12-19-1997 • AGENDA
9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M.
Approval of Agenda
1. Approval of minutes.
2. Visitors Presentation (Members of the CAP agency will be present to discuss Meals on Wheels and
when to anticipate the start of the program).
3. Congregate Dining Update (Reports will be made on the progress of the program).
4. Update on Carver County Senior Information Line.
5. Update on Senior Center Activities.
6. Senior Center Attendance Report.
7. Correspondence on Behalf of the Senior Commission and Senior Center.
4 . Senior Commission Comments.
Following the regular Senior Commission meeting, we will resume
our Strategic Planning Work Session. Please remember to bring
your Strategic Planning Workbook.
• Senior Commission Minutes - October 17, 1997
Members present at the meeting: Sherol Howard, Bunny Billison,
Bobbie Headla, Selda Heinlein, Jane Kubitz, Albin Olson, Dale Geving.
Staff present: Sharmin Al -Jaff, and Kara Wickenhauser.
Members absent: None.
1. Approval of minutes: This item was tabled to the following meeting.
2. Visitors Presentation: There were none.
3. Congregate Dining Update: Staff reported that a trial run has been
scheduled for October 31, 1997 and that volunteers will be briefed
on responsibilities. A letter has been sent to the Lions Club
detailing the needs of the kitchen and requesting funds to purchase
• items needed to operate the Meals on Wheels program.
4. Update on Senior Information Line: There are no guaranties that
funding will continue from the County for next year.
5. Update on Senior Center Activities: Kara provided an update on all
the month of October's activities.
6. Senior Commission Comments: Commissioner Dale Geving
directed staff to submit copies of memorandums sent out on behalf
of the Senior Commission or Senior Center.
n\ o r A:h .� i � J
• Mystic Lake Casino Trip - On Tuesday, January 27th, from 9:30am - 4:OOpm, the
Chanhassen Senior Center will be traveling to Shakopee's Mystic Lake Casino Gaming
Center. Fee includes coach bus transportation, free breakfa at e buffet, and a
50% discount on bingo packages priced $7.50 and up. Fri ay, anuary 23rd. * *Please (
n o t e the change in pick - up time. The original pick - up was scheduled for 10:OOam. $4.
Riverdance - Riverdance is performing on Sunday, April 5th, at the Orpheum Theater,
from 12:45pm - 5:15pm. Riverdance is a "spectacular, uplifting, joyful, breathtaking, and
thrilling celebration of Irish dance, music and mythology" featuring 80 foot tapping
dancers, fiddle players, drummers, and singers. This is a "don't miss" show! Fee
includes coach bus transportation and top rated seats. Registration and payment deadline
is January 14th. Tickets are selling quickly! Cost is $66.00 a person. CaII #937 -1900
ext. 145 to register.
Movie of the Month - The Senior Center continues to show popular movies once a
month on the third Friday of the month from 1:OOpm - 3:30pm. Upcoming movies are:
Friday, December 19th - Matilda
Friday, January 16th - Out to Sea
Friday, February 20th - Immortal Beloved
Sketching Club - NEW!! Looking for a place to share your talents? Come to the
Chanhassen Senior Center on Fridays and bring a piece of art work along, whether it is a
favorite painting, picture, or statue. This club is designed for beginners and advanced
sketchers. The first meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 9th, from 9am - 1lam.
Tax Aide Assistance - The Chanhassen Senior Center will sponsor tax aide assistance in
February, March and April. Times and dates have yet to be determined, but watch the
Senior Corner in the Chanhassen Villager for more detailed information. Remember to
bring along your 1997 tax forms and any other pertinent tax information when attending
this session.
4 Hour Defensive Driving Class - This class is offered to those individuals over the age
of 50 who have already taken the 8 hour defensive driving class and need to renew to
qualify for a car insurance discount. This class will be offered on Friday, February 6th,
from 9:OOam - 2:OOpm. A luncheon will be available for anyone who would like to eat
during break. Cost for the class is $8.00 a person. Lunch for anyone who is interested
will be $2.25 a person for anyone age 60 +, and $5.08 for anyone 60 and below. Pre-
registration and payment are required before the night of the class.
Senior Aerobics Class - The Chanhassen Recreation Center is offering a low impact
aerobics class twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:15am - 12:15pm. The
cost for the class will be based on a punch card system. This system allows flexibility to
• people who are not able to attend every Tuesday and Thursday on a consistent basis.
Cost of class varies from $2.10 to $2.50. Call #937 -1900 ext. 145 for more information.
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Senior Citizen Commission
FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 16, 1997
SUBJ: Monthly and daily activity report averages for 1995 - 1997
Attached to this memo are three reports regarding daily attendance averages, monthly attendance
averages, and daily activity averages. I have collected data from January 1995 to the current date
of October 22, 1997. The numbers for the monthly attendance report were collected from a book
where seniors sign in at the greeters desk in the Senior Center. Therefore these numbers could be
a slight bit off considering some people forget to sign in when they arrive. The numbers for the
daily activities report were collected by myself. I make a point to count the number of people we
have daily for each activity and then take the weekly numbers and average them quarterly.
The last report is the daily attendance report. The data for this report was collected from the
daily activities report averages. Each day there are specific activities taking place. For instance,
Bridge, Men's Club and Women's Club meet on Mondays. I took the Bridge averages and the
Men's and Women's Club combined averages and totaled them together to come up with a final
total. The days I have included in this report are Monday - Saturday. The only activity taking
place on Saturdays is our once a month catered meal and entertainment. I felt it was important to
include this day considering the rate of attendance we receive for this activity.
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(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Senior Citizen Commission
FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 16, 1997
SUBJ: Letters of Thank you
On October 17, 1997, Commissioner Dale Geving requested all future copies of thank you letter or
correspondence dealing with senior issues to be copied and shared with the Senior Commission.
• Enclosed you will find memos to Lions Club, TCF Bank, and IBM.
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
November 5, 1997
TCF National Bank
Sara Halverson
900 West 78th Street
P.O. Box 630
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Sara,
The Chanhassen Senior Center would like to thank you and your organization for the kind
donation of cookies for the first day opening of the Chanhassen CAP Agency Congregate Dining
program. We are extremely excited about this program and await its success. We hope to have a
grand opening organized by the first week of December to honor all the vital organizations and
community members who made this project possible. An invitation to this event will be sent to
you as soon as possible. We are very appreciative of the efforts you have made to support us!
Thank you again!!
G//1 a -C e lMCCu
Kara Wickenhauser
Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator
�f (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 1, 1997
SUBJ: Accept donation from the Chanhassen Lion's Club
On November 29, 1997, the Chanhassen Lion's Club donated S1205.00 to the City of
Chanhassen to cover the remaining costs of the Chanhassen CAP Nutrition congregate dining
and meals on w heels kitchen and delivery supplies. The Chanhassen Lion's Club contacted the
• Senior Center a year ago looking for possible donations they could offer to the seniors. The
Senior Commission as well as the Senior Advisory Board agreed that the need to cover the
remaining costs for the Chanhassen CAP Nutrition Program was priority. The donation was
formally announced at the Chanhassen Lion's Club Christmas Tree Lot opening.
Staff recommends the City Council accept the donation from the Chanhassen Lion's Club in the
amount of S1205.00, to be used to purchase the remaining supplies to operate the Meals on
Wheels program.
.. •
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
December 8, 1997
Lion's Club
Ed Ginsbach
7381 Longview Circle
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Lion's Club,
On behalf of the Chanhassen Senior Center and myself, we would like to thank you for your
wonderful donation of S1205.00. This money will cover all the costs of the remaining
congregate dining and meals on wheels kitchen and delivery supplies. Without your help the
start up date for the meals on wheels program would have been put on delay. We anticipate this
program to begin sometime in February. We will keep'you posted on the success of the program
and hope you might be able to join us for lunch sometime!!
Thank you again for all your support!! We appreciate it tremendously! Please feel free to contact
us for anything you might need assistance with in the future, including any senior concerns
within the community you might have.
Kara Wickenhauser
Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
November 21, 1997
Sue Putnam
Manager of Public Relations
650 3rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Dear Sue,
On behalf of the Chanhassen Senior Center I would like to thank you for your kind donation of
the PC 340 computer for our Senior Information and Referral program. We have already
• installed the First Call Net program on our computer and have had two training sessions for our
volunteers. Kathy O'Conner from United Way has been our contact for all the training and
set -up sessions we have had. She has been wonderful!!! I can not express enough the
appreciation our Senior Center has for your thoughtfulness. Thank you again for your donation!!
We promise to put it to good use!
� � - . -��L
(/' � �.
