EC 2010 03 10 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting March 10, 2010 Members Present: Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Denny Hansen Members Absent : Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Minutes: February minutes were approved. Applicant Interviews: The Commission interviewed three applicants: Bob Kircher, Amy Wenner, and David Christianson. They will recommend Bob Kircher and Amy Wenner for appointments. 2010 Arbor Day Planning: Jill updated the commission on the event. Groups contacted so far: Excelsior Elementary, Chaska HS Key Club, Rotary Club. Yet to be contacted: scout troops, elementary schools, and Chanhassen athletic association. On the day of the event the Environmental and Park and Rec. commissioners will need to help with the following jobs: event program, sign up table, planting supervisor, kid’s activities, photographer, and refreshments. It was suggested that a poster showing Chanhassen with and without trees should be made and at the event. One of the kid’s activities could be a quiz sheet asking ‘what makes this or that tree a good choice for Chanhassen.’ Name tags will be needed for all of the commissioners. The event will be held rain or shine and only cancelled due to lightning. The program should be videotaped so that it could be shown on the cable channel. Seedlings will be given away to all participants. Rewards for completing the kid activities could be Frisbees, water bottles, or something similar. General Discussion: The Environmental Commission will meet with the city council on March 22. The next meeting will be moved to Wed., April 14 at 6:00 pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM. Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair