1974 07 30
. Housing Redevelopment. Authority Commission
Regular rleeting
July 30, 1974
The Housing Redevelopment Authority (BRA) was called to order
by Chairman Herb Bloomberg ~ The follo't'l1'ing meniliers were pre-
sent: Herb Bloomberg u Gail Stone, '],1om Klingelhutz, Harry Funk,
and Bill Gullicksonq
Mr. Alfred Larson
r1r. Larson,'. Chairman of the Hopkins HRA, reviewed their pro-
gress \-lith the programo He explained the Hopkins HRA \'lorked
with professional planners. After a plan was drawn up and
approved by the planning Commission it was sent to HOD for
approval~ HUD advanced money for the planning.
The actual land acquisitions began in February of 1973. At
that time the Federal Government provided 3/4 of the money
and Hopkins paid the remaining 1/4. Water, sewer, etc. served
as credit to Hopkins. Currently, this kind of Federal assis-
tance is not availableq
At the present time, the Hopldns HRA has about 4~ blocks. HUD
has a formula establishing the price for buying property. fir.
Larson mentioned they would not sell any property to land spec-
ulators. A buyer must have some acceptable use for the land.
This use helps establish the selling price$
r.1r. Laz.."son concluded saying there is some Federal aid in the
way of tax sharing and/or help. \d th \'rater and sewer costs..
Ur. Bloomberg stated Chanhassenes lIRA Commission would keep in
touch with Mr. Larson as they develop their plans.
Tim Stone
ltr. Sto~eq of the Planning Commission, reviewed ChaDhassen's
guide plan vdth the Commission. At the present, time, there
are four main areas, residential, greenway, local commercial,
and regional commercial. He stated the guide plan in being
Tim Stone went on to say that Chanhassen is getting some pres-
sure due to the developments expanding from the east and west.
As this trend progresses, he explained, some rezoning may be
necessary. The transportation system will become more of an
issue also.
Bill Gullickson stated at the present time, this area has enor-
mous possibilities of changing its vitality. He feels that P-l
is too limiting and industrial opportunities should be consid-
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A discussion followed concerning the Central Business District's
ideas~ Herb Bloomberg feels that solid progress is being made
in the central business area.
Tim Stone concluded saying that the planning Commission is
anxious to sit down with the BRA. He feels the BRA will fill
a gap in the City's structure~ He sees the Commission taking
an activist roleo
A motion was made by Harry Funk and seconded by Torn Klingelhutz
to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.mo
Vivian Beaugarnd
Acting Secretary