ;,.I- yf l27 "� ? Ytc^ "bh� -,".�. d�, p v .,'"'i F?G ' 4 4 & Vie t' ' n 'nerd ' 44.-= ' - t. r `Y,, t • • � P z x a s y;L S .r 4 i i D . f'I7� { P k a 4a• h ,�. h,.1 ,w is t,,.. ,� `'' sh r a y a� �^a z a �• :4e t "+,v' v - ,rfrs 'ate. �y �:5. g ` ,, = ^ni , 5 r d .x Fs l �' .. .. .. , h :. . ;'' XYs`'t„� 1 x# Ck.rd'y4 t.. k l A l" t F t , ' . , t, �0 1 ' _ ^f' • #- la+ f } 4 r ': t t +'r ll.•,{ ± o L.' ( ' '•2 g Z � k k..,, tr ., `�'-. * �d'� ' { ii � l..rM *arc t k� . � '�..iw ; r"��+ 'fi � :+�,:: "atsh^ v.ta � F 1' � r r xrP. � a ai t _`p ,,,` 7 ,3r. ... y r ate. �' r 4 � �` _ t - mow '� ,.�r� wP ��ya,� e: ''� .K�°,,k`4' z Y- -" + � '"�` 6 Y , � ty 1!' a i . `'r" T : s � "t'y�.`tt.`, i ; at k �` -" e'r.J ; p� ?�",s ." Z f = < .. �S y F r. 7:44 a1. Y iic i, ' r4 -."y+ s i .fiy+jp 1L � ; :"" y 'tr' 1 k t � 4 ,..r � ,. #ka "' tjj ' - a = a q x mas yr Div _ r g., { v , { ,,,,�,. „' , f ' y '. ' i c - , . '� :. 1124 -'S' .'t ` • s 1 e i .- � :N' , . l+t' x° i ! '� l can. ",, :7_ ' ' :# gy p - 1 ✓ ; ' nJ' 'C� .•y � , � , .� , '�'' y -' + { e `rvr ` '' K s1 artr - .. ,4 9i .. 1 q}r'!e ti < r" $.. i F . i� �i , ,e, .27 K < , -. -3 .r+ W. ._ , �h,, #} • 3,:' #.e , ,.Zt' �t t ;' 5, t. ' qr. tt +t' 4 » Y'l t.,.:.i.4,,,,,,;.....,...; u v 3' S ,, fi-.« _ - r ;: n +. K t_ t,� �, o � : :',.':-..._ ; � . s { : � r & e ' 4, .� � v ,, .. `�„ � ±�+e � , ' t... 4 � y �'a i'*, r T. `, ,.41.,:, �. .~ ' , , _ ..f r ` *-: ; Kitchen j e Dining Area wf Restrooms ` ""v ..'f... '' Rh y r +. < y a ,4 roft - a ^u N 1, u , h g3' X v J ;: & .3 ,1? a , Y .' �e`� Wl .. Y'} d 1 /y� ; " ' .. Y" t" . r L�7 bS� �' F y ,.w ffi 1 �},.XF E +3 x µ_ $'• ' e r .. I L e l f f t a Y a r ab + .a S C' x r � a r 5 �t e .'.'L AC' r�- . 'T ' 'z + . < *t t .s. F � si q,.:, x $ h - ~ t+, f" : r �` r .e ti f bK - {' t °S a i *'j' ° 1, ` r ,.. ,0.., #q " ' a! 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R�' K y°EC 'fi t - tf 6 _ Wood,C "'Lumber,Miliwork =' 3,508 % f 1,200 t r , 1,4 °1 , � � � `��''ei'� 3 �. ,.A " vr� 0 eb�'� §P'r+i iii +. 7 Roofing, Insulation` 1,100 � ` ` ' 1 G t � , *, r,0 �'� >�� • 8 Doors, Windows ; *`r 1 000 � ' a 1 100 "''` �1 , 25 0 °� '"� r f t ! , r , e ' H' 3 s s ., s ! y r k' ' • 9 Finish ' , . f ,k . ,�' 1 {' 12,121 of ,��` t 6 . > :, 9 03 ,_, . 9,18 10 Specialties dt NZ 300 k � A ` E i 25 0 ' µ r - 2,500 > -= v ea # : c.4*`rY wes ra ix-y'' { '' l 'a y c 11 Equipment a 2 35 829 , u 0 ; a �,� :i 0; F s nl.:z� ! +� x k ',k � > 'a �tt"ak�'+���'+% s-r i A `�c� SmK'a�tvtX 13 Pool Constr 0 4 0 � ` � ;1 „c� o : _ 3 fi a • Y� r' . d i x � . tl e i` s �`"`�a r [. 11 x 5- r . - 'u ` :. 15 Mechanical _ x . ti€ 33 125 , '- 4 '' . A • r , 10 ' z . 15 � � c ,; rt .r { ^." + tv +4' "s'$J , t a s 1 F 1 S " s 1"" 16 ' E lec t n ca i ,r 10, 595 r 6,840 = 1,59 :,...',- ' i. .,kn ,,. p ..+' .kf, # 3� 4 - ,k't * ; t.t a z . t, �+'+ 2 i '-1- '( ,r sn `z b`- if ' vy p r ,.. �nm KZ r- r 4 :. *' ' M ' t4 f ir y� ", p,k ' z .. ..; ,` st s ; �' `"t" r a, - ^ t f*Y ir. (�' s� t � � Sub Total Co Estim $104,692' $34,55 , $35 +: . 3 s �l i . w 3i '. er. "r� q �r r. „, +. R t{ 8 ,t r g NZ: �'c,., iii >°.yi x - s r s -a u i '''' " .` S • % F w 4 ktk* a f at. , ,I' - zk x ti +r -Z .p. RN ,s ' Kt itc Design Fee r • t ., 2 " .; , . : y " x 0 ,: 4 r �' e t y. k '' 1 k ar' nt S t ..t *1 v'M 0. 4 -.-0-.. e r y � i R A" � t ,p T kv ! ”. '� Mechanical Engine x � i ` ' 3 = 1 si i INCL ` ° ,. ` 1,000 , * s : , • CM Fee , :Y i ° + . , F % ° 1 , h �� .- a : :f0 - ' x�: Y , � 6 5 � :7 r F 3 1 F b k,. 1 0 00 , j ` r Archit F ee " r ' � ; �= � � - Y ' 1 `; r �• >' f 1,000 xp;+< ' : 1,00 #`'; { 5 .# P :- s ae x , v � t Y: .`° d k? .. „s ,} } .,L 'r *,f rii '.. ' r' ",. w A . t ? 1 15 1 f- 5 t Yt .. i � N 'J' P '4G Lt' 3 r-. ‹ t Y o ,, ; .;Y "; v -,` t o z f ,, « x ,,;y> , 1' q`�+ R "� .✓rte .,:' a e "a ',`+ 4- +R : t s .([ 4 ` • , .. t � `'n • .e� *r ak r " ... {7 '� +x � �a t � � @f �§� � � r v 4 a' � ,, ( ''�' � � b�- , .3i..ww,,;� � � 2 s ° i T C ost E _ , $117 ,992 r • $36,556 ` � ,,' $38,776 , . 4 y yl i" r+ { 3y t 1'` ,, r i ^z } " y'-'P a' # ' i. * y 3 :4- r � '' ? , rY t ,',.U.:',.!'., i r Z, { € x , *� ,1 �i ` n om Ada f . +;1 +� y , ,'r .7h A l �'it?: h � � a A i +r s -. 1 x raa`' � 'tE l �� n '' fir. � � • Jy . � '"" sEl � ��� �'�� Y �" __. '.. S w _ . >st y .. .. ;�i ' 4.Y".�i `:4 y t J �.d _ill_ a C ost 13 er SF $ 223 47 , � • $13 55 s . { $126 72 y „ .,... f ey - r i w a '' � 3 . + , x4 � 4 ,' ° .t ; } a A P , { S., *, - t' v ma', k , !� a t ekM> ' �` '” : r k F a�•;� "*��iRk , �R fi �. 411 _ ..y,.,:. ,,•„-•,.... - .. :. 4 x ` h S � .. . i m, s rC s , i< r t• k fi' ,:•.:•, ___•:,... W X3."0 � FF i.o h 5,( f = q J m4 .• ,•• ' / ri t M'. . v 3 ' 4 � y: 1�t'4 4 t r ' a .: .,4 :'- , t ,y. �� fi . 01/17/97 09:51 LANDMARK DESIGN 4 612 9255781 NO.838 P002/006 • A. Disconnection: By appropriate trade; specified in other sections of these specifications. B. Reused: Disassembhveamoval and storage of equipment until ready for Installation; • reassemble arid satin pce ready for final connection is to be handled by Owner. Prior to the installation of exIs* g equipment, items are to be cleaned by Owner and are to be ready for installation for final connections. C. Not Reused: Owner's Representative has the option to retain existin • e ui erz epresen a e o remove equipment from s . .04 CLEANING General cleaning of equipment and kitchen areas are to be handled by FSEC however, removal of masking or protective covering from stainless steel and other finished surfaces is to be handled by Owner. Final cleaning and polishing of equipment is to be handled by Owner. .05 DEMONSTRATION AND TESTING A. Demonstration: Schedule times with the Owner' s Representative to provide instruction and demonstration on the use of each item. B. Testing: Test, regulate and put into proper operating condition; including thermostats, coordinate dishmachine testing with detergent supplier, properly activate water filters per manufacturer's recommendations. 