EC 2010 04 14
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
April 14, 2010
Members Present:
Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Denny Hansen, Bob Kircher,
Amy Wenner
Members Absent
: Dave Christianson
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
March minutes were approved.
Rotary Person of the Year
: The commission discussed the vote.
Election of Chair/Vice Chair:
The commission discussed and voted on the new Chair and
Vice-chair. Approval was given to Denny as Chair and Beverly as Vice-chair.
2010 Arbor Day Planning:
Jill updated the commission on the event. Suggestions were made
to advertise the event on the electronic message board and Facebook. Denny volunteered to
speak for the commission at the event. Jill will be sending out a final schedule to the EC and
Park and Rec commissions the week before the event. The commission requested name tags for
the event and t-shirts if possible.
4 of July:
Carver County and the city are partnering to produce a no-waste event for the July 3
trade fair. The commission was invited to participate and discussed what their role would be for
the project. It was decided that the commission would prefer to have an information table again
at the trade fair and promote water conservation. However, the commission would like to hear
more about the hauler, Organic Disposal, who is participating in the event. Perhaps a
representative could come to the meeting to talk about their business.
For July 3:
Water conservation booth at fair
Won’t do recycling
Theme ‘Wake Up to Your Water Use’
Get an edge spot at fair
Talk about native plants
EC member write down ideas for booth
Jill should send aquifer graph to EC
Have a laptop cycling through photos of rain gardens, etc at fair
General Discussion:
The commission will have a joint meeting with the City Council on May 10.
For the Water wise program and the July 3 trade fair, perhaps a catchy phrase on a
window cling could be developed for distribution.
Other water conservation ideas: have rewards for use reduction and low usage, send
water facts by email through facebook.
Add the new members to the city website
The commission should give a quarterly report to the Council and perhaps have a rep
attend council meetings.
Email EC a reminder for the April 26 poster contest presentation
Switch the meeting date to Wednesdays officially.
The next meeting will be Wed., May 12 at 6:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair