1978 06 29
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
June 29, 1978
9:00 p.m.
Chanhassen City Hall
The regular meeting of the Chanhassen HRA was called to order at
8:00 p.m. on June 29, 1978, at the Chanhassen City Hall. The
following members were present: Chairman Herb Bloomberg, Commission
Members Tom Klingelhutz, Mike Niemeyer and John Pryzmus. Also present
was Don Ashworth. Bill Gullickson was absent.
Accept Resignation - Herb Bloomberg
Herb Bloomberg noted that he presently owns the property being
considered by Roman Roos for construction of two professional
buildings on West 78th Street. As such, he believes he must resign
from the HRA prior to the BRA acting on this item. A written
resignation will be presented on or before the next meeting for
official action.
Roman Roos'Development Proposal - West 78th street
Roman Roos has presented and received planning commission concept
approval for construction of two profes's'i.onal buildings on the
Northeast corner of the MTS property. Salient points of considering
this development proposal in the downtown area include:
1). Construction of this type of use on the MTS property
does not appear of a similar character to other proposals under
construction for this area, Le. MTS's engineering and laboratory
facilities, LYman Lumber's manufacturing and lumber distribution,
the Press' commercial printing facility, and other uses likely to
occur on the three larger parcels remaining in the Gabbert and
Beck Tract in the Donreed properties.
2). Construction of this type of use on the MTS property would
be in direct conflict with the attempts of the BRA to promote and
attract uses of land within the downtown area compatible with the
concept plan and development criteria for the tax increment district.
3). Sites exist within the tax increment district which could
be considered for this type of development and which would not conflict
with or hinder the ability of the HRA to complete a final concept plan
for this area.
4). In comparison to building proposals necessary to complete
the core area plan, the proposed professional building would be
minor. However, asatest o;E. the HRA' s ability to promote and
attract building uses compatible with development criteria in the
concept plan, such development may be desirable in demonstrating
capabilities of the HRA as well as allowing the BRA
the necessary experience in this type of promotional activity
on a smaller scale.
5). Should the proposed development be finally approved and
constructed in an adjoining city, no tax benefits would accrue to
citizens of the City. Should the development be approved and constructed
on the MTS property (such being in Hennepin County, Eden prairie School
District, and subject to fiscal disparaties) the net taxes estimated
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to be returned to the City, of a total tax payment of $20,000, would
be approximately $1,200. By comparison, should the development be
approved within the core area such would not be subject to fiscal
disparities and the full $20,000 tax payment per year over the next
30-year period could be used to:
a). Provide an initial incentive to the developer to construct
within the downtown area (perhaps l~ years of the tax payment);
b). Used to help in the redevelopment of the entire core area
(perhaps an additional 3 to 5 year period), and;
c). After completion of the downtown project, be distributed
to all local units of government in this area, Chanhassen school district,
Carver County and the City of Chanhassen.
6). The amount of subsidy or the value of an incentive, i.e.
write-ddwn of land cost or improvements completed by the City is left
to the discretion of the City. However, as noted during initial
discussions between the HRA and BRW, a general policy should be con-
sidered to insure all developments are treated equally, i.e. typically
an HRA may consider the value of land in adjoining areas and purchase
underutilized property or purchase and clear property reselling such
at a comparable value to land in outlying areas or in other communities.
After considerable discussion of values of property in the downtown
area and value of the MTS parcel, the potential form of assistance
which should be considered by the HRA and the concept plan and criteria
for the downtown area in comparison to the Roman Roos proposal; Tom
Klingelhutz moved:
1). That the proposed professional buildings on West 78th
Street be found in conformance with the concept plan and
development critiera for the downtown area. Additionally,
the proposal has frontage on existing West 78th Street and
will not hinder the City's ability to construct a loop road
system - should such become a part of the final plan. As
such, a variance to the building moratorium should be granted.
2). That the HRA recommends that the City Council approve site
improvements or purchase and resell the property at a lower
price - such site improvement costs/or other incentive not
to exceed l~ times the annual estimated taxes of the property
when improvement.
Mike Niemeyer seconded the motion. Ayes - all.
not vote or participate in the discussion).
(Herb Bloomberg did
Status Report - Redevelopment Brochure
Format, photographs and maps revised to date were reviewed. The
commission authorized the Manager to contract art work for the one
remaining map and to proceed with reproducing the final draft.
Adjournment - 11:00 p.m.