1977 11 29
Hausing and Redevelapment Autharity
Navember 29, 1977
Chanhassen City Hall
A regular meeting af the Hausing and Redevelapment Autharity was held
an Tuesday, Navember 29, 1977, at 7:45 p.m. at City Hall. The fallawing
members were present: Chairman Blaamberg, Cammissianers Gullicksan and
Klingelhutz. Staff present included City Manager, Dan Ashwarth and
Assistant City Attarney, Craig Mertz. Guests present included: Jahn
Farce, Dale Geving, Jahn Pryzmus and Mike Niemeyer.
MINUTES: As a quorum was nat present an Oct. 4, and hearilhg no. changes
made, Tam Klingelhutz maved that the minutes af Octaber 4, 1977, be
nated. Matian secanded by Bill Gullicksan. Ayes - All.
Presentatian - Redevelapment pragram and Supparting Dacumentatian,
Mike Brinda, Bathe']?, Ringrase and Walsfeld:
Mr. Brinda nated that this was the public hearing, as required by law,
to. be held by the Chanhassen Hausing and Redevelapment Autharity to.
cansider public camments priar to. the HRA's actian an the plan and
recammendatian to. the city cauncil. Mr. Brinda farmally presented
the plan far public and cammissian camments, including a brief descriptian
af items included within the plan and accampanying supparting dacumen-
tatian. Chairman Blaamberg asked if there were any camments fram
cammissianers ar public in regards to. the presentatian
presented by BRW.
Cammissianer Bill Gullicksan maved to. clase the public hearing to.
allaw the cammissianers to. discuss the plan and make recammendatian
cancerning the prapased plan. Secanded by Tam Klingelhutz, Ayes - All.
The cammissianers reviewed the prapased time schedules and required
cansideratians which wauld be required priar to. certification af the
plan to. the Caunty, i.e. City planning cammissian cansideratian and
actian an the plan in regards to. the Camprehensive Plan, publicatian
date far meeting, review by the Chamber af Cammerce priar to. city
cauncil actian, and prapased hearing date recammended to. the City Cauncil,
etc. Hearing no. camments requesting changes in the plan as presented
by BRW, Chairman Blaamberg requested that a matian be made to. apprave
ar reject the plan as presented.
Tam Klingelhutz maved a resalutian adapting the redevelapment plan
entitled "A Redevelapment pragram and Supparting Dacumentatian", dated
Octaber 28, 1977,
- such subject to. editing by the City Attarney. Matian
secanded by Bill Gullicksan, Ayes - All.
Cammissianer Bill Gullicksan maved that the Chairman be autharized to.
sign the resalutian appraving the redevelapment plan and submit such
to. the City Cauncil recammending that they hald a public hearing an
such plan and cansider such far ~ppraval. Secanded by Tam Klingelhutz,
Ayes - All.
~ Interview Candidates far Membership, Chanhassen HRA:
Cammissianer Tam Klingelhutz maved that the HRA go. into. a clased sessian
to. interview candidates far the Chanhassen HRA. Bill Gullicksan secanded
the matian, Ayes - All.
The following candidates were interviewed individually by the HRA:
Calvin Niemeyer, John Force, Dale Geving, John Pryzmus.
~ Recommendation to City Council - HRA Membership:
Tom Klingelhutz moved that the City Council consider filling the two
vacancies on the HRA and would recommend that the following ranking
system be considered by the City Council in filling such vacancies:
1. Dale Geving
2. John Pryzmus
3. John Force
4. Mike Niemeyer
Further, that the above ranking system attempts to reflect the commission's
opinion as to which candidates could best help the HRA in carrying out
their responsibilites. However, all the candidates interviewed were
good candidates and that such ranking system in no way reflects that
any of the candidates should not be considered. Seconded by Bill
Gullickson, Ayes - All.
Adjournment: 10:45 p.m.