Kara Wickenhauser
Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Senior Citizen Commission
FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 16, 1997
SUBJ: Results of Strategic Planning meeting on October 17, 1997
On October 17, 1997, the Senior Commission met for the first session of the Strategic Planning
• workshop. The following list indicates the preliminary findings. Please take the time to review this
data and make any changes you deem necessary.
Why do we exist and do what we do?
To serve seniors.
To plan for the future.
To provide and act as a resource to the community.
To recognize senior's value.
To be the instrument of communication on behalf of the seniors in the community.
What are the key success factors for a successful older adult agency?
An agency the has City Council backing.
Have a representative from City Council.
An agency that has committed volunteers.
An agency with a vision for the future.
An agency with goals that can be implemented.
Cooperation between Commission members, City Staff, and Advisory Board.
• Committed staff members.
Have senior participation.
Know and understand the needs of the seniors.
Have a cross section of seniors including young seniors.
Cater to all age groups.
Educate the community on senior issues.
Provide intergenerational programs.
Provide a variety of programs.
Have programs that are open to and reach out to non - english speaking seniors.
What organizational values do you consider important? (e.g., driven by customer
satisfaction, deliver what we promise)
Deliver what we promise.
Provide continuity.
Work well together.
Be dependable and respectful of others.
Have visibility in the community.
Provide communication of activities (post agenda and minutes in Senior Center).
• Meetings need to be more interesting and have substance.
Be open minded.
What values do our customers (elderly /tax payers) expect from us? (e.g., we provide a
variety of services, we provide safe and dependable service, we appropriate our time and money
wisely between the various types of services we provide, we provide services to those who need
Conscience of spending activity.
What should the community and staff be able to expect from the Commission?
Good attendance record, commitment, time, effort, participation, open to accept ideas, listening
to the community, provide direction to staff, knowledge in what is available to seniors, and
provide recommendations to the City Council.
What should the community and the Commission be able to expect from staff?
Awareness of what is going on in City Hall.
Awareness of opportunity to grants and provide financial options.
Participate and be a staff liaison to other organizations.
Advertise what is available at Chanhassen.
• Avoid duplication of services and interface with other agencies.
Improve relationship with Carver County.
Meet deadlines.
Describe how you see the organization five years from now?
Greater capability of providing service.
Have a wider range of seniors.
Have a larger support group.
Have a stronger interface with management and City Council.
Have a larger space.
Have a full -time staff.
What services do you see us providing five years from now?
Congregate dining and meals on wheels.
Greater level of transportation including private bus.
Wider range of Information and Referral.
Wider range of programs including evening programs.
Broader range of activities.
Provide support groups.
What will our target markets be?
411 Baby Boomers, younger and older seniors, children of seniors.
Concentrate on Chanhassen especially the western portion of the City.
9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M.
Approval of Agenda
1. Approval of minutes.
2. Visitors Presentation (Members of the CAP agency will be present to discuss Meals on Wheels and
when to anticipate the start of the program).
3. Con gr egate Dining Update (Reports will be made on the progress of the program). — ._
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4. Update on Carver County Senior Information Line.
5. Update on Senior Center Activities. ��.
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6. Senior Center A ttendance Report.
7. Correspondence on Behalf of the Senior Commission and Senior Center.
40 . Senior Commission Comments.
Following the regular Senior Commission meeting, we will resume
our Strategic Planning Work Session. Please remember to bring
your Strategic Planning Workbook.
t F
• i`+
• Senior Commission Minutes - October 17, 1997
Members present at the meeting: Sherol Howard, Bunny Billison,
Bobbie Headla, Selda Heinlein, Jane Kubitz, Albin Olson, Dale Geving.
Staff present: Sharmin Al -Jaff, and Kara Wickenhauser.
Members absent: None.
1. Approval of minutes: This item was tabled to the following meeting.
2. Visitors Presentation: There were none.
3. Congregate Dining Update: Staff reported that a trial run has been
scheduled for October 31, 1997 and that volunteers will be briefed
on responsibilities. A letter has been sent to the Lions Club
detailing the needs of the kitchen and requesting funds to purchase
items needed to operate the Meals on Wheels program.
4. Update on Senior Information Line: There are no guaranties that
funding will continue from the County for next year.
5. Update on Senior Center Activities: Kara provided an update on all
the month of October's activities.