4.01 PART 4 FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS • 1 CONVECTION OVEN 52553.00 One (1) Southbend SLGS -1250 Silver Star single oven - Porcelain Interior -2 speed fan - Electronic ignition - Casters 1A GAS QUICK DISCONNECT $ 100.00 - 3/4" x 48" - Restraining device 2 RANGE 51349.00 One (1) Southbend #300 6 burner - Standard oven base - Stainless steel front - Splash and shelf - Casters 2A GAS DISCONNECT $ 100.00 • 4/4" X 48" - Restraining device 01/17/97 09:51 LANDMARK DESIGN + 612 9255781 NO. 838 P003/006 3 EXHAUST HOOD 51839.00 • One (1) Captive Aire Model NFR -96" x 54" x 24" -2700 CFM exhaust -2430 CFM supply - Aluminum baffle filters -18 GA Stainless steel -3" standoff - Incandescent light 4 EXHAUST FAN BY OWNER 5 MAKE -UP AIR SYSTEM BY OWNER 6 DUCT WORK BY OWNER 7 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM SPRINK. CONT. 8 WALL PANEL $ 950.00 Stainless steel wall panel - thick insulated 9 PORTABLE HOT FOOD UNIT $ 637.00 • One (1) Metal Masters #PDHT3 -120 - Stainless steel legs - Stainless steel undershelf -120/1 10 FIRE EXTINGUISHER BY G.C. • 11 EMERGENCY LIGHT BY G.C. 12 PORTABLE PREP TABLE $ 475.00 One (1) Custom Stainless Steel -30 "x48" - Undershelf 13 PREP TABLE 918.0 One (1) Custom Stainless Steel -30" x 72" table -20" x 20" x10" sink -20" x 20" drawer - Undershelf 14 PORTABLE PLATE DISPENSER $ 365.00 One (1) Metro #SSD18 -Cover - Heavy Duty Casters • - Adjustable plate size 15 FAUCET $ 80.00 One (1) T &S 8 -1125 Splash Mount - 8" on center 01/17/97 09:51 LANDMARK DESIGN -> 612 9255781 NO.838 P004/006 16 CABINET $3968.00 Four (4) Metal Masters WCS-48 & WSC -36 -(1) 30" x 48" cabinet • - (3) 30" x 36" cabinet Sliding enclosure doors - Stainless steel construction 17 OPEN NUMBER 18 OPEN NUMBER 19 HAND SINK $ 191.00 One (1) Advance 7 -PS-50 - Faucet drain & trap -Soap dispenser -Towel dispenser 20 DISH CART $ 120.00 One (1) Metal Masters #U21836C - Portable -18" x 36" 21 WASTE RECEPTACLE BY OWNER 22 RACK SHELF $ 275,00 One (1) Custom Stainless Steel • - Single rack capacity - Brackets 23 SOILED DISH TABLE $1380.00 One (1) Custom Stainless Steel -20" x 20" x 6" Pre -rinse sink - Removable scrap basket - Welded disposer collar - Stainless steel legs j I 24 DISPOSER $ 987.00 One (1) Insinkerator #SS -100 -5 -MRS - Manual reverse -1 horsepower 25 PRE -RINSE SPRAYER $ 147.00 One (1) T & S B -1138 -Deck Mount 26 DISHMACHINE $6699.00 One (1) Jackson 200B - Booster heater -208/3 27 EXHAUST HOOD $ 420.00 One (1) Captive Aire VHI -36" x 36" x 24" Exhaust Hood - Stainless steel mesh filter 01/17/97 09:51 LANDMARK DESIGN 4 612 9255781 NO.838 P005/006 28 EXHAUST FAN BY OWNER • 29 OPEN NUMBER 30 CLEAN DISH TABLE $ 762.00 One (1) Custom stainless steel -3 rack capacity - Undershelf 31 OVER SHELF $ 130.00 One (1) Custom stainless steel - Brackets 32 DUCT WORK BY OWNER 33 GREASE TRAP BY G.C. 34 STORAGE SHELVING $ 400.00 Two (2) Metal Masters -5 tier -Zinc 35 3 COMPARTMENT SINK $. 6,&,.5.00 • One (1) Metal Masters 414- 16 -3 -18 -16" x 19" X 14" bowls -(2) 18" drainboards 36 FAUCET $ 65.00 One (1) T & S B -1128 Splash mount -12" spout 37 LEVER DRAINS $158.00 Three (3) T & S 38 REFRIGERATOR 52584.00 One (1) Victory RAA -2D -S7 - Stainless steel front - Aluminum sides & interior - Casters -5 year compressor warranty 39 FREEZER $2105.00 One (1) Victory FAA-1D-S7 - Stainless steel front - Aluminum sides & interior - Casters • -5 year compressor warranty 40 DRY STORAGE SHELVING $ 832.00 Four (4) Metal Master - 5 tier -Zinc 41 OPEN NUMBER 01/17/97 09:51 LANDMARK DESIGN + 612 9255781 NO.838 P006/006 . . e 42 DESK BY OWNER • 43 CHAIR BY OWNER 44 OPEN NUMBER 45 OPEN NUMBER 46 OPEN NUMBER 47 OPEN NUMBER 48 OPEN NUMBER EQUIPMENT & FURNITURE SUBTOTAL $31294.00 FREIGHT, STORAGE & DELIVERY $ 2635.00 INSTALLATION $ 1900.00 GRAND TOTAL $35829.00 • I OMPLETION OF WORK: c he Food Service Equipment Bidder herby agrees that his Work will be Substantially Completed onsecutive calendar days from date of Agreement. 1 1 submitting Bids It is understood that the right is reserved by Owner to reject any and all proposals or to If aive any informalities therin, and it is agreed that Bids may not be withdrawn during the period of 30 days om Bid opening date and alternate bids must be honored for 60 days from the Bid opening date. ame of firm: - If Corpon, what the state of Incorporation: fficial Address: ?-o2- 6.1/4,4- S}- r tiof A �{pi ignature: If Partnership state full name of all Co- Partners: Title: L !„L,� W In �.(' Date: t 1 1 -1 • ‘• CITYOF CHANHASSEN 4 7 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II DATE: January 24, 1997 SUBJ: Adopt Goals and Objectives for 1997 On January 10, 1997, during a work session, the Senior Commission developed their 1997 goals. • These goals are listed below for the Commission review and approval. Senior Commission Goals and Objectives for 1.997 - 1 <} 1. Senior Center: Staff was directed to evaluate the need" for potential expansio?y4Atik 2. Transportation: Ongoing. Staff was directed to work with Southwest Metro Transit to provide service to medical establishments. Southwest Metro Transit is in the process of establishing a circulator bus within the City. A link between Centennial Hill Senior Residence and the circulator bus is recommended. 3. Information And Referral / Senior Linkage Line: Need a new system and a new name. Advertise the new program. 4. Senior Housing: Search for a new site for the future. Set up a round table discussion with Julie Frick with Carver County HRA and Dave Viland of Auburn Manor in Chaska to { ' discuss the proposed expansion of Auburn Manor Senior Facilities. Evaluate the impact on �� �� Chanhassen and the need for additional housing. • 5. Support Chanhassen Heritage Preservation: Active 6. Senior Parking At Public Buildings: Ongoing. Staff shall contact local businesses and request the installation of the signs at their parking lots. Also, a sign should be posted at City Hall. 7. Support Urgent Care Facilities: Ongoing 8. Cooperative Communication With Neighboring Senior Centers and Community Education: A. Cooperative Communications. B. Coordination Of Events. C. Transportation Coordination With Other Senior Centers and Community Education. 9. Support Foodshelf: Ongoing. Men's Club Will Take Items To Foodshelf. 10. Support Senior Expo.(()- ■) W \ A,r?J( 2- \1;71+- p, :... 11. Support Inter - Generational Activities: Activities Such As Fishing And Simple Crafts. 12. Revamp Senior List: Delegate To Men's And Women's Clubs. 13. Create A Biking, Walking, And Cross Country Skiing Clubs. 14. Congregate Dining - Meals On Wheels: Announce The Program, Recruit Volunteers, Hire a staff person, and make seniors aware that the program will be available in the near future. This should be done after City Council approve the construction of the kitchen. 15. Educate future generations of seniors: Increase awareness of the opportunities and challenges that face seniors in Chanhassen. Create a subcommittee with two members from the Senior Commission, two members from the Advisory Board, and two members form the Senior Linkage Line. The subcommittee will organize presentations and present it to the community and schools. 16. Have a joint work session with the City Council to present the goals and objectives for 1997 and insure that the Council's vision and their expectations of the Senior Commission will be met. This meeting shall take place in Febrtraiy: pvk • 7. C ITYOF • CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II DATE: January 24, 1997 SUBJ: Senior Commission Meeting Schedule The Senior Commission meetings will be held on Friday from 9 :30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers unless otherwise specified. The following is a meeting schedule suggested by the Senior Commission at their December 20, 1996 meeting. January 24, 1997 February 21, 1997— , n 'J "f l/ March 21, 1997 — 4V,u April 18, 1997 May 23, 19 9 7 June 20, 1997 July 18, 1997 August 15, 1997 September 19, 1997 October 17, 1997 November 21, 1997 December 19, 1997 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Senior Commission approve the meeting schedule for 1997. S . C ITYOF :,, " 1 ' 1: CHANHASSEN • t 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II DATE: January 24, 1997 SUBJ: Senior Commissioner Terms On April 1, 1997, the terms of Chairperson Sharol Brooks Howard, Commissioner Barbara Headla, and Commissioner Dale Geving will expire. Even though these members may wish to seek reappointment, the vacancies must be advertised. Staff will advertise the vacancies the week of III February 3, set up interviews for February 20, and forward the recommendation of the Senior Commission to the City Council for appointments on March 10, 1997. • SENIOR COMMISSION 410 Sherol Brooks Howard, Chairperson 1/91 - 4/97 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Z " 474 -8570 Bernice Billison 7281 Pontiac Circle 1/91 - 4/99 Chanhassen, MN 55317 474 -2709 Selda Heinlein 420 Chan View 1/91 - 4/99 Chanhassen, MN 55331 937 -5440 Jane Kubitz 7492 Saratoga Drive 1/91 - 3/99 Chanhassen, MN 55317 934 -0401 Albin Olson 1/93 - 3/99 Chanhassen, MN 55317 2�Z Barbara Headia 6870 Minnewashta Parkway • 2/94 - 4/97 Excelsior, MN 55331 474 -7269 Dale Geving 7602 Huron Street 4/97 Chanhassen, MN 55317 934 -7761 • \ \Y\A(.1_,\ ([10 V _ ,LA 5 - L a), - 2 ) 1 L , JKc; , A - ed 1:v ' / • (141 (ki fit (I/1 016e1 65 [e,1 2_1 / tt \ I 3 i z o 0 26/ --- - Ertcs UJA ■00 sl_(‘ e Cleiv _,k\i‘ al( 7 I (AZIS buti _ Cowt/i-/ ° I 77 • - ? Z_ '5 N..