City Code Amendments - Chapter 20, Zoning 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission CITY OF FROM: Angie Kairies CHANHASSEN DATE: June 15, 2010 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ: City Code Amendment Chapter 20, Zoning Administration Phone: 5 PROPOSED MOTION: Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council adopt Phone: 952.227.1180 the attached ordinance amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code." Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering BACKGROUND Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227,1170 Staff has reviewed the City Code and discovered issues, shortfalls and general updates that need to be addressed. The proposed amendments pertain to Finance identification of arterial and collector streets, parking, and signs. Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Staff recommends approval of the proposed ordinance amendments. Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 ANAYLSIS Fax: 952.227.1110 Identification of arterial and collector streets. Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Issue: There are collector and arterial streets shown on Figure 7 -11, City of Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Chanhassen Functional Classification Map, of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan and narrative, which are not listed or are inconsistent in the City Code. Staff is Planning & proposing to update the City Code consistent with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Issue: When the new US Highway 212 was constructed, old Highway 212 Fax: 952.227.1110 became County Road 61 (Flying Cloud Drive). Staff is proposing to update the Public Works City Code to reflect this change. 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 PROPOSED CHANGE: Amend Section 20 -5 to read as follows: Fax: 952.227.1310 Identification of arterial and collector streets. Senior Center Phone: 952227.1125 For purposes of this chapter, the following are identified as arterial and collector Fax: 952.227.1110 streets: Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Planning Commission June 15, 2010 Page 2 Arterial Streets: County Road 14 (Pioneer Trail) County Road 17 (Powers Boulevard) County Road 17 (Audubon Road south of Lyman Boulevard)County Road 18 (Lyman Boulevard west of Trunk Highway 101) County Road 19 Gal in Boulevard south of Y ( P Trunk Highway 5 Trunk Highway 7 Trunk Highway 41 Trunk Highway 101 r Collector Streets: w r et Audubon Road (north of Lyman Boulevard) Bluff Creek Boulevard Bluff Creek Drive Century Boulevard (from West 78th St. to 82nd St.) Coulter Boulevard County Road 117 (Galpin Boulevard north of , ► o : #.5 ) Dell Road x ' Kerber Boulevard .. Lake Drive Lake Drive East Lake Drive West Lake Lucy Road Longacres Drive Lyman Boulevard (east of Trunk Highway 101) Market Boulevard Minnewashta Parkway Pleasant View Road West 78th Street kfitaaw4 ;; '..... PARKING: Calculating parking stalls Issue: When calculating parking stalls, there is a conflict in the ordinance regarding rounding fractional spaces. Section 20 -1119 requires any fractional space to be rounded up to an additional space. Section 20 -1124 requires that each fraction of one -half or more shall constitute Planning Commission June 15, 2010 Page 3 another space. Staff is proposing to amend section 20 -1119 to be consistent with the requirement that each fraction of one -half or more shall constitute another space. PROPOSED CHANGE: Amend Section 20 -1119 to read as follows: Sec. 20 -1119. Computing requirements. In computing the number of parking spaces required, the following shall govern: (1) "Floor space" means the gross floor area of the specific use as defined by article II. (2) Where fractional spaces result L 1' i (3) Parking standards for uses not specifically mentioned in this division shall be determined by the city. The factors to be considered in such determination shall include size of building, type of use, number of employees, expected volume and turnover of customer traffic and expected frequency and number of delivery or service vehicles. PARKING: Access and driveways Issue: On parcels located on cul -de -sacs the width of the front yard is reduced at the "bubble" and the required 90 feet of width is measured at the building setback line rather than the front property line. On parcels located on a neck or flag lot, the minimum width of the neck is 30 feet. In these cases, it is difficult to meet the required 10 -foot driveway setback from the side property line on such parcels. Staff is proposing to provide an exception to the 10 -foot side yard setback requirement for properties abutting the "bubble" of a cul -de -sac, neck or flag lots. Issue: Staff is proposing to clarify that a driveway permit is required only when work is being constructed within the right -of -way. Flag Lot Driveway D Setback . N\ '‘,,'''''',,,,..\. ,' 6_,,,, Rdur t \ S<Na<<d k ' ` `'1 Y } 6 Planning Commission June 15, 2010 Page 4 PROPOSED CHANGE: Amend Section Sec. 20 -1122 to read as follows: Access and driveways. The purpose of this section is to provide minimum design criteria, setback and slope standards for vehicular use. The intent is to reduce interference with drainage and utility easements by providing setback standards; reduce erosion by requiring a hard surface for all driveways; to limit the number of driveway access points to public streets and to direct drainage toward the street via establishment of minimum driveway slope standards. Parking and loading spaces shall have proper access from a public right -of -way. The number and width of access drives shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and abnormal traffic hazard. All driveways shall meet the following criteria: (1) Driveways shall be setback at least ten feet from the side property Imes : s ' f ritIZZOit Beginning 20 feet from the front property line, driveways may be setback a minimum of five feet from the side property line i",l TJ Encroachment ra a side yard drainage and utility easement must be reviewed and approved by the city and may require an encroachment agreement. (2) Driveway grades shall be a minimum of one -half of one percent and a maximum grade of ten percent at any point in the driveway. (3) Within the right -of -way driveways should access city streets at 90 degrees. (4) In areas located within the Metropolitan Urban Services Area (MUSA) as identified on the comprehensive plan, driveways shall be surfaced with bituminous, concrete or other hard surface material, as approved by the city engineer. In areas outside the MUSA, driveways shall be surfaced from the intersection of the road through the right -of -way portion of the driveway with bituminous, concrete or other hard surface material, as approved by the city engineer. (5) On corner lots, the minimum corner clearance from the roadway right -of -way line shall be at least 30 feet to the edge of the driveway. (6) For A -2, PUD -R for single - family detached houses, RR, RSF, R -4 and RLM for single - family detached residential uses, the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 24 feet at the right -of -way line. No portion of the right -of -way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway. Inside the property line of the site, the maximum driveway width shall not exceed 50 feet. The minimum driveway width shall not be less than ten feet. Planning Commission June 15, 2010 Page 5 (7) For all other uses, the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 36 feet in width measured at the roadway right -of -way line. No portion of the right -of -way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway. (8) Driveway setbacks may be reduced subject to approval by the city engineer and the following criteria: a. The driveway will not interfere with any existing drainage swale or easement in which a utility is contained; b. Shall require an easement encroachment agreement from the engineering department; c. The driveway must be designed to maintain stormwater drainage runoff on the property to ensure that it will not cause runoff onto adjacent on adjacent properties; . ° Snow storage may not be placed ojacent ro erties ! J p P e. 8 1S g 4 9 6 g BA i " B �o � s � � , ° � � ". �: � ° z , : , � t ea :.^+ 'a , ,21.,\ (9) Accessory driveways shall be maintained as natural grass or be constructed of bituminous, concrete, or paver surface. (10) One driveway access is allowed from a single residential lot to the street. (11) A turnaround is required on a driveway entering onto a state highway, county road or collector roadway as designated in the comprehensive plan, and onto city streets where this is deemed necessary by the city engineer, based on traffic counts, sight distances, street grades, or other relevant factors. If the engineer requires a turnaround, this requirement will be stated on the building permit. (12) Separate driveways serving utility facilities are permitted (13) ve 9 m uc rA SIGNAGE: Issue: Staff proposes to clarify the intent of off - premise directional signage, which allows permanent directional signs where access is confusing, and prohibit temporary off - premise directional signs unless otherwise specified. This clarification alleviates cluttered intersections. PROPOSED CHANGE: Amend Section 20 -1255 (2) b. as shown below. Sec. 20 -1255. Signs allowed without permit. (2) Directional signs Planning Commission June 15, 2010 Page 6 b. 1 � j ° off - premise signs shall be allowed only in situations where access is confusing and traffic safety could be jeopardized or traffic could be inappropriately routed through residential streets. The size of the sign shall be no larger than what is needed to effectively view the si ! from the roadway and shall be approved by the city, council a " Issue: City Code allows flags without a permit; however, staff proposes to clarify the number of corporate flags that can be flown on a single parcel by adding subsection 13 to Sec 20 -1255. Signs allowed without permit. PROPOSED CHANGE: Add Section 20 -1255 (13) as shown below. Issue: Section 20 -1267 Uniformity and construction, design, etc. was amended in 2009. The amendment split this section into two parts (1) Wall sign requirements and (2) Monument sign requirements. A second amendment was adopted to clarify a portion of section (1), at which time section (2) was inadvertently deleted from the City Code. Staff is proposing to correct the deletion by re- codifying subsection (2). PROPOSED CHANGE: Add Section 20 -1256 (2) as shown below. 1. All permanent signs shall be designed and constructed in a uniform manner and, to the extent possible, as an integral part of the building's architecture. Multi- tenant commercial and industrial buildings shall have uniform signage. When buildings or developments are presented for site plan review, proposed signs for the development shall be presented concurrently for staff review. All planned centers and multi- tenant buildings shall submit a comprehensive sign plan for approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. a. All wall signage shall use individual dimension letters, at least one -half inch deep. Company symbols, display messages (not greater than 6 inches tall), pictorial presentations, illustrations, or decorations (anything other than wording) and less than 20 percent of the total sign display area are exempt from the individual dimension letter requirement. b. Wall signs shall be backlit if a wall sign is illuminated, and be architecturally compatible with the building and other signage if in a multi - tenant building. c. Company logos shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the sign display area and are exempt from the individual dimension letter requirement. c' 1 - A� 4-P6:4 { #E`f � �� 9 .1,,„cr, 9 [i � L i a i t t ` ]�ti' f / E'6. i ® 6 § P l anning Co mmission June 15, 2 010 Page 7 � � 4 4 t q 0 4 q ; q ■ �' a x ar 01 f8� °: # 0 ,0,-,Ant ^ a 0 sq q ' F q 0 - 9 40 4 4 0 6� q q i q "0° -0 ., Oq' q . 0 0 0 I, q O e 0 $ PI 4 ry 0 0 0 .... , 11-&--- -7-7- 1 1: "..i'($): 9 0 • i 0 0 x q q ® 0 ' 0 q .T, B 0 8 _ 0 4 .4,1:4 116,6 , ,. 8 3 4 v 4 $' k 0 0 0 � P41, ®�' Os; ,� 0 i. 0 0 �' � ' ;. ? b 9 .,,,. --- 0! 1-,f q 0 0@ q. ` `k =�: q, 9 ® • 4 0 ,10 q 0 O q 0 0 e z • _ q w., � . • 4 4 q � q 4 q 4 o 4 4 a @ � 0 'F`0 08 9 , , 0 0 4: 7 ,7 47,N 4 0 0 0 9 , , $ s x .1 ! 4 t 0 0 1 C. 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 q %- ? )1 0 0 8 9 eai 0 i 6 ,A,,,,,-04,;:-.03',.-,.;\&'`;44- 4 D � 04 �, P O • 0 . , . 4 § � q 0 0 ■ 0 4. q q ';71. 0' - 0 O�q 6 ... 9 q d 0 0 q O s ° 9 _lam -7.--, .: ` ., 4•.0 0 0 =. 8.k 0 0 0 .1„:,...4-` tr. . . 0 q # A „ RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommen appr of ordinance amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code pert ainin to i the dentificat on of i arterial and collector streets, parking, an signs. AT T ACH MENTS 1. Ordinance Amending Chapter 20, Z oning. 2. Figure 7 -11 of the 2030 Comprehensive pia n, city of Chan hassen Functiona Classification Map. g: \plan \city code\2010 \pc memo 6451° dc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MI ORD INANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 ZONING CHANHASSEN CITY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, CODE MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20 -5 is hereby amended to read as follows: Identification of arterial and collector streets. For purposes of this chapter, the following are identified as arterial and collector streets: Art erial Streets Coun Road 14 (Pioneer Trail) County Road 17 (Powers Boulevard) County Road 17 (Audubon Road south of Lyman B County Road 1 (Lyman Boulevard west of Trunk H ighway 1 01) Count Road Gal m Boulevard south of sr: Trunk Hig 5 Trunk Highway 7 Trunk Highway 41 Trunk Highawy 101 1 Streets: Collector °5 i i a Audubon Road (north of Lyman Boulevard) ff e Boulevard Bluff Blu Creek Crek Drive Century Boulevard (from West 7 St. to 82nd St.) Coulter Boulevard County Ro ad 117 (Galpm Boulevard north o a Dell R oad ;� . _ °, , e t ro w .`g: i nleiaxd (_ .,,e 7 ` S �., Roa Kerber Boulevard Lake Dri 1 Lake Drive East Lake Drive West Lake Lucy Road Longacres Drive Lyman Boulevard (east of Trunk Highway 101) Market Boulevard Minnewashta Parkway Pleasant View Road West 78th Street ° # # � Section 2. Section 20 -1119 is hereby amended to read as follows: Computing requirements. In computing the number of parking spaces required, the following shall govern: (1) "Floor space" means the gross floor area of the specific use as defined by article II. (2) Where fractional lt, g =m . o # 9 # # # _ : , H d B _ 8 8 E ms; 1 0# (3) Parking standards for uses not specifically mentioned in this division shall be determined by the city. The factors to be considered in such determination shall include size of building, type of use, number of employees, expected volume and turnover of customer traffic and expected frequency and number of delivery or service vehicles. Section 3. Section 20 -1122 is hereby amended to read as follows: The purpose of this section is to provide minimum design criteria, setback and slope standards for vehicular use. The intent is to reduce interference with drainage and utility easements by providing setback standards; reduce erosion by requiring a hard surface for all driveways; to limit the number of driveway access points to public streets and to direct drainage toward the street via establishment of minimum driveway slope standards. Parking and loading spaces shall have proper access from a public right -of -way. The number and width of access drives shall be located to minimize traffic congestion and abnormal traffic hazard. All driveways shall meet the following criteria: (1) Driveways shall be setback at least ten feet from the side property Imes r # #, a a-re tilAl Beginning 20 feet from the front property line, driveways may be setback a minimum of five feet from the side property line ' K c+# k try o # Encroachment = 1 "; a side yard drainage and utility easement must be reviewed and approved by the city and may require an encroachment agreement. (2) Driveway grades shall be a minimum of one -half of one percent and a maximum grade of ten percent at any point in the driveway. 2 (3) Within the right -of -way driveways should access city streets at 90 degrees. (4) In areas located within the Metropolitan Urban Services Area (MUSA) as identified on the comprehensive plan, driveways shall be surfaced with bituminous, concrete or other hard surface material, as approved by the city engineer. In areas outside the MUSA, driveways shall be surfaced from the intersection of the road through the right -of -way portion of the driveway with bituminous, concrete or other hard surface material, as approved by the city engineer. (5) On corner lots, the minimum corner clearance from the roadway right -of -way line shall be at least 30 feet to the edge of the driveway. (6) For A -2, PUD -R for single - family detached houses, RR, RSF, R -4 and RLM for single - family detached residential uses, the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 24 feet at the right -of -way line. No portion of the right -of -way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway. Inside the property line of the site, the maximum driveway width shall not exceed 50 feet. The minimum driveway width shall not be less than ten feet. (7) For all other uses, the width of the driveway access shall not exceed 36 feet in width measured at the roadway right -of -way line. No portion of the right -of -way may be paved except that portion used for the driveway. (8) Driveway setbacks may be reduced subject to approval by the city engineer and the following criteria: a. The driveway will not interfere with any existing drainage swale or easement in which a utility is contained; b. Shall require an easement encroachment agreement from the engineering department; c. The driveway must be designed to maintain stormwater drainage runoff on the property to ensure that it will not cause runoff onto adjacent .roperties; Snow storage may not be Rlaced on adjacent properties g I (9) Accessory driveways shall be maintained as natural grass or be constructed of bituminous, concrete, or paver surface. (10) One driveway access is allowed from a single residential lot to the street. (11) A turnaround is required on a driveway entering onto a state highway, county road or collector roadway as designated in the comprehensive plan, and onto city streets where this is deemed necessary by the city engineer, based on traffic counts, sight distances, street grades, or other relevant factors. If the engineer requires a turnaround, this requirement will be stated on the building permit. (12) Separate driveways serving utility facilities are permitted. 3 (13) fie; as = 1 gl ! D $ - -.. ..�. W a i a °_ 9 . a A , ! B • _s ° a Section 4. 20 -1255 (2) b. is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) Directional signs b. sie� off - premise signs shall be allowed only in situations where access is confusing and traffic safety could be jeopardized or traffic could be inappropriately routed through residential streets. The size of the sign shall be no larger than what is needed to effectively view the sign from the roadway and shall be approved by the city council. as a y . .., 3m ,.., a ..e. > ,......:. ,:xarn a. Y w ... " . .. «.a ztvu9 i.,�'n. crvw..ka;.e.+ td Section 5. Section 20 -1255 is hereby amended to add subsection (13) to read as follows: Section 5. Section 20 -1267 of the City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to add subsection 2 to read as follows: 1. All permanent signs shall be designed and constructed in a uniform manner and, to the extent possible, as an integral part of the building's architecture. Multi- tenant commercial and industrial buildings shall have uniform signage. When buildings or developments are presented for site plan review, proposed signs for the development shall be presented concurrently for staff review. All planned centers and multi- tenant buildings shall submit a comprehensive sign plan for approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. a. All wall signage shall use individual dimension letters, at least one -half inch deep. Company symbols, display messages (not greater than 6 inches tall), pictorial presentations, illustrations, or decorations (anything other than wording) and less than 20 percent of the total sign display area are exempt from the individual dimension letter requirement. b. Wall signs shall be backlit if a wall sign is illuminated, and be architecturally compatible with the building and other signage if in a multi- tenant building. c. Company logos shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the sign display area and are exempt from the individual dimension letter requirement. a a o 1 � ., x -..,, - °��u�# a a A& f ' a t a@ F , Es g s e a �a6 Tll� 4 : S` ° 2 1 &� ' i to 8 4 ° 9 ° 8 & ', q o- a a a fe a a t :, i" t t a s € A ° ' t a N , �t ' t a t 8 a ! P 4 9 ¢ 6 s 5& t 1 3 4° IRUJILEirb.I.-5 !I; . "91 1 1 1. D 4 ffi 1 i 8 6 ° E " 9" ? "i rateAgib4 = 51700 rgltrCEUVaign,tljZSagrbllrlttfllqgRaaaGrr,! Section 7. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2010, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on ) G:\PLAN\City Code \2010\Amendment Ordinance Ch 20 6- 15- 10.doc 5 Figure 7 -11: Functional Classification Map / 0 t :. . lip, 1 -` —✓- { t 4 U4 i,� h : , Wi -' 111 =jy f • A .., #� �'� v , v- , r - �—� 4 1 i p R: _ ■ 11 Nnwsaa tande.,pr.4eawum f• t ____,,_/,--__ ---.L_ 7r\ 4 f ��1 C i j M ,_ I I l f I \ ldgi Il . r1 .1 i , sue: ,N ... A II I City f Chanhassen J� ti�� -= y a r. , > D ♦� � 1 Functional Classification " " "�� � i. V e - !»m111111 111101 142 `;i� f Arterial .r`� !,11 'L Collector a k ' M� & ` ` "---\,... Future Collector ` �� �- ` /I: . I �, Principle 1 \A i' ∎ / �I�0 I t � . . 4 We/ 00 1 W■ ir .---- 17:I—I *Mae 11111 1 1 0 1 TRANSPORTATION City of Chanhassen • 2030 Comprehensive Plan