City Code Updates - Central Business District Uses 1 0 1 ,
TO: Planning Commission
CITY OF FROM: Angie Kairies, Planner I
DATE: June 15, 2010 13.'"`
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ: City Code Amendment Issue Paper
Chapter 20, Zoning, Central Business District
Commercial District Uses Discussion
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110 BACKGROUND
Building Inspections
Phone: 952,227,1180 In 2008, staff began reviewing the uses in each commercial district. The intent was to
Fax: 952.227.1190 insure the uses in each district were current and appropriate. In 2009, the Community
Commercial (CC) District was adopted to permit "Big Box" users.
Phone: 952.227.1160 On April 6, 2010, staff presented an issue paper to the Planning Commission
Fax: 952.227.1170
pertaining to permitted uses within Commercial Zoning Districts:
Phone: 952.227.1140 • Central Business District (CBD),
Fax: 952.227.1110 • Neighborhood Business (BN),
• Highway and Business Services (BH), and
Park & Recreation • Fringe Business (BF).
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
On May 18, 2010, staff presented a discussion item regarding the uses within all of
Recreation Center the commercial districts. The discussion highlighted the issue that the use of a broad
2310 Coulter Boulevard term such as "Personal Services" would permit a use that may be undesirable within a
Phone: 952.227.1400 specific district. The question raised was: If a broad category is used, can certain uses
Fax: 952.227.1404 be prohibited?
Planning &
Natural Resources Staff conferred with the City Attorney regarding this issue. It is the City Attorney's
Phone: 952,227.1130 opinion that the list of permitted, accessory, conditional, and interim uses should be
Fax: 952.227.1110 as specific as possible. While the intent of the category is to be efficient and provide
some flexibility, many different uses can arguably be considered to be a "Personal
Public Works Service" and would have to be permitted under that description.
1591 Park Road
Phone: 227300
Fax: ax: 952.227.1310
During the May 18 meeting, the Planning Commission requested that staff present
each district individually for discussion beginning with the Central Business District
Senior Center (CBD).
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110 The Planning Commission has review responsibility for Chapter 20. A public hearing
will be required to make changes to this chapter.
Web Site
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Planning Commission
June 15, 2010
Page 2
The intent of the commercial districts is to complement one another and to maintain the
downtown (CBD district) as the commercial focal point of the City.
Staff is requesting input and guidance with regard to the uses permitted in the Central Business
District (CBD). Specifically, based on the intent of the district are the uses appropriate? Are
there uses that should be added or deleted from the CBD district?
Based on the previous discussions and the opinion of the City Attorney, the individual uses under
the general classification, i.e. shoe store, stationary store, barber shop, hardware store, should be
a. This type of list itemizes the uses permitted in the district and prohibits those not
b. However, if a specific use is requested within a district that is not listed and is reasonable
for that district, the city code will have to be amended to permit the use.
Staff is requesting input and guidance with regard to uses permitted in the CBD. Staff has
supplied some recommendations which are shown in Strike Thru/Bold format as part of the
attached district. Additionally, staff has attached an example of a draft list of permitted uses that
would otherwise be categorized as a "Amusement and Recreational Services ", "Health
Services ", and "Personal Services ".
For the discussion, please look through the comprehensive lists and cross off those uses that you
don't feel are appropriate in the Central Business District.
Based on that feedback, additional districts will be presented as discussion items and public
hearings for code amendments and recommendations will be scheduled.
Attached for your reference is the matrix of the current uses within each zoning district.
Planning staff is looking to the Planning Commission for feedback with regard to the above City
Code issue regarding uses within the Central Business District.
1. Central Business District (CBD) Intent and Uses.
2. Districts Uses.
3. Lists of specific uses under general categories.
g: \plan \city code\2010 \uses \pc memo issue paper 6- 15- 10.doc
Central Business District (CBD)
The intent of the "CBD" District is to provide for downtown business development supporting a strong
central business district while enhancing the overall character of the community in conformance with
downtown redevelopment plan, goals and objectives.
Permitted Use
• Antennas • Arcades
• Bars and Taverns • Arts and Craft Supply Store
• Bowling Center Bakery
• • Community Center • Book Store
• Convenience Store w/o Gas Pumps • Camera and Photographic Supply Store
• Convention and Conference Facility
• Dance Studio
• Cultural Facility • Drug Store
• Day Care Center as Part of a Shopping • Florist
Center • Gift and Novelty Store
• Department Store (not defined or listed • Hobby, Toy and Game Store
• Jewelry Store
separately in SIC closest category • Meat market
amusement and recreation services)
• Financial Institutions /Banks • Off - Premise Parking?
