1978 07 26 e Housing and Redevelopment Authority July 26, 1978 Chanhassen City Hall A regular meeting of the Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order on July 26, 1978, at 9:00 p.m. at City Hall. The following members were present: Bill Gullickson, John Pryzmus, Mike Niemeyer. Absent was Tom Klingelhutz. Joint Meeting - Planning Commission: The Planning Commission has asked that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority jointly meet with the Planning Commission to review the respective roles of both the Planning Commission and Housing and Redevelopment Authority in considering variance applications to the building moratorium for the downtown area. Official minutes of the joint meeting wer.e maintained by the Planning Commission and referred hereto. The HRA moved to the upstairs to continue the remainder of their meeting. e Official Acceptance of Resignation- Herb Bloomberg: The HRA acted to receive Herb :Bloomberg's resignation dated July 26, 1978 (resignation orally given on June 29,1978). In accepting the resignation, Commission members acknowledged the significant contribution offered by Herb in helping to establish the redevelopment district and concept plan. Additionally, members request:ed that Hr. Bloomberg remain active in attending HRA meetings and providing input in finalizing a redevelopment plan during the next six month period. Set Back - Roman Roos Development Proposal, West 78th Street: In response to questions raised by the Planning Commission, Mike Niemeyer moved that the HRA recommend to the City Council that in review of the Roman Roos proposal that it was the intent of the HRA that the applicant meet all legal setback requirements. However, such consideration was reviewed in light of the existing 150 foot right of way line common to all property owners on both the north and south side of West 78th Street. Given the odd triangular piece of old County right of way not presently being used for road purposes, the city council may desire to allow for a variance - such not to be less than a 25 foot setback from the 150 foot right of way line. Above motion seconded by Bill Gullickson. Ayes - All. Bill Gullickson moved that the HRA recommend that the City Council request the county to vacate the triangular piece noted in the above action. Motion seconded by John Pryzmus. Voting against, Mike Niemeyer. Motion carried. Review - Redevelopment Brochure: The manager noted that all photo and xerox copies have been received for the brochure and collation and punching of the documents should be completed this week. e Roman Roos Proposal, West 78th Street: In line with the city attorney's opinion regarding HRA involvement in providing incentives to developers, Mike Niemeyer moved that the action taken by the HRA at their last meeting in regards to this item should be modified to state "that such be in <<:mformance with the legal opinion of the city attorney" and to reaffirm the general concept presented at their last meeting, i.e. e e e Page 2 . ~ that the total amount of the incentive provided to Roman Roos should not exceed, regardless of form provided, l~ times the estimated annual taxes on the proposed buildings. Motion seconded by John Pryzmus. Ayes - All. HRA Vacancy - Procedure: A copy of application of Cliff Whitehill was reviewed. The commission acted to set a special meeting date of August 3rd to meet with Mr. Whitehill and the 2 candidates presently on file in order to make a recommendation to the city council in filing the vacant seat of Herb Bloomberg. Motion seconded by John Pryzmus. Ayes - All. A Review of the Development Proposals of Happy Chef and Holiday Station will additionally be reviewed on August 3rd. Adjournment: 12:15 ~.m. Don Ashworth, City Manager