1974 09 24 - - e ~ Hous ing HedevHloprl1e:rrt Au ther it,}" C()ffimi f5 s :Lon Regula:.-' i.~eeting Sept~nber 24, 1974 The meeting' '!tlC'lS eal1ec1t,o m:der by Herb Bloom.berg a:t, 7 ~ 45" The follmv:i.ng membex:s vl,.=;re prElsent ~ Herb Bloombl';:~l;,g, Harry Punk,. Tom. In:1.ngelhu-j:::t~, and Gail Stone; A.bser.d: * Bill Gul.:U.ckson~ Also at.i:ending the m.eet.ing 'V'le!7e Councilman Hobbs 1 Phil Katzung and. Nancy Reer,Jes; hous:l.ng spccdalists for the l'1etropol:i tan Council" Eetro Council Funet:ion and Infm:'rtl,at:icm .....-.----~.~."'-----.-....-~.....".~__~~_l; '" ." .. Mr. Katzung and Ms~ Reeves were present to familiarize the HRA with ~.letro Council Funct:ion and informa:t:to:uo Since the last legislative session, the Metropolitan Counoil has been impO"wered to act as an BRA in the 7 county area" As such, j..t ca.n provide the following servic~es: 1" Act: on behalf of communit.y HRA~s (such as Chanha8se:n~s) 2" Provide t.he infox'mation to get: us into action" !!~s.~_~. S~"!1:!~~.!.ty D~ve~~~p~~ Mr" Katzung then e},.rplained -the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and provided copies or this acto This act is essentially the consolidation of federal fundi.ng for community developm(.:;nt: into single block grantsQ replacing piecemeal categorical grants requiring separate applications.. In discussion of funds availablev Kro Katzung indicated Chanhassen is eligible for the sr1SA. balance fund.. Eligible activi.ties and applicat:ionprocedure as is outlined in the l1etro Council Housing Bullf!"i:::.in Septe:mber 18 p 1974 ~V'ere discussed~ -----~._~~~ Discret:ioncey funds have been authorized, but not: yet appropriated~ There will be less competiti.on for these funds; although it is doubtful that Channassen could fulfill the requirenents~ The Housing Act provides policies for :I:inanc:lng housi.ng and for locating subsidized housingQ It was asked hO\l'1 policies related to individual citi(~s '.. - pa.ge 2 or corroounities~ ~~Q Katzung explained that they are used by the J:.j,et:co Council iD. :i:.~l;:'lc()lnmendations t.o BUD :regard:i.:n~J allocat.i.,ons and priorH:::i.(~s" A discussi.on follo'Vled regarding these blJJc!k g:!:ant, funds might. be applied in Chanhasse:n" Kat~u.:ng indicated. that. 'We should survey areas of development in OU~ community \"lhich might be eliglble for these funds. Dovemen:tatio:l.1. will be import.ant and people or ieIl'ted programs aJ:~e 0:1: high priority. He stressed that an indication of cOImnunity coramit'.ll1e:nt: is of necessity in the application as the act is specifically designed to encourage city involvement. They (Metro Council) will be able to provide some assistance in the preparation of any application Chanhassen could make~ It 't.ras suggested that fur'chex: investiga.tions be done to see if Chanhassen could qualify and applil: for these funds.. Meeting adjourned" - Gail St.Oltle Ac~ing Secretary e