• Hardware Goods • Recreational Facility
• Health and Recreation club • Sewing and Fabric Store
r 4 A • Stationary Store
• Theaters
• Home Furnishings
• Hotel • Tobacco Store
• Liquor Store • Used Merchandise Store
• Multi Family Dwelling
• Offices Accessory Use
• Parking Lot (Structure)
• Photocopy and photography Services • Parking Ramps (Structure)
(Print Shop) • Signs
• Publishing and Printing (Newspaper • Temporary Outdoor Sale
• Restaurant, Fast Food
• Restaurant, Standard Conditional Use
• Schools • Convenience Store w /Gas Pumps
• Shopping Center
De lete
• Supermarket • Restaurant, Fast Food (Freestanding)
• Utility Service
Interim Use
Delete • Churches
• Clubs and Lodges /Golf Club • Farmers Market
CBD District
G: \PLAN \City Code \2010 \Uses \Uses CBD.doc
A- Accessory Use, C- Conditional Use, I- Interim Use, P- Permitted Use
g: \plan \bg \city code\zone revised.xls
City of Chanhassen
Zoning Use Matrix
Cozmuerei 1SStables
Bars and'taver-ns
A- Accessory Use, C- Conditional Use, I- Interim Use, P- Permitted Use
g: \plan \bg \city code\zone revised.xls
City of Chanhassen
Zoning Use Matrix
A- Accessory Use, C- Conditional Use, I- Interim Use, P- Permitted Use
City of Chanhassen
Zoning Use Matrix
A- Accessory Use, C- Conditional Use, I- Interim Use, P- Permitted Use
g: \plan \bg \city code\zone revised.xls
City of Chanhassen
Zoning Use Matrix
Amusement and Recreational Services Major Group 79
Dance studios, schools and halls
Theatrical producers and miscellaneous theatrical services
Bands, orchestras, actors and other entertainers
Bowling Centers
Professional sports clubs and promoters
Racing, including track operations
Physical fitness facilities
Golf courses
Coin - operatyed amusement devices
Amusement parks
Membership sports and recreation clubs
Miscellaneous sports, amusement and recreation services
aeriel tramways
amusement concessions
amusement rides
animal shows
archery ranges
sports instruction schools
bath house
billiard parlors
bingo parlors
boats, rental
Bridge club
Card rooms
Carnival operations
Day camps
Exhibit operations
Exposition operation
Fortune Teller
Gocart raceway operator
Miniture golf courses
Golf driving range
Golf, pitch & putt
Gymnastics instruction
Handball courts
Horse shows
Ice skating rink
Judo instruction
Karate instruction
Moped rental
motorcycle rental
Pool parlors
Racketball courts
Roller skating rink
Schools and camps, sporting instruction
Scuba and skin diving school
Shooting galleries
Shooting ranges
sporting goods rental
Waterslide operator
Wave pools
Wax figure exhibit
Yoga instruction
Health Services (Group 80)
Offices and clinics of doctors
Offices and clinics of dentists
Offices and clinics of osteopathy (bones)
Offices and clinics of chiropractors
Offices and clinics of optometrists
Offices and clinics of Podiatrists
Offices and clinics of Health Practioners, other
Skilled nursing care facilities
Intermediate care facilities
Nursing and personal care facilities, other
General medical and surgical care hospitals
Psychiatric hospital
Specialy hospitals, except psychiatric
Medical laboratories
Dental laboratories
Home health care services
Kidney dialysis center
Specialty outpatient facilities
Health and allied services
Personal Services (Group 72)
Power laundries, family and commercial
Garment pressing
Linen supply
Coin - operated laundries and drycleaning
Laundry and garment services
Photographic studio
Beauty shops
Barber shops
shoe repair shops and shoeshine parlors
Funeral service and crematories
Tax return preparation
Miscellaneous personal services
Babysitting bureaus
Bartering services
Birth certificate agencies
Blood pressure testing
Buyers club
Car title and tag serive
Clothing rental
Coin - operated service machine operation
College clearinghouse
Comfort station operation
Costume rental
Dating service
Debt counseling
Diet workshop
Electrolysis (hair removal)
Hair weaving and replacement
Locker rental
Marriage bureau
Massage parlor
Porter Service
Restroom operation
Scalp treatment service
Shopping service
Steam baths
Tanning salon
Tatoo parlor
Turkish bath
Valet parking
Wedding Chapel