6. Senior Commission Comments: Commissioner Dale Geving
directed staff to submit copies of memorandums sent out on behalf
of the Senior Commission or Senior Center.
• Mystic Lake Casino Trip - On Tuesday, January 27th, from 9:30am - 4:OOpm, the
Chanhassen Senior Center will be traveling to Shakopee's Mystic Lake Casino Gaming
Center. Fee includes coach bus transportation, free breakfa a G }�e buffet, and a
50% discount on bingo packages priced $7.50 and up. Fri , anuary 23rd. * *Please C 03+ IS
note the change in pick -up time. The original pick -up was scheduled for 10:OOam. $4. 00
Riverdance - Riverdance is performing on Sunday, April 5th, at the Orpheum Theater,
from 12:45pm - 5:15pm. Riverdance is a "spectacular, uplifting, joyful, breathtaking, and
thrilling celebration of Irish dance, music and mythology" featuring 80 foot tapping
dancers, fiddle players, drummers, and singers. This is a "don't miss" show! Fee
includes coach bus transportation and top rated seats. Registration and payment deadline
is January 14th. Tickets are selling quickly! Cost is $66.00 a person. Call #937 -1900
ext. 145 to register.
Movie of the Month - The Senior Center continues to show popular movies once a
month on the third Friday of the month from 1:OOpm - 3:30pm. Upcoming movies are:
Friday, December 19th - Matilda
Friday, January 16th - Out to Sea
Friday, February 20th - Immortal Beloved
Sketching Club - NEW!! Looking for a place to share your talents? Come to the
• Chanhassen Senior Center on Fridays and bring a piece of art work along, whether it is a
favorite painting, picture, or statue. This club is designed for beginners and advanced
sketchers. The first meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 9th, from 9am - llam.
Tax Aide Assistance - The Chanhassen Senior Center will sponsor tax aide assistance in
February, March and April. Times and dates have yet to be determined, but watch the
Senior Corner in the Chanhassen Villager for more detailed information. Remember to
bring along your 1997 tax forms and any other pertinent tax information when attending
this session.
4 Hour Defensive Driving Class - This class is offered to those individuals over the age
of 50 who have already taken the 8 hour defensive driving class and need to renew to
qualify for a car insurance discount. This class will be offered on Friday, February 6th,
from 9:OOam - 2:OOpm. A luncheon will be available for anyone who would like to eat
during break. Cost for the class is $8.00 a person. Lunch for anyone who is interested
will be $2.25 a person for anyone age 60 +, and $5.08 for anyone 60 and below. Pre-
registration and payment are required before the night of the class.
Senior Aerobics Class - The Chanhassen Recreation Center is offering a low impact
aerobics class twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:15am - 12:15pm. The
cost for the class will be based on a punch card system. This system allows flexibility to
• people who are not able to attend every Tuesday and Thursday on a consistent basis.
Cost of class varies from $2.10 to $2.50. Call #937 -1900 ext. 145 for more information.
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Senior Citizen Commission
FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 16, 1997
SUBJ: Monthly and daily activity report averages for 1995 - 1997
Attached to this memo are three reports regarding daily attendance averages, monthly attendance
averages, and daily activity averages. I have collected data from January 1995 to the current date
of October 22, 1997. The numbers for the monthly attendance report were collected from a book
where seniors sign in at the greeters desk in the Senior Center. Therefore these numbers could be
a slight bit off considering some people forget to sign in when they arrive. The numbers for the
daily activities report were collected by myself. I make a point to count the number of people we
have daily for each activity and then take the weekly numbers and average them quarterly.
The last report is the daily attendance report. The data for this report was collected from the
daily activities report averages. Each day there are specific activities taking place. For instance,
Bridge, Men's Club and Women's Club meet on Mondays. I took the Bridge averages and the
Men's and Women's Club combined averages and totaled them together to come up with a final
total. The days I have included in this report are Monday - Saturday. The only activity taking
place on Saturdays is our once a month catered meal and entertainment. I felt it was important to
include this day considering the rate of attendance we receive for this activity.
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�;< (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Senior Citizen Commission
FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 16, 1997
SUBJ: Letters of Thank you
On October 17. 1997, Commissioner Dale Geving requested all future copies of thank you letter or
correspondence dealing with senior issues to be copied and shared with the Senior Commission.
• Enclosed you will find memos to Lions Club, TCF Bank, and IBM.
• (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
November 5, 1997
TCF National Bank
Sara Halverson
900 West 78th Street
P.O. Box 630
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Sara,
The Chanhassen Senior Center would like to thank you and your organization for the kind
donation of cookies for the first day opening of the Chanhassen CAP Agency Congregate Dining
program. We are extremely excited about this program and await its success. We hope to have a
• grand opening organized by the first week of December to honor all the vital organizations and
community members who made this project possible. An invitation to this event will be sent to
you as soon as possible. We are very appreciative of the efforts you have made to support us!
Thank you again!!
Kara Wickenhauser
Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator
r : (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 1, 1997
SUBJ: Accept donation from the Chanhassen Lion's Club
On November 29, 1997, the Chanhassen Lion's Club donated S1205.00 to the City of
Chanhassen to cover the remaining costs of the Chanhassen CAP Nutrition congregate dining
and meals on wheels kitchen and delivery supplies. The Chanhassen Lion's Club contacted the
• Senior Center a year ago looking for possible donations they could offer to the seniors. The
Senior Commission as well as the Senior Advisory Board agreed that the need to cover the
remaining costs for the Chanhassen CAP Nutrition Program was priority. The donation was
formally announced at the Chanhassen Lion's Club Christmas Tree Lot opening.
Staff recommends the City Council accept the donation from the Chanhassen Lion's Club in the
amount of S1205.00, to be used to purchase the remaining supplies to operate the Meals on
Wheels program.
. ,
�f (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
December 8, 1997
Lion's Club
Ed Ginsbach
7381 Longview Circle
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Lion's Club,
On behalf of the Chanhassen Senior Center and myself, we would like to thank you for your
wonderful donation of S1205.00. This money will cover all the costs of the remaining
congregate dining and meals on wheels kitchen and delivery supplies. Without your help the
start up date for the meals on wheels program would have been put on delay. We anticipate this
program to begin sometime in February. We will keep S you posted on the success of the program
and hope you might be able to join us for lunch sometime!!
Thank you again for all your support!! We appreciate it tremendously! Please feel free to contact
us for anything you might need assistance with in the future, including any senior concerns
within the community you might have.
Kara Wickenhauser
Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator
• ,
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
November 21, 1997
Sue Putnam
Manager of Public Relations
650 3rd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Dear Sue,
On behalf of the Chanhassen Senior Center I would like to thank you for your kind donation of
the PC 340 computer for our Senior Information and Referral program. We have already
• installed the First Call Net program on our computer and have had two training sessions for our
volunteers. Kathy O'Conner from United Way has been our contact for all the training and
set -up sessions we have had. She has been wonderful!!! I can not express enough the
appreciation our Senior Center has for your thoughtfulness. Thank you again for your donation!!
We promise to put it to good use!
.? *<: L_
Kara Wickenhauser
Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Senior Citizen Commission
FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II
Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: December 16, 1997
SUBJ: Results of Strategic Planning meeting on October 17, 1997
On October 17, 1997, the Senior Commission met for the first session of the Strategic Planning
• workshop. The following list indicates the preliminary findings. Please take the time to review this
data and make any changes you deem necessary.
Why do we exist and do what we do?
To serve seniors.
To plan for the future.
To provide and act as a resource to the community.
To recognize senior's value.
To be the instrument of communication on behalf of the seniors in the community.
What are the key success factors for a successful older adult agency?
An agency the has City Council backing.
Have a representative from City Council.
An agency that has committed volunteers.
An agency with a vision for the future.
• An agency with goals that can be implemented.
Cooperation between Commission members, City Staff, and Advisory Board.
Committed staff members.
Have senior participation.
Know and understand the needs of the seniors.
Have a cross section of seniors including young seniors.
Cater to all age groups.
Educate the community on senior issues.
Provide intergenerational programs.
Provide a variety of programs.
Have programs that are open to and reach out to non - english speaking seniors.
What organizational values do you consider important? (e.g., driven by customer
satisfaction, deliver what we promise)
Deliver what we promise.
Provide continuity.
Work well together.
Be dependable and respectful of others.
Have visibility in the community.
Provide communication of activities (post agenda and minutes in Senior Center).
• Meetings need to be more interesting and have substance.
Be open minded.
What values do our customers (elderly /tax payers) expect from us? (e.g., we provide a
variety of services, we provide safe and dependable service, we appropriate our time and money
wisely between the various types of services we provide, we provide services to those who need
Conscience of spending activity.
What should the community and staff be able to expect from the Commission?
Good attendance record, commitment, time, effort, participation, open to accept ideas, listening
to the community, provide direction to staff, knowledge in what is available to seniors, and
provide recommendations to the City Council.
What should the community and the Commission be able to expect from staff?
Awareness of what is going on in City Hall.
Awareness of opportunity to grants and provide financial options.
Participate and be a staff liaison to other organizations.
Advertise what is available at Chanhassen.
• Avoid duplication of services and interface with other agencies.
Improve relationship with Carver County.
Meet deadlines.
Describe how you see the organization five years from now?
Greater capability of providing service.
Have a wider range of seniors.
Have a larger support group.
Have a stronger interface with management and City Council.
Have a larger space.
Have a full -time staff.
What services do you see us providing five years from now?
Congregate dining and meals on wheels.
Greater level of transportation including private bus.
Wider range of Information and Referral.
Wider range of programs including evening programs.
Broader range of activities.
Provide support groups.
What will our target markets be?
• Baby Boomers, younger and older seniors, children of seniors.
Concentrate on Chanhassen especially the western portion of the City.
This booklet was prepared to assist us in the development of our Strategic Plan. The
information and pre -work questions will be useful to review and answer prior to our
meeting on Friday, October 17, 1997. Doing this will help speed up the process, and move
the framework of the meeting to one of making decisions, not just to develop or convey
large volumes of information.
A strategic plan is basically an internal plan created for the organization. It provides a
systematic way to manage change and create the best possible future. It is a creative process
for identifying and accomplishing the most important actions in view of strengths and
weaknesses, threats and opportunities.
Strategic planning is charting a course that we believe is wise, then adjusting that course as
we gain more information and experience. A clear sense of mission and direction will guide
our choices as to which opportunities to pursue and which to avoid.
The major elements in a strategic planning process are: defining, visioning, analyzing, and
strategizing. Each is described further below.
Defining: Two preliminary activities are important - 1) defining the operation, and 2)
translating that definition into a mission. To accurately define the operation it is helpful to
think of the external environment rather than the organization itself. We need to be clear as
to why we exist and what does our consumer want, rather than focusing on what we do or
what is currently being supplied. We also need to be clear on what our values are, and how
those values effect our customers.
Visioning: Identify what we want to become over the long haul.
Analyzing: Identifying the critical factors that impact our organization.
Strategizing: Outlining a course of action which will enable us to reach our desired vision,
and address those critical factors that make us vulnerable, hurt our performance, or hinder
our ability to pursue an opportunity.
There are a number of different models as to how a strategic plan should be conducted. The
planning process we have structured, is a combination of a number of different planning
practices, and is one that is being used by other organizations to generate useful results.
In order for strategic planning to work and work well the following circumstances generally
• • All la ers (staff and commission) are committed to the strategic planning process.
p Y
• The process is kept informal - the object is to generate critical strategic thinking about
the agency.
• The process is kept simple - an unacademic process that sticks to the basics.
• The process avoids getting caught up in semantics. We remember what we are trying to
achieve - a way to manage change and create the best possible future for our
organization and the community we serve. Go for what works.
• The process is not rushed just to get done. We make sure a plan is developed that we
are comfortable with, and that it is realistic and implementable. We do however, keep
the process brief and focused to avoid getting wrapped up in an extended process that
• We remain patient - recognizing that we are involved in a complex and long -term
change process (this is especially true if behaviors, attitudes and skills have to change).
• We approach this process directly, honestly and willingly to deal positively with
conflict and controversy.
• We don't just preach results, assuming that change will take place through
communication of a fancy mission statement. We realize change is based on
identifying, tackling, and resolving tough issues.
• Tolimprove Performance - vision, goal- setting, analyzing critical issues can positively
influence organizational performance.
To Stimulate Forward Thinking - as staff, we become so preoccupied with the day -to -day
issues that we sometimes lose all sense of mission and direction. Sometimes in an
organization, mission and direction is not clear or outdated. Strategic planning forces future
thinking, highlights new opportunities and threats, and refocuses an organization's mission.
To Solve Major Organizational Problems/Issues - productive planning focuses on an
organization's most critical problems, choices and opportunities. Organizations face
problems that are hard to address one by one. Strategic planning is a way to resolve an
interrelated set of problems in an intentional, coordinated way.
