MAY 20, 1999
[Note: The audio system was not operational on this evening. Additions/deletions are
Vice-Chairman Jim Bohn called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Bohn, Nancy Mancino, Linda Jansen, Steve Labatt, and Mark
MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Engel and Gary Boyle.
STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, Executive Director.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Labatt moved, Mancino seconded, to approve the minutes of
April 15, 1999 and April 20, 1999. All voted in favor except Mark Senn who abstained. Motion
VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: No presentations were made.
KLINGELHUTZ EASEMENT ACQUISITION: Don Ashworth made the presentation on
this item. He noted that generally the commission appeared to favor the recommendation from
the last meeting with concerns over the appropriateness of the current signage in the easement
area and Mr. Klingelhutz's concern over being able to expand his existing driveway to ensure
proper access to the property should it be fully developed. Staff relayed that engineering,
planning, and myself had viewed the site with Mr. Klingelhutz and agreed that only a very minor
portion of the proposed easement area would need to be encroached upon should a future city
council desire a 20 ft. entrance road into the Klingelhutz property. Staff had determined that
allowing Mr. Klingelhutz, or his successor, encroach into the northerly six feet of the westerly
eight feet of the proposed easement would not harm the existing trees, plantings, or signage as
currently exists. Staff noted that Mr. Klingelhutz was in agreement with this recommendation. In
regards to planning questions presented at the last meeting, staff noted that this was a perpetual
easement allowing current/future planning commissions/city councils to determine appropriate
community identification signage.
Following discussion, Mancino moved, Labatt seconded approval of the proposed easement
acquisition as presented in the staff report of April 15, 1999, with the exception of authorizing
Mr. Klingelhutz, or his successors, to encroach upon the northerly six feet of the westerly eight
feet of the easement area if such were required by a future city council for access to the
Klingelhutz property. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
MAY 20, 1999
CORPORATION: Don Ashworth presented the staff report. Generally the EDA had agreed
from the previous meeting that the creation of an Economic Development District was reasonable.
The basic premise of the approval was a recognition that the public improvement costs for the
road/utilities/etc., abutting the pond, park, and drainage swale areas should be paid for with tax
increment versus general obligation of the city. Secondarily, to achieve development of the
property in a timely fashion, special assessment reduction agreements should be considered for the
individual businesses, not the developer, to ensure success of the district. Finally, the EDA had
expressed its strong desire not to allow the district to exist for an extended period of time and
would like to see the district closed out within a 3-4 year period of time which staff has projected
can be accomplished.
The EDA acted to delay further action on this item until the "TIF Plan" was completed.
LAKE SUSAN HILLS HOUSING PROJECT: Don Ashworth presented the staff report.
Ashworth noted that the proposed project was a part of a larger PUD consisting of St. Hubert's
Church, 17 commercial/industrial lots, and the residential development currently under
consideration. Ashworth repeated the constraints that had been imposed upon the property by the
city, and more specifically, by the state legislature. These restraints effectively prohibited an
apartment project consistent with previous approvals of the city. In essence, staff had run out of
options as to how the property could be developed consistent with previous approvals and
conform to state requirements regarding properties previously classified as "green acres" and
meeting "qualified housing district" standards of the state. Ashworth, in essence, stated that the
current project did not seem to be feasible.
Sheldon Wert, developer, made a presentation in regards to the project. He relayed the importance
of a quality project as well as his beliefs that the project would have higher than normal
development costs. Wert relayed telephone discussions he had with the city's housing
representative Mark Ruff, and that a hybrid alternative may be in the offering. He discussed the
alternative financing technique in some detail. Various EDA questions ensued, most of which not
being able to be responded to without the expertise of Mr. Ruff.
Other questions included:
"But For" Test: EDA members could understand how our TIF attorney could find
justification in providing economic assistance for the differential between market rate rents
and affordable housing rents. However, if the EDA were to go beyond that and provide
assistance directly to the "market rate units," how does that meet the "but for" test under
Minnesota statute?
MAY 20, 1999
Market Rate Study: During one of the presentations, a statement had been made as to a
"market rate study" for Chanhassen. EDA members asked if a copy of such could be
received. Staff was unaware of such a study.
This item was tabled to allow staff to meet with Mr. Wert to discuss his most current proposal as
well as to respond to the questions noted above.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Jansen moved, Mancino seconded, approval of the bills. All voted in
Legislative Actions: The state had previously approved a four step program to help
Minnesota cities who had tax increment districts which had been harmed because of state tax
rate compression. Chanhassen was successful in obtaining legislative help modifying the four
step program. We were not successful in getting the district extended--primarily recognizing
that the four step program would probably solve Chanhassen's problems for 2001 and 2002, if
not for 2003. The four step program and modifications agreed to by the legislature were as
- First Step: The first step for any state approved remedy was proving that the TIF problem
was created by the state rate compression. Although EDA members were not happy that
significant monies were spent with both Springsted and our auditing firm, those dollars will
ensure that we have in fact documented that the problems in Chanhassen were solely created
by the legislature.
- Second Step--Additional Tax on Those Properties Receiving Redevelopment
Assistance: This step was eliminated by the state legislature specifically at our request. We
properly demonstrated that one business may have received benefits 10 years ago and another
current competitor did not. A new tax of upwards of 20-30% against a new owner (probably
not the same one who had received the relief 10 years ago) is not reasonable. Additionally,
the previous owner did everything that was required of him and that his benefits lasted for
solely a 3 year period of time thus ending 7 years ago. A major legal issue could have existed
for virtually 50% of our businesses.
- Third Step--Pooling from other districts: Although this step previously existed, using
Hennepin County TIF dollars to help solve TIF problems in Carver County was highly
questionable. Chanhassen was successful in obtaining language allowing pooling between
- Fourth Step--Grant Program: $4 million was added to the existing grant program, which
will probably bridge the gap in revenue vs. deficits in regards to our major district. Pooling
must occur before a grant can be applied for.
MAY 20, 1999
· An updated Report of Projected Revenues and Expenses Associated with Our Primary
District will be presented at a future EDA meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: Vice-Chair Bohn adjourned the Economic Development Authority meeting
at 9:00 p.m.
Don Ashworth
Economic Development Director