To Survive, Even Flourish with Less - faced with tightening budgets, organizations have
several choices: increase revenue, cut expenses, put the organization together in a whole
new way or fold. Strategic planning is a way to think questions like this through.
To Build Teamwork and Expertise - good planning results in several benefits for
participants: improved knowledge of the organization, better communication across areas
of responsibilities, improved managerial skills, and an increased investment in the
• organization.
To Influence Rather Than Be Influenced - strategic planning can help an organization
influence and control its world rather than simply respond to it.
Why do we exist and do what we do?
What are the key success factors for a successful older adult agency?
What organizational values do you consider important? (e.g., driven by customer
satisfaction, deliver what we promise)
What values do our customers (elderly /tax payers) expect from us? (e.g., we provide a
variety of services, we provide safe and dependable service, we appropriate our time and
money wisely between the various types of services we provide, we provide services to
those who need it...)
What should the community and staff be able to expect from the Commission?
What should the community and the Commission be able to expect from staff?
Describe how you see the organization five years from now?
• What services do you see us providing five years from now?
What will our target markets be?
What do you see as the future trends that may have a significant impact on the Senior
Commission's future?
What do you see as the critical financial issues that need to be addressed?
Do you think our geographical boundaries should /will be broadened in the next five years
(area which we provide service to ?)
What do you see as our major goals over the next five years (for the purpose of this
exercise, a goal will be broad organizationwide performance targets)? Goals should be set
for the major target areas or activities for the organization such as:
• Financial performance (What are the financial goals for the commission? What revenue
strategies should the commission be pursuing? How can we best determine and analyze
our revenue based on operating costs factors ?)
• System productivity (What levels of performance will it take for the Commission to be
411 successful? What should measurements be based upon? What level of performance are
we capable of?))
• Service (What are our goals for service? What are the service priorities? Should our role
be to just meet demand or create demand e.g., attract non retired seniors? What should
our social role be? What should our role be with the school district? Should we be
active in obtaining additional space for senior center, senior housing, assisted living,
etc. ?)
• Service Quality (How should this be defined? e.g. in terms of standards such as on -time
performance, facility condition, customer service... or should service quality be
measured in some other fashion ?)
• Capital (What are our goals? e.g. do we want to own all capital, rely or not rely on
outside sources for capital purchases.)
• Marketing (What should we be trying to achieve with our marketing e.g., increase
awareness of Commission and services, improve image, provide useful information,
attendance, create revenue generating options? Are there additional markets we should
be serving.)
• • Leadership and governance (Local, Regional, State and Federal - what should our goals
be? What type of support do we want on projects, from the public, from city staff.)
What do you see as our commission's internal strenghts? Strengths would be those things
we are good at doing or that give us an important capability (e.g., those things that can
serve as a major building block for strategy).
• What do you see as the organization's major internal weaknesses? Weaknesses are those
things we do poorly or have little experience with(e.g., vulnerabilities that need
What do you see as the top opportunities for the Seniors and Senior Commission?
Opportunities are those external things that would help us in reaching our goals (e.g., things
that would help increase attendance, hold costs down, generate additional revenue).
What do you see as existing or future threats facing the Senior Commission? Threats would
be those external things that lend to the erosion of our mission/goal attainment (e.g., things
that could break us, eliminate us, lend us ineffective).
• Attached you will find information staff has completed towards the strategic plan. We
thought this may be of interest to the Commission to see what staff views as the goals,
values and critical issues facing the organization.
Responsive to the customers needs.
• To have clear goals
• To be cost - effective in providing services /supporting community needs.
• To provide clean, safe, courteous and reliable service - set high standards.
• Visionary - catalysts of strategic change.
• Understanding our business.
• Provide an environment that yields satisfied employees committed to their team and
its accomplishments; high morale; and a balance between challenge, growth,
security, and personal satisfaction. Let people know where they stand.
Participation by everyone in a positive manner.
• Providing leadership.
Establishing long -term, dedicated, win -win relationships that are enjoyable and
rewarding and add value to both parties.
Increase attendance in a cost effective manner.
. Provide a range of innovative yet fiscally sound services to meet the community's
• Provide clean, safe, reliable, and high quality service.
Accountable for our actions, the service we provide, defining clear objectives,
direction, and expectations.
Provide exceptional customer service.
• Provide a productive working environment making the most of the talents of our
people and provide them with the opportunity and training to reach their full
• Create a sense of community within the City.
• To stay in touch with and anticipate our community's needs, and desires, and
provide them with services which meet their quality and service needs.
• To provide an internal framework to base decisions upon (create a system).
To provide our seniors with an opportunity to participate in service implementation
• To influence local, regional and state policy affecting older adults.
• To reduce our reliance on the local property tax for our service operations, become
more self supportive. Program should be able to operate independently.
• To continue to serve the disadvantaged and dependent senior.
To increase awareness and improve the image of the commission in our community.
To ensure financial stability of our system.
Strengths (internal)
* Technical ability of staff
Staff compatency /coverage of major areas
* Responsiveness to customers
* Attitude of staff
Political support
* Strong leadership
Positive media relations
Regional presence
* Variety of services offered
* Local budget /decision making control
City staff support and assistance
* County Support
* City Council values Senior Commission
• Weaknesses (internal)
* Public support
* Marketing /communications
Image of Senior Commission and Seniors in general
Educating the public about seniors
* Lack of policies and procedures (consistency)
* Provider oversight /monitoring
* Long range planning
* Financial management/planning
* Staff experience in the senior field
* Senior Commission presence within the city (government structure, internal
* Not fully utilizing technology
* Not exercising full control over contractors
* Risk management (knowing what our risk is)
* denotes priority issue
Key - Don't worry about all weaknesses nor gloat about all strengths. Correct or
avoid those things that inhibit moving forward, and identify opportunities where
we already possess the required strength.
• • .
Opportunities (external)
* Funding sources (regional, state, federal, marketing)
* Increasing older adult population
* Growth (population & employment)
* Growth in neighboring areas (Victoria...)
* Technology
* Public Education
* Capital (owning it)
* Regional position (Carver County Social Services, MAAA - better relations)
* Marketing (image, awareness)
* New service markets
11 0 Threats
* City Funding
* County funding (no guarantee)
* Community understanding of seniors
* Public perception/acceptance /value of seniors
* Local government perception/acceptance /value of seniors
* Safety /risk liability
* Provider competition
* Meeting mandated regulations
* Cost of complying with mandated regulations (ADA)
* denotes priority issue
Key - Build upon the opportunities, and address the most serious threats that can
be changed.
DECEMBER 20, 1997
Chairwoman Sherol Howard called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jane Kubitz, Selda Heinlein, Bernice Billison, Sherol Howard,
Barbara Headla, Albin Olson, and Dale Geving.
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director, Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II, Kitty
Sitter, Senior Linkage Line Coordinator, Kara Willems, Senior Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Geving moved add item #8 dealing with
Senior Commission meeting dates. Commissioner Billison moved to approve the agenda as
amended. Headla seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
PLANNING DIRECTOR: Kate Aanenson explained that $100,000.00 funding for the kitchen
will be presented to the City Council for their final approval on January 13, 1997. The intent is
to have the final plans approved at that meeting, go out for bid in February, and begin
construction in March. Some of the issues that need to be determined relate to the number of
hours the kitchen will be open, as well as the number of people to be served. These to issues will
impact the allocated budget of $10,000 for the operation of the kitchen. The program must be
advertised. One option is to do a second telephone survey to see exactly how many people are
interested in the program.
UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: The Christmas Party was a great success.
All other activities are on schedule. On January 11, there will be a Saturday night special,
January 16, is an appreciation reception, January 23, is a trip to Mystic Lake. February 8 is a
Pizza party, March 8, Saturday night special (Irish Night).
Defensive driving is scheduled for February 5 and 6 , 1997.
SENIOR LINKAGE LINE UPDATE: Kitty Sitter informed the Senior Commission that the
County approved the funding for Senior Linkage Line for 1997. The system must use a new
name . Commissioner Geving move to rename the system to Carver County Senior Information
Line. Billison seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1997 (Set a date for a work session). The Senior
Commission decided to meet on January 10, 1997 to set goals for 1997. The meeting will be
e t s. held at the Legion at 9:00 a.m.
SENIOR COMMISSION MEETING DATES: The Senior Commission suggested the
• following dates for their commission meetings: January 24, February 21, March 21, April 18, May
23, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21, and December 19, 1997
SENIOR COMMENTS: There were none
ADJOURNMENT: Geving moved to adjourn the meeting. Howard seconded the motion. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Prepared and Submitted by